
By kxkx0504

194K 6.8K 3.5K

Sakura, Hinata, Ino, and Tenten are the popular girls. They have everything: smarts, looks, and personality.T... More

Popular girls
The nerds
Nice to meet you
Why him?
The real you
Cherry blossom
Aren't you.....?
Scary movies, screaming, and....hugging?
Truth or dare part 1
Truth or dare part 2
Christmas special
Star gazzing
The Uchihas
Party time!
Worried (part 2)
Worried (part 3)
The plan
Getting ready
The big day
The last
Problems occour again
Authour's note (Please do not skip)
Dinner #2
Problem solved
Future time!

Worried (Part 1)

3.2K 101 36
By kxkx0504

Neji's POV:

It's was the end of the day and the bell had just rung for the last and final time, signalling the students who had detention that they were now free. I stood by the gates and watched as the rebels pass by me. They looked at me once before turning away and talking to each other. One of the girls kept on glancing back at me. So I looked back at her. When we made eye contact, she scowled and turned back to her group of friends and they were whispering something to each other. But even if they were whispering, I could heared a few words like, "Idiot", "Freak", and "Nerd" .

I let out a frustrated sigh and sat down at a nearby bench. Earlier, Tenten texted me during History to meet at the gates at the end of the day so we could walk together. But here I am, standing around like an idiot, waiting for my girlfriend who hasn't come.

As I sat down on the bench, looking like some depressed emo kid, I started to think of my relationship with Tenten.

Our relationship is strong, we have fought a couple times, but not those big fights where yelling occurs. And we also had to meet secretly. I, personally, don't want to keep our relationship hidden. But Tenten does and I don't want to make her unhappy. Although, Uncle doesn't have anything against Tenten, (Hell, he's the one who shipped us together in the beginning!) she's worried of what her parents would think. At first, when she said she was worried of what her parents would think of me, I was angry and slightly worried that she might have been some imposter. But in the end, she (somehow) managed to make me agree that whenever we were at school, we had to act like we are just....schoolmates.

So I kept my nerd act on, and she continued to be the popular girl that everyone knows and love.

And whenever we pass by each other at the hallways, we don't talk or make eye contact. Although, I do have an urge to run up to her and hug her when we DO pass by each other, but I couldn't. More like I can't. And it's like torture, this thing that I agreed with Tenten.

So she ignores me,

And I ignore her.

She's really good at acting because sometimes I feel like she doesn't even care about me.

Wha—! Bad Neji, No, of course she loves you!

But still.......the fact that Tenten doesn't want the world to know that she's mine and/or in a relationship with me, makes me kinda......sad. I don't know if that's the right word, but it seems to be the only word that explains how I feel.

"Neji!" Someone yelled out, which caused me to snap out of my thoughts.

It was Tenten.

"" she said and sat down beside me. She looked like she had been running. I was about to ask her why she was late, but she already knew, "Gai-sensei asked me to stay a little bit longer to help him with some stuff, but I didn't know it would take THIS long. I'm sorry" she said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I nodded and listened to her speak about what she did today. It felt like I was talking to a goddess. However, I noticed that something was off...

I leaned in closer to her and examined her face. I noticed that she had bags under her eyes. But form afar, you wouldn't be able to see it.

I kept on examining her face and noticed how she's forcing her smile and how her voice sounded a little broken.

"And Kurenai-sensei—"  "What's wrong." I interrupted. "Huh?" She asked. "Whats wrong." I repeated. "Nothing is, Neji" she replied and gave me a fake smile. I narrowed my eyes at her. "What's wrong". "I already told you, Neji. Nothing is" she said. Her voice was getting a little louder. "You're lying" I said and leaned in even closer. My eyes were still narrow, observing her every move. "I'm not!" She yelled. "Why can't you just tell me? I am your boyfriend" I asked. She pushed me away and I fell off the bench and hit the cold cement. I felt pain on my hand but I ignored it.

