
By kxkx0504

195K 6.8K 3.5K

Sakura, Hinata, Ino, and Tenten are the popular girls. They have everything: smarts, looks, and personality.T... More

Popular girls
The nerds
Nice to meet you
Why him?
The real you
Cherry blossom
Aren't you.....?
Scary movies, screaming, and....hugging?
Truth or dare part 1
Truth or dare part 2
Christmas special
Star gazzing
The Uchihas
Party time!
Worried (Part 1)
Worried (part 2)
Worried (part 3)
The plan
Getting ready
The big day
The last
Problems occour again
Authour's note (Please do not skip)
Dinner #2
Problem solved
Future time!


2.1K 89 15
By kxkx0504

—Sasuke's POV—

"Hmm..." Sasori hummed and walked up to the door. He placed it in the lock and turned it slowly. The lock made a soft "click". He opened the door slightly and I saw...Sakura.

"Sakura!" Sasori and I yelled. We both reached out to help her up. Kisame stayed back. His hands held tightly on his gun. Sakura's eyes opened slightly. She tried to speak but no sound came out. She was badly injured; a few scratches here and there, but big, deep cuts at some places too. She looked even more pale than the last time, it's as if all her life and blood got drained from her. "It'll be all right, Sak. You're gonna be safe." Sasori said softly and caressed her hair. Sakura shook her head gently and tried to speak. "You shouldn't speak. Comon' let's go" I said and helped her stand up too. Sakura's eyes were now wide open. " far can..hurry" she said with a scratchy voice. Sasori shook his head. "No Sak. We aren't leaving without you. Now, let's go. Kisame!" Sasori said. He was met with silence. Sasori turned around and froze in shock. Sakura shook her head again and kept on muttering "no" over and over. I turned around slowly, only to be met with bright, yellow, orbs. I could see the bloodlust hidden beneath it; wanting to come out and take over.

"It's such a pleasssssure to ssssssssee you, Sssssassssuke." The man hissed. "Orochimaru-sensei.." I growled and stayed beside Sakura, protecting her. The man with the orange hair was beside him on his right, looking down at us with a beaten up Kisame behind him. Orochimaru-sensei smiled. "Take him. And take the girl too. Leave the red head and the other one" He ordered. The orange man with the piercings nodded and went over to Sasori. Sasori stood up and was about to shoot him, but his gun was swatted away by the bigger man. He punched the red head, making him go a good 3 - 4 feet away. Sasori coughed up blood and looked at the man with hatred. "You betrayed us..." He said quietly. "It doesn't matter anymore, Sasori. The organization is already disabled. As I have said before, we are all free to do whatever we want. Weather it be for the bad, or for the good." The orange man replied. "But Nagato..." Sasori protested. "I am not this 'Nagato' that you speak of. I am Pein" he said. " look just like Yahiko....why?" Sasori asked as he coughed up more blood. "Hush now, little scorpion. Your time has come" Pein said and smirked. "And..." He continued. "I'll tell the weasel that you and shark face over there" he pointed to Kisame. "Had to go". He walked over to him and punched him again; this time at the guts. Sasori coughed up more and more blood then he passed out.

Pein turned around and looked at me. He walked over slowly. He smirked and I saw my worried expression from his eyes. He looked amused. "Hmm? The weasel's younger brother, huh?" He muttered to himself. I was starting to think that 'the weasel' was Itachi. "Hurry up, Pein" Orochimaru-sensei hissed. Pein nodded and with one final smirk his elbow made contact with my chest. Then it was all black.

~Sakura's POV~


Huh....? I.......?

"It'll be all right, Sak. You're gonna be safe."

Safe..? From what...?.....from who?

"You shouldn't speak. Comon' let's go"

Wait...I know this person......I remember......Sasuke..?

I saw light.

It blinded me and I suddenly felt like I was a new born baby child. Fragile and weak. I saw Sasuke's face. He looked concerned. And Sasori too. I opened my mouth to speak but like a new born baby, I couldn't talk. No words can out. I tried harder. My throat felt dry, my mind was aching, my feet and hands were numb, and my sides were burning. They both looked at me with pity.

No....don't look at me like that....

I tried to speak again. This time it worked. But I heard my voice. It was scratchy, and uneven. I told them to get away, as far as they can. They shook their head stubbornly and chuckled, as if they don't know what dangers lay ahead of them.

"No Sak. We aren't leaving without you. Now, let's go. Kisame!" Sasori ordered. I shook my head again, ignoring the pain.

They didn't listen.


"It's such a pleasssssure to ssssssssee you, Sssssassssuke."


I heard Sasuke growl. He stayed close, as if he was trying to protect me.

No! Go away! He's going to hurt you too!

But my voice wasn't heard. Instead, he stayed, frozen in shock. He watched as Sasori took the beating from Pein.


It all happened too fast. Sasori was on the floor, unconscious. Sasuke paralyzed. Pein came closer, with each step my heart pounded loud in my ears.

"Hurry up, Pein." Orochimaru-sensei hissed.

He smirked and it all went black.

I was back in the darkness.


A/N: Ahhhhh! Finally done! *stretches* welp, hope you all enjoyed it! Cya~

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