Perfect ||G.D

By dolanstish

1.7M 29.2K 35.4K

Sequel to Cherish~ Five years later and their worlds collide again. Will they fix the broken pieces or be don... More

n i n e
question :)
lets talk
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
lets talk real quick
Hayden And Emercyn
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
Important talk please read
thirty eight
thirty nine
Bonus Chapter


39.1K 645 331
By dolanstish

I walk down the stairs in a baggy white t shirt and a pair of shorts, ready to just chill before the girls and I go and get our nails done. I search through the fridge for anything I can get my hands on but frankly since being here, we have yet to buy much. Just the essentials which in Alek's mind, is cereal.

My eyes catch the clock reading 10:45. I may or may not be the only one awake but I'm really too lazy to check. I grab the milk, a bowl, a spoon, and of course cereal before making my way to the table to eat.

As I go to take a bite I get an in coming call from my sister. I quickly answer the phone to hear her panicking.

"Hayden!" She screams and I can't tell if she is yelling at me or her now, husband.

"Riley, are you okay? What's going on?" I ask, debating whether or not to shove another spoonful of cereal into my mouth.

"Uhm- hold on. Just put it in the car, dammit!" Her voice rings through as she harshly demands Hayden what to do. I giggle to myself and take another bite.

"Still there?" She asks and I hum in response. "Good. I'm in labor and can't get ahold of mom or dad." I feel my eyes budge out of my head and I spit my foot out.

"You're what? You're not due for another two weeks!"

"These things happen! I know you're out of state so theres not much you can do but please try and get ahold of our parents!" Her voice is shaky before I hear the line end. I have suddenly lost my appetite as I ring my mom, dumping the rest down the sing since I spit out my food in it.

I call her about three times before trying my dad and still no answer. What the heck? As I try and call my mom dad again I hear the front door open and laughter. I turn around and see Eric, Alek, Mason, and the twins walk in.

They all stop laughing when they see me and I'm sure because of the expression on my face. Eric moves forward, coming towards me with a concerned face but I just give him a weak smile.

"Hayden, everything alright?" Alek asks and I shake my head no before looking at my phone again.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Mason was the next to asks. I run my hands through my hair getting frustrated that my parents are no answering my calls. Riley needs them and they aren't being heard from.

"My sister is in early labor and my parents are answering our calls. Not my mom or dad and theres no way they could have over slept. I mean oh god what if something happened to them or what if-" I begin to panic before I feel a pair of arms wrap around me, cooing at me that they are sure everything is fine.

I meet eyes with Grayson's before I see him calling someone. I feel like my heart is going to jolt out of my chest because my parents usually always pick up.

"H, listen to me." I hear Ethan's voice as he comes into view. "Let me call your aunt and uncle. Emercyn told me they are in Oklahoma visiting and maybe they know what is going on." He says and I nod my head before turning to who I assume in Eric, as he holds me.

I give him a hug before pulling away when I see Avery and Olivia walk into the room, rubbing their eyes tiredly. They ask whats going on and Mason fills them in. I have to remind myself that I states away and there isn't much I can do.

I dial Riley's number back.

"Ri?" I say into phone. I can hear her groaning from the contractions and a shaky yes.

"Do you want me to fly home? Have you heard from them?" I question.

"No. No, don't fly home. Enjoy your time- AHHHHH. Fuck you for doing this to me." I hear her groan and moan at I assume is Hayden. I silently laugh to myself. "But yes I have got ahold of them. Apparently they were having breakfast with Aunt Macy and Uncle Mark." She says.

"Okay. Well, keep me posted. I love you." I end the call and let everyone know everything is okay. Now I feel like a dramatic cry baby who over thinks everything. I just fear the worse and the worse is always the first thing that comes to mind. I can't help it.

I go ahead and run up to my room to take a shower, too cool down really. This is the second time Riley has thought she was in labor but I have a feeling this time she really is and that's what stressed me out. After a relaxing shower, I get out and dry off before wrapping the towel around my body. I put on a pair of high waisted jean shorts and a cropped vintage rolling stones t shirt.

I blow dry my hair and leave my face natural before putting on a pair of chelsea booties and calling it a day. I walk back down stairs to now seeing Emercyn here. Why are they all here hanging out all of a sudden.

When she see's me she gives me a smile and of course I return one. After talking to the three of them, I'm cool with them now. Things are just a little awkward as we try to make things a little bit how they were before. When I see Eric, I pull him aside from talking to Ethan.

"What's up?" He asks.

"Why are they all... here?" I give a questioning look. Eric laughs for a minute before wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"You girls are about to go get your nails down while us guys go play some golf." He tells me.

"Golf? Why not something cooler?" I ask, scrunching my nose which for some reason makes him laugh. What is he doing?

I pull away from his arm being around me and walk over to Avery. She is play arguing with Mason as always and here and there kissing him. I sit on the coffee table in front of them and put my hands on their faces, separating them from each other.

I give them a sweet sweet smile as they scold me. When I finally have their attention, I take my hands off their faces and pull away. Not only do I have their attention, but everyone else's too.

"So when are we going to get our nails done because I'm starving and we all know how I get when I'm hungry." I say. Avery turns to Mason, laughs, and turns towards me.

"Sometimes I feel like your mother you know that?" She asks, laughing before standing up.

"Someone has to provide me food!" I tease, shrugging my shoulders.

"It's always been that way with her." Emercyn laughs. I give her a smile, remembering how I use to make her make me eggs all the time.

Avery goes upstairs to get her purse and what not. I follow shortly behind needing to grab mine as well. I guess I hadn't noticed anyone had left the room because as I was about to walk into my room, Grayson comes out of the bathroom upstairs completely scaring the heck out of me.

I hold my chest in shock which only made him laugh before apologizing more time than I can count on my hand. He then precedes to tell me he used this one because Mason was using the downstairs one. I can only pray who ever goes in their prepares for the bomb they have walked in.

I excuse myself into me room and grab my purse before walking back downstairs. Emercyn twirls her car keys in hand as she patiently waits for us.

"Ready?" She asks. All three of us nod our heads before we say goodbye to the boys. Ethan kisses Emercyn for way too long so Avery and Olivia practically drag her away after they say goodbye to their own boyfriends.

I just wave to everyone before shutting the door behind me on my way out. We walk to the car and it's a really nice Mercedes sedan. Im not quite sure what type but I'll be sure to ask.

Avery insist on me sitting upfront with my cousin so I don't argue. I slide in and the car immediately smells of leather and the new car sent. It has to be fairly new.

"Nice car!" Olivia smiles.

"Thank you. Ethan bought for me for Christmas. I begged him not too but he wouldn't talk to me till I took accepted it." Emercyn shrugs her shoulders.

"Lucky." I hear Avery whisper.

The whole way to the nail salon Avery and Olivia question Emercyn about Ethan. Asking how they met and what not. Emercyn then tell the entire story on how they met and became to be a couple. She even included me and Grayson in the store which made my heart ache.

The rest of the ride was blank to me as I ignored the story that has replayed in my mind too many times. I didn't want to feel so weak when we are suppose to be having fun.

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