Immediately, her face turned into a look of shock and horror. "I.....I'm so sorry" she apologized. I sighed and stood up. "I don't like it when you aren't honest with me, Tenten" I said and looked at the sky. It was a mix of red, pink, orange and yellow. Form the corner of my eye, I saw Tenten glaring at me. Her mood changed, and the aura between us was tense. "What would you know? Clearly, you don't know what I'm going through right now" she said. "So you admit that something did happen" I said and glanced back at her. She looked surprised and a little mad since I tricked her. For a few minutes it was silent. "Tenten. I care. I want to know what's going on" I said. I cringed inwardly. I'm not usually the type of guy who says those kind of things.

Well what's done is done...

"I......." Tenten started. "No....." She whispered. "I...I don't want'll think I'm weak and you won't love me anymore" she said. Her eye were filled with tears that threatened to fall. I've never seen her cry before. She always endures everything, she's a strong person..and personally, I'm not good when handling a person— mostly, a girl— cry.

It was silent again. "How are you sure about that?" I asked. Tenten's mouth opened then closed. She looked like she was thinking of what to say. I starred at her hazel brown eyes. They seemed so warm and nice, but right now it was cold, almost emotionless.  "You will NEVER understand. NEVER." She said with a deathly glare. "This is about Sakura, isn't it?" I asked. Tenten just looked away. "Once, when Hinata and I were young, she got kidnapped.." I began to say.

Tenten still didn't look in my direction.

"Something happened which I was too young to understand— or so my uncle says...The kidnapper wanted a lot of money, and if we didn't.....Hinata would be killed." I said and looked at the ground. Tenten shifted a little bit and glanced at me from the corner of her eyes. "And...?" She whispered/asked. "And they wanted Uncle to go and give the money. But, the Elder Hyuga's discussed about it. They knew that they were going to kill Uncle, so they sent my father. They didn't care at all about my father..." I said. Now I had Tenten's full attention. "Luckily, my dad made it out alive..". I felt my hands form into fists, but then I felt pain on my hands. I opened my palms to see that there was scratches on them. On my right palm was a big slash. Blood dripped down on my arm and dropped to the floor. "Neji..." Tenten said. I sighed and stood up. "It's fine. I understand. I'm sorry but I have to go home early, I don't think we can walk together." I said and walked away.

God, why did I say that?! use in taking it back...

"Neji!!" Tenten yelled. I didn't turn back, instead I kept walking and walking away.

~Hinata's POV~

Ever since the whole gang had found out the deal with the Uchihas' and how Sakura's life was in danger, Naruto-kun haven't left my side all day. He would walk me to class, show up at the door, hugging me, and saying things like, " It'll be fine, Hina-chan".

He sounded like he was telling HIMSELF that.

He seemed so stressed and I wish he would stop worrying about Sakura-chan and just calm down a little. But, to be honest, I'm really worried about Sakura, but I know that she's a strong person and that she'll make it.

It was just the end of the day and the bell had just rung the first time. I walked over to my locker and put in my combination. The whole time Naruto-kun was following me like a lost puppy. "Hey, Hinata, do you want to walk together?" Naruto-kun asked. I nodded and gave him a shy smile. "Great!" He said and he interlocked his hand with mine.

We both decided to let the world know that we were now an official couple. Naruto-kun ditched his nerd look, and he gained an official fan girl club. But the girls know to back off since they know that he was already taken. Some people were happy for us, some were not (fanboys/fangirls). But we don't care.

We happily walked down the hallways, hand-in-hand, and with smile on our faces. Some people glanced at us and then went back what they were doing, others ignored our happy little vibes, and some people glanced at me/Naruto-kun with jealousy.

It was going great and I almost thought that Naruto-kun forgot about the problem.


