The Slytherin Princess [Book...

By cat_loves_music

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A little 11 year old girl was extremely shy and didn't fit in. When the Sorting Hat tried to place her, it di... More

Chapter 1: Train Ride
Chapter 2: Sorting
Chapter 3: Sleepless
Chapter 4: Lessons
Chapter 5: Detention
Chapter 6: Quidditch Match
Chapter 7: Halloween
Chapter 8: Malfoy Manor
Chapter 9: Christmas
Chapter 10: Suspicions
Chapter 11: Flourish and Blotts
Chapter 12: DADA Class
Chapter 13: Transfiguration
Chapter 14: Practice
Chapter 15: Dueling
Chapter 16: Pesky Pixies
Chapter 18: Polyjuice
Chapter 19: Summer
Chapter 20: Frost
Chapter 21: Care of Magical Creatures
Chapter 22: Confessions
Chapter 23: Boggarts
Chapter 24: Hogsmeade
Chapter 25: Merry Christmas
Chapter 26: The Performance
Chapter 27: The Fight
Chapter 28: Valentine's Day
Chapter 29: Year 4
Chapter 30: Triwizard Tournament
Chapter 31: Triwizard Champions
Chapter 32: Professor Moody
Chapter 33: Ferret
Chapter 34: Dance Practice
Chapter 35: The Yule Ball
Chapter 36: The Black Lake
Chapter 37: The Maze
Chapter 38: Quick Escape
Chapter 39: Umbridge
Chapter 40: Back Talking
Chapter 41: Busted With a Hint of Realization
Chapter 42: Secrets
Chapter 43: Worried
Chapter 44: The Date
Chapter 45: Father
Chapter 46: Captured
Chapter 47: Last Day of Summer
Chapter 48: Year 6
Chapter 49: Potions
Chapter 50: Astronomy Tower
Chapter 51: Down
Chapter 52: Party
Chapter 53: Sectumsempra
Chapter 54: Dumbledore
The End
Thank You!

Chapter 17: The Match

2K 55 28
By cat_loves_music

Draco's POV
I stood nervously outside of the changing rooms, waiting for YN.

"Are you waiting for that Blood Traitor?" Marcus asked.

I glared at him, but he already had a scared expression on his face. I turned around to see YN speed walking towards us.

"Draco I'm so sorry that I'm late, it's just that I lost track of-" I cut her off.

"No need to apologize, I knew you'd come anyway." I said hugging her.

She hugged back. "Thanks. Good luck." YN said.

"Thank you. And would you come to the hospital if I get hurt?" I teased.

She playfully hit my arm, "You won't get hurt. Probably."

"Wow, you are really good at reassuring." I said.

She rolled her eyes playfully and hugged me again.

"You know Marcus called you a Blood Traitor behind your back." I informed.

"He's a git. You know, he just said it behind my back because he's afraid to say it straight to my face. He just doesn't want to get on my bad side again, or else he'll be vomiting slugs again." She said.

"True. See you later (nickname)!" I said.

"See ya later. Good luck!" She replied.

Your POV
I walked to the stands, ending up sitting in between Crabbe and Goyle.

"Hey Crabbe, Goyle." I greeted.

"Hey YN." They said in unison not bothering to look up from the field.

"Come on guys you don't need to be afraid of me. Just don't make me mad." I chuckled.

"Sorry YN. It's just you made the whole House afraid of you. You even have a nickname for everyone." Goyle informed.

"Oh really, and what would that be?" I asked.

"The Slytherin Princess. No one even dares to cross you." Crabbe said.

"And Draco is the Slytherin Prince." Goyle continued.

"Well it's nice to have a title, but I'm not a princess." I said.

"It's just a title. What's the harm in it?" Goyle asked.

"Nothing, it's just that I'm just a girl trying to prevent anyone harming her, physically or emotionally. I didn't actually think that anyone would be scared of me because of it." I answered.

Then the game started.

I cheered on Draco for what seemed like hours which only was minutes. Harry and Draco seemed to get into a race for the Snitch. They went pretty fast, fast enough for me to fall off, and soon Draco dived.

He flipped, rolled, and finally landed. But the painful thing was, he landed in the splits.

"Ouch... That has to hurt." Crabbe, Goyle, and I said in unison.

I giggled at how we did it at the same time. I suddenly noticed that Harry had broken his wrist and... Professor Lockhart tried to mend it. TRIED is the key word here.

"I am so sorry for that Harry." I muttered.

I rushed to the Hospital Wing to see Draco. As I entered I saw that Pansy was already there.

She turned around to see who came in, and when she saw that it was me she asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I happen to be his friend." I replied.

"If you were his friend you should have been here first. Looks like I am a better friend." She snapped at me.

"Girls quit." Draco commanded.

I went to the other side of him saying, "I am so sorry that happened to you."

"It wasn't your fault." Draco replied.

"Could you please go Pansy, I want to be alone with my best friend." Draco requested.

She looked hurt, but did as he said.
After the door closed, it reopened. Revealing Harry being brought in.

"Oh quit making a fuss, Draco you can go." Madam Pomfrey said.

"Ouch." Draco said sitting up.

"Here let me help you get up." I said.

"Thanks YN. I don't know what I'd do without you." Draco smiled.

"What are friends for?" I replied.

Draco got up and I helped him to the common room.
He sat down, now changed into his school robes. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Draco," I said.

"Yeah YN." He replied.

"Did you know people call me the Slytherin Princess and you the Slytherin Prince?" I asked.

"No I did not." Draco said fake surprised.

I hit him playfully on his arm.

"So what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" I asked.

"Spend time with you duh!" Draco said grinning.

I chuckled.

"And I with you."

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