MacGyver Imagines

By jordan_nachol

114K 1.9K 213

"A good relationship is a lot like a car, it'll work if you put some effort into it." -Angus MacGyver A compi... More

Wilt Bozer "Failed Dates and Mad Cashiers"
Jack Dalton "Happy Birthday!"
Cast "Assassin" Part 1
Cast "Assassin" Part 2
Cast "Assassin" Part 3
Director Matty Webber "New Friends"
Riley Davis & Jack Dalton "Long Time No See" Part 1
Riley Davis & Jack Dalton "Long Time no See" Part 2
Riley Davis and Angus MacGyver "Sisters"
Angus MacGyver- "Lunch Dates and Cheating Boyfriends"
Angus Macgyver and Wilt Bozer "Just Like High School" Part 2
Angus MacGyver "Movie Dates"
Cast- "Partners In Crime" Description (Coming Soon)
Cast "Lost and Found"
Cast- "Partner's In Crime" Part 1
Cast- "Partners in Crime" Part 2
Cast- "Partners in Crime" Part 3
Angus MacGyver- "Revenge Plan"
Wilt Bozer- "It's Not Worth It"
Riley Davis "Murdoc's Partner in Crime" Part 1
Riley Davis "Murdoc's Partner in Crime" Part 2
Riley Davis "Murdoc's Partner in Crime" Part 3
Riley Davis & Jack Dalton "Murdoc's Partner in Crime" Part 4
Riley Davis & Jack Dalton "Murdoc's Partner in Crime" Part 5
Cast- "Short Imagines"
Angus MacGyver "I'm Always Here for You"
Cast- "The New Job" Part 1
Cast "The New Job" Part 2
Cast "The New Job" Part 3
Cast "The New Job" Part 4
Angus MacGyver- "All in The Christmas Spirit"
Cast- "Black Widow" Part 2
Angus MacGyver- "Secrets" Part 2
Wilt Bozer- "It's good to be home"
Cast- "Forensic Scientist"
Angus MacGyver - "You're Alive!"
Real Life Cast- Theatre Kids
Angus MacGyver- Resurfaced Memories
Cast - "Short Imagines"
Murdoc- Puddin'
Jack Dalton- "Imaginary Friends"
Jack Dalton- "Unscathed?"
Wilt Bozer- "Home"
Cast- "Welcome to The Team"
Angus MacGyver- "What have I done?"
Jack Dalton- "Cairo Days"
Angus MacGyver- "Secrets"
Cast- "Black Widow"
Angus MacGyver- "Saved"
Angus MacGyver- "A Baby On The Way" Part 1
Angus MacGyver- "A Baby On The Way" Part 2

Angus MacGyver and Wilt Bozer "Just Like High School" Part 1

4.7K 62 6
By jordan_nachol

Why does highschool suck so much? Why does my science teacher suck so much is the even bigger question. 

I'm currently sitting in another science lecture. The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection written by Charles Darwin. My teacher Mrs. O was trying to ask simple questions to get the class to do something. I wonder why everyone is bored out of their minds.

It's currently an unwritten battle between a guy in my class named Angus MacGyver and I as to who can answer more questions.

"Does anyone know where Darwin was when he first came up with the concept?"

Both of our hands shot up in the air.

"Y/N." She calls my name, as her voice rings through the room.

I put my hand down and answer the question, "Well it's complicated, he had gotten the samples from the Galapagos Islands aboard the HSS Beagle, but he never actually came up with the concept until he was back on American soil when he was at his house, studying his findings." I smile. I look over at Angus and smirk, he gives me a kind of death stare and his friend, Wilt Bozer, starts to laugh.

"That is correct, now, what was he looking at when he first came up with the concept?"

Again, both of our hands shot up in the air, both eager to answer the question.

"Really, only Y/N and Angus are willing to answer the question? Anybody else?" She asks.

When everybody else looks at their textbooks or looks through the bags, trying to cover up the fact that they don't want to answer and try to make it seem like they don't know the answer and are trying to find it, she again sighs and calls my name again.

"Charles Darwin was studying finches he found across the seven islands that make up the Galapagos. He was looking at the individual beaks of each finch when he discovered that the finches from each island had a different beak shape. He wondered why different finches, from different islands, had different beak shapes. At the time, it was strongly believed that God had made everything to walk earth, and that everything was perfect. So this discovery was very dangerous so he had to keep it to himself."

"Very good, Y/N!" Mrs. O smiles.

I look at the two desks next to me. Side by side is a very angry Angus and a very happy Wilt.

Just then the bell rings, cuing the end of the school day. Everyone gets up and walks out. All except Angus and I. I overheard Wilt telling Angus that he had stuff to do after school and couldn't stay.