"Hey Hina, do you think Sasuke shouldn't have let Sakura go to give the money?" Naruto-kun asked. "...I...I d-don't know N-Naruto-kun...B-but I t-think that the d-decision that S-Sasuke-San made w-was very hard...I-I mean, he l-loves his m-mother, b-but.....I c-can tell that he l-loves Sakura-chan t-too. A-and didn't S-Sakura say t-to trust her with t-this?" I said/asked/stuttered. Naruto-kun frowned but didn't say anything. It had been silent for a few minutes. "S-Sakura-chan's a s-strong person.....I...I know that s-she will make i-it out a-alive.." I said, breaking the silence and squeezed his hand gently. He looked at me with a sad smile and squeezed my hand too. I returned the sad smile to him and mouthed, "We can do this".

Then, his eyes suddenly became watery, and tears started to fall down on his face.

I was shocked. I've never, ever, seen Naruto-kun cry before. I gently wiped them away, but they kept coming.

Naruto-kun hugged me and cried on my shoulder. I rubbed his back and hugged him back.

I knew that Sakura was really important to us, especially Naruto-kun and Sasuke-san. And the thought of her dying....was too unbearable.

  After a while, Naruto-kun was done crying. My jacket was wet from his tears, but I didn't mind. Naruto-kun had been keeping in those tears for way too long.

"I....I'm sorry" he said and rubbed his eyes with his hands. "What for?" I asked. "I got your jacket wet...and I'm not supposed to cry.....I...I look weak don't I?" He said and laughed bitterly. I frowned and went up to him and hugged him. "Hina....." "It's okay to c-cry once in a while, Naruto-kun...crying i-isn't a sign of weakness....i-it just means that you've been holding e-everything in for t-too l-long..." I said quietly. "....and I d-don't mind about m-my jacket getting w-wet...". Naruto-kun cried again and I comforted him.

—Naruto's POV—

"...I...I d-don't know N-Naruto-kun...B-but I t-think that the d-decision that S-Sasuke-San made w-was very hard...I-I mean, he l-loves his m-mother, b-but.....I c-can tell that he l-loves Sakura-chan t-too. A-and didn't S-Sakura say t-to trust her with t-this?" Hinata-chan stuttered/asked. I frowned and thought about what Hinata-chan said.

It's true, Sasuke-teme did have a hard time deciding. He was very close to his mom, more than any other member of his family, really. And the day that the gang all met, I knew that The teme felt something for Sakura. I know he can't afford to lose the two most valuable women in his life.

I imagined myself in Sasuke-teme's shoes.

I imagined my family still alive. We owned a large company....and my mother got kidnapped, and instead of Sakura, it was Hinata who got stabbed and was asked to give 1 million to the kidnapper.

I had a sick feeling and now I felt bad for the teme. He's been hurting a lot—ever since he was a child. His father hadn't paid attention to him at all when he was a kid. Of course Itachi and Shisui was always busy so he was always alone.

The only one there for him was his mother.

And when we were in middle school. He confessed to someone and he got rejected and humiliated. He was heartbroken for god knows how many weeks, and didn't show up to school for two months.

He turned emotionless and cold.

When he met Sakura I thought that he was going to change and be the old Sasuke that we knew.

And I was right, he was changing, slowly, but surely.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I kinda forgot that I was still on a walk with Hinata-chan.

"S-Sakura-chan's a s-strong person.....I...I know that s-she will make i-it out a-alive.." I said and squeezed my hand gently. I gave her a sad smile and squeezed her hand too. She returned the sad smile and mouthed out, "We can do this".

For some odd reason, she looked shocked. Then she wiped something from my face. That's when I noticed warm tears were sliding down my face.

I hugged Hinata like she was my only hope. And she hugged me back. I kept on crying on her shoulders and she rubbed my back.

....Stop it Naruto....stop're weak..........just.......stop..

I forced myself to stop crying. I noticed that her jacket was wet.

"I....I'm sorry" I said as I rubbed my eyes. "What for?" Hinata-chan asked. "I got your jacket wet...and I'm not supposed to cry.....I...I look weak don't I?" I replied. Hinata-chan frowned and went up to me and hugged me. "Hina..." I whispered. "It's okay to c-cry once in a while, Naruto-kun...crying i-isn't a sign of weakness....i-it just means that you've been holding e-everything in for t-too l-long..."  She said quietly. "....and I d-don't mind about m-my jacket getting w-wet...". I cried again and Hinata-chan comforted me.

