The Twins • Book One • Wattys...

By bossomeCatQueen

33.5K 2.9K 275

"Alright then." I respond. "Let's go." We walk to the edge of the hill, about to run down, and we stop cold... More

Author's Note
Prologue- The Dream
Chapter 1- The Village
Chapter 2- The Attack
Chapter 3- The Hostages
Chapter 4- The Cabin
Chapter 5- The Truth
Chapter 6- The Portal
Chapter 7- The Meeting
Chapter 8- The Connection
Chapter 9- The Others
Chapter 10- The Change
Chapter 11- The Plan
Chapter 12- The Preparation
Chapter 13- The Discussion
Chapter 14- The Shift
Chapter 15- The Pain
Chapter 16- The Start
Chapter 17- The Castle
Chapter 18- The Fight
Chapter 19- The Rage
Chapter 20- The Rest
Chapter 21- The Stitches
Chapter 22- The Shouts
Chapter 23- The Mourning
Chapter 24- The Powers
Chapter 25- The Nightmare
Chapter 26- The Cold
Chapter 27- The Newbie
Chapter 28- The Realm
Chapter 29- The Sadness
Chapter 30- The Concern
Chapter 31- The Birthday
Chapter 32- The Finale
Epilogue- The Wolf
Author's Note
Bonus Chapter- The Spring
Bonus Chapter - The Movies
Bonus Chapter- The Vision
Bonus Chapter- The Prayer

Bonus Chapter- The First

269 17 3
By bossomeCatQueen

Author's Note: Hey kittens! I added another bonus chapter, but instead because my book reached 15K views! It's insane! Thank you for reading my story, I hope you enjoy! Feel free to voice your opinion, ask any questions and point out any mistakes I make.

2 years ago

Nia's POV

"Nia, wake up!" I hear a familiar male voice murmur, but still half asleep, I just groan and swat over my shoulder at whoever is interrupting my sleep. I hear them chuckle, then the person starts poking me in the face. I groan and weakly command,

"Go away."

"Come on Nia, you gotta get up! It's a special day!" The person insists, annoying me further.

"Oh really? What day is it then?" I ask.

"It's your birthday! You gotta get ready to come over to my house tonight!" The voice I finally recognize as Saber's exclaims, waking me up immediately. My eyes fly open and I turn onto my other side, grinning at Saber. He smiles at me and starts walking out of my bedroom, questioning, "Are you coming or what?" I leap out of bed, answering his question.

"Let's go!" I exuberantly shout, pushing past him to rush downstairs to eat my birthday breakfast courtesy of my parents.

"Hey Antonia, happy 16th birthday sweetie!" My Mom greets, bringing me into a tight hug.

"Good morning kid, happy birthday!" My dad says, hugging me once my mom lets me go. I grin widely at both of them,

"Thank you both! So, what's for breakfast?" We all laugh as Saber enters the kitchen. He asks me,

"Nia, are you packed?" I scoff,

"Of course I'm packed. You know me, I pack early for everything. I'm ready to spend the week at yours."

"Cool." Saber smiles at me.

"But in separate beds, correct?" My dad buts in, being protective as always. I roll my eyes but dispel his suspicions anyway,

"Yes, father, Saber and I won't be sleeping in the same bed. Calm down." I add, "Also, we haven't slept in the same bed in years. I don't know why you always ask." Since Saber is just a week younger than me, every year since I can remember we spend the whole week together at one of our houses. It switches every year and since last year we spent it at my home, we're spending it at his this year. I'm excited, I like seeing his younger siblings.

"You can never be too careful." My dad reminds me, shaking his pointer finger at me.

"Oh Alaric, leave them alone. You can go over after eating breakfast." My mom lightly scolds my father then tells me. I kiss her cheek, showing my gratitude for sticking up for me,

"Thanks Mom." Saber and I walk out of the kitchen and into the dining room, sitting in our usual seats right next to each other. My mom brings in two plates, both covered in various breakfast foods. There's a few pancakes, a couple pieces of French toast, some cinnamon rolls, a lot of bacon and of course scrambled eggs. All of my favorites.

Man I love getting older.

"Eat up you two!" My mom says, patting us both on the head after placing our plates in front of us.

"Thank you so much Mom! I love you!" I tell her then immediately start digging into my breakfast, Saber thanking my mom too before devouring his breakfast. We finish all of the food quickly, our stomachs full from all of the breakfast deliciousness. We groan in satisfaction and lean back in our seats, letting the food settle a bit before getting up.

"I swear every year this breakfast gets better and better." Saber declares.

"I know right." I agree, smiling over at my best friend. After a bit, we both stand up and bring our plates to the kitchen, placing them in the sink. I run upstairs to my room and retrieve my bag while Saber waits downstairs before returning to him.

"Got everything?" Saber questions once I am back downstairs. I grin and nod,

"Yep. I'm ready for this." I call out to my parents, "Bye Mom, bye Dad, see you later!"

"Bye, have a good time!" They chorus, my dad adding, "Remember, separate beds!" I roll my eyes and decide to shout back as a joke while I leave,

"No promises!" I shut the front door behind me. Laughing lightly, Saber and I run over to his house, immediately running up to his room. I throw my bag onto his floor near the door then collapse on the mattress set up for me next to his bed.

"Your dad is really protective of you." Saber says to me, lying on his bed.

"I know, it's like he doesn't trust me. He should know that you're my best friend, and just because you're a boy doesn't mean you'll automatically try to get in my pants. It's ridiculous! He knows you and knows you're better that that." I rant.

"Hey, stay calm. I'm sure he means well." Saber replies. I sigh,

"I suppose."

