The Runaway {Narry}

By livingforthebest

1.7M 44.9K 17.5K

They started out as Best Friends and quickly drifted to strangers. Harry climbed his way up to the top of the... More

Chapter 1- Sticks and Stones
Chapter 2- Thinking About You
Chapter 3- Give Me Love
Chapter 4- Catching Feelings
Chapter 5- With Ears To See
Chapter 6- Misery Loves Company
Chapter 7- Into The Dark
Chapter 8- Goodbye
Chapter 9- Paper Airplane
Chapter 10- Wake Me Up
Chapter 11- In The Dark
Chapter 12- Mockingbird
Chapter 13- The Other Side
Chapter 14- When I Look At You
Chapter 15- Skinny Love
Chapter 16- In Case
Chapter 17- Crazy
Chapter 18- Remind Me
Chapter 19- Wrecking Ball
Chapter 20- Counting Stars
Chapter 21- Sweater Weather
Chapter 22- Dark
Chapter 23- Trapped
Chapter 24- Lullaby
Chapter 25- Bang Bang
Chapter 26- Say Something
Chapter 27- Limelight
Chapter 28- Hot For Me
Chapter 29- Make Me Your One And Only
Chapter 30- Bad Day
Chapter 31- Love Without Tragedy
Chapter 32- Boiling Point
Chapter 33- Helpless
Chapter 35- I Never Told You
Chapter 36- Love Me Again
Chapter 37- Tonight
Chapter 38- Prom
Chapter 39- Not A Bad Thing
Chapter 40- I'll Be Your Lighthouse
Chapter 41- I Am Yours
Chapter 42- A Happy Ending
Chapter 43- Safe and Sound
Chapter 44- Fast Forward
New Book - I Hate You Out Loud

Chapter 34- Twisted

26.7K 1.1K 410
By livingforthebest


"Hi Harry," Tom smiled as he wrapped his arms around me. It was Friday afternoon and school had just gotten out. We were going back for alterations on our tuxes because they couldn't get the pant length right on Tom's suit. 

"Hey," I smiled when he let me go. I couldn't help but think about what had happened last night. I had almost cheated on Tom, well I mean I guess I kinda did...when I told Niall I loved him and all. I began to feel all giddy. Niall loved me! He loved me. I would never get tried of hearing those words come out of his mouth.

I was rather confused on what to do, because I had already promised to go to Prom with Tom. I liked Tom, I mean how could you not he was gorgeous, but that was all he was, gorgeous. We didn't have a history, we didn't have much in common, and most of all he wasn't Niall. I needed to find someway to tell him, but I didn't know if I would be able to handle the look of disappointment in his eyes, because after all I did promise that things between Niall and I were completely over. Niall and I, I loved the sound of that. 

Just then my phone buzzed in my pocket. I knew it was Niall before I even took it out to look at it. "Ready to go?" Tom asked. 

I nodded as I opened the message and climbed into the passenger side of Tom's car. 

-Can you come over tonight?

I smiled. 

"Why are you so happy today?" Tom asked.

"Oh, no reason." I said as I felt all of the blood rush to my face. I typed a quick "YESS!" and pocketed my phone.

In just a few minutes we arrived at the tux shop. Tom and I made our way inside and I followed him into the back room. 

"Afternoon boys, I'll be right out." Marcie, the owner, called from behind the desk.

I sat down on the small pink couch and Tom plopped down beside me. "You okay?" He asked.

I nodded. "Why wouldn't I be?" 

"You see different." He said squinting his eyes at me. 

"Nothing new." I assured him.

He raised his eyebrows and slipped his arm around my waist. "I can't wait for Prom." He breathed. 

"M-Me either," I stuttered.

"It's only a few days away." He smirked.

Marcie came back with Toms tux and she went to work. I sat quietly starting at my phone, waiting for a text back. My phone buzzed and I looked down to see 2 new text messages. One from Zayn, and one from Niall. I opened the one from Niall first. 

-Let's go to zayn's 

I was confused until I opened the text from Zayn.

-Parents are out of town, party at 7, bring Tom

I smiled. This could either end up being a disaster with Niall and Tom in the same place, or the best night of my life. 

"Hey, Zayn's having a party tonight? Want to go?"

"Is everyone going to be there?" 

"What do you mean everyone?" I asked.

"All the lads." He smiled.

"Of course." 

"Brilliant, lets go." He answered.

. . .


"Harry's coming and he's bringing Tom." Zayn announced to us. Liam, Niall and I were all sprawled around Zayns living room while he sat busy sending out invitations.

"Niall, are you going to hop on it tonight?" Liam asked.

Niall laughed nervously. "I hope not." 

"Why the hell not?" I asked.

"Because of Tom." He said.

"Don't worry about Tom." I said as guilt washed over me. The last party that I went to that involved Tom... things did no go as planned.

Tom's party- Last Weekend

"Hey, I'm going to go call my mum." Harry shouted at Tom from across the circle. We were all playing 7 minutes in heaven. "Go ahead and continue." 

"I'll miss you." Tom smiled after Harry. God, he was beautiful. I will admit that I was insanely jealous of Harry. 

"Alright Tom, your turn." Zayn said. 

Tom smirked and spun the bottle. I watched in mock horror as the bottle slowed and stop on me. I looked up at Tom and he chuckled. "Come on." He said deeply.

The other boys hooped and hollered as I climbed to my feet and stumbled after the beautiful boy. I knew it was wrong to think such things about the guy my best mate was with, but Harry didn't love him. Harry loved Niall and the sooner he figured that out that happier everyone would be.

"We don't have to do anything." I said. 

"I won't tell if you don't." He smirked as his hands found my waist. The next thing I know he pushed me and against the wall and kissed the life out of me. It was safe to say that it was the best kiss of my life.

He gave me his number and told me to text him later. I felt so giddy and I wanted to tell Harry but I couldn't, ever. He could never find out. 

Tom and I had been texting since that night. He told me that he really liked Harry, but he had a feeling that Harry was still in love with Niall. He said that when he first saw me he felt like he was supposed to be with me. Tom was the sweetest guy I had ever met, well equal to Harry.

He told me that he was really drunk that night of the party and that he didn't plan to kiss me, but he didn't regret it one bit, he only wished he could've done it differently. I wanted to ask him why he was still with Harry but I couldn't find the right moment.

"Louis! Earth to Lou!" Zayn shouted.

"Huh?" I asked. Liam rolled his eyes.

"I asked you if you wanted to invite Eleanor." He said.

"Oh no, she's on vacation actually." I lied. Eleanor and I were never dating she was my cover up for Tom. 

Zayn shrugged and went back to scrolling through his contacts.

"So Niall, you told us what happened last night but you didn't tell us all the details." Liam prodded.

Niall blushed cutely and hid his face in his hands. 

"Come on, just tell us." I begged.

"Okay, okay." He smiled. 

"He invited me over to work on our school project, he picked me for his partner.." He began.

"He picked you?" Liam asked with a big smile.

"Yeah, so anyways when I went over there Tom was there and they were talking about going to prom together." He explained as my heart sunk.

"And then we were sitting there and he tried to kiss me, but he didn't and then I told him..." He stopped just as the door opened. Harry and Tom stepped over the threshold and smiled at us. Tom at me, and Harry at Niall.

"Hi Lads," Zayn smiled. "We've got about 2 hours, what should we do?" Zayn asked.

"Get something to eat!" Niall shouted. "I can go pick something up!" He offered.

"I'll go with," Harry said eagerly. "I-Is that okay?" Harry asked Tom.

"Go," Tom smiled.

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