Perfect ||G.D

By dolanstish

1.7M 29.2K 35.4K

Sequel to Cherish~ Five years later and their worlds collide again. Will they fix the broken pieces or be don... More

n i n e
question :)
lets talk
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
lets talk real quick
Hayden And Emercyn
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
Important talk please read
thirty eight
thirty nine
Bonus Chapter


42.6K 679 994
By dolanstish

It took me a minute to regain myself after the incident that happened on my birthday. Well... two days to be exact. I spent those two days walking around the condo neighborhood or just following Avery and Olivia around The Grove.

I sit at the counter eating a bowl of fruity pebbles while Alek, Mason, and Eric argue with Avery and Mason on what we are doing today. Avery turns to me for help but I just shrug my shoulders an turn around. I could careless, I just want out of this condo for the day.

"How about we go eat and then decide?" Erica suggest. I turn in my seat and hold up my bowl.

"Couldn't you have told me that before I poured the milk?" I ask him, groaning as I set it back on the counter.

"Sorry." He laughs.

"Good idea, Eric. I hear guys have this thing called Hangry thats very similar to girls having PMS. Hangry is where a man is so hungry that they grow angry and can't exactly think straight until they get food." Olivia says, grabbing her purse off of the sofa and resting it in the crook of her arm and shifting her body weight onto her left side. "Maybe you'll be more reasonable after you guys eat." She adds, smiling.

I put my bowl in the sink and rinse it out before telling them to wait up. I run upstairs to pull on my good ole handy dandy black and white high tops. I grab my phone off the charger and my purse before catching up with them and getting into the car.

Mason wanted to drive and it will be his first time driving in LA traffic. I'd be lying if I said he was a good driver.... he's definitely not. Being worried is an understatement.

"I SEE YOU DRIVING 'ROUND TOWN WITH THE GIRL I LOVE AND I'M LIKE F-" Mason begins to sing and starts to do hand motions before we yell at him to pay attention.
I beg Avery to turn off the music no matter how much I need it to calm my nerves due to his driving,
but we can't risk him getting distracted.

"You guys just don't know how to have fun." He pouts.

"Correction: we just don't want to die." Alek tells him. Mason flips him off and I snort before falling back into my seat.


"Urth?" I ask as we walk up to the cafe.

"Yeah. I've heard so many good things about it." Olivia smiles as she links one of her arms with mine.

"Yeah." I laugh as we walk up. We stand in line due to it being pretty busy.

I tell Olivia and Avery to order me so I can go find us a place to sit. Eric decides to come along with me which I don't mind at all.

"What about this table?" He asks, pointing to a round table outside of the café. I nod my head and we sit down next to each other so the couples can sit next to each other as well.

Eric sits on his phone while I just kind of sit there staring at
my fingers. It made me realize how bad I need them done so I mentally
tell myself to tell Avery and Olivia we will be doing that while we are here. I see out the corner of my eyes two girls holding their cameras up and flashing photos. I curse to myself and look around for any celebrities. When I don't see any I would know, I pray they don't know who I am.

As if on cue, they walk over to Eric and I and smile.

"Hi, uhm. Hayden right?" One asks. I nod my head before I hear Eric cough. He's definitely confused on how they know my name.

"Oh my god really?! Well my name is Alice and this is Emily. We are really big fans of Grayson and Ethan. You're back with Grayson right?" Alice says in a happy tone. I look at Eric who holds his hand in a fist over his mouth and smiles. I can tell he's trying not to laugh.

"Uhm... no. What made you think that?" I ask.

"These pictures of you guys at a bar talking and paparazzi pictures of you guys leaving together." Emily tells me, showing my the pictures on her phone. I hold my hand over my mouth. How do they remember who I am? Stupid Hayden, you dated one of the most famous twins in the world.

"Yeah no we aren't. We ran into each other and he gave me a ride home because my friends ditched me." I say, using the last part as a lie. I didn't want them thinking I went back to his house because then I'm sure they would assume we
did things we didn't do.

"Awe we really ship #Grayden. We were hoping you guys were back on." Alice pouts. "Anyways, it was so nice to finally meet you. You are so pretty! Can we get a picture?" I'm quite stunned when she asks for a picture but I nod my head.

She hands her phone to Eric to take a picture of me with them. Around the time we finish, Avery, Olivia, Mason and Alek come up. They have big smiles on their faces and I know they are laughing at these sweet girls asking me for a picture.

"Bye girls!" I smile at them as they walk away.

"What was that?" Avery asks as she sits down.

"Fans of Grayson. They thought I was back with him and asked for a picture." I shrug, sitting back down next to Eric and now Olivia sits on my other side.

"Awe! Our baby Hayden is famous!" She jokes and I roll my eyes as I take a sip of my water.

"Please don't ever say that again." I point a harmless finger at her and shake it side to side.


"Santa Monica is so pretty!" Olivia gushes as she intertwines
her fingers with Alek's. She leans closer into him as we walk through the pier.

"We have to go on the Farris Wheel! We can get a cute picture of us kissing." Avery smirks, nudging Mason as they walk in front of Eric and I. I roll my eyes in disgust.

Eric and I leave the two happy couples be and make our way to a rollercoaster. It's been awhile since I have been on one or even at Santa Monica. If I'm correct, the last time I was anywhere near Santa Monica, Julia the red head bitch has appeared into my life and ruined it.

Memories flood like a roaring river. Thats where the many fights with Grayson had started. Up until then we were good and the only 'arguments' we had were joking ones. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him but being with him or around him is toxic.

