Never Stopped Loving You (Seq...

By MileyBuyan

781K 15.5K 4.4K

What happens after Justins mistake got Megan to leave him for good? It seems good for Megan as she starts a n... More

Never Stopped Loving You (Sequel to Fake Date)
Chapter 2: Why arent you Justin?
Chapter 3: Im His
Chapter 4: Boy was Broken
Chapter 5: Kidnapped
Chapter 6: Regrets
Chapter 7: Too Far
Chapter 8: Marriage is not my thing...
Chapter 9: Some Fun
Chapter 10: Early
Chapter 11: Not
Chapter 12: Unexpected
Chapter 13: Enemies
Chapter 14: Suddenly
Chapter 15: Green Eyes
Chapter 16: Kiss me
Chapter 17: Opening act
Chapter 18: Stolen Kiss
Chapter 19: The Call
Chapter 20: Other problems
Chapter 21: Dont..
Chapter 22: Shes Back
Chapter 23: Window
Chapter 24: Gone
Chapter 25: Cheat
Chapter 26: Letting Go
Chapter 27: Promise
Chapter 28: Reasons
Chapter 29: Valuable Trash
Chapter 30: Picture
Chapter 32: Proposal
Chapter 33: Over
Chapter 34: Listen
Chapter 35: New Year
Chapter 36: Wedding
Chapter 37: I heard
Chapter 38: Last time
Chapter 39: Arrest
Chapter 40: I didnt know...
Chapter 41: Going
Chapter 42: Dada
Chapter 43: One thing
Chapter 44: No
Chapter 45: Its alright
Chapter 46: Gone
Chapter 47: Violent Fight
Chapter 48: Talk
Chapter 49: Responsible
Chapter 50: Forgetful
Chapter 51: Tried Again
Chapter 52: Overheard
Chapter 53: His Gift
Chapter 54: Plan
Chapter 55: Ours
Next Books Plot
Third Book

Chapter 31: Truth

13.1K 251 41
By MileyBuyan

Megans POV:

Back home was amazing. I felt freshed up and feeling new. First thing I did was clean out my closet. Only to be sad once again on what I had found. 

I found the matching shirt with Justins from that day his fan spilled her drink on me. I looked at it and it brought back memories, I could imagine what we had looked like in it. I went on my phone to my secret files app and typed in Justins birthday for the passcode. Yep, it was there. All the silly, serious pictures we took in it. We were happy back then...

I didnt know what to do with the shirt, but I neatly folded it and put it on my bed to do something about it later. As I was almost done, I went into the shoes sections- again to find something that reminded me of Justin.

The black supras he got me.

They were still shiny and new because I only worn it once.I do admit that it was very comfortable even though I almost tripped over from it. I couldnt take it anymore, so I found a box  and put the shoes in on the bottom and the matching shirt on top along with a smaller box that had his jewelery given to me. I put it on the long edge of the racks in my closet, so that I try to forget about them.

After a long day of cleaning and getting everything organzied. I finally take a breath and lay down on my bed. I curled up into a ball throwing my sheets over me and getting ready to sleep. I went on my phone to see the news buzzing around- Justin Bieber. Sadly I was tagged in the news as well.

"Justin Bieber posts a picture of ex-Megan Lowe on Instagram" the title read.

Excuse me?

I went on the article and it said: " Earlier today, Justin Bieber was creeping on Instagram until he finally pulled the trigger by daring to post a red-carpet picture of Megan Lowe way-back-when. Then the singer wrote "I miss you" as the caption of the picture. Sadly the singer, shortly deleted the photo but before he did that- everyone in the world reposted it. But wait? Isnt he dating the super hot model Chantel Jeffries? What was his point of posting the picture? Who else misses JEGAN?!"

Ugh I hated the name JEGAN. It didnt sound right though. But Im really curious on why he would post the picture. I guess its sweet he did that but really? Justin? Really? All the bad thoughts about Justin came to my head. The reason why I really hated him in the first place.

The boy doesnt know what he wants! He cant make up his mind or think about one subject at all. He was selfish and cruel. Just like other players. Yea- Justins a total player. Just because he is one of the most famous people in the world.. he still wont get what he really wants. Its somehow just stuck to his personality.

