Batgirl: One Of The Bats

By CrystalWater26

85.1K 2.1K 99

Book One Batgirl: Break The Code Kara Mellani Gordon is Barbara's little sister who took the mantle of Batgir... More

Batgirl: Break the code (part one)
Batgirl: Break the code (part two)
Batgirl: Break the code (part three)
Batgirl: Break the code (part four)
Batgirl: Break the code (part five)
Batgirl: Break the code (part six)
Batgirl: Break the code (part seven)
Batgirl: Break the code (part eight)
Batgirl: Break the code (part nine)
Batgirl: Break the code (part ten)
Batgirl: Break the code (part eleven)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twelve)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirteen)
Batgirl: Break the code (part fourteen)
Batgirl: Break the code (part fifteen)
Batgirl: Break the code (part sixteen)
Batgirl: Break the code (part seventeen)
Batgirl: Break the code (part eighteen)
Batgirl: Break the code (part nineteen)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twenty)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twenty-one)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twenty-two)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twenty-three)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twenty-four)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twenty-five)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twenty-six)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twenty-seven)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twenty-eight)
Batgirl: Break the code (part twenty-nine)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirty)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirty-one)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirty-two)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirty-three)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirty-four)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirty-five)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirty-six)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirty-seven)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirty-eight)
Batgirl: Break the code (part thirty-nine)
Batgirl: Break the code (part forty)
Batgirl: Break the code (part forty-one)
Batgirl: Break the code (part forty-two)
Batgirl: Break the code (part forty-three)
Batgirl: Break the code (part forty-four)
Batgirl: Break the code (part forty-five)
Batgirl: Break the code (part forty-six)
Batgirl: Break the code (part forty-seven)
Batgirl: Break the code (part forty-eight)
Batgirl: Break the code (part forty-nine)
Batgirl: Break the code (part fifty)
Batgirl: Break the code (part fifty-one)
Batgirl: Break the code (part fifty-two)
Batgirl: Break the code (part fifty-four)
Batgirl: Break the code (part fifty-five)
Batgirl: Break the code (part fifty-six)
Batgirl and Robin: One-shot
Batgirl: Break the code (part fifty-seven)
Batgirl: Break the code (part fifty-eight)
Batgirl: Break the code (part fifty-nine)
Batgirl: Break the code (part sixty)
Batgirl: Break the code (part sixty-one)
Batgirl: Break the code (part sixty-two)
Batgirl: Break the code (part sixty-three)
Batgirl: Break the code (part sixty-four)
Batgirl: Break the code (Epilogue)
Batgirl: War is coming (part one) Sneak Peek

Batgirl: Break the code (part fifty-three)

807 21 0
By CrystalWater26

Part fifty-three: Selfish


Damian and Barbara burst inside the infirmary, cowls and masks off. They were soon greeted by Alfred setting a tray of food on the bed where Kara sat. Her head was wrapped in bandages, but she didn't seem to be so bothered by it as she grab a spoon and tilt her head to look at the door where Damian and Barbara stood. In an instant, they were on each side of her bed with relieved looks displaying on their faces.

"You're okay!" Barbara exclaimed.

She sighed in relief, wrapping her arms around her little sister protectively. Kara hugged back with one arm and twirled her spoon around the other.

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" Kara asked back.


"Words, Damian."

Damian stared at her with disbelief in his face. She just woke up, but she still had the power to keep everyone from swearing. This girl really is something.

"You were beaten up, tortured even! How are you so fine with this!?" He retorted.

His hands went up to grab his hair in frustration as Barbara pull away from her sister. Kara weakly looked up at him, confusion written all over her face.

"What are you two doing up this late? It's eleven in the evening."

They stared at her in disbelief.

|Oh, right. I'm not with normal people.|

"That's a little too early, but what was weirder is that we, except for Damian, slept at eight in the evening." Barbara said.

"I second that." Alfred said.

"You wouldn't," Kara scoffed.

She folded her arms, not believing what her sister just said. It is impossible for anyone in the Bat family to sleep at eight. It's not in their blood to sleep that soon.

"Believe it or not, it happened. Now, does anything hurt? Are you really okay? Do we have to get Pennyworth to--"

"Damian, I'm fine." Kara cutted him off.

He had an uneasy look on his face as he look down at her, noticing that she's still not eating the food Alfred prepared for her.

"Pennyworth, older Gordon, I'd appreciate it if you leave us alone for a second." He said.

"Of course," Barbara nodded.

|Oh no.|

As she and Alfred leave the room, Damian sat on the edge of the bed and lifted the bowl of soup along with the silver spoon.

"You should eat." He said.

Confused, Kara took the bowl and spoon, her eyebrows furrowed as she look down at her food. Surpisingly, she set it down and fiddled with her thumbs.

"You're mad, aren't you?" She asked.

Her voice was hushed, almost like she wasn't talking at all. But Damian heard every word that came out of her mouth.

"Mad? Oh no, I'm not mad, Kara." He said. "I'm furious. I tried warning you, threatened you even! But you didn't listen and acted recklessly! Look at what happened! You almost died, Kara! If it weren't for everyone pushing themselves to their limit, go--"


"---knows what's happening to you by now! Why do you have to be so hard-headed and follow your conscience instead of following me!? I care for you, Kara. You know that, but you kept on making so many regretful decisions it's starting to drive me crazy! What am I here for, then? I'm here to protect you, to take good care of you, to be the best friend you could ever have. But how can I do that when......when you keep on acting so selflessly?"

His loud and angered voice slowly died down as he paced back and forth beside the hospital bed. His hands went up to his hair, his teeth gritted together.

|Oh, Damian. You have no idea. If only I....why is this so hard!?|

"I know that what I'm saying right now is so selfish of me, but aren't we all? I'm so selfish, I want to lock you away from any danger. I want to fly you to a place where there's no crime and criminals just so you can live in peace. I'm so selfish that I.......that I can't even control my anger when someone touches you. How do you do it, Kara? How can you make me feel things that.....I've never felt before? Is this magic, an ancient spell? What are you doing to me?" He asked.

His voice cracked at the end of his rant. Kara watched him as he sit back down in his seat, his elbows on his lap as he grip his hair tighter. A small frown appeared on her face as she slowly bring her hand to hold his.

Damian didn't even dare to look at her. Sparkly tears started to form in his eyes. And we all know that Damian Wayne rarely cries. Did he even cry? Every emotion he's feeling right now is either new or stronger than before.

"Damian," she called out.

Her voice was hoarse, but she still made an effort to call him out. And as much as Damian would hate to admit it, he loved the sound of her voice, even when it's dry.

"Damian," she said once more.

He started debating in his mind if he should look up of not. If he did, there's a big chance that the tears trying to come out of his eyes will fall and roll down his cheeks. He can't cry in front of her, not now.

"Please look up," she said.

He couldn't help it. He looked up from the floor and let his hand drop down, his other one holding Kara's. She smiled lightly, pulling him up to his feet to pull him closer to her. Slowly, she wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face into his stomach.

He was shocked, but he let his arms snake around her shoulders and pull her closer to him. The tears that threatened to fall finally rolled down his cheeks and dropped on Kara's hair line.

"Thank you," she mumbled.

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