Neko Yandere X Reader

By ThePerfectBlur

802K 23K 14.4K

You're new to a school. Not very popular and bad relationship with your parents. You bump into a new face. W... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41 - Alternitive Endings

Chapter 40 - Final

11.8K 269 210
By ThePerfectBlur

I stared at the meat knife Azuma just placed into my hand.
"Azuma! I-I can't kill him! I won't- I won't be able to do it! I did feel for him at one point, I can't just forget all that and kill him!" Water fills my eye sockets as my body begins to feel over whelmed and shaky. Fearful and panicky.
"I'm not saying you have to kill him. It's just to defend yourself. What type of person would I be to ask of you to do such a thing. It's for protection. I would never ask you to kill him!"
I exhaled deeply, feeling relief that he didn't want me to actually try and kill Takuya.
We both stand tall, taking a deep breath, placing the knives into our pockets. Azuma makes his way to the front door with me behind him but to the side so I could still be seen. I was practically standing next to him but just back a little bit more.
He reaches out and grabs the door handle, turning back to look at me with a worried expression as he waits for my approval to open the door. I stare into Azuma's beautiful miss coloured eyes and swallow hard, preparing myself.
Nodding my head, Azuma looks back at the door, turning the handle and pulling it open. There stood my mother with tears down her cheeks, her hair and clothes a mess as she breathed heavily.
"Oh [Name]! Thank goodness you're here! That friend of yours is chasing-"
Before my mother could get a chance to finish her sentence, a knife penetrates through her throat from the back of her neck and slices all the way through, out the other side, revealing the blood stained blade to Azuma and I.
Screams erupt from my gullet as I watch the knife yank out from my Mothers neck. Her body falling hard to the floor as she gargles, blood gushing from her wound.
"NO NO!! MOTHER! THIS CANT BE HAPPENING THIS CANT BE HAPPENING! NOT TO MY MOTHER, NOT TO MY MUM!" I cry loudly, falling to my knees as my mother uses all the energy she had left before it drained away to lift her hand towards mine. I held her hand and watched as her body grows limp and her pain fades away.
"Oh mum.. I'm so sorry!" The palm of my hands snack against my face as I sob into them. Listening to Azuma breath heavily after the shock of what he just saw happen.
"I finally found you." Spoke a demonic voice from beyond the door. I raise my head from my palms to see Takuya walk around from behind the frame. He must have hid after killing my mother.
I rush to my feet and Azuma instantly sticks out his arm in front of me as protection.
"Why'd you kill her Mother? What did she do to you?!" Azuma yells, trying his best to defend my loss. Which I was grateful for. But Takuya only chuckles menacingly, taking a step forward into the house, causing us both to take steps back.
"[Name] can't belong to any one else. She belongs to me only. So that means, no friends, no pets and no family members."
"You can't just kill her entire family and friendship group!" Azuma protests as we continue to back away from the stepping Takuya.
"Oh? But, I already have. There's only one person in my way. And that's you.
So there's two options to choose from here.
1- You give me [Name] and I'll promise to make your death painless.
Or 2- you keep her and I kill you both."
"What options are they?! How is it fair that [Name] has to die too?"
Takuya stops and tilts his head. His tail swishing back and forth as his ears stand tall on his head. His raven hair falling away from his face.
"If I can't have her. Then no one can. It's the only way to make sure [Name] remains mine.
If she dies while belonging to me, she'll belong to me for the rest of eternity and no one else can do anything to change that!" An evil grin grows up his face, his fangs dripping of saliva as a low growl escapes his lips.

I tug on Azuma's arm to grab his attention.
"You need to make a run for upstairs while I distract him!"
"Are you crazy?! He'll kill you!"
"You know. You're making me very angry by talking to another male right in front of me [Name]. That's not very polite if you."
"Neither is killing my friends and family you psychopathic monster!"
Takuya froze. Shadows forming over his yellow orbs and his presence turns even more so disturbing.
"I, am, not, a PSYCHOPATH!" He roars, luging forward, charging for Azuma and I. We both make a run for it, heading in opposite directions. I head towards the dining table whereas Azuma heads towards the TV area. His house was only small so the kitchen, dinning area and TV area were all part of one big room.
Takuya snarls as he follows in the direction of Azuma, slashing his knife back and forth as his fangs snap like a rabid animal.
"Azuma!" I call, making my way over to him but I stop when he raises his hand.
"No [Name]! Go hide! I'll handle it!"
Takuya doesn't pay any attention of me standing behind him. His eyes were locked on Azuma. He tried his best to put Takuya off by throwing things such as books or the TV remote at him. But it would have no affect whatsoever.
Wherever Azuma went, Takuya would follow, blocking off his exit. Cornering him.

Azuma makes a run for it, bolting around Takuya but he grabs his arm and throws him to the floor, causing him to whine in pain as he hits the floor with a thud. He tries to stand but every time he did, his legs seemed to grow limp and he would fall back down. Takuya found this humours as he stalks over to him, raising the knife ready to stab down into Azuma. But I wouldn't let that happen. I run to Takuya , pouncing on his back, wrapping my arms around his neck and my hands over his face, trying to block his sight while Azuma gets away, causing him to drop his knife.
However my attempt to save Azuma didn't last as Takuya's arms reached over behind him, grabbing my shirt and throwing me over his head. My body collides with the sofa and I roll off of it, falling to the floor. My vision blurry and my head dizzy. I felt like I couldn't move and all I could do was watch Takuya hurt Azuma which pained me.
Luckily during my attempt, Azuma had managed to stand to his feet and had removed his knife from his pocket, holding it out threateningly towards Takuya.
"What are you going to do 'Azuma'. Stab me?" Takuya laughs, picking up his knife, licking off the remains of my mothers blood from his knife slowly as his eyes remain locked on Azuma. Causing him to grow uncomfortable.
"You're not going to win this Takuya! [Name] would never be with you, not after all you have done!"
"She doesn't have a choice."

