You Stole My Heart With Your...

De fckingxfuentes

212K 8.3K 3.6K

When Kellin Quinn is kicked out and forced to go to boarding school, what happens when his roommate is Vic Fu... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Not a chapter but please read it's important.
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Not a chapter, an annoucement.

Chapter 16

7.4K 269 149
De fckingxfuentes


thank all of you guys so much for reading this stupid thing. i honestly didn't even expect this to get over 1,000 reads, let alone 10,000. words can explain how happy i am. just thank you all so much for reading, and voting, and commenting you guys are fav okay ily.

warnings: smut (;;

don't hurt me, for this is my first smut cYA


[Kellin's POV]

"Are you ready yet?" Vic said impatiently by the door.

"Just give me five seconds." I shooed him off, going back to styling my hair.

If you fast forward to Saturday, tonight is the night of Austin's party. I asked Vic earlier on in the week and he said he would go, so here we are, getting ready to leave. All we were waiting on is me to fix my hair, then we'll be on our way.

I brushed my hair over some more, and took one last look at myself in the bathroom mirror. Good enough.

"Alright impatient, let's go." I said to Vic, as I walked out of the bathroom.

"Don't call me impatient, I've been waiting for like 10 minutes for you to fix your hair. God knows why it took you so long, I have more hair than you." Vic told, opening the door for me, then shutting it behind us.

"Is all you do is nag?" I teased him. Vic made a face that resembled an old lady nagging about something, which made me laugh.

"You dork." I said with a smile on my face.

"Oh, don't act like I'm not funny." He said as we started walking in the main hallway, towards the door.

"I don't have to."

"I could always tickle you again, to prove I'm funny." Vic threatened. I instantly shot a look at him that said, 'don't you dare' to which he raised his eyebrows at.

"You know, come to think of it, you are pretty funny. Hilarious in fact." I said in hopes of not getting tickled.

Vic remained silent, and I got more anxious, so I ran the rest of the way down the hall, and out the door.

However, when I tried running away, a pair of strong arms came from behind me and lifted me up, spinning me around. I let out a little scream from the sudden action, then started laughing. Finally, he let my feet rest on the ground, releasing his hold of me.

"What are you trying to do? Kill me?" I said, still slightly shaken up from his antics.

"It's not my fault you get scared easily." Vic laughed. I thought about saying something else, but I just huffed and remained quiet. Vic looked down at me and smirked, amused with my annoyance.

A/N: idk if i told you guys this, but Vic is taller than Kellin in this. so imagine kellin as vic's height in real life, and vic as kellin's height in real life

Vic and I have only gotten closer since the Ronnie incident. And I have to admit, with this new friendship I've found with him, I can't help but notice I'm genuinely happier with him around. I've been clean for about a week, and I'm eating more. It feels like things are slowly turning around, and he's to blame.

We walked the rest of the way in silence, but in a comfortable silence. It wasn't that long of walk really, like 2 minutes. So we were walking into the door in no time.

When we got there, we were greeted with a hot atmosphere, surrounded by under aged drinking and sluts throwing themselves at different guys in the hall. Typical party. Vic and I walked into the entertainment room - it was the same setup as our building - and found that the couches where pushed against the wall, and there was a DJ playing music out of a huge speaker system. Not to mention the kitchen area was now covered with various chips and alcoholic beverages. How Austin managed to pull this all off, I don't know. If anyone caught us, he'd be dead. Probably expelled. Oh well, it's not my problem, I'm here to enjoy myself and have a good time.

Soon Vic and I split up, and by split up I mean Vic left me to go hang out with Jaime and Tony. I'd be lying if I said I was a little hurt by that, but what did I expect? For him to ditch his friends when he's only known me for a few weeks? I was stupid to think that he would actually stick with me.

Before I made myself actually upset, I went over to where the alcohol is located. I picked up the orange juice that was on the counter, and the vodka right next to it. Jess and I always used to drink screwdrivers when we got drunk, so why not do it now?

So I stood there in the corner, sipping on my beverage while watching sweaty drunk people try to dance, and slutty girls get turned down. I could've went out there and socialized, but me being the loner I am, I just stayed in my respective corner.

