
By StellaMarie183

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My name is Lilith. Abandoned by whoever, I was left on the outskirts of the Steel pack. Taken in, I was given... More

Chapter 1: Memories
Chapter 2: Good Morning
Chapter 3: Monster
Chapter 4: Blood
Chapter 5: If looks could kill
Chapter 6: Hello
Chapter 7: Lots Of Yelling
Chapter 8: In the Rainforest
Chapter: 9 My Purpose
Chapter: 10 My Pleasure
Chapter 11: The Same
Chapter 13: Silence
Just Keep Swimmin'
Chapter 14: Paws
Chapter 15: Run
Chapter 16: Its A Long Walk
Chapter 17: Bastard
Chapter 18: Kitten
Chapter 19: No Crust
Chapter 20: We Are One
Chapter 21: Goodnight
Chapter 22: Dummy
Chapter 23: I Promise
Chapter 24: Don't Stop
Chapter 25: Goodnight
Chapter 26: I Owe You One
Chapter 27: Hybrid Like Me
Chapter 28: The Myth, The Legend
Chapter 29: Staying
Chapter 30: Throw It Away
Chapter 31: Vampire, wolves and mages, oh my!

Chapter 12: Exiled

169 15 4
By StellaMarie183

*Love is a trap. When it appears, we only see it's light, not it's shadows.*

I quickly carried Emma to the car. Only a few people on the crowded street stopped to stare at our appearance but no one said anything. Either they were too drunk to think what they saw was real or just didn't care. Not that it mattered to me. Carefully laying her down in the back seat, I jumped into the driver seat and sped off. Not once did I do the speed limit on the way back to the pack house, I didn't have time for silly laws.

What would have usually taken thirty minutes to get home was cut into fifteen. That was still too long for my liking though and it gave me way to much time time to think. What would I tell them? The truth I guess.. I was careless and let her out of my sight. I wouldn't tell them about the man who had helped me though. I'm not sure why but my gut was telling me to leave him out of the situation. No matter the story I spun them, I knew without a doubt I was in for a world of trouble and most likely pain. I wasn't scared of that though, I just feared for her safety.

I glanced back at her sleeping form. Her wound had closed already but she was pale. Her usual light was gone from under her skin leaving her looking sickly. Nothing that the pack would do to me would be worse than the pain I was inflicting on myself. Looking at her in that state left me and my beast feeling physically sick to our stomach. I went over and over the ways that I could take taken better care of her, all of the things that I did wrong. She will be fine. My beast tried to reassure me but it fell on deaf ears.

When I pulled up to the pack house Zachary and a few of the guard were already standing at the door. It looked like they were waiting on me but there was no way they could have known we were on the way back. It stuck me as odd but I didn't get the chance to think about it. As soon as I parked the car, my door was swung open and I was dragged out.

Zachary held me by my neck, my feet dangling off the ground. "You bitch!" He snarled in my face. "What have you done to her!" I watched as she care carefully pulled from the back seat and carried into the house by one of his lackeys. My beast paced back and forth in my mind.

I didn't speak until she was safely inside. "We were attacked.. Vampires jumped-" I never got the chance to finish. He threw me against the hood of the car, my head bouncing off the metal with a painful thump.

"Lies!" He roared. "You did this to her!"

"No." I growled back. "We were attacked."

"Really?! Then why are you covered in blood with not a scratch on you?" I knew my wounds had healed completely and that it looked bad but I couldn't tell him I healed faster because I drank some blood.

My beast roared inside my head. We would never do anything to harm our sister. "You know good and damn well I would never hurt her." I spat at him. He tried to take a swing at me but I quickly ducked it and spun away from him. I didn't want to fight him but I wasn't going to just stand there and let him beat on me. "When she wakes up, just ask her. We. We're. Attacked." I ground out slowly.

"I'm not waiting on shit." He lunged. I tried to dodge it but his fist caught me in the jaw spinning my head to a painful angle. I turned back around just in time for him to send another punch to my face, splitting my lip and guaranteeing a black eye in the morning. My beast raged. I tried to calm her the best I could but she wanted blood. So did I but if I shifted here then I was as good as dead. The whole pack would turn on me. I just need to buy time till Emma woke up.

"Zachary-" I tried to reason with him but he wouldn't even let me start.

"Alpha! I am your alpha and you will refer to me as so mutt." He lunged again but I scrambled out of the way, sending him flying past me.

I could hear some of the pack whisper "mutt" in a questionable tone. They were slowing starting to form a circle around us, blocking me in. Things were spinning out of control and I couldn't keep up.

"Enough!" Zachary's father yelled from outside the circle. Pack members parted like the seas as she marched towards us with his mother following close behind.

"Father, she needs to be put down. She deserves her punishment for Emma being hurt." He snarled at his father. "I am the Alpha now and this is my pack."

I could see the fire in his fathers eyes but he said nothing. His mother just looked at me with sad eyes and shook her head, tears starting to fall.

"I know what you are monster." He spoke loudly for everyone to here. "As Alpha, my father told me everything and I will no longer tolerate your presence here. You are a sickness that needs to be cured." He licked his lips. "And I plan on doing it personally."

So much for waiting on Emma.

"Hybrid. You are here by exiled from this pack." I felt the pain of the pack bonds being ripped from me. I fell to my knees with a whimper. My beast roared out in pain and anger.


"That makes you not only a hybrid, an enemy of the pack but a rouge trespassing on my lands." I was still reeling from the pain when he pounced on me, slamming me into the dirt with a yelp. He snapped his teeth in my face and leaned in close to whisper to me. "You make me sick. You were filling my sister with your lies. Killing you will make it all worth the trouble I went trough to get to this moment."

My heart stopped and then it clicked. They were waiting for us to show up. He had planned this. That's why he looked at me with so much pleasure this morning. He was excited. I felt sick but not only that but I was pissed. I don't think I had ever felt so much rage fill my body. My beast no long headed my warnings, she sprang forward in my head. Snapping and snarling, she forced us to part shift.

I heard the collective gasps and some screams from the onlookers as my shoulders down to my arms changed color and shape. As my eyes clouded into pits of darkness and my fangs grew until they peaked out of my lips.

I knew there was no going back now and my beast rumbled in approval. They wanted a monster.. I was going to show them one, how far I went with it was up to him.

*Bum bum buummmmmm! I was so happy writing the end of this. Hope you're as excited as I am to see what happens next 😜*

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