"So you guys are staying again after school today, too?" Mrs. O questions.

"Yeah my parents aren't going to be home until later, so they won't care." Angus says.

"And you?" She asks, looking at me.

I look up from what I was doing, "What, oh, my dad won't be home until later and my mom could care less, as long as I'm out of her hair."

"Okay, don't stay too long, you two. Big day tomorrow, we're starting a new project!" She happily says, grabbing her stuff and walking out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"I'm sorry." I blurt out, taking all the homework out of my bag and plopping it on the lab table in front of me.

"Why are you apologizing?" Angus asks, grabbing his stuff and sitting in the only seat next to me.

"I answered all the questions, I should have let you answer some of those." I whisper grabbing my pencil and starting my work.

"You don't have to apologize, that was impressive." He smiles, taking out his work.

"How was that impressive? I answered a couple questions." I say, shaking my head and looking up and Angus.

"Why do you doubt yourself so much?"

"Why are you asking so many questions." I chuckle.

"Ugh, just please answer that last one and I'll stop." He sighs.

"My dad is rarely ever home because of work but when he is home he's abusive, my mom isn't any better. Because they're my own parents and I have been pressured into thinking that they're always right, when they tells me I'm stupid and ugly, I believe them, although I know they're not entirely right." I confess, looking down at my lap.

"Y/N, you're one of the smartest, and prettiest girls I know. You shouldn't listen to them because they're wrong." He says.

"Thanks Angus." I smile, looking up at him.

"Please, Mac, call me Mac."

"Alright, Mac, we should probably start our homework, the school is only open so long." I smile.

We work on our homework and talk about everything. I haven't talked to him much and I'm now asking myself why.

We both finish our homework at the same time and pack up. I get up to leave when Mac grabs my wrist.

"No stay with me please, get away from your parents for awhile." He pleads.

"I've been away from here for almost two hours, I think I'll be fine." I say.

"Stay with me for a little longer, please." He whispers.

"Fine, it won't hurt I guess," I say, "Can I at least go put some stuff in my locker?"

"Yeah, because I have to put some stuff in my locker." He says.

We both walk out of the room and walk to his locker, which is half way to mine, only to find Wilt Bozer wondering through the halls, alone.

"Dude, what are you doing here?" Mac asks in shock.

"Wanted to make sure that you both had your virginity." Wilt chuckles.

"I hate you." I whisper.

"Love you too." Wilt says, sarcastically furrowing his brows.

We both chuckle when he says, "Y/N isn't it?" I knod as he adds, "Wilt Bozer, but call me Bozer."

"What is it with you two and going by your last names?"

"I don't know actually." Mac says.

"I do. How attractive is Wilt?" Bozer says, saying his first name in a stressed voice.

We all laugh, "I'm going to go to my locker," I say walking off.

"I'm going too." Mac says, walking away with me.

"Same here." Bozer screams, running after us.

I walk up to my locker and put in the combination. When the lock clicks I grab the handle and pull it open.

I put two binders in my locker and close it shut.

As we were walking to the front of the school, Bozer had convinced Mac to finally leave and let me go home, to which I told him was fine.

"What do you think the project will be?" Mac asks.

"What project?" Bozer asks.

"Before she left, Mrs. O told us that we were starting a project tomorrow." Mac informs.

"I think it's going to be on The Theory of Evolution." I say.

"Yeah that would be a good guess."

"I mean we talked about it in class today, so why make she make us do a project on a subject we haven't talked about?" I respond.

We make it to the front of the school and say our goodbyes. I walk back to my house and unlock the door. I open the door and am met with my mother.

"Where were you?" She spats.

"I stayed after school to work on homework." I say.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She raises her voice.

"I thought you wouldn't care." I say dropping my bag at the doorway, where I normally put it.

Without saying a word, she slaps me across the face. She looks at me as I rub my cheek.

"I haven't had dinner, I'm hungry. Now stop your whining and go make dinner." She raises her voice, nearly screaming in my face.

I run into the kitchen and make food. I grab my mother a plate and bring it to the living room where I know she is.  I find her laying on the couch, under a blanket, watching TV.

I put up a foldable table in front of her and put her plate on in. I put the glass of iced tea sitting on the end table on the foldable table next to her pasta.

I run back in the kitchen and grab myself a plate. I sit at the dining room table and eat my food. I'm lost in my thoughts when my phone buzzes.

I pick up my phone and see what came up. I see a text from Mac.

Mac- How is your mother? Everything going okay?

I love how caring he is.

Y/N- It's okay. I have a red handprint on my left cheek now and my mother was complaining when I got home because I wasn't here in time to make her food.