My eyes scanned the room, and they landed on Alex. He was watching Jack and Rian play a round of beer pong. This was my chance to redeem myself from looking like a complete and total loser, so I went over to where they were standing.

"Hey Kell! I didn't know you were here." Alex yelled over the music when I approached them. Jack and Rian look up from their intense game to wave at me, but went right back to playing it. By the looks of Rian was winning.

"Yeah, Austin invited me and I brought Vic along." I informed him.

He gave a small frown at Vic's name, but quickly dropped the subject. "Are you enjoying yourself?"

I shrugged my shoulders "I guess, parties aren't really my scene I guess."

"Aw come on, loosen up, live a little." Alex teased. "I'll tell you what, after Jack and Rian are done, we'll play a round. Sound good?" He offered, trying to get me involved.

I thought about it, I've never played beer pong before. But it couldn't hurt to try right? I knew all the rules, because I watched Jess and the other guys play. I was never the party type so I never played with them. Change is good sometimes, so why not? "Alright, you're on." I challenged with a grin.

Alex and I talked about the rules and how we were going to play until Jack and Rian were done with their game. Rian won like I suspected, and now it was Alex and mine's turn. Alex was up first, so he took the ping pong ball and threw it, making it in the first time. I raised my eyebrows at him, slightly impressed with his skill. He returned it with an evil grin while I chugged down my beer, tasting the nasty liquid burn down my throat. Did I like beer? Hell no, but I would drink it.

It was my turn next as I took the ball and aimed it for the red solo cup just like Alex has before. The only difference is Alex got his in, but mine bounced off the side of the cup, onto the floor.

This continued on for about 15 more minutes, I had one cup left, and Alex had three. With my first drink gone, and 9 cups out of the 10 gone, I was starting to feel the effects of alcohol take place. If getting the fucking ball in the cup wasn't hard enough already, it was definitely hard now. I took my stance, held the ball up to my eye, and squinted my other one. I tossed the ball at the cup, thankfully making it in the cup.

Alex drank the cup, and took his turn next, making it in. I groaned in annoyance, mad that I lost the game. I chugged my final cup, and slammed it down on the table. "I want a rematch!" I yelled, my tipsy ways showing.

Alex threw his hands up in defense. "Calm your tits white boy. You want a rematch? You got a rematch."


Two hours later, after another round of beer pong and some more alcohol, it was safe to say I was pretty wasted. I don't remember who won that round, Alex or myself. But I didn't care enough to know at the moment, seeing at I was on the dance floor grinding with Samantha. We were swaying back and forth in sync, with my hands on her hips. I forget how long we were dancing, seeing as when you're drunk you don't have a good perception of time, but that didn't matter because I was enjoying myself. I finally loosened up some and now I'm having the time of my life.

When the song that Samantha and I were dancing to came to an end, the petite brunette turned around and spoke. "Why don't we go somewhere quieter?" She slurred, just as drunk as I am.

When I agreed, she took my hand and led me out to the hallway. On my way there I spotted Vic hanging out with Jaime. When we made eye contact I waved and yelled over to him. "Hi Vic!!"

His response was a chuckle and a little wave back, clearly amused with how intoxicated I am right now.

When Samantha and I got into the hallway, we leaned up against the wall and she started up conversation, being the talkative person she is. "Are you having fun tonight?"

"You know it!" I chirped back, my words slurring slightly.

She reached up and started playing with my bicep, tracing over it lightly with her fingers. Is she flirting with me right now? I decided not to say anything about it, simply because I was drunk and didn't really care enough at the moment.

"That's good, I'm glad." She said, a devilish smile playing at her lips. She leaned forward so she was right next to my ear and whispered in it. "I could make it even better if you want."

She pulled back and smiled at me what I assumed what she thought was a seductive smile, but it didn't work on me. I gave her a look of shock, flustered with the whole situation.


I was cut off when her lips came into contact with mine. I stood there in shock for about a minute or so, but I soon found myself kissing her back. I don't know what I was doing, but I honestly didn't give a fuck anymore. If she wants to kiss me, fine then. She can kiss me. I put my hands on her hips, and she placed her hands on my shoulders as our lips moved in sync with one another.

