The Slytherin Princess [Book...

By cat_loves_music

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A little 11 year old girl was extremely shy and didn't fit in. When the Sorting Hat tried to place her, it di... More

Chapter 1: Train Ride
Chapter 2: Sorting
Chapter 3: Sleepless
Chapter 4: Lessons
Chapter 5: Detention
Chapter 6: Quidditch Match
Chapter 7: Halloween
Chapter 8: Malfoy Manor
Chapter 9: Christmas
Chapter 10: Suspicions
Chapter 11: Flourish and Blotts
Chapter 12: DADA Class
Chapter 13: Transfiguration
Chapter 15: Dueling
Chapter 16: Pesky Pixies
Chapter 17: The Match
Chapter 18: Polyjuice
Chapter 19: Summer
Chapter 20: Frost
Chapter 21: Care of Magical Creatures
Chapter 22: Confessions
Chapter 23: Boggarts
Chapter 24: Hogsmeade
Chapter 25: Merry Christmas
Chapter 26: The Performance
Chapter 27: The Fight
Chapter 28: Valentine's Day
Chapter 29: Year 4
Chapter 30: Triwizard Tournament
Chapter 31: Triwizard Champions
Chapter 32: Professor Moody
Chapter 33: Ferret
Chapter 34: Dance Practice
Chapter 35: The Yule Ball
Chapter 36: The Black Lake
Chapter 37: The Maze
Chapter 38: Quick Escape
Chapter 39: Umbridge
Chapter 40: Back Talking
Chapter 41: Busted With a Hint of Realization
Chapter 42: Secrets
Chapter 43: Worried
Chapter 44: The Date
Chapter 45: Father
Chapter 46: Captured
Chapter 47: Last Day of Summer
Chapter 48: Year 6
Chapter 49: Potions
Chapter 50: Astronomy Tower
Chapter 51: Down
Chapter 52: Party
Chapter 53: Sectumsempra
Chapter 54: Dumbledore
The End
Thank You!

Chapter 14: Practice

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By cat_loves_music

  Draco's POV
I rushed into the Great Hall, needing to find YN. I looked around frantically, my green and silver Quidditch robes following my every move.

I suddenly spotted her eating at the Slytherin table. I gave a sigh of relief then rushed towards her.

"YN!" I called.

She looked over at me, smiled, and waved.

I smiled brightly as arrived.

"Hey YN. You ready to watch practice?" I asked.

She looked at me up and down then smirked, "You look like a prince in those robes Draco. Are you sure you're not going to dinner with the queen?"

I smiled shaking my head, trying to keep myself from bursting into laughter. "Why are you so silly YN?"

"Well first of all you can thank my parents for that. Second of all, you love me no matter if I'm silly or not!" YN replied.

You have no idea... Wait what?!

"Yes I'm ready to watch you practice." She continued.

"Well let's go!" I said grabbing her hand with my free one.

"By the way I like your broom." YN complimented.

"Thanks. Father gave them to the Slytherin team." I replied.

"So how did you get on the team?" She asked.

Bloody hell...

"Um... How everyone does. You try out." I answered.

"That was a stupid question. And everyone calls me smart." YN said.

I looked at her. "Everyone calls you smart because you are. Actually you are bloody brilliant!"

She blushed, "Thanks."

"No problem." I said.

We caught up with the team and we walked to the Quidditch pitch. But on our way, the Gryffindor team ran into us.

"What are you guys doing?" Oliver Wood asked.

"Don't worry we have permission." Marcus Flint said giving the Gryffindor Captain the permission slip.

Oliver read it and asked, "You have a new Seeker?"

They cleared a path for me and I walked to the front of the group.

"Malfoy?" Potter asked.

I sneered. "That's right, Potter." I said.

"Where did you guys get those brooms?" Oliver asked.

"A gift from Draco's Father." Marcus replied and the team showed them off.

  Your POV
I noticed that Hermione and Ron were walking over to us.

"Hi, Hermione! Hi, Ron!" I greeted.
The Slytherin team turned to me.

"Draco, is this your friend?" Marcus asked.

"Um... Yeah." Draco said.

"You're friends with a Blood Traitor?!" Marcus asked.

"Don't call her that!" Draco warned, "Remember the Hat said that she is all four of the Houses. Including Hufflepuff."

"What's a blood traitor?" I asked.

Draco walked over to me. "A blood traitor is someone with pure blood that thinks people with Muggle Blood are equal to us." He answered.

"What's the matter with thinking that people are equal?" I asked glaring at Marcus.

"Bloody hell, Marcus run." Draco warned.

My blood was boiling. I just think that what Slytherins think about equality. That people with pure blood can't be friends with half bloods or Muggle borns.

"I don't understand it. What you think." I said directing my words to the Slytherins.

"Guys I suggest you run before she starts to bark at you." Draco warned.

I took a deep breath, "It's fine Draco, they'll get what's coming to them soon." I said.

Draco looked surprised. "Are you okay YN?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just know when to stand down." I said glaring at the Slytherin team.

"Looks like you don't know when to fight back!" Marcus said.

Thoughts ran through my mind. Thinking about if I should start chasing them with spells or standing down.

"YN relax." Draco told me.

I took many deep breaths before I heard the team laughing.

"That's it." I said raising my wand.

"YN don't do anything you'll regret." Draco said.

I pointed my wand at Marcus.

"Slugulus Erecto!" I said.

I turned away. "See you later Draco."

And I walked away while Marcus was vomiting slugs. The good thing is that the spell lasts for 10 minutes.
  Common Room
"Aren't you worried you'll get in trouble?" Draco asked as we entered the common room.

"No cause he can't prove it." I said.

"Well yeah he can." Draco replied.

I noticed that Marcus and the others if the Quidditch team enter as we sat down on the couch.

"Well I doubt he would want to pick another fight with me." I said pointing at the Quidditch team that was passing by.

"You got'em good." Draco stated in awe.

"Yep!" I said doing my homework.

"Do you think you could help me with this?" Draco asked.

"Sure let's go to the library and after we could go get dinner." I said grabbing my things.

"Alright, I'm coming!" Draco said grabbing his things catching up with me.

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