MacGyver Imagines

By jordan_nachol

115K 1.9K 213

"A good relationship is a lot like a car, it'll work if you put some effort into it." -Angus MacGyver A compi... More

Wilt Bozer "Failed Dates and Mad Cashiers"
Jack Dalton "Happy Birthday!"
Cast "Assassin" Part 1
Cast "Assassin" Part 2
Cast "Assassin" Part 3
Director Matty Webber "New Friends"
Riley Davis & Jack Dalton "Long Time No See" Part 1
Riley Davis & Jack Dalton "Long Time no See" Part 2
Riley Davis and Angus MacGyver "Sisters"
Angus MacGyver- "Lunch Dates and Cheating Boyfriends"
Angus MacGyver and Wilt Bozer "Just Like High School" Part 1
Angus Macgyver and Wilt Bozer "Just Like High School" Part 2
Angus MacGyver "Movie Dates"
Cast- "Partners In Crime" Description (Coming Soon)
Cast "Lost and Found"
Cast- "Partners in Crime" Part 2
Cast- "Partners in Crime" Part 3
Angus MacGyver- "Revenge Plan"
Wilt Bozer- "It's Not Worth It"
Riley Davis "Murdoc's Partner in Crime" Part 1
Riley Davis "Murdoc's Partner in Crime" Part 2
Riley Davis "Murdoc's Partner in Crime" Part 3
Riley Davis & Jack Dalton "Murdoc's Partner in Crime" Part 4
Riley Davis & Jack Dalton "Murdoc's Partner in Crime" Part 5
Cast- "Short Imagines"
Angus MacGyver "I'm Always Here for You"
Cast- "The New Job" Part 1
Cast "The New Job" Part 2
Cast "The New Job" Part 3
Cast "The New Job" Part 4
Angus MacGyver- "All in The Christmas Spirit"
Cast- "Black Widow" Part 2
Angus MacGyver- "Secrets" Part 2
Wilt Bozer- "It's good to be home"
Cast- "Forensic Scientist"
Angus MacGyver - "You're Alive!"
Real Life Cast- Theatre Kids
Angus MacGyver- Resurfaced Memories
Cast - "Short Imagines"
Murdoc- Puddin'
Jack Dalton- "Imaginary Friends"
Jack Dalton- "Unscathed?"
Wilt Bozer- "Home"
Cast- "Welcome to The Team"
Angus MacGyver- "What have I done?"
Jack Dalton- "Cairo Days"
Angus MacGyver- "Secrets"
Cast- "Black Widow"
Angus MacGyver- "Saved"
Angus MacGyver- "A Baby On The Way" Part 1
Angus MacGyver- "A Baby On The Way" Part 2

Cast- "Partner's In Crime" Part 1

1.3K 13 1
By jordan_nachol

I look out from behind the tree, the blue and red flashing lights begin to fade and the voices die down, telling me that it's safe to come out.

"That was awesome." I smile, coming out from behind the large oak tree, the other girls following.

"That never gets old." Mila smiles.

"Tell me about it." Katelynn laughs.

"Still thought that could've been a little more exciting." Annika, makes her point.

"How? Anne, we robbed a gas station for a couple dollars in snacks, and we were chased by the cops for," M pauses looking at her Fitbit fitness watch, " Seven miles. That's anything more then exciting."

"Agreed." Kate and I say at the same time.

"Whatever." Anne sighs, fixing herself.

Anne straightens out her grey sweater, turning the sleeves back to their normal place. M fixes her long purple necklace and sets it back on her chest, instead of it's existing place halfway over her shoulder. Kate straightens her shirt and makes due with the new hole in her already-ripped jeans. I put my snapback back on my head, fix my choker from doing exactly what the name implies, choking me. I fix the bracelets covering my arms and do exactly like Kate, I make due with the new hole in my jeans. We all open the cameras on out phones and check our makeup, checking if it's okay and it doesn't look like we were all run over. 

"So, what do we do now?"

"Well the police are looking for us, so. I don't think there is much we can do." 


"Why don't we camp out here for awhile, " Kate suggests, "at least until we know the police are off of us."

"Why don't we go to the hideout, no one will ever know we're there and I think there's enough food there for the night." M makes her point.

We all agree and walk across the street and make our way to the woods on the other side of the Inglewood, California, the place we all call home.