I went on twitter, and tweeted things.

"Yeah right! #Sarcasm" I tweeted.

"I hated you in the first place and still do" I wrote. I thought that one was a little harsh, so I deleted it but it was too late. Everyone was retweeting what I wrote and some mentions were going off like crazy saying "Are you talking about Justin?" and stuff.

Lets just get the fact that its over. We both moved on.. especially from each other.

*3 Weeks Later* 

*Christmas Eve* 

Justins POV: 

I land on my flight back in Atlanta. I just have finished celebrating Christmas in Canada. Also I get a 3-4 day off because of the holidays. It was cold and snowing. Kenny helped me with my things and we sat in the car and headed over to Scooters place. 

Tomorrow was gonna be the big day for proposal, so everyone was gathering in Scooters place. After that day he told me he was going to propose, we secretly went ring shopping and got the perfect one. It was designed by Scooter actually. He did some stuff on his computer and bam. He got it. 

Also that day... Megan who got extremely pissed after the photo of her posted by me. She didnt contact me but sure expressed her feelings on twitter. I shook it off and went back to ignoring her... I didnt want to see her face today... Sadly she had to come too for the holiday.

I hated the fact the media make me feel bad of what I have done. They kept making up rumors saying that what kind of person I was, just because I cheated on Megan a few times. But I really wanted to show her I wasnt gonna do it anymore, only to find out she was unfaithful to me for a moment. 

I got off the car and walked over to the door.  I was surprised on who opened it. 


I havent seen her in ages even though its only been a month. She had a lot slimmer face now..She didnt say anything and just walked off while I made myself in. 

"Heyy bro! Merry Christmas" I said to Scooter while we did our little  handshake. 

I looked around the living room and saw that Courtney and her boyfriend James were here. Also Scooters brother Adam, Yael- of course. 

"Hey Scooter, where are the others? Carly? Ariana? Nathan and such?" I asked

"Justin- Its Christmas eve. They are surely celebrating with their family alright?" Scooter said giving me a chuckle.

Well just great. I was stuck here with Megan and Courtney who surely both hate me, also my family- who is gonna just make everything awkward for all of us. But at the same time I felt a little glad that Chantel wasnt with me. She was with her family actually. We spent a lot of time getting to know each other and turns out she had great feelings and a personality even though she may look like a slut to others but in my eyes she wasnt.

Scooter was talking to my parents surely to inform that I was here and asking where they are, since they were coming too. I explored around the house and went inside the game room to see James and Courtney play together and smooching. What a wonderful couple, psh!

I toured again around the house and walked out on the porch. The winter breeze filled me and chilled me too. I looked up at the gray sunless sky and saw it might snow tonight.

"And its up to you, and its up to me, while we be in the middle on our way back down to earth." I started to sing. It just came in my head. Also it was Megans favorite song of mine.

I walked back inside the room and explored the rest of the place. Even though I know where everything is but nobody lived here for a while, I went into the library room and saw Megan sit there reading Dracula. She was a definate the most beautiful bookworm girl ever. I quietly tip toed in my purple supras and sat behind the couch that she was sitting in.

"AHH" I screamed scaring her to death. She screamed on top of her lungs as I launched at her. She smacked me a couple times with her books until she finally found out it was me.

"WHAT THE FUCK JUSTIN" she said seriously. I couldnt stop laughing at her face. She starred at me in anger and danger.

"UGH! You BRAT!" she said in anger and left the room.

"Whats your prob girl?" I yelled after her shaking my head.

Was I stupid? Shes gonna hate me more. I went after her to apologize but she was already no-where to be seen.


My parents came long after. It was still Chistmas Eve. Jaxon and Jazzy were so cute together, once they got here they went searching for Megan. They loved her. I helped mom with her things as dad and Erin helped each others with theirs. Mom and dad brought presents for the people. I saw Megan and the kids play in the game room. I smiled at that moment.

I looked around to look for my mom because she suddenly disappeared. Then I finally found her in the library. She was searching for something? 

"Hey mom"  I greeted her

"Hi sweety. Hows it going?" she said knowing she was asking about my relationship.

"Its well I guess. Not sure" I admitted.

