In Love with The Lunatic

By Sheila_Ospina

39.1K 541 29

When Brooklyn Skye, Seth Rollins younger sister, gets accepted into the WWE universe as the newest Diva and f... More

53 part 2
Happy Birthday


424 8 0
By Sheila_Ospina

Brooklyn's P.O.V.

*Monday Night Raw

"So I asked Stephanie if I could still wrestle even if I'm pregnant and she said I can wrestle up until the baby bump starts forming." I explained to Dean looking at him lie down on the couch.

"Whyyy?" Dean whined

"Why what?" I laughed

"Why do you have to wrestle. Why can't you just come out with me to my matches and stand there and be the hot girlfriend you are!" Dean said

"Because I still want to wrestle. Plus won't it raise curiosity to the others when I just completely STOP wrestling!" I explained sitting on his lap.

"But what if the baby gets dizzy!" Dean pouted

"Dean, the baby won't get dizzy for God's sake. PLEASE CAN I WRESTLE!" I whined like a little kid, kissing his lips.

"Alright fine, but not today because your coming out to my match against Strowman!" He announced

"Well Rest in Peace,Dean, remember we will always love you!" I rubbed my stomach looking down at it

"And I will always love you guys too. Whether I die tonight or actually live I love you two!" He smiled kissing my lips and belly. "Now go change my match is almost up!" He finished

"Oh and one more thing!" I began


"Sucks that you don't want me to have a match but too bad cause mine is one match after yours!" I ended.

"Oh God!" Dean mumbled


"And the challenger acompanied by Brooklyn Skye from Cincinnati, Ohio, weighing in at 225 pounds, DEAN AMBROSE!" Jojo announced

I was currently wearing some of my Dean Ambrose outfit that I had put together myself. (Pick above!!)

Dean held my hand tight as we walked down the ramp. I waved to some young children as Dean kept his eyes on Brawn. We never had good history with the Wyatt family. It was part of our story line to be bitter enimies.

"Good luck baby!" I whispered

"Thanks and be careful for the rest of the sheep family!" He explained. I nodded my head trying not to laugh as the match started.

*ten minutes into match

Dean had Braun in a headlock when all of a sudden the lights went out. I looked around to see only pitch black. I soon felt hands wrap around my waist and mouth. I screamed and kicked trying to break free but wasn't able to.

"BROOKLYN!" Dean yelled. I hear the crowd booing at the Wyatt's as they continued their assult. As I was being carried I soon feel to the ground with whichever person was carrying me. The lights turned on and I saw Erick Rowan next to me and Randy above me. Randy helped me up and quickly asked

"Brooklyn are you ok!" He panicked

"I'm fine, where's Dean!" I asked. Randy pointed to a corner where Dean was getting beat up by Strowman. Dolph was attacking Luke Harper and Roman was attacking Bray Wyatt. Erick was climbing to his feet until Randy started attacking him. I ran over to where Dean was and jumped on Braun.

"GET OFF HIM YOU BASTARD!" I yelled bringing him into a choke hold. As he gasped for air he backed up into the pole outside the ring. I screamed as a rush of pain went through my back. Seth came running out of back stage to help me moments later.

"Brooklyn are you OK? Are you able to walk alone?"

"My back hurts Seth!" I cried

"Dolph, Luke's down come take Brooklyn to the doctor. Take her out of here quickly!" Seth demanded

"Got it!" Dolph said picking my up bridal style. Dolph started speed walking to the ramp. I looked back over Dolph's shoulder see my friends destroying the Wyatt Family. Referees started coming out as Dolph and I walked up the ramp. They tried to separate everyone but soon failed.

"Dolph what about the others?" I asked

"They'll be fine. Now on a scale from 1 to 10, How bad does your back hury?" He asked brining me into the doctors office.

"8!" I said trying to hold back tears

"Hey doc, Brooklyn hurt her back out in the ring and she says it really hurts." Dolph explained

"OK just gently place her on the seat and you can wait outside." The doctor explained. Dolph looked over to me with a concerned look on his face. I gave him a small smile saying he could go.

"Alright Ms.Skye so I'm just going to check your back out and take a couple of x-rays." He explained

"Um there is actually a problem with that...." I interrupted

"Which is?"

"I'm pregnant so what would we do now?"

"That's no problem the test will just be operated differently!" He smiled "Every thing will be fine!"