We run through the woods, jumping over logs, staying clear of wild animals, and making sure none of the weeds we're running through are poisonous.

We finally make it to the clearing at the other end of the woods, as far away from town as you can get. A lake surrounded by rocks, a natural diving spot sits, making room for the waterfall. Next to that, a tree house sits half way up a large oak, hidden behind branches and leaves. It blends in with the trees, no one would ever know it was there unless they knew that it existed.

A wooden dock lays peacefully at the edge of the water, closest to the entrance from town. 

"Long time no see." Anne screams, it echoing through the trees.

"When was the last time we were here?" Kate asks.

"It's been awhile." I say, looking around the spot and smiling.

"When was the last time we robbed somewhere?" M chuckles.

"Last week, M." Kate says, quite disappointed.

"You guys realize it's only a matter of time before this ends, right?" Anne says, walking over to the tree.

We all follow, looking around, remembering the sleepovers, hideouts, and swimming that had taken place here over the past couple years.

Once up the stairs and in the tree house, we spread out all of the stuff in our pockets from the corner store.

"Not bad guys." I nod.

"Yeah, considering Kate was overly cautious and was telling us the entire time that's the worst part of town." M laughs.

"I was trying to keep us out of trouble." Kate pleads.

"In the worst part of town," I sigh, "Dude, you realize it's so bad that the cops have given up on it?"

"She has a point." Anne and M agree.

"Sorry, bub." Anne lays her hand on Kate's shoulder.

There is a pause, "Guys, shh." I whisper.

I stand up from the group circle and walk over to the window. I push up the glass pane letting me hear the surrounding noises through the screen.

I can see flashlights and voices.

"Why are we here?" A voice says.

"There were heat signatures in this area, I think it's them."

"Guys, listen to this." I whisper.

The following is normal protocol for these kinds of situations:

We all grab walkie-talkies and run to the four different windows at the front of the treehouse, we all open our windows, listening to the people's conversation.

The same time we all get into position, ready to drop everything and run, three people emerge from the trees.

A woman with long, curly, black hair put up in a clip, looks around the clearing, satisfied with herself for finding the place.

A young man with blonde hair stands in awe next to her, in shock of the beauty of our hideout.

An older man stands, his hand on his gun, almost skeptical of this place.

"Gun." M whispers.

"Stand down, wait for a minute." I say, ready to grab mine.

"I don't understand why anyone would willingly come here." The older man sighs, raising an eyebrow and looking around.

"Well, when you're trying to get away from people, especially the police." The woman says, looking up at him."

"Riley has a point Jack."  The blonde man sighs.

"Whatever." Jack sighs.

"I don't think there's anyone here, guys." The blonde man says.

"How do we know that Mac?" Riley asks.

At that moment I run to the other end of the treehouse and grab the .38 caliber pistol out of one of the cupboards. I return to my place at the window, ready.

"Can I scare them?" I ask into my walkie-talkie.

"If you have the gun and are going to fire to scare them, then no." I can hear Kate sigh.

"Please do." Anne says.

"As long as they run like rats off the Titanic." M smiles.

"I'm going to do it, majority vote, sorry Kate." I say.

I point the gun right over their shoulders, I fire a single shot.

"What the hell was that?" Jack screams.

"A gun, Jack, it was a gun." Riley yells back, shocked.

"Mac, could you like do something to figure out where that came from?" Jack pleads.

We all start to laugh as quietly as possible, so they can't hear us. 

"I don't know who you are, but we mean no harm. We are looking for four girls, we believe an old friend of theirs in on the run, and we need your help."

"May, I think they're telling the truth." Kate says through her walkie-talkie at her place upstairs. 

"And when Kate says it's okay," I start.

"We all know it's safe." Anne and M finish.

"I am going to go down, you three stay up here, I don't care what they say. It sounds like trouble, and the old man has a gun. If anything happens, don't come for me, don't say anything, just stay up here, if they start to come up, you all know protocol for retreating and getting out without a trace. Am I understood?" I snap.

I can hear the yes's and agreement through the walkie-talkies.

I open the door and walk out. I stand on the front porch, I can see them but they still can't see me.

"What do you want?" my voice echoes, and they all turn their heads to me.

"Who's there?"

"The only people here are probably the four girls that you're looking for." I walk to the only clearing on the front porch.

