Not a Cullen

By wings4life

1.3M 31.4K 7K

Did you know Renesmee had a sister. No? I'm not surpised. I'm Elisa the eldest twin. I got kicked out after I... More

Kicked out cause of a tantrum
I'm hot, I know
Meeting Stephanies girlfriend
School? You wish!
I'm in hell aren't I?
Back stories and the VST
This is not my brother
Flashback then I meet a creepy british dude
A chapter w/ Klaus
It's a mustache!!! ----> :{
Santa is coming shopping with me!
Shopping for realz
Monday the sundae
Tara is mad!!!
Rebekah is hooooome
Klaus is a b*stard.
Torture what fun!
Bonding with the scary original!
I'm running out of chapter titles...
How are you alive?
Stefan the puppy and Elena the troll!
YouTube. This is just fantastic (part 1)
YouTube. This is just fantastic (part 2)
YouTube. This is just fantastic(part 3)
Cullens versus well everybody
Party of death. Mwa ha ha ha
Hybrids, Death & Awesome Hair
AWESOME ENDING!!! *fangirl squeal*
My first Founder's Celebration. There's a reason I didn't go before
Author's note... maybe
It's on like Donkey Kong <(' )
Stop trying to kill me!!!
Meeting the Arusadawn family and why Klaus?
Klaus, you cheesy bastard!
Double K
What happens here never leaves this room...
Little Red Riding Hood
Amnesia part 1
Part 2 of being amnesiac
Still don't have any memories part 3
Where oh where are my stupid memories (part 4)
I have more than forgetfulness (Last part! #5 i think)
Remembering isn't always a good thing
bad pick up lines
A Pet Hybrid
The moment we have all been waiting for
who wants to get drunk
The feels!!!
Naivety not idiocy!
Brotherly Love
Come at me, bro
Don't Regretti the Spaghetti
Bon Appétit
Have a holly, jolly...oh no

Really? I mean... Really?

11.7K 371 46
By wings4life

"When is someone going to bring me some entertainment?" I moaned as I laid upside down on the couch. Rebekah just turned the page of her magazine, seeming to be ignoring me. I narrowed my eyes at her and turned on my stomach.

"Where are the boys if you're not going to make me happy?" I demanded. She rolled her eyes and looked at me over the magazine.

"I don't know. Why don't you go and find them."

"You see, I would but I would need the general location to do that. I don't want to go all over town. It generally proves dangerous to my health no matter how much of an Original I somehow seem to be." She sighed.

"Why don't you go bother your brothers for once then? Leave the house and do us a favor. You can ruin whatever plans they're plotting against us!" She said mock cheerfully. I groaned but got up.

"It's better than seeing your face I guess." She didn't even respond to my jab and just turned the page. I pouted and walked out, deciding to run instead of taking my car. I haven't ran in a while which was kinda expected of me but I missed how fun it felt as I dodge random trees and pedestrians. Plus the only reason I was doing this was because Klaus still hasn't returned and Elijah and Kol were god knows where, so really bothering the Scooby Gang was the only option I had besides messing with the Cullen's but I already done that this morning. I really don't like repeats and Alice managed to tear one of my shirts soI knew not to go back down there or else I would kill the evil little pixie. And that would be too much of a mercy as well as being way too early in my game for that to happen yet. I stumbled to a halt as I reached my previous house and took an unneeded breath before walking in.

"Honey, I'm hooome!" I sang as I pushed the door in. Damon was walking down the stairs with a semi shocked look on his stupid face.


"No it's a clone." I said in a playful yet spiteful tone. He ignored it and stared at me suspiciously.

"What are you doing here?" I sighed before frowning.

"There is no one entertaining around. I need amusement." I moaned and headed to the kitchen and Damon followed. I perched on the counter and looked at him bored.

"Amuse me slave." I ordered. He scoffed and crossed his arms.

"Do you honestly think you can walk in here after being all chummy with the people we are trying to get rid of and vice versa and act like you haven't?" He said in disbelief.

"Yes." I deadpanned and looked at him with puppy eyes. I could see him start to weaken against me so I decided to one up it.

"Please Damon. You owe me." I said sweetly. He groaned and rolled his eyes before heading to the cabinet. Mission accomplished! Good to know, I still hold at least some sway over him.

"You hungry?" He asked without looking at me. I perked up and nodded quickly. I am always hungry nowadays. He sighed and pulled out some pop-tarts and tossed them in my lap. I grinned in happiness and opened them up quickly.

