Memoirs of a Broke B*tch

By albgotwords

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here's me whining about sh*t I can probably change, but won't cuz it's more fun to write about it. More

Back to School Shenanigans
Embarrassing Stories
It Begins
(Insert Eye Roll Emoji Here.)
Forreal, Though
My Stories
I'm Skressed.
You Know The Drill
The Most Savage Things I've Done
Sun-dried Orange Voters PSA
Excuse me while I throw a tantrum
I'm Lowkey Scrooge McDuck
Uh, well..
LMAO (Take 2)
what I hate pt. 1
First World Problems
Issa Long One ;)
Dream Collection FAIL (or nah?)
Dream Collection #2
Another Dream/Summer Job/NSFW
Fine People Problems
I.D. Channel
Sims FreePlay
Favorite Lesbian Webseries UPDATE
School is Here to Stress Me Out Again
really short quip about pets
let's talk religion a lil bit/Houston
short lil quip about the N word
"I Don't Agree With Your Lifestyle"
I am delightful AF/ EXPOSED???!?!
Lowkey, I Might Want The Fair One
First Time Learning Things
It's been 84 Years
Happy New Year, Hoes!
Just One Small Detail
Let's Play Another Game of.. EXAMINE!! THAT!! MEME!!
random af
funny moment of the day
How My Writing Hobby Helped Me Slay
is this strange?
Dear People, You Don't Need a Damn AR-15 Rifle.
(Delayed) Graduation Blues
You don't like Black Women?
Bish, whet?
SHOOK (x345)!!!
Senior Year Take Two
Fall Semester Over/ Dream
Three More Short & Weird Dreams
The List, Revisited lol
Hey, Wig.
It Was Not A Hot Girl Summer
How Hannibal Buress Cockblocked Me
Sugary Ass Bathroom
Schoolin' Life
So Lonely (Akon voice)
Honestly, Truly, the Ghetto
Yes, Girl, Another Dream
Grad School Chronicles (GSC) : After Hours
My Thoughts on American Graffiti
Sadderday 😂 (Update)
I'm Baaaack 😊
You Already Knowww *Big Freedia Voice*
Just the Tiniest Bit Shook
irritation nation
It's Been 84 Years.... *stares into distance*


29 2 0
By albgotwords


Here's an agenda of things I'm gonna talk about in this chapter. i'm apologizing in advance 'cause it's gonna be so random lol. feel free to take multiple breaks 'cause.... yeah.

-my new roomie

-my hair

-this BS test i have to take soon

-social media/lipstick alley

-how sad it is to be poor

-maybe a lil bit about blac chyna and rob

First of all, I delivered the very sad news that I will be returning to my regular scheduled university come August. I am still very fucking irritated, not that i'm returning, but that i still have to use fucking sign language for the foreseeable future. 'Cause after this year, I still have a year left to fucking go. I told y'all, I'm really serious about my double major-- by the end of Fall 2018, I plan to snatch my first degree, and by the end of the Spring, I'm walking out this bitch with my second degree. After that, I'll finally be on my own, forreal. I can't wait. I like not paying rent but wow not having my own space at all times drives me nuts.

It's funny because I actually decided to have a roommate this upcoming school semester. I was the first to reach out to her because I ain't got time for a shy person to wait two weeks before schools starts to contact me lol. The last thing I want is for my roomie and I to be complete strangers. Girl, we ain't gotta be besties, but I should know a little more besides your name before we move in together lol. So, we've communicated a couple times. Maybe I'll text her tomorrow or something idk.

Anyway, my hair is awesome. I've had my locs for like a year. Few of these hoes have holes in them but they're fine for the most part. I can't wait til the top of my hair gets long enough to where they'll STAY OUT OF MY FUCKING FACE WITHOUT BOBBY PINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Retwisting has been a breeze since I decided to "interlock". Lol I barely know what I'm doing but my shit is still growing, so hopefully they don't fall out in 10 years 'cause I'm unknowingly fucking everything up.

I'm supposed to take these tests to get into my education major-- PRAXIS core. I have to take Reading, Writing, and Mathematics test. Now, even though I didn't do that great on the Reading Practice test 'cause I was distracted and didn't give AF about it, I'm not TOO worried about that test or the writing part 'cause I know how to do both of those better than finding the circumference of an elephant ass. All I've been meaning to do these past couple days to practice math and relearn all the formulas I need to know for the test. I feel a sense of impending doom but it's only because I haven't gotten through all of the topics yet. Today I'm working on circles and find the area and circumference and all that bullshit. It's actually easy af. Why the fuck was I looking at that question all crazy on the practice test!? Smh.

