~Drarry one shots~

By deathofmyemotions

327K 9.7K 8.8K

These are either made up by me or based off of something I've seen so enjoy my collection of one shots... War... More

~Symphony of my soulmate~
~The one time umbridge did something right~
~The Talk~
~The talk of the house~
~Pre- match~
~Coming out gone wrong~
~Meet the family~
~Nurse malfoy~
~The "boyfriend"~
~the squad+ harrys lover boy~
~New roomate~
~First Christmas~
~Yule ball~
~From Bi~
~Muggle Machinery~
~The set up~
~The Polyjuice Incidents~
~The Potion~
~Joint Custody~
~The Makeover~
~Take a bet on love~
~Skinny Dipping~
~Group chats with the God Parents~
~Im afraid of the things in my brain~
~Backpacking p1~
~Backpacking p2~
~Backpacking P3~
~Slytherins Scare Game~
~Backpacking 4~
~Take your "boyfriend" to Sunday lunch~
~The decorations~
~Christmas Olympics~
~Group chat mishaps~
~Men amirite?~
~Fake it till we make it~

~Stars on his shoulders and hair like the moon~

7.8K 234 116
By deathofmyemotions

Draco POV:
"They were dusted with sprinkles of stars Pans! With planets and they would spin and the stars would ripple with his muscles. Goddddd it was so hot." I groaned as I pushed my head deeper into a pillow. 
"What happened to Jacob?" She asked as she flopped down next to me and passed me the bowl of crisps. 
"Oh my don't remind me about him. He was...ya know." I said while waving my hands about.
"Not Potter?" She teased. This earned her a death stare. 
"I don't like him, never have, never will." She just stared at me.
"So you're telling me that you haven't noticed that you've dated everyone that looks similar to him in the past year since leaving him but you hate him?" She smirked.
"Yes. Coincidences. Now shut up and let me talk about this new one!" I shouted.
"I swear it's a new one with you every week." She muttered and I gasped. Did she just?
"Are you inferring I'm a slut?" I said shocked and wiped away fake tears. 
"No I was thinking more man-whore." She said sweetly. I nodded in agreement. Yes I had slept around a lot, but I was finding my feet in this new gay world I'd thrown myself fabulously into. "Do you know his name? Will he out you to skeeter the skank?" She asked. I know Pansy cares about me and only wants me to be safe but sometimes I wish she would shut up. 
"Dunno and dunno." I replied. She squinted her eyes at me as a warning. She didn't like my way of dealing with all of this. 
"So you didn't like Jacob, Adam?"
"Ginger like a Weasley."
"Never left his house."
"He was too much"
"Reminded me of a Weasley."
"Turned out to be a Vickey."
"Cute but obsessed with Potter!"
"Gorgeous but that's my job and I can't have competition."
"His eyes were blue. I prefer green."
"So what's different with this one?" She sighed.
"His tattoos were so mesmerising. And I vaguely remember him having hair that I could tug on for days. Did I talk about his muscles? Cause they were to die for." I rambled and she rolled her eyes. 
"I bet you that you'll be over him in a week."
"Want to place a wager on that?" I suggested.
"If I am correct, you can take me to the fancy bar I like and pay for everything. And if I'm wrong, you can drag me round all your gay bars and I'll pay." She said as she held her hand out. I took it and shook it, deal made. I could tell she was confident about this but I was determined to be partying in a gay bar with my starry king on my arm and Pansy dismally paying for everything.

Harry POV:
"Someone got luckkkyyy." Hermione screamed as she threw herself next to me. 
"Please shut up." I whispered, nursing my hangover and lack of sleep. 
"Congrats mate but please clean up the apartment after your...activities or I'll force myself to move out." He said as he stood over a condom wrapper. 
"Stopppp I feel bad!" I groaned as I his behind a pillow. 
"Why? You finally got yourself a man! I'm proud Harry." Hermione gushed.
"Because I was drunk and stupid. I don't know who this guy was! I couldn't tell you his name or point him out on the street. You know I don't do one night stands or anything." I rambled. I hated myself for doing something I promised I never would. 
"So what mate! It happens to all of us." He reassured me. Hermione shot him a look. "Well not me. Love you Hermione." He quickly added. I smiled but still felt horrible.
"You just gotta worry he won't rat you out to that Rita skanker!" Hermione spat. I nodded. I wasn't out to the public yet, well kinda. I'd be snapped in a few areas known for gay people, but last night was my first time in a gay bar. To be fair I went with Luna and Ginny just so they would get in quickly, so no one could state I was there cause I was bi and wanted some dick. And I never kissed anyone in public, just dragged the man out and took him home.