"Thank Gods you still have some. And it's one of the yummy kinds!" I sighed in bliss. He rolled his eyes, pulling a soda from the fridge and plopped it beside me.

"Oh I love this. Much better service than what the Mikaelson's gives me. I should've came here sooner."

"Don't get used to it." Damon scoffed, trying to maintain his tough guy attitude which was honestly kind of pitiful. Does he not remember that I put up with him for a majority of my life so I know all (well at least most) of his weak spots? Because apparently he doesn't.

"Trust me, wasn't planning to." I snipped and hopped off the counter with my food. I heard some shuffling upstairs so I stopped and tried to figure out who it was.

"Who else is here? Ooo, is it someone who can be compelled to be my personal entertainment?" I said hopefully.

"Probably not. When are you leaving?" I pouted.

"When my boredom is cured or when Kol comes back. Either one works fine with me." I shrugged. "Now who's upstairs?"

"No one of your concern Tara."

"Well that's rude." I huffed and flopped on his couch.

"Well you're even ruder. Who do you think you are coming up in here, after all you done?" He snapped.

"I thought you were trying to apologize for killing me. You and Stefan were so nice to me before. I just wanted someone to talk to. I miss the nice-ish Damon, he wouldn't give me any of this attitude you have. And anyways, you're the one not kicking me out and letting me stay right now sooo." I trailed off and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He rolled his eyes but it then widened as someone came down. I looked up instantly and a scowl overtook my face.

"Oh it's you." Disgust was all you could hear in my voice. Elena looked at me shocked then narrowed her eyes at me.

"What is she doing here?" She demanded Damon. I rolled my eyes.

"Y'know, I can talk!" I snapped.

"Simmer down you galls." Damon said with his hands in the air.

"But I am just so hot, I can't help it!" I whined playfully at him. He chuckled and poured him a drink. Elena scoffed and crossed her arms.

"What are you doing here? You don't live here anymore."

"So that means I am absolutely forbidden from coming here and stealing their food? That makes sense." I said sarcastically and pointedly bit off a chunk of my pop tart. But to be fair, it honestly doesn't. But she's annoying so oh well.

"The question is what are you doing here? Don't you ever go home?!" She glared at me.

"That's not really any of your business."

"Then stop making everything yours because quite frankly, it's annoying as hell. I can't tell you how many times one of the Mikaelson's came ranting to me about one of your stupid stunts that you pulled or got someone to do for you. Like killing me for example."

"You didn't die permanently so can't you just drop it already? That happened months ago!" My mouth dropped and I stood up, suddenly in front of her. The hyprocripsy of this girl astonishes me! Honestly, the only reason she and the Mikaelson's are still feuding is because Klaus killed her first and its been back and forth ever since mostly because she won't quit it! She paled a shade and backed up a step causing her hero Damon to heroically come to her rescue by running up to me and forcing me back rather harshly by pushing me down all the way to the other side of the room. Overkill much? I glared up at him as I pushed myself up on my hands.

"Come on Damon! You're not really going to let her get away with that, are you?" He stayed silent and my eyes narrowed.

"Oh stupid me. Course she can get away with it like she got away with shoving a stick in my heart because she's Elena. The ever so precious doppelgänger. How did she convince you of doing that after practically raising me? Did she bat her eyelashes at you and told you I might use you as a means of attack?  Like I even care about her." I rolled my eyes and started to walk away from them. I paused at the doorstep and looked back at them.

"Like I would ever use you after you cared for me when I was abandoned. I would never sink that low but obviously you can." I snipped and walked out with my head held high. Jerks, all of them. I wonder where Stefan was...

As I was walking along the path along the woods, I heard something rustling further along in. So of course I was going to check it out because I'm naturally curious and I'm just plain stupid. But hey, I'm still staying in Mystic Falls so I'm basically asking for it right?

"What's out there? Is it a Bambi type thing or a Stefan type thing?" I called out. More rustling. I frowned and stepped further in.

"If it's a big, bad thing I assure you that I'm a bigger, badder thing. Oh, I hope you're like a birdie or something." I added the end part a bit more quiet then my first statement. I moved cautiously towards the bush and picked up a large stick. I quickly stabbed the bush gently in a fast manner. So when a rather large rabbit jumped out, I was a bit jumpy and maybe kinda sorta screamed like the little girl I am. Ever so macho, that's me! I laughed in relief and turned around only to find a gun pressed to my forehead before it went off, making everything go dark.