"What are you thinking about?" Eric asks as we stand in line.

"Nothing. Do you want to go get some food instead?" I ask, raising my eyebrow and pointing to a stand.

"You just ate!" He laughs.

"Did I just eat Cotton candy? Noooo. Now come on!" I protest. I grab his soft warm hand and drag him out of the non-moving line to go get pure sugar on a stick.

After finally getting in line and arguing with Eric over who was going to pay, I finally got my blue cotton candy. I couldn't help but smile like a child. Eric gives me a funny look and I just shrug before shoving a piece in my mouth.

Eric and I walk around and find an empty bench near the farris wheel. It was perfect so we could see the others as soon as they get off. I swing my feet and continue to eat the blue sugar as Eric makes fun of me.

I'm sure many found it funny that I, a twenty one year old, is sitting here like a child in a candy store, munching on cotton candy. I can't help what I love! Plus, it's totally not my fault that I have a major sweet tooth.

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back." Eric announces, leaving me alone to mind my own business on the wooden bench. I nod my head and wave my hand as he walks away.

I stare at the sugary treat in my hand and can't help but pull out my phone. I snap a picture and post it on snapchat with a cute little pink hear emoji with the heart eye emoji. Call me basic for posting a picture with it but I don't care.

"Twenty one years old and you're still obsessed with cotton candy." I hear a girl voice coming from
my right. I look up to see Ethan and Emercyn making their way over to me.

Ethan's arm is wrap securely around her waist as they come to a stop in front of me. Emercyn had a smile on her face and of course, she looks beautiful as always. She's always been like the girl
next door... naturally perfect.

"I'm a kid at heart." I say and curse at myself for not having a rude comeback. I'm suppose to be angry with her but I guess it's the cotton candy. Who can be mad while eating cotton candy.

"Always have been. How are you, H? I didn't quite get to talk to you when I saw you last." Ethan says to me.

"I'm great actually. Better than ever. Just enjoying myself and my cotton candy in well... what was peace." I smile at him. I've always had a soft spot for him and I feel guilty because I really don't have a reason to be upset with him.

I guess I'm holding a grudge against him because he is Grayson's twin. Which I feel bad because they are not the same person even if they act alike and look alike. I guess I could say I'm mad at him for not telling me they changed numbers as well... but I bet he told Em to tell me and of course, she didn't.

"Good!" He smiles, regarding how I was just a bit rude to him.

"Yeah..." I trail off as I don't know what else to say. Eric comes back from the restroom and gives me a wary smile before looking at Ethan and Emercyn.

"H, is this your new boyfriend?" Emercyn asks. I roll my eyes.

"No." Eric and I say at the same time before laughing.

"Oh. Well, I'm Hayden's cousin Emercyn. It's so nice to meet you! This is Ethan, my boyfriend." She reaches her hand out to him and I can't believe she is still standing here when I clearly told her to leave me alone.

"Hi, I'm Eric." Eric says shyly. I mouth 'sorry' to him. He nods his head.

"GUYS YOU HAVE TO GO ON THE FARRIS WHEEL!" I hear Avery's voice making me whip around quickly. The annoyed look on my face is quickly wiped away as soon as I see my friends faces.

"It was so fun. Except for when Alek and Mason where rocking the cage which freaked the shit out of me." Olivia explains before lightly nudging her boyfriend. I give them a smile before telling them I'm glad they had fun.

"Who's this?" Mason asks.

"My uhm cousin and her boyfriend." I explain in an annoyed tone.

They all exchange names and what not and I just wish it would end. I look at Eric in a way of saying I want to leave.

"Wait... you're her ex's twin!" Avery says, pointing at me and then at Ethan.

"Yeah..." He says awkwardly, running his hands through his hair.

"I hope you're a lot nicer and more negotiable than he was." Avery rolls her eyes at the memories of her arguing with Grayson over me at the bar.

As if on cue, the familiar beautiful and perfect face that I now despise, pops up with a beautiful blonde. I feel my stomach sink and try not to stare.

"Bad timing..." Ethan whispers to Grayson except we could all hear.

"Sorry. Molly and I are ready to go." He tells Ethan. So the beautiful blonde with him is Molly. I feel like I'm going to vomit as I glance down and see them holding hands. Not even two days ago he was trying to get me to forgive him.

"Hey, why don't you all come over for a home cooked meal at our place? I'm sure you're tired of eating out and I'd love to spend some cousin time with Hayden!" Emercyn pipes in. I turn to look at her and glare at her. She just smiles at me.

I turn to my friends and shake my head at them. I mentally want to stab myself repeatedly with a knife to save myself from having to be anywhere near those three.

"No-" I get interrupted by Mason.

"For sure if you guys have alcohol and ping pong!" He laughs.

"We do! I'm sure Grayson and Ethan would love to take you up on a game of ping pong." Emercyn smiles.

"Guess we'll go pick up some beer!" Grayson laughs and looks over at Molly before meeting eyes with mine. I didn't look away, instead I stared right back. But giving him the best scold I could so he knows just how pissed off I am.

"Sweet! Be there at five and I'll have Ethan text Hayden the address." Emercyn explains.

"I picked her up from there so no need. See you guys soon!" Avery smiles, before waving as we walk towards the exit.

I follow behind the rest to keep
myself from blowing up. Maybe they can just go because I'd rather not be in the same house as my cousin and ex boyfriend. Not to mention I'm sure my ex boyfriend will have his new girlfriend with him.

I fold my arms over my chest as we reach the car and I sit in the far back, ignoring everyone.

This is going to be a disaster.

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