"Okay new subject! How was Molly and Arthur." I said. Hermione looked up and smirked. 
"They were fine. Bit annoyed when Ginny came home at like 3am with Luna slumped over her shoulder and loudly informed the house that you had got some action." She said and I groaned. "Anyway, stop trying to change the subject. You don't remember anything about this boy?"
"His hair. It was like blonde but silvery white, almost like the moon or something. But he kept on complimenting my tattoos." I reminisced. 
"Well you do have a lot." She mumbled. I gasped in shock. 
"Miss Granger I do not have a lot!" She rolled her eyes and put down her book.
"Name them all."
"Lion, stag and doe, snitch, my parents names, my quidditch number, all my stars and planets, outline of Hogwarts, Gryffindor symbol, my little flying key, Hedwig, Phoenix, a wolf and a dog huddled together and a random lil tree from the forbidden forest. Also I still have those sharpie outlines of an atomically incorrect penis from George from my coming out to the Weasley's party, the time turner and book for you and the chess piece for Ron. So miss Hermione Granger, I would not call that a lot. Plus I want more." I listed. She rolled her eyes and got back to her book.

The thought of the mysterious man from last night lingered on my mind. His gorgeous hair was so soft to the touch and he smelt musky and something expensive. There was something else...a piercing? No....something I couldn't help but stare at...tattoos. 
"HE HAD TATTOOS!" I shouted, making my roommates jump. "Well he had something on his inner arm wrapped in a bandage that looked like the aftercare of a fresh one and he had a constellation and I think some reptile. Maybe a dragon or a lizard I don't fucking know." I said, getting annoyed that I didn't know who this man was.

*time skip to a few months oooooh (insert time skipping music) ooooooooh*

Draco POV:
I haven't had anyone else since him. I, for some reason, couldn't do it. He was still on my mind! I'm sure I was long gone from his but for some reason he impressed me. It was like I was in some sort of slump that this mysterious man had caused. 
"Lets go out, get wasted and get laid." Pansy said as she led on my sofa.
"No." I replied. She looked up and groaned at me. 
"Draco you have been in some sort of hole for the past few months, all strung up over some one night stand. What was so special about him? You went from a new guy every week to no one in months!" She shouted, angry at my lack of motivation. 
"Pansss I need to find him. I don't know why I'm so attached, I just can't move on this time." I whined. I was so annoyed at myself for not getting over him. This was completely not who I was. "Whatever. Do you want the new copy of the Quibbler?" She said with an annoyed tone as she threw the rolled up magazine at me. I unraveled the string around it and groaned. "Fucking Potter again! They're obsessed with him." I spat. He has haunted me since Hogwarts and it was getting annoying! I flicked through the lengthy interview they done with him. "Lucky me, I get to learn about potters new life living with Weasley and Granger, his tattoos and oh my lucky me I get 3 new exclusive posters!" I sarcastically said. I skipped through the rest of the pages, sneering at all the photos of him and his friends. Then I saw it.

"Pans...oh my merlin...." I barely made out. "What now?" She sighed as she walked over. I practically threw the magazine in her face.
"So he has a tattoo on his shoulders. I'm suppose to care because?" She asked. I stared at her like she was crazy. 
"Because my starry king pans! He had that exact tattoo in the exact places!" I shrieked. Her eyes grew wide and she went slightly pale. 
"Nooooo...you think? Draco! Noo." She said. "He could've been a fan of Potter and got the same tattoo?" She suggested quickly, trying to get another explanation for this. 
"Or he could've got it before Potter. Potter probably stole it and now it's known as a potter tattoo. Poor guy." I added. She nodded but we both knew what we were avoiding. 
"You don't think it was him do you?" She quietly said. I shook my head, buried in a pillow and tried to ignore the butterflies engulfing my stomach.

Harry POV:
Morning were the worst. It wouldn't be bad if I had someone to make it better, but I've had no one since that night. I couldn't find the effort to go out and find another man, cause frankly it wouldn't be the same.