"Great. Thanks doc for everything!"

"Anytime Brooklyn. Now let's get started."


"What did he say?" Randy asked as I entered his and Dean's locker room. Everyone including Sheila was sitting worried about what happened.

"I have a bruised back that's all!" I said smiling

"I love how you so happy when something very bad could have happened!" Sheila laughed

"I know right!" Seth agreed

"I'm fine guys no need to worry. Really!" I tried to convince.

"How are you going to win your match tonight? Your back is too sore." Randy commented

"I don't know I have to play mental games tonight that's all I know!" I confessed

"I can go out with you!" Sheila offered
"Shay, I don't think that's a good idea." Sasha spoke

"Yeah these girls are tough!" Becky finished

"I can take them on!" She said confidently

"Sheila, I'm not going to let you do that and I don't think your dad likes the idea by the look on his face." Galina

"Dad, you know I can take them. I can do it!" She pouted

"Pleaaassseeee!" I yelled childishly, helping out Sheila

"I'll let you but ONLY for this match!" Roman advised. Sheila and I screamed in joy and delight.

"We have to get her a matching ring attire!" Dean pointed

"I'm on it!" Sasha yelled, running to the designer.

"While she does THAT let's train her a little!" Dolph started

"Now kick Seth in the stomach as hard as you can!" Dean instructed

"Hey why me!" Seth spoke

"Because I said so!" Dean sassed as if he were a girl

"I hate you so much Ambrose. Your lucky my sister likes you cause I would beat you up right now!" Seth rambled

"Seth shut the hell up and let her kick you!" Randy shouted smiling

"OK 1....2....3 GO!" Once Dolph shouted Go Sheila kicked Seth as hard as she could making Seth fall to the ground holding his stomach.

"Damn she is like a fucking killing machine!" Seth grunted

"Roman you and Galina had a mini destroyer not a girl!" Becky laughed. Sasha came back with ring attire that was similar to mine but not completely.

"OK so I got the matching ring attire for Shay!" Sasha beamed

"You can all thank me later! Go change!" Sasha continued. Sheila went to the bathroom and the rest of us all started talking.

"Roman are you sure you want Shay to go out with Brooklyn?" Sasha asked

"To be honest I think she will be OK!" Seth answered rubbing his stomach

"Yeah she seems to have a powerful kick by Seth's reaction." Randy spoke

"That's because I give her pointers on self defense!" Roman spoke

"WHAT! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US! I wouldn't have to get kick so hard if we all knew!" Seth shouted in anger

"I wanted to see how much she has taken from our lessons." Roman responded

"Well she took a lot because Seth looks like he is in pain!" Dolph laughed

"Want me to punch you this time and see if my punches are good enough?" Sheila asked coming out from the bathroom with her ring attire.

"NOPE YOUR FINE!" Seth yelled.

"Seth calm down your so dramatic!" I smiled

'Brooklyn to the gorilla, Brooklyn to the gorilla'

"That's my cue. Bye guys come on Sheila!" I said

"Good luck and Sheila don't do anything crazy!" Roman yelled

"I can. I will. Believe That!" Sheila imitated

"That's my catch phrase princess. Come up with your own!" Roman spoke

"NOPE!" She giggled

"I say that not you!" Dean glared

"That's not my problem buddy boy!" Sheila laughed before exiting the room

"Good luck Brooklyn!" Everyone cheered. I quickly thanked them and ran of with Sheila to the gorilla ready for my match against Charlotte.


*5 minutes into match

Charlotte was completely in control leaving me weak in the figure 8. My back was in excruciating pain from earlier, which didn't help at all.

Sheila started clapping at ringside and so did the crowd in Ohio. This helped by bringing up my momentum to counter the figure 8. I flipped Charlotte over, got up and quickly clotheslined her, waiting patiently for her to get to her feet I ran to the ropes and kicked her into a corner. I pulled her to the middle of the ring and went for the cover.

1...2.. and kickout.

"COME ON JUST LOSE!" I yelled clearly aggravated


I kicked Charlotte to the corner and argued with the referee about the kickout. This gave Sheila time to pwerfully kick Charlotte in the ribs and act as if nothing happened. I rolled my eyes at the ref and pulled Charlotte to the middle once again and went for the pin.

1....2....3! DING!DING!DING!