무너쟈뷰너야주자TIME SKIP 멥바ㅜ줒ㅂ마너뮨주어어우ㅜ웅

I groaned as I came to and pressed my hand to my head, groaning at the pain of pulling out a single wooden bullet. It couldn't had just been a bird, couldn't it? It just had to be a psycho creep, hunting in the forest with a weapon against vampires! And what's even worse is that I don't even have my phone! I think I left it at the Salvatore's house when Damon shoved me away from the walking bloodbag. Plus the fact that I'm in a cage might contribute to the helplessness but my phone!! I love my phone.

"Are you awake yet?" Someone asked as a door opened to the the room I was in.

"Depends. Who wants to know?" I snipped and leaned back as far as I could which wasn't really that far.

"Finally! I thought I had actually killed you there. Nice to see I didn't."

"Screw you dude." I snapped. He chuckled and crouched in front of my cage. I glared at him hatefully.

"Who the hell are you and why am I here?" He rolled his eyes.

"Who I am is actually classified but you're here because you are an abomination."

"Oh, this again?! Puh-lease I really ain't. If anyone here is, its you. I mean kidnapping girls in the forest? How psycho can you be?"

"You're one to talk Tara Salvatore. Or should I say Elisa Cullen. I know all about you. Me and my friends have been... following you, you can say."

"And you're a stalker too?! My day is just getting better and better. If you have been actually stalking me as you said, then you may have noticed that I had made some powerful friends. Friends who will kill anyone for hurting me. They'll come and find me and when they do, it's your heart that's on the other side of the room. And I won't even stop to help you." I snapped.

"Well, I doubt that would ever happen." He rolled his eyes. I leaned forward some.

"How much are you willing to bet?" He frowned more and stood up but not before kicking my cage harshly. I glared hatefully at him.

"You should get comfortable. You're going to be here a while." He snarked and headed back upstairs. I waited till he was gone before I tried the bars. And to my surprise, I couldn't even bend the bars! Who were these people?!?

(♥*♥) (♡*♡) (♥*♥) (♡*♡) (♥*♥) I LUBS YOU ALL!!! (♡*♡) (♥*♥) (♡*♡) (♥*♥) (♡*♡)
Did you honestly think i would quit on this? does.... idk... april fools ring any bell?!? Like seriously. I love this story so much and I hate to see things unfinished even if it takes me a gazillion years. Sorry for the scare for a few of you :/.  Oh my gawd; have you seen The Originals season finale? It was amazing and I loved it and Hope so much! I cried when it was finished and it won't be back to September so I had a nice 3 day sulk. I actually threw a fit when it was over. I mean, they brought back everyone from the freaking dead and then they ended it! I mean, come on! So unfair. So I took Drivers Ed and I did good, just need to slow down when I turn but after it was over I realized that they never taught me how to park! I think it won't be hard but seriously!! Not very smart dude.

Another thing I am going to quickly talk about is cruising. It's where a lot of people get in their cars and just drive up and down a main street. Me. my mom and her friend did it the other night and it was fun and there is a lot of oldie cars that show up. And me and my mom might've took a few signs they put up... That was kinda funny :). Have you heard about a youtuber named GassyMexican? I love him sooo much and his gmods videos are hilarious like one of his Hide and Seek video called Conjoined Twins. I swear I had never laughed so hard in my life.

Tara-blah blah blah. That's all I'm hearing.

me- *rolls eyes* shut up. I'm not the one in a dog cage

Tara- oh yeah, about that. Have I ever told you that I am going to kill you?!?!?

me-*laughs nervously* uh yeah umm I created you so you can't kill me?

Tara- doesn't mean I can't try. Have you seen the episode of Spongebob with DoodleBob?

me-.... I should go...

Tara- yeah you do that and let me out that cage like pronto.
3 random facts about me since I'm bored;

1) I wrote an essay on how Elijah should be considered an epic hero in English and I got a hundred :)

2) I can't say 5 without sounding really country. And I can't say Africa either without putting it in individual words for some reason like af-ri-ca. I hate when that happens.

3) I have a cousin born on the 4th of July, one on same day as me and one on the 10th so we are all like three days apart. But we were born in different years so its probably not all that strange.

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