I stumbled into the too bright kitchen, still half asleep. Hermione was right, I really needed to find my sleep schedule again. "Good afternoon." She scolded as she came round the corner. "Why aren't you at work?" I yawned as I rubbed my eyes.
"I'm fine, thank you for asking. I just popped home in my lunch break to check if you had decided to be alive and make an appearance at work today. I told them you were still recovering from the totally real migraine you had on Friday." She said in an adult like tone. I rolled my eyes and picked up the magazine in front of me assuming it was this months quibbler. I glanced at the cover to see not my fabulous brown hair, but blonde hair. 
"WHAT! THEY TOOK MY COVER OFF!" I shouted, startling Hermione who was brewing some coffee. She walked over to me and started laughing, then she passed me my glasses.
"That's law monthly dear." She laughed.
"Wait...is that Malfoy as the wizarding worlds best lawyer?" I asked. She took the magazine, stared at it and nodded. Then it all came back to me. "I fucked him." I gasped. Her eyes grew wide and she looked at me like I was crazy. She grabbed my wrist to check my pulse and checked my temperature. 
"Harry are you actually ill?" She asked worriedly.
"The boy with the moon hair. That's him. Oh god Hermione!" I groaned.
"Contact him. Come into work today and see if he's in his office." She suggested. I stared at her like she was mad. "Fine I'll owl you if he's in. Then you come and talk to him. Look your best and don't back out of it." She said as she walked out the door. Fuck I fucked Draco Malfoy

*time skip to some hours later ooooohhhhhh*

He's in. Wear the grey shirt with those trousers I brought with you. Make sure your shoes are shined and you look immaculate, it's Malfoy we're talking about. Come to my office beforehand so I can check you over.
Best of luck
Hermione G

I followed her instructions to the T. I showered, use the fancy hair products Sirius brought my for Christmas and ironed my clothes! Malfoy's one lucky dude as I don't do this for anyone.The state of shock was still very much there. I couldn't believe that Draco was the first man I had slept with! Draco Malfoy, sworn arch nemesis, took my man virginity! I floo powdered to hermione's office, making her scold me for getting power on me. 
"Harry!" She said as she brushed the powder off me. I took a deep breath, only realising the nerves that's had settled in my stomach. "You'll be fine." She said as she pushed me out the door. This was it.

The walk to the law department felt like a walk of shame. I'm sure he doesn't even remember and I'll make a fool of myself. It was months ago! I entered the floor and all the lawyers turned and stared at me. I saw Ron talking to a familiar looking woman at her desk who was violently scribbling something down. He smiled and waved at me and I faked back a smile. I stood outside and looked at my refelection on Dracos office door.
Draco Malfoy
Head of law and criminal justice
Of course he has a proper title and an overly shined plaque to show it off. After rolling my eyes at his door, I knocked and glanced at Ron behind me. He was ignoring the woman who was shouting at him and staring at me with a confused and fearful look. Suddenly another woman came bursting out the office in front of me, tears streaming down her face. This was a bad idea, someone save me. The door closed and I stood there awkwardly. By now everyone had noticed my weird presence in the room and was looking at what I would do. So I cleared my throat, pulled up my shirt sleeves and knocked again. 
"Come in." A simple voice said from inside.

I entered and saw the familiar but so different blonde man in front of me. His hair was the same as in Hogwarts and he still had that certain look when he looked at new work... not that I took particular interest in him or anything. I stood as he peered at some work on his desk, obviously engulfed in some important case. 
"You may sit and i'll get with you in a moment." He said without looking up. The voice sent shivers down my spine as flashbacks from our night came back to me. Flashbacks of things that would make mrs Weasley faint if she heard them. 
"Uh thank you." I replied as I sat. He dropped the corner of the page he was holding as his eyes grew wide and he got slightly paler. He remembers. After a few seconds of him staring into the oblivion, he cleared his throat and faced me. 
"Potter." He simply stated as he placed his hands together.
"Malfoy." I replied. He flinched slightly and blushed at me mentioning his name...why? Probably cause of our hate in Hogwarts? Yeah sure.
"Uh um what can I help you with? And be quick, I have a lot to do." He quickly said in a tone that had grown almost unfamiliar in our year apart. I nodded.
"Well I'm having some trouble recalling a night from a few months ago and I'm hoping you could help."
"Potter I'm not the psychology or the potion department head. I'm head of law and criminal justice, bit of a difference. I'm sorry I'll be no help, I recommend floor three. Goodbye." He replied as he picked up his papers again.
"No." I said sharply, causing him to look and glare at me. "You just need to confirm something and I'll leave. It may be a little...uh...wei-"
"Potter I do not mix personal life's and work. If you want someone to help remember some drunken night memory, as mentioned before, try floor 3. Or looking in that months quibbler as they're literally obsessed with you!" He interrupted in an angered tone. I was starting to reflect this anger. Why was he avoiding something like this! Was it bad! By his responses at the time, I would say it was pretty good. Unless he truly doesn't remember.