"Sweety I wanted to tell you something; I think you are putting your relationship first rather than your career. I want you to focus on your tour and career and then your relationship. I as a mother do not like Chantel that much to tell the truth. She seems like a bad example for you. I dont know why you even broke up with Megan. She was perfectly fine you know? How can you lose such a non existance person like that?" she said frowning at me.

"Wanna know the truth?" I said as if I was talking to my friend. 

"What truth?" she asked. 

"The reason I broke up with Megan was because dad told me something. That something also have to do with you and dad... and your guys.. secret thing.." I said, my voice was cracking at the last moment. 

"Justin- Let me explain-" 

"No dont worry. I know everything. Well you know on that thanksgiving day? Dad went upstairs and sorta wanted to do something with you except the person upstairs wasnt you and it was Megan. Dad didnt know that it was actually Megan because it was dark.. and he tried to kiss her..." I said sorta embarrassed of what I was going to say.

'Oh no.. Did they really..?" she said very concerned

"Megan told me- she pulled away... and What dad told me was Megan kissed him. He had me convinced, and hurt by that.. I had to get away from her"

"Awn sweety no... that cant be true. Megan is a sweet girl and too smart to do that. I know your father doesnt like Megan and he has his own reasons but I dont think what he did- really happened" she said lost in thought. 

"I dont know mom. I dont know who to believe. And yet I feel good after splitting up with Megan. I can finally think... maybe because I was too love struck with her. Like you said- career first than relationships. 

"Let me talk to Jeremy... Im sure we can figure this out. And please Justin. Chantel? Not on my watch" she said. 

I chuckled at that. Maybe being with Chantel wasnt that worth it... I was better off being alone.

Mom left the room. Im assuming she was going to talk to dad. Just then they both came in with a frowny face. 

'What?" dad said making an annoyed face. 

"What did you tell Justin? Why did you break them up JEREMY?" Mom said in her angry voice. 

"Baby, whats the matter?" he said being flirty. It was weird watching my parents like this. 

"Dont you baby me. What did you tell Justin. What lie did you make up to ruin his relationship?" Mom asked. Although she already knew, she was trying to see if he was going to tell the truth or not. 

"Nothing I told him nothing" 

"You liar. He told me everything. Now explain that" she said. Disappointed that he was lying to her. 

"You promised not to tell anyone!" dad said looking at me. I just stood there. Dad was being unfair. By that look I knew he lied about everything. 

"Okay fine. I lied about Megan. In reality, shes too much of a bitch to do that" he smirked.

"Jeremy!" Mom yelled. 

I couldnt believe he said that. "Oh yeah? If shes a bitch, what are you? Seriously dad, I do have something against you. I can make YOUR relationship go down!" I said pissed off. I bet if he wasnt my dad, we would be fighting right now. 

"Watch your language Justin" he warned me. 

"Mom" I said looking at her wit my crazy furious eyes, she knew that I was pissed off. 

"Jeremy. Whats your problem? What do you have against her? YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO INTERFERE WITH YOUR SONS LIFE LIKE THAT. AND DONT YOU DARE TOUCH  HIM" she yelled. 

I felt like hitting something. I went into a random room and hit my hand to the wall with all my strength. I didnt feel any pain... I left a dent on the wall. My knuckles were dripping blood. 

Megan suddenly came in and looked at me in shock. She looked at the dent on the wall and stare in shock.

"What the hell?" she said 

I didnt feel like talking to anyone. I pushed her to the side and left the room. Trying to be gentle around her. 

'Hey! Dont you need help with that hand?" she called after, after seeing my hand all bloody. 

I ignored her and went to the living room and sat down. No words could describe my anger right now. I didnt know what to do. It was christmas eve and it was the worst day already. I closed my eyes for a moment and when I opened them, she was standing in front of me with the first aid kid. 

"What do you want?" I said trying to ignore her.

"Ugh I hate your mood swings Justin. Your so weird" she said rolling her eyes. She sat next to me and grabbed my hand. She cleaned the blood off and put achohal on it, which burned a lot. She then wrapped my hand with the white tape ish thing and finished off. 

"Dont thank me, you asshole!" she said leaving. 

I rolled my eyes and laid back down again. What was I suppose to do?

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