More Than This

By pixelatedcopy

283K 7.3K 982

Woody Allen once said, "the heart wants what it wants. There's no logic to these things. You meet someone and... More

One Direction Who?
Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day
When You and I Collide
The Theory of Harry
Like Floating on Air
Be Still, My Heart
Right or Wrong?
Dear Harry, Louis, Niall, and Liam
Can't Hardly Wait
A Thing of Beauty
Digging Up the Past
I Burn. I Pine. I Perish.
Chestful of Heartaches
Double Ouch
Crazy Beautiful Mistake
No Words
FO Feels
Just Harry
We Did That
I am Not a Child
My Constant
Harry is a Twat
Sad Eyes
Game Changer
Harry's Charm
Feels Like Christmas
Face Your Fears
Not Me
Olive Juice
Next Time
My Favorite
Let Me
3 Ws and 1 H
New Beginnings
Just Like That
The Right Time
All the Whys
The Sad Thing
So Near Yet So Far
Good, Better, Best
Just Family
Harry, You're Going to be a Daddy
You Do What You Want
All That Matters
"Not an Update" Update
The Inevitable
Logic Wins
Drunk in Love
My Family
Is That a Crime?
Getting Ready for War
He Can't Be
Special Kind of Crazy
Hell Hath No Fury
The Nearness of You
I'm Ready
The Story of our Life
Love Defies Logic
Only Fools Rush In
To Have and To Hold
Goodbyes are Bittersweet

What is Embarrassment?

2.4K 85 2
By pixelatedcopy

Oh Em Gee!!!! I cannot believe the number of reads this has!!!!  Super thankful for everyone who reads this, even I know I have not written in months!!!! To say that I am busy is a such lame excuse but so true 😭😭😭

Again, you just don't know how happy I am with all the reads, likes, and esp the comments! 🚀 thanks for asking me to write more! 😍

And Harry! Isn't he so gorg!!! Hearing live renditions of two ghosts and sweet creature makes me teary eyed! What's your fave song from his new album?

Anyway, thanks for asking me to complete the story. Here's a new chapter, albeit short! Sowee!!! I hope I can write later for a double update loves!!!!

Thanks everyone!  💜


My mom knows Harry? Interesting.

"How are you," my mom is all smiles walking towards Harry as she gives him a welcoming hug. I turn towards  Allen, both of us exchanging wtf looks.

"I'm good," Harry replies as my Mom smothers him. I look at Harry to search for an explanation but he seems to be evading me.

"Lexie, honey, I didn't know you knew Harry!" My Mom's arms latches on his.

How close are they? And why din't I know his?

My brows furrow in confusion. "Uh yeah, we met in LA, through Mark, my boss, remember?" I walk towards Allen, distancing myself from Harry. It feels a bit awkward.

"Alex is our consultant, she's building our online business for a product we are launching, with my friend," Harry shoots a glance at me. "She's been great, actually," he smiles at me. "I didn't know she is your daughter though."

Define great Harold! Great where? I bite both my lips to stifle laughing from my own joke.

"She's the best," my Dad taps my shoulders, his face obviously beaming with pride. He goes to shake Harry's hand. Then out of nowhere, he says, "are you the same Harry that sent her flowers and chocolates?" No chill Dad. Thanks for making this extra awkward.

Harry's face flushes and he smiles nervously. I didn't even think this is possible. He's Harry!

"Uhm, yes, Sir, I did," he clears his throat. "I, uh, learned from Allen here that Alex loves stargazers."

"So you met our twins," Mom seems delighted. And clueless! "Come let's all sit and eat lunch," my Mom leads the way back to the table.

Interrogation will commence, my mind warns me.

Pleasantries are exchanged between Mom and Harry. It turned out she knew Robin, Harry's stepdad, from wayback. I also learned that they have taken vacations together, with Harry around in some of them. Why did I miss this?

"So Harry, how's," she pauses and looks straight at Harry. "You know,"  she smiles. Harry glances at me and grips my left hand under the table. I panic a little, I think I might not like where this conversation is going. He flashes his bedimpled smile at my Mom.

"If you meant, uhm," Harry clears his throat. "We're no longer together," Harry intertwines his fingers in mine. Mom gets a surprised look on her face. Like who is this bitch they are talking about?

"Weren't you engaged?" Mom's word literally caused me to choke. The soup nearly went out of my nostrils. James was kind enough to be attentive and hands me a napkin.

"Excuse me," is all I could say for now as I push my chair away from the table. Harry holds my hand more tightly. "My phone is buzzing, I need to get this," is my lame excuse to get out of this conversation. I stand up to walk away. Everyone's eyes are on me, while I realize that Harry is still holding my hand, in full view of everyone.

What is embarrassment?

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