Takuya charged at Azuma, slashing his arm deeply with the knife, creating a gash, causing him to yell and back away, but every time he would retreat, Takuya would always be behind him, ready to cut him once more.
It didn't take long for Azuma to be covered in cuts and to be losing a lot of blood, by which he was growing weak. This is just what Takuya wanted. Weaken him and eventually kill him.
"T-Takuya, s-stop!" I plead as I stagger to my feet, clutching around my ribs as a shooting pain shoots within them.
However he doesn't listen to me, instead he marches over to the weak Azuma, grabbing his neck and slamming him against the wall, sinking his fangs deep into the flesh of his shoulder, causing yells of agonising pain to bellow from Azuma.
"A-Azuma!" I call as I stumble in their direction. Takuya must have thrown me harder than expected as my entire body felt numb and pain covered me.
I watch in horror as Takuya yanks his head back, ripping out a chunk of Azuma's shoulder before tossing him to the floor. Azuma's painful cries filled my ear drums and broke my heart. I had to do something; And I knew exactly what that something was.
I slowly reach my hand into my pocket and pull out the knife, shakily holding it tightly as I stumble over to Takuya and Azuma.
Because of the way Takuya had thrown Azuma down, it now meant that Takuya had his back facing me, so he wouldn't be able to see what I was doing. Which was an advantage.
As I make my way over, I begin to try and rush as Takuya jumps on Azuma, pinning him to the floor. I hear the saliva fall from his mouth as he opens wide, preparing to latch around Azuma's throat.

Azuma Goro's POV
My body was completely weak and I had no energy and no fight left inside me. Not even the slightest. I had nothing left to defend myself, I couldn't even lift the knife. I knew that I was going to die. At the hands of a psychopathic creature.
Takuya pins me down and fear grows over my entire body was his fangs are put on show, his mouth opening wide. I knew what he was going to do. I prepare myself for him to rip out my throat when suddenly his face dropped and his force keeping me down lightened. Blood began to trickle out of his mouth as his eyes flutter, falling down to the floor beside me. I look up confused, only to see [Name] standing over Takuya, breathing heavily as she holds a blood stained knife in her hands.
She looks over to me and bends down, helping me to my feet, leaning me against a wall as she staggers back over to the coughing Takuya. Staring down at him with rage in her face.
"All I ever wanted.. Was for you, to belong.. to me." He spoke between gasps and coughs as he lightly reaches out his hand towards her.
"I'm sorry Takuya. But I'm not yours anymore."
"Then you must die."
Takuya suddenly springs up from his stage and latches one of his hands around her throat, the other scratching deep at her flesh all over her stomach and back. She begins to gasp hard for air until she manages to push him off of her. I'm not really sure how she done it as everything was pretty much a blur.
Takuya was angry and charged back to her but as he done so, the knife [Name] held out drove straight into his heart. He stumbles back away from her, tears falling down her face as he falls to his knees and eventually falling on his chest, causing the knife to stab all the way through him and push out through his back.

[Name] falls to the floor and screams her lungs out, staring up at the ceiling. Her screams were full of anger, hatred, sorrow and loss. So many tears fell down her face she could of built her own river.
As best I can, I make my way over to her, leaning my hand on her shoulder. She looks over to me and shakily raises to her feet, throwing her arms around my neck and she holds me close, crying down my back and on my shoulder. Such a soft embrace for someone in such a state.
"I'm. I'm s-so sorry Az-Azuma. If I never had been your f-friend, y-you wouldn't be so hurt!" She sobs even more between gasps of pain, blood falling from her stomach.
I pull away and push her hair behind her ears.
"[Name], it's not your fault. I spoke to you. I wanted to be your friend. I promised I would help you and I did. I signed myself up for this, you never dragged me into it."
She smiles, standing beside me and pulling one of my arms over her shoulder as she helps me to walk, holding me up but she didn't get very far as a shocking pain burst through her chest, causing her to fall to the floor.
"My ribs, my stomach" She whines, lifting the bottom of her shirt to reveal a huge bruise covering her skin. Along with massive claw gash marks that ripped at her flesh. Blood gushing from some of the deep ones. Others were just a dribble. I couldn't help but stare horrified at her wounds but I soon look to her face once she calls my name.
She wanted to talk more but blood started to seep out of her mouth. Her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she completely falls back against the floor. I rush painfully to her side, lifting her top half to cradle her.
"No no no! [Name]! Keep your eyes open! I'm going to get you to a hospital! Come on!" I try my best to carry her but my own pain prevents me from doing so but I didn't want to leave her side to get to the phone.
"Come on [Name]! You're strong you can make it! Please! Don't you dare die!"
I tried my best to hold her hand tight but her grip would always loosen and her arm would fall down limp.
I watched angrily and began to cry as her eyes started to slowly close.
"Don't you dare close your eyes! DONT YOU DARE CLOSE THEM!!
NO!! [NAME]!!"
Her hand falls out of mine, hitting the floor as the last breath is pushed out of her mouth. Her eyes shutting completely. My back arches as I yell her name to the rooftops, refusing to stop until all the breath left inside me was gone.

If anyone was seriously displeased with this ending, let me know and I'll make an alternative ending!

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