"So, what do you want to do?" Saber questions. I look over at him and grin wickedly. His eyes widen, "Oh you mean..." I nod, Saber not having to even finish his thought. I know he knows what I'm thinking.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Welcome to Fort Naber!" Saber says, pulling back a blanket for me so I can enter.

"Why thank you, kind sir." I joke and bend down to enter the blanket fort we made in Saber's room. We usually always end up making Fort Naber. For the name of the fort, we just decided to combine our names. Saber enters the fort behind me and is about to say something when we hear a gasp from outside Fort Naber's walls.

"Who goes there?" Saber pokes his head through the hole we put at the top for these situations.

"You guys made Fort Naber? Can I come in?" I hear Leona's voice ask. I poke my head out of the door and wave Leona over.

"Come on in!" I tell her, moving back so she can enter. Saber comes down from looking out of the roof and lightly glares at me. I just roll my eyes.

I feel like I've been doing that a lot today.

"So Princess Leona, what do you want to do in Fort Naber?" Saber asks his little sister. She smiles,

"Story time!" Leona pauses, then her eyes widen, "Wait, so in the fort I'm a princess? Is Nia a princess too?"

"Yes, Leona, you're a princess. But Nia is the ruler of the fort, so she's Queen." Saber tells Leona, making my eyes widen as I look over at him. I'll never be a Queen.

"So what does that make you?" I question, my curiosity pushing me to.

"King, of course. We made this fort and therefore we are the rulers of it." Saber informs me. It makes sense, so I don't think much of it.

"Fort Naber!" We hear two young voices exclaim, "Can we come in? Can we can we can we can we can we please?" They ask, extending the please. I giggle and give Tigerlily and Clint permission to enter,

"Enter Fort Naber, Princess Tigerlily and Prince Clint." Saber's other two siblings enter the fort, moving past Leona to sit next to me, Tigerlily on my left and Clint on my right.
"You guys came at the perfect time! They were gonna tell a story!" Leona tells her younger siblings excitedly. They both cheer but quieten down once I start telling the story.

"Once upon a time, there was a powerful leopard Queen..."

"And leopard King." Saber interrupts. I sigh and add it to the story anyway,

"And a leopard King. They ruled their leopard kingdom kindly and fairly, but one day, disaster struck." Tigerlily gasps, and I continue, "Their baby was stolen during the night!" They all gasp at me, "This news saddened the two leopard rulers, but they vowed to find their stolen cub."

"The leopard King and Queen already had an idea as to who took their child: an evil man called... Al! Al was a horrible man that hated the leopard kingdom, because his kingdom was enemies with the leopards!" Saber takes the story over, and we continue telling the story together for a while until it comes to an end,

"And they all lived happily ever after." I finish, smiling at Saber's siblings.

"That was great!" Clint states, his twin Tigerlily agreeing.

"I always love your stories. Can you tell us another one?" Leona asks.

"Maybe tomorrow." I tell them. They all groan and hug us before leaving the fort, promising to come back tomorrow.

With the fort all to ourselves, Saber and I talk to each other and play games, only leaving for food and other necessities. When the sun sets, I start to yawn, getting tired. Saber starts telling me a story about this cool book he read and his voice lulls me to sleep, my head on Saber's leg.

During my sleep, I have a strange dream about a woman. She slightly looks like an older version of me, shocking me. She nervously runs through a familiar looking forest to an empty clearing. However, this surprises me because it looks like the clearing where my parents' cabin is, but it's not there in the dream. I ignore it as the dream continues and she meets up with a man standing in the clearing. They both have babies in their arms, and the baby that is in the man's arms shocks me the most. It looks like... me. The baby girl even has the same name as me! This is too weird.

Once I wake, I see that I'm still in the fort. The dream rushes through my head. I can't stop thinking about it. I sit up and look for Saber, noticing that he fell asleep sitting up. I slowly and gently move him so he's lying on his back with a pillow behind his head. Instinctively, I lightly kiss his forehead.

"Sleep well, Saber." I murmur, sitting cross legged next to him as I consider the dream and its meaning. Why did I have it last night, on the night of my 16th birthday? I wonder what caused my brain to conjure up this dream. I'll talk to Saber about it in the morning.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Saber?" I lightly call out for him. He grunts as a reply, indicating he's not fully awake yet. I decide to talk anyway, "Saber, I had a really weird dream last night and I'm going to tell you about it. I wanna know what you think it means."

"Okay." He mumbles, his eyes still closed. I flick his forehead, whisper shouting,

"Wake up!" He sits up and rubs his forehead, complaining,

"Ow Nia, that hurt!"

"Good, now listen!" I order, then tell Saber about the dream. He seems as puzzled as me.

"That is a strange dream. I'm not sure what it could mean, I bet it's nothing to worry about though. It's not like you'll have it again." Saber says. I consider his words before nodding in agreement,

"Yeah, you're probably right."

"Are you hungry?" Saber asks and I nod, "Want to go get breakfast?"

"Yes!" Saber and I exit our fort and rush downstairs, making breakfast. As the day continues, I forget all about my strange dream, until that night. For that night, when I fall asleep, I am back in the forest with the woman who looks like an older me.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author's Note:
Hey kittens! I hope you liked this bonus chapter! I myself am not too sure on some parts, but I just don't know what I could do to improve it. I'll try to improve it later if I can. But I can't thank you all enough for reading my story and getting it to where it is, I never thought this would happen to be honest. For the longest time my story had about 1,000 reads and I was surprised at that. So again, thank you all my reading kittens! I appreciate you all more than you could know. I hope to see you again in later books and other trilogies!

Do you write books?

~Cat Queen

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