Mac- That's too bad. I wish I could do something. Wait, why don't you like call the cops????

Y/N- Not going to happen, I would love to consult the cops. My mom told me three years ago that if I would tell ANYBODY what my parents did to me, they'd kill me.

Mac- I'll call them then, what's your address? I'll call and then I'll be there.

Y/N- Don't please.

Mac- Y/N, this needs to end. I don't want to see you like this any more.

Y/N- We just formally met today. Why are you so worried about me.

Mac- I just am, Please. Let me do this one thing for you.

Y/N- Fine. 22 Sycamore Road

Mac- Be there in 5

I look down at my arms, the scars seem even more noticeable today, the ones on my shoulders and stomach are bright red, and I can feel the one on my back throbbing.

I get up out of my seat and put everything in the sink. I walk into the living room, do the same thing to my mom's stuff, and put away the table. I walk back into the foyer on the way to the living room.

My mom meets me half way and I notice the knife in her hand. She pins me up against a wall, when I hear someone walking up the walk way. Mac. He knocks the door just as she stabs the knife into my chest, right above my heart. I wince in pain as she takes the knife out and stabs me in my stomach. I hear a car door and a knock at the door soon after, just as she sticks the knife in my shoulder and drags it down my arm. The door swings open and three police officers run into the room and pull my mother off of me. I hear a guy yell my name and run into the room as I sink to the ground. I sit there in a pool of my own blood. Mac runs up to me, his blonde hair falling in his face as he leans over and whispers my name.

He's pulled away from me by an officer. The officer inspects me and asks me if I'm okay, just as everything goes black.

A week later...

I awake to hear people talking.

"Is she okay?" A familiar voice asks.

I keep my eyes closed and listen to the conversation, trying not to give myself away.

"She is fine, other than some wounds and the newest one on her left arm." another voice responds.

"How much damage will the new one cost her, are there any health risks of it." Another offly familiar voice asks.

"No just a lot of blood. The wound caused her a significant amount of blood loss, which is why she passed out. " The other voice responds.

"What will happen to her mother."

"I am not sure of that, however. I'll give you two some time, and thank you for standing up and calling the authorities." He says.

I hear a door slam shut and footsteps getting closer to me.

"Unfortunately it's a school night."  The second voice sighs.

"That's your concern! Bozer, Y/N almost died, and you're worried about school!" The first voice starts to raise his voice.

"Fair enough. I think we should let Y/N go, A watched pot never boils, am I right, Mac."

Wait they stayed, Mac and Bozer are here, why though.

Just as they begin to turn and leave I open my eyes.

"She's awake! Look Mac she's awake!" Bozer cheerfully screams.

"Wait what happened?" I whisper.

"You blacked out because you had lost too much blood." Bozer says.

I look at my arm and see a red scab type thing from my shoulder blade to my elbow.

"The school wants to talk to you, see how you're doing. The principal wants to have an assembly for the whole school. It will be over skype, but only if you're up for it."

"When is this?" I ask.

"Tomorrow morning." Mac says.

"Well I have to go, see you guys soon." Bozer says, kissing my cheek and leaving Mac and I by ourselves.

"I never thought I would be doing this at the end of Junior year." I blurt out.

"I never thought we would be friends, I thought it would just be science competitions between two people that never talked."

"And I guess I'll do it." I say referring to the assembly thing.

"I guess I have to tell Bozer then, because he'll be there to tell them tomorrow morning, I won't."

"Why won't you be in school tomorrow?" I ask.

"I'm going to be here with you, take some of the pressure off your shoulders."

"Aww that's sweet but you don't have to Mac." I say, looking up at him.

"I will though." He smiles.

The rest of the day Mac and I caught up on homework because he stayed here with me.

The assembly went well, a lot of questions as to what happened and where she was.

After the call ended Mac and I talked a little.

"Where are you going over the summer?"

"I don't know, unless they haven't gotten my dad yet."

At that moment two police officers walk into the room.

"Oh, you're still here, I thought you would be gone young man." One says gesturing to Mac.

"No, I wanted to stay when she woke up, I'm guessing you want me out of the room, if you're going to question her." He says.

"Yes please." The second officer says.

Mac grabs his stuff and walk out.

They ask me what happened and additional questions.

I tell them about my dad and what happened.

That was the last time I saw or heard from Angus MacGyver and Wilt Bozer, until after college when I got a job working at Phoenix.


I have realized that a lot of the multiple part ones end in cliff hangers, really sorry about that. I'm really bad at writing Author's Notes, too. Thank you all for 300 reads, I didn't think it would happen this fast. Anyway, this is only two parts, so the final part will be up next week, I'll see you all then, bye.


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