You Stole My Heart With Your...

By fckingxfuentes

213K 8.3K 3.7K

When Kellin Quinn is kicked out and forced to go to boarding school, what happens when his roommate is Vic Fu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Not a chapter but please read it's important.
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Not a chapter, an annoucement.

Chapter 21

5.4K 239 77
By fckingxfuentes

hello everyone sorry for the long wait but i did say there was going to be slow updates from time to time so be patient pls okay ily 

p.s. the next few chapters are going to be cute fillers, there won't be any drama until kell goes to visit jesse

okay happy reading :~)


[Kellin's POV]

I guess you could say that I've been happier than usual the past three days, but how could I not be? The person I've been desiring to call mine for so long now is finally mine, of course I'm going to be ecstatic. I didn't even realize how much I liked him until recently, like I literally find myself daydreaming about the next time I get to spend time with him. Its ridiculous how much he's been on my mind lately, ninety percent of my thoughts consume him and his gorgeous brown eyes with hair to match. He's like a drug, and that sorta frightens me because we haven't even been together official for a week yet. New car sent I guess?

I had just gotten off work and currently I was walking into the dorm, only to see Vic on the bed playing his guitar. He's been playing a lot more and I made a mental note to get him to play for me some time. I went over and gave him a quick peck on the lips, to which he returned, and spoke. "Hey babe."

He just gave me a quick 'hey' back and went back to playing his guitar. He wasn't upset or anything, just focused. I think he's writing a new song or learning a new piece of music. To give him some space I decided to occupy myself with a shower, so I went over to my dresser and got some clean pants, and headed into the bathroom.

I stripped and stepped into the shower, letting the warm beads of water hit my shoulders, making me feel instantly relaxed. I loved taking showers, they're like my favorite activity. It gave me a chance to just reflect on things, it's actually where I make most of my tough decisions.

I took this time to think about Vic, shocker. He's acts a lot different than I thought he would, I thought he would be the type of boyfriend that's sorta distant and closed off, but I was presently surprised when I found out that he was just as clingy as me. I mean for the first day or so I think he was still getting used to the idea of being in a relationship, but with each day that's passed he's been acting more and more open and that makes me happy. He's slowly letting his guard down and letting me see his true colors, that's all I've ever wanted from him. Well, that and a relationship, and it looks like I'm getting both.

I smiled to myself at the thought of calling him mine, if only he knew how much I actually thought about him. I literally can't wait until he gets more comfortable around me to the point of where he can fart and burp on me and laugh about it, those are my favorite kind of relationships. One where we can act like both best friends and lovers.

Speaking of best friends, I get to see Jesse in less than two weeks, and from here on I just keep on getting more and more excited to the point where I feel like I'm going to throw up. The only down part about me going is not being able to see Vic for a while, but that's okay, it's worth it. I've missed the boys so much and I just can't wait until we can all hang out in Justin's basement and play the game systems and guitars. Justin may or may not be a little wealthy, so we always go over to his house when hang out, and when we don't, we go over Gabe's.

I got out of the shower, and looked at myself in the mirror. I still had all those nasty scars over my thighs - by the way I'm like three weeks clean - and I still am the pudgy mess I was before. I really need to get in shape for him, I mean I don't even know why he wants someone like me in the first place, but I'm not going to question it. I don't usually question the things that make me happy.

I got dressed and walked out the bathroom and set my clothes in the hamper. Me being the idiot I am, I didn't check to see where Vic was, so I was taken off guard when he came from behind me and gave me a huge hug, lifting me up in process and spinning me around, finally laying me down on the bed with him under me. I wriggled out of his grip turned around to face him, laughing and out of breath like I was. I bent down to kiss him, because I just couldn't resist him.

"I've missed you." Vic mumbled against my lips, only making me smile harder. We broke apart and I looked down at him with nothing but adoration.

"Oh yeah? I bet I missed you more." I told him smoothly.

"Nope, I missed you more." He said, bopping my nose with his index finger as he said 'you.'

"Sorry sir, your comment is invalid." I argued back.

"Kellin, Kellin, Kellin, when are you going to learn that I'm always right?" He said cockily.

"As soon as you admit that I'm the one that missed you more." I said, and smirked. I could literally do this all day. Seriously.

"If you don't say that I'm right in two seconds I'm going to tickle you." He threatened.

"Oh no you're not." I said quickly, then pushed myself off of on top of him, but I didn't get very far because he had a strong grip on my wrists, keeping me in place.

In one swift movement I was now pinned between him and the bed as he straddled me. He took me wrists and pinned them together with one hand, then took his free hand a traced it over my armpit. I flinched away and squeaked, only getting an eyebrow raise out of the little shit on top of me.

"Say it." He demanded.


And that's all he needed to hear so he could start tickling me. He instantly went my for armpit and tickled the sensitive skin, I thrashed around and was practically wailing from laughing so hard. He soon released my wrists and went to my neck and started tickling that with his demon fingers. I tried to push him off and pry his fingers away from my neck, but failed with no avail.

"Pl-e-ease pleas-e s-stop." I pleaded, out of breath and exhausted from laughing so hard.

"Say I'm right then." Vic said, still tickling me the daylights out of me.

"Fi-i-ine, y-you're right." I exaggerated desperately. And just like that, the tickling stopped.

"Thank you very much." He said proudly, like he just won a race of something.

"I h-hate you." I told him, lying there with him still on top of me.

He put on a fake act of hurt, "Take it back." He pouted.

"Why should I?" He went into a thoughtful state for a moment, then spoke.

"Because if you do, then I'll give you a kiss." He smirked, like he knew I was going to give in. Which I was, I couldn't resist him if I tired, even if it was just a simple peck to the lips.

"I take it back, I looooove you." I said, holding out the love, and making kissy faces at him.

"You're such a dork." He teased.

"Just shut up and kiss me already." I said, then grabbed the back of his head and pulled him down to me. I didn't want to wait any longer, I told you I was addicted.

Instantly he responded, moving his lips in sync with mine. I love the way he kisses, it's so perfect. He dominates, but not too much, just the right amount. And I love the way he tastes too, of honey and coffee. You can't really blame me for liking him so much, he's perfect in all the right ways.

When we pulled away, both slightly out of breath, he looked at me for a moment, then got up from the bed and went straight for the door.

Before I could even say anything, he yelled, "Meet you at the spot!" While running out the door.

I let out a whine, and got up and raced after him. I already knew what 'the spot' was, it was the cliff. That's out little place to relax now we decided, so it wasn't a surprise that he wanted to go there.

Now I just have to learn to keep up with him in the meantime.

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