The Mac guy chuckles, "How do you know you're one of the four girls we're talking about?"

"Well, Mac," I smile, looking at all of them, I walk to the other end of the porch and walk down the stairs, "I heard your guy's little plea and intent, and I can tell you, I think you guys are looking for Daniel Jackson, knowing that guy he killed Fred Wilson, another old friend of mine, Fred has been dealing drugs to Daniel since highschool, and in return Danny did some of his dirty work. Fred was always to scared to kill anyone, Daniel had enough anger to do anything." 

By that point I had made it to the bottom, my friends blowing up my walkie-talkie with pleads to stop and come back, that I was telling them to much.

"So you're the infamous Mayumi Allison we've heard about?" Jack asks.

"Don't just assume things, Jack." I smirk.

"How do you know my name?" He snaps, taking a step toward me.

I wrap my fingers even tighter around my pistol, " Conversation."

Jack takes another step closer to me, and I guess we had the same idea, we both pull our guns. I smile.

"I hope you realize there's no bullet in you gun, Jack."

"H-How do you know?" He stutters.

"I know the difference between an loaded gun barrel and a not loaded gun barrel."

He puts his gun down, realizing there's no use and I can hear the girls laughing through the walkie-talkie hanging on the waistband of my jeans. 

"How do we know we can trust you, we know the record and all the things you've done?" Riley asks

"Please, bitch listen, I'm depressed, I have anxiety, my parents are druggies and alcoholics, I fend for myself. I rob places and scare people, I rebel against societies rules. I'm not a killer, I fend for myself, I wouldn't kill anyone unless I had to." I snap.

Jack approaches me and swings. 

Not today. 

I duck, he misses. I jump back up and swing, hitting him on the bridge of his nose. He stumbles, the other two step in, ready. I grab my gun and shot a single shot at the ground right infront of their feet, causing them to stand down.

The girls come running down, armed and ready.

"Ground, now." M demands.

They all nod and kneel, side-by-side on the ground.

I chuckle, "How's the whole bigger guy thing going for ya?"

"Really, How does it look?" M responds.

"Good point." I sigh.

"What do we do now?" Kate asks.

"Don't be such a wuss." Anne snaps.

"Let me put it to you this way," I ignore the past conversation, "Don't come into our terrain and expect to run the place. You don't know what any of us have been through and you sure as hell don't know what we're capable of. Don't think you can walk in to the only place any of us feel safe, and expect to tell us what to do. You walked in here expecting to take us out of the only happy place we've ever known without a fight? I dont care whether you know all of the things we've done, or we've been accused of, you three have no idea what we've been through, and why we do those things." 

M smirks, Anne smiles, and Kate is still skeptical of the whole situation.

"All we want is to bring you in and question you, that's it."

"We're a think tank for the goverment." Mac says.

"Bullshit, who are you and who do you work for?"

"I would answer that question before you're tied up in the tree house." Anne warns.

"We're telling the truth, I swear."

"Jack what's going on?" I can hear a faint female voice.

"The lovely world of ear pieces." I smile, I look at Jack's ears. Sure, enough tucked in his right ear, a black earpiece sits.

"I can hear voices over here." A voice screams, it echoing through the woods.

"Come on, now." I grab the closest "Think tank" person's hand, Jack. 

I drag them through the woods, circling around the cops, back into town.

"That never gets old." Anne smiles.

"Would have been funnier if we were running from Deadshot or something."

"That guy never misses a shot." Kate jokes.

We all chuckle, except Riley, Jack, and Mac.

"Wait so this is normal?" 

"Yes, Riley."

"Okay, I'm done with Inglewood nonsence." Mac rubs his temples.

"Let's go back to LA." Jack agrees.


Yes, I missed last week, I know. Yes, today is Sunday, I know. YES, I said that this chapter was one week away in the last one and it ended up to be two, I KNOW!

What I also know is I'm changing my upload schedule. I'm uploading on Sundays now, with school and stuff, by the time I come home on Mondays from school, my mind is elsewhere. Drama also, starts soon, and that's when it gets hectic. Drama is Mondays, Wens and most satudays. When we get closer to the actual show, its all week for like two weeks. I. Just. Wont. Have. Time. I have time on Sundays though. 

Okay, I'm done, just wanted to let you guys know that the update schedule.

Hope you guys like this chapter, I'll see you all next SUNDAY!!!



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