"And here is your winner BROOKLYN SKYE!" The crowd cheered as the ref and Sheila raised my hands high. I turned to hug Sheila and celebrate with her.

As we walked up the ramp and turned towards the crowd with our hands raised, Dana Brookes came from behind and hit me on the head from behind.

"YEAAAAHHHH!" Dana yelled. I laid on the ramp holding my head on pain.

"OH HELL NO!" Sheila screamed. She then jumped onto Dana attacking her with punches and stomps to the guts. Security then came out to separate the two of them and check if I was ok.

"I'm alright!" I said as I came to my feet.

"Hey let go of her!" Yelled a security guard trying to pry Sheila off on Dana but failing miserably. Sheila kept punching and kick doing whatever she could to hurt Dana. Charlotte then came from behind me and dragged me by my hair back into the ring. Charlotte continued to slam my face into the turnbuckle until I heard a certain call.


And before I knew it Sheila speared and was now on top of Charlotte.


"I don't know who she is Byron but Roman Reigns must be impressed if he just saw what happened!" Cory finished. Dana then tried to make her way into the ring but I denied by baseball sliding into her face knocking her down. I launched myself off the ropes and did a suicide dive into Dana. I kept attacking Dana as Sheila worked on Charlotte.

"Brooklyn stop!" I heard a familiar voice yell. Two strong arms wrapped around me and pried me off of Dana

"Dean let me go!" I pleaded, squirming around in his grip

"Nope!" He smiled "You probably made the baby dizzy like I said earlier." Dean finished. I looked over to see Roman trying to take Sheila off of Charlotte.

"I know but I'm glad no one kicked me in the stomach!" I said turning back to look at Dean.

"Me too!" He replied

"SHEILA LET GO OF HER HAIR!" Dolph yelled. Once she let go of Charlotte's hair, Charlotte ran towards the ramp grabbing a mic for her and Dana.

"You guys are complete maniacs! Especially that girl!" Charlotte started, pointing at Sheila. "Who do you think you are?" Charlotte asked her. Dean threw Sheila a mic and she started to speak ,

"I think I'm the daughter of Roman Reigns!" She growled. Everyone in the crowd cheered very loudly once that was said. Charlotte and Dana turned around and walked away while the commentary went wild.


"Yes Byron we heard what she said but what was she doing out here with Brooklyn Skye at her match?" JBL asked

"Who knows but we might have a new women's wrestler!" Corey commented. We all walked backstage and was greeted by Stephanie.

"That's was amazing girls! Guys nice job keeping things under control out there!" Stephanie complimented.

We said our thank you's and left to catering I grabbed a plate of food and some water. I then walked over to my lovely friends.

"Sheila I thought I told you NOT to do anything crazy!" Roman said

"Well I'm not just going to stand there and let Charlotte attack Brooklyn!" She defended

"Thanks for that by the way!" I interrupted sitting next to Galina

"No problem!" She responded

"Ok but that doesn't say beat her up and drag her by the hair. You could've gotten in huge trouble with the Boss!" Galina scolded

"Sasha am I in trouble?" Sheila asked

"NOT THAT BOSS!" Roman laughed "She meant Stephanie and Triple H, Vince even!" He clarified

"Well she did tell us we did a good job so technically I'm not in trouble!" She smiled

"Well next time one kick will do the trick according to Seth!" Becky laughed

"Seth for the love of God did she really kick you that hard?" I asked, looking at the sight I knew Seth was very dramatic because he had a huge ice pack and bandage around is torso.

"She kicks hard I swear." He complained

"Lets go home we have a lot of events tomorrow!" Randy spoke standing up and grabbing his bags

"What events?" I asked clueless

"Your birthday dip dong!" Seth reminded

"Oh shit I forgot!" I mentally slapped my head

"We can tell!" Dean smiled

"Shut up Ambrose!" I giggled

"NOPE!" He shouted. We picked up our bags and left to the rental cars outside the arena. I threw my luggage on the back and hopped in the back seat with Roman since Dolph and Becky took the front. I rested my head on Romans lap.

"Roman, where did Sheila go?"

"She went home with G! Why?"

"No reason jut asking." I replied. I yawned and slowly closed my eyes.

"Goodnight baby girl!" Was the last thing I heard before sleep took over.


Thank you sooo much for 2k readers I really appreciate you guys reading my book. Much love!~Sheila💖

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