After my little display of emotions, we started to walk again to Hinata-chan's mansion. After a few side comments, and hugs, we finally reached Hinata's mansion. We stood by the gates, still hand-in-hand. I kissed Hinata-chan then gave her one last hug. We were hugging for who knows how long but we got interrupted by someone coughing out loud. We both turned around to see Neji standing there. "I would like to get inside." He said. I noticed his jacket had something red on in.


It seems that Hina-chan saw it too because as she opened the gates, she gave Neji a look that says, "you're telling me what's going on". Neji nodded and said, "You can uh.....continue whatever it was you two were doing".

When he was safely on the other side of the gate, I continued to give Hinata the hug. When I pulled away, her face looked sad. "Are you worried about me?" I asked. She nodded. "You don't have to anymore. I have you, and you made me happy again" I said with a soft smile. Hinata-chan smiled again. Soon I had to say goodbye to Hina-chan.

I waved goodbye and went on my merry way.

When I reached my apartment, I went to my room and pulled out my phone.


NARUTO: Neji, can I ask you a question?
NEJI: Hm..?
NARUTO: What was that red thing on your jacket??
NEJI: Mind your own business, Naruto.
NARUTO: Nope! Now what was it??
NEJI: It's nothing, Naruto.
NARUTO: You got into a fight didn't you teme #2?!
NARUTO: Ooooooh!!! you're a gangsta'!!!!
NEJI: Shut up, I'm not.
NEJI: For the love and Tenten had a fight okay
NARUTO: Is this what they call an LQ??
NEJI: Yeah whatever, now leave me alone
NARUTO: Okay! Hope you and Tenten solve your LQ!!!

~Tenten's POV~

"It's fine. I understand. I'm sorry but I have to go home early, I don't think we can walk together." He said.

"Neji!" I yelled out, but he didn't hear me.

No.....please...........I'm sorry.....

Then it was all dark.

The first thing I saw was the ceiling of my bedroom. I looked around and I saw my phone.

Hinata was trying to call me.

I picked up my phone and answered it. "Hello? Hinata?" I said into the device. "Tenten. We need to talk about Nii-San." Hinata's usual sweet and calm voice sounded stressed and cold. "....what about him?"  I asked.  "I know what happened. And I don't have too much time to talk to the both of you. I have things that I have to do right now. But listen, and listen well. Nii-San loves you. He loves you more than himself. He would do anything for you. When you said he wouldn't understand your situation, he was sad. You should trust him. And I know, you're strong, and don't like to admit things, and Nii-San has a big ego. But all I can say is, stop waiting. Tell him your problems. You guys are going out for gods sake, you need to be more open to each other. If you don't tell him your problem I will get Naurto-kun to drag both of you and I will lock you up in a room together and won't let you out until you said what needs to be said." Hinata said.

I was starting to think that she wasn't Hinata and was some imposter. Hell, she didn't even stutter ONCE! But, I didn't have a chance to ask because she hung up.

I started thinking of what Hinata said. I do regret saying those things. Clearly Neji has suffered more than I have.

I sat up form my bed and looked at the time.

5:40....there's still enough time...

I went to my closet and picked out a random sweater and some sweats. I ran down the stairs (thankfully not falling off them) and quickly put on my jacket and shoes. I looked at a nearby clock and noticed that it was 5:45.

Crud....I'm gonna be late...!

I went out the door and slammed it shut. Then I started to run. It was cold and since I was in a rush, I forgot to close the zipper of my jacket.

The cold air hit my face as I ran. My breath, visible in the cold air.

I kept on running.

I finally reached my destination. The Lakesome park. (A/n yes, yes it's a weird name but please try to deal with my weird park naming skills)

There on a bench sat the one person I had been looking for.



A/n :

I'm very sorry for the late update! I got really busy at school . Anywho, please continue to read nerds and see what happens next!!

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