Biiiiiiiitch I love me some drama on social media. Twitter, FB, Lipstick Alley, nigga I'm paying attention to it ALLLLL. Look, I ain't got shit to do this summer. I gave up on trying to find a nannying gig until I move back on campus for school 'cause I feel like I KNOW i'll find a family there. So, I'm dman near counting down the days 'til I go back to school. I think that's why I like being AT school. Fuck class. Fuck class FOREVER, but being on campus is fun for me 'cause nobody from home bothers me. Ok back to the subject at hand.

I notice that a lot of people who live off of creating drama-- whether it's on social media-- statuses AND videos-- get angry once other people comment on it, and it isn't in their favor. What sense does it make to be angry at people commenting on something that YEW chose to make public?! That's why I bring up LSA. Bitch, I am a card carrying member and I constantly get my LIFE from those threads! One thing I have noticed is, most people (at least most of the threads I follow) are about people that vlog. These threads are about people who put out their own business. These same people become very angry once they search their name and find that people are not kissing their ass like their subscribers.

I understand that untrue attacks are not cool at all. Making up complete LIES is just nuts. However, in most of the threads I frequent, these people are setting their own selves up to be talked about. Usually, the "victim"/sympathizers will hit us with stuff like "how would you like it if people talked about you?". Great question. First, though, let me let you know one thing. I don't like people in my business so I don't PUT it out there. I mean, what I tell Y'ALL ain't all that deep. But what does it look like, ME getting mad at someone possibly finding this info about me and being upset about it WHEN I PUT IT OUT THERE MYSELF? Vloggers literally display almost every aspect of their life out there. You do not see too many private vloggers 'cause it's just not going to work out for you. So, if someone wanted to say BITCH THATS WHY YOU AINT GOT NO FRIENDS, I wouldn't be angry because I told y'all this already. Plus, it would be a lie anyway, since I often over exaggerate things sometimes just for the sake of humor. Which brings me to another topic. If you see something written about you and it doesn't threaten to put you in jail, and it is untrue, why be bothered about it? Pay it dust and be as unbothered as you claim to be. Don't look yourself up on LSA if you're just going to be sensitive and offended that we're telling you our honest opinions.

ALSO, some people try to shame us for being "anonymous" there and not telling us how we feel about them on their platform. First of all, if I go to your platform, you're just gonna ask me why I'm even there if I have something negative to say. Can't win with these folks. Second of all, I don't think you SHOULD leave negative comments on someone else's platform because, again, it's not that serious. I do CRACK UP when people are acting a fool in the comments' section, but as for me, I'd never do that. I refuse to get in another internet altercation. Looks stupid and it doesn't matter if you're wrong or right in the scenario. Besides, I really feel like anything "negative" that I have had to say on the internet, I could say it to the person's face. It's not like I'm a Billy Badass and I'm just so blunt with everything and I don't care about your feelings, but when it comes to certain things, I can get like that sometimes. For example, if it can improve your life, you gon' get this message however I present it, and if you're mad about it, oh well. I'd advise people to do the same for me. What good is a friend if they can't tell you the truth about yourself? Anyway I'm tired of talking about this shit lol so next topiccccccccccc.

wow I can't wait til I'm making some change from teaching. I understand the salary is pretty low for what teachers deserve but I don't see children or a girlfriend/wife in my future. For now, I'm anticipating a dog named Ev, possibly a cat named Carli (short for Carlisle). He's gonna be a boy cat, and the whole reason I'm gonna call him Carli is because I can. So, aside from that, I feel like that is a decent living for one person and a couple pets, y'know. I don't know if I give enough of a fuck to actually build something with somebody else, in which we'd get serious enough to move in together lol. but for now i'm just a poor college bitch who enjoys doritos, writing, and the occasional smut video. Such an angel :)

i think the whole thing between Blac Chyna and Rob is hilarious. He's out here trying to shame Chyna for getting in a relationship with him to get back at his sisters. Well, girl, you used Chyna 'cause you were mad at your sisters too. You're just mad because you didn't gain anything from her, while she gained EVERYTHANG from you lol. If you're gonna bitch at her, you should take responsibility for your part in it. He's all like "wow you're such a danger to Dream, even though I knew you were trash before she was born". Like sir, do you hear yourself? Sheesh.

Plus I think their show is coming back. I feel like Chyna is too smart to be slippin on her pimpin THIS bad. When you're using somebody, you have to be extra careful. So, I know she is not willingly letting Rob know she's with other people UNLESS they're both in on it lol. Rob & Chyna Season 2 on the way, hoes!

whew. i wrote alot. ok bye.

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