"Malfoy." I sternly said as I stood up and leant my hands on the table. This was a power move for me, I knew it would work. 
"P-potter." He stuttered and I smiled.
"I think you know what I'm on about." I teased. He blushed. 
"Not a clue, now go away." He said quickly.
"Not until I get answers. I'm Harry Potter, I alwaysss get answers." I said as I stared at him. He choked but played it off as a cough. 
"I'm sorry but I have a meeting." He said as he got up and made for the door. I placed my arm in front of him. 
"No you don't. And if you do, i could cancel it."
"Potter." He warned.
"Oh Draco Malfoy I'm getting bored of our games. What are you gonna do, hex me?" I teased, which made him tense and pull out his wand. 
"You won't do it." I said.
"Because if you did, you would risk your chances at getting me again. And we know that would be devastating." I purred. "Plus I'm pretty sure Mrs Weasley took an insurance claim out on my body when I played quidditch for England and won the summer cup. So..." I bragged.
"Yes she did. I had to go through that paperwork." He groaned. I smiled at the thought of him having to glance at photos of my body alllll day long, how horrible. 
"Well then I'm sure you enjoyed the photographs provided." I said with a grin. His eyes diverted away from me, obviously preoccupied with the thoughts I had given him. 
"Truly the highlight of my life." He sighed sarcastically. "Now move potter, I have work to do unlike some." He spat. I rolled my eyes at the blonde man in front of me. Even though it had been a year (well a couple months if you count the thing) he had really changed. 
"Mummy and daddy finally feeding you I see." As I gestured towards his muscles.
"Actually they kicked me out." He muttered.
"Oh. I'm sorry...uh why?"
"None of your business Potter!" He spat and tried to get past. He failed.

It seemed he had given up trying to get past me, as he slumped back down into his office chair. "I didn't know it was you." He muttered after some time. It took me a few moments to realise what he was on about. "I thought it was another random guy I picked up to dull the pain that's my life." He continued. "Then I saw your latest quibbler edition, remember your back tattoo."
"The stars?" I asked.
"Yeh on your shoulders." He replied.
"How can your life be bad. You're Draco malfoy! This title you now have probably gives you a shit tonne of money, you're on covers of magazines, probably live somewhere lavish and expensive." I said with a laugh, trying to lighten the mood.
"Money doesn't buy happiness potter!" He shouted. "I thought at least you would know that." He added quieter than before. "I have no friends, my family want noting to do with me, I live in a shitty rundown apartment with Pansy because all the realtors know my family. I waste my money on drink at bars and I go home with some random dude to get a glimpse at a better life."
"Draco. I...I'm sorry." Those were the only words to come out of my mouth. I thought he would have this lavish, expensive life that made him untouchable, but really he was at rock bottom. "If there's anything I can do to help?"
"Life what?" He spat. "I'm sure the Quibbler would die for you giving charity to your enemy."
"Well we slept together so I don't know if we're still counted as enemies. But like if you need somewhere better to stay, it isn't much but there's a pull out bed in my apartment with Hermione and Ron. I'm sure if it becomes a long term thing, we could sort you out a room or something somewhere." I mumbled.
"Potter we're suppose to hate each other, stay in character." He sneered but he had a slight smile on his face.
"Oh come on, we slept together! We could at the least be friends." I stated, making sure that he knows we slept together.
"What's the most." He purred and instantly slapped his hand in front of his mouth.
"Well I guess husbands but I forgot to pick up the ring. So would boyfriends do?" I flirted. Well I guess it was flirting, I don't really know.
"Potter what thinks you live up to the standards to be my copain." He said. What the flying fuck is a copain?
"Gonna guess that means boyfriend and the fact that you like my di-"
"NO POTTER! Don't be disgusting." He groaned.
"Malfoy, haven't you heard that lying sends you to hell."
"Oh no hell don't want me cause the devils scared I'll take over." He replied casually.
"Well then. Mr Malfoy. I think that I am worthy to be your beloved boyfriend due to the fact that I have known you for a long time."
"Potter. Try harder." He said in a bland tone.
"Well why should you be my roommate and my boyfriend?!"
"Because you offered me the sofa and if I became your boyfriend, I'd get half a bed and I'd call that an upgrade." He smirked.
"I'll give you that extremely Slytherin, lawyer point. Anyway it'll be nice to have some gay in the house. Do you know how fed up I am of hearing about straight sex from Ron?" I groaned.
"Then we have ourselves a deal." He said as he held out his hand for me to shake. I grabbed it, pulled him up and done something I had longed to do for months. I kissed him.

A/n: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS!! This super long one shot is kinda a thank you gift for reading my messes. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed this story. Byeeee

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