Perfect ||G.D

By dolanstish

1.7M 29.2K 35.4K

Sequel to Cherish~ Five years later and their worlds collide again. Will they fix the broken pieces or be don... More

n i n e
question :)
lets talk
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
thirty one
thirty two
lets talk real quick
Hayden And Emercyn
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
Important talk please read
thirty eight
thirty nine
Bonus Chapter

twenty nine

29.8K 582 753
By dolanstish

The next morning, I am fast awake just so I can go to the hospital to see Em and the baby. Grayson is still sound asleep in our king sized bed snoring as his mouth hangs open slightly. I lean over his soft body and place a kiss on his cheek while I go to take a shower.

By the time I am out, Grayson is up and in the bathroom brushing his teeth and getting dressed. He walks over to me and kisses my lips before walking into our walk in closet.

I hold the towel against my body as I brush out my hair before walking over to the closet to get myself some clothes.

"Are we going to the hospital?" His morning voice rings through my ears as I pass him.

"I was going to you, but you don't have to." I reply as I put on my undergarments before slipping on a halter top and shorts.

"Yeah I want to. Gosh isn't Grant the cutest thing you have ever seen?" He asks as he slips his shirt on.

"Gosh yes. Making me have major baby fever." I groan as I put on an old pair of converse. I look over and see a smirk played on his lips making my look at him in confusion.

"Oh god, what?"

"We could always, yanno, change that." He shrugs as he walks over to me and ties my other shoe. God he is the cutest person I know. "But not yet."

"Don't tease me like that." I whine, pushing him as he laughs which makes him fall on his butt. I shake my head and walk out of the bathroom trying to act annoyed.

He grabs me by the waist and holds me from behind, whispering sweet things in my ear and kissing me. Trying to get a reaction. I lightly shake him off of me to finishing getting ready so we can go to the hospital.

I can't help the joy and excitement in me as we walk the long cold halls of the hospital to the room where Emercyn is in. We lightly knock before Ethan opens the door. He brings me into the tightest hug before I make my way to my beautiful cousin and my beautiful soon to he nephew/cousin.

Emercyn sits on the hospital bed holding her new born in her hands. She is lightly rocking him as she watches the TV on the wall across from her. When she see's me, she lets on of her hands go from the baby to give me a small hug.

"How are you doing?" I ask, taking a seat beside her slightly on the bed.

"I'm doing good. I'm just happy to be holding my baby." She says as she looks down at Grant. He is wide awake, his eyes staring up at his mother.

"He's precious." I tell her as Grayson walks over to her and gives her a small hug. I grab Grayson's hand as he stares down at the tiny baby.

"Can I hold him?" Grayson asks before I had the chance to. Emercyn nods and lightly hands Grant over to Grayson. Grayson rocks him in his arms as he holds the baby close to his chest.

I watch as Grayson makes faces at him and coos at him. Ethan laughs at his crazy brother before they engage in conversation about Grant. I turn to Emercyn who leans her head back on the pillow and stares at the ceiling.

"You look exhausted. But how do you still look drop dead gorgeous after having a baby less than twenty four hours ago?" This makes her lean her head up and give me a weird look.

"Shut your mouth. I am exhausted, I want a big mac really bad." She groans as she sits up. She scoots over and pats the bed for me to sit against it with her before she brings me into a cuddly hug.

"I can't believe you're a mom." I whisper as we stare at the boys laughing and talking with the baby.

"And You're next." She pokes my side making my squeal before Grant starts crying. I immediately jump up and rush to the baby in my fiancés arms and apologize.

Ethan takes Grant from Grayson and curls him in his arms to calm him down. Grayson pulls me into a hug and silently laughs. I know he's laughing at me because I just apologized to a baby for screaming.

"Don't worry about it, H. He's been really fussy today since he woke up." Emercyn softly tells me as she watches Ethan's movement. "He just needs a nap." I nod my head and wrap my arm around Grayson's waist.

"Hayden, do you want to hold him? Grayson and I can go get you guys some food." Ethan speaks, walking over to me. I nod my head and take Grant very softly and smile at him.

Even being a day old, you could tell he had Emercyn's nose and Ethan's dark curls. I softly kiss his baby soft forehead and hum. Baby fever is hitting me hard at this very moment as I rock him in my arms.

I look at Emercyn to see her sound asleep on the hospital bed. Let's just say, she was exhausted and probably didn't get much sleep last night. I walk over to the couch and sit down as Grant starts to close his tiny eyes.

"You're so handsome." I whisper to him as I hum to him lightly and softly rock him.

I guess I ended up getting too focused on the TV I didn't notice the boys walk in. I silently thank god they were quiet because Emercyn said Grant needed a nap and he is finally asleep.

Ethan turns to Grayson and glares at him to be quiet as he stubs his toe on the chair and almost screams. Ethan places the food down and takes the baby from me.

"I think we are going to go." Grayson tells Ethan, giving him a hug and kissig Grant.

"Okay. See you guys later or whenever. Mom and dad are coming to see us later if you want to come back up here." Ethan informs us. I nod my head as I look at Grayson. Grayson looks at me before back to Ethan nodding his head.

"Alright, see ya bup." Grayson laughs quietly as he slips his arm around my waist to guide me to the door.

His arm removes and he laces his fingers with mine as we walk down the hallway and to the elevators. We stay quiet until we get to the car.

"Let's make a baby." Grayson and I say at the same time. I look at him shocked, probably the same expression that plays on his face as he turns to me.

"Wait, are you being serious?" I ask him, reaching for his hand over the center console of his car.

"I am. Are you?" He asks, starting the car so we can leave.

"Dead serious." I say quickly, wanting to get it out because I want him to know I'm not playing around.

Never in a million years did I think I would be engaged at twenty-one and ready to have a baby. But I guess when it is with the right person and you are financially stable, it can happen.

It still surprises me when I wake up in our house, that I am with him. After everything we went through and here we are, together and engaged. I am going to have a family with my best friend and it is the most exciting thing in the world. I've never been so sure of anything in my life.

"Then," He pauses as he puts the car in reverse, "let's go make a baby." He wiggles his eyebrows at me before backing up. I laugh at his cuteness and reach my hand over to run it through his thick hair.

I'm so in love, happy, and blessed.

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