Our little kissing session was interrupted when I felt someone else's hand that wasn't Sam's tapping on my shoulder. I broke the kiss and turned around, coming face to face with Vic. I dropped my hands off Samantha's waist and gave him a confused look, but he spoke before I did.

"I think it's time to go." He said, sounding a little angry, and looking just as wasted as I was. He took my hand and started pulling me along with him to the door. I didn't fight against him, but I did pout.

"Why? I don't wanna go." I said, and stuck out my bottom lip, scowling slightly.

"Because I said we should go." Vic said, more sternly this time and tightened his grip on my hand. I didn't argue with him anymore, so the walk back to the dorm was quiet.

When we got back to the dorm, Vic finally released me from his hold and went to go get changed. And me being in my drunken state decided that it would be a good idea to watch him the whole entire time. Vic caught notice of this and questioned me.

"Is there a reason you keep staring at me?" He asked like he already knew the answer.

"Yeah, because you're fucking hot as hell." I said bluntly. Vic chuckled and strolled over to the door, where I was still standing.

"Kells," he started putting his hand on my shoulder, "I know I'm hot but there's no need to stare. If you want me, then just come and get me." He said, sounding seductive with the last part of his sentence.

I, for one, was in shock. Did he just tell me that if I made a move on him right now, that he wouldn't stop me? I decided to test the water just to make sure.

"Is that a challenge?" I questioned, stepping closer so that my lips were ghosting over his and the space between us two disappeared. I felt his hot breath on my lips, and it took everything in me not to attack him right there, but I wanted to hear him say it first.

"That's an order." He said, his breath smelling like alcohol. I didn't care though, if anything that turned me on even more. He didn't give any signs to making the first move, so I did. Leaning forward and crashing my lips onto his.

Immediately he responded, and moved to put his hands on my hips, rubbing circles into them with his thumbs. The unexpected move made me gasp against his lips, and he took that as an opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. The action made warmth spread throughout my entire body, making me feel hot. I've never done anything like this before, so all these feelings are new to me.

Vic pushed me up against the door and continued to attack my lips, never breaking the heated kiss. I felt his hand on the back of my upper thigh, so I hoisted it up on his hip, my other one soon coming after, wrapping my legs around his hips. He pinned me against the wall and moved his hands to rest under my ass, squeezing it a little in the process, while I locked my arms around his neck.

When it came to Vic I didn't even try and fight for dominance. I just let him control me, letting him explore my mouth, massaging it with that wonderful tongue of his. He was really good at this and I did want it to stop. He took me off guard and rolled his hips into mine, making me moan into his mouth.

"Again." I pleaded, wanting to get that feeling again. He chuckled against my lips and obeyed, doing the action again. I leaned my head back on the door, giving Vic access to my neck, which he gladly used. He started plating kisses on my jawbone, and soon started trailing down to my neck, making me whimper. From time to time he would stop and bite on my flesh, then soothed it over with his tongue. Which felt really good. He placed a kiss on the spot behind my ear, making me moan involuntary.

"Found it." I heard him whisper, and smirked against my skin. He placed a bite in the same spot, making a rather loud moan escape my lips. I bucked my hips into his, creating some much needed friction. I was in a frenzy, I needed to be touched and I started to become irritated.

"Vic." I whined. He pulled apart only for a second to remove my shirt, going straight back to my lips after. We kissed for a few more moments before I pulled at the hem of his shirt, indicating I wanted it off. Once his shirt was off and on the ground, he started walking us over to the bed, placing me on with a little bounce. In no time he was on top of me, attacking my already swollen lips and grinding his hips into mine.

My hands moved to his hair while his roamed all over my body, not staying in one spot. He moved his hand to palm the prominent bulge in my pants, and I immediately bucked my hips up into his hand. He continued to massage me through my tight jeans, making moan from time to time when he put more pressure on it. The whole time he was doing this, he was also attacking my neck, finding every one of my sweet spots. I quickly grew tired of all this teasing, I wanted more.

"Vic, do something." I complained. He stopped his attack on my neck and moved up so we were at eye level.

"What do you want me to do?" He said in a low voice, slowing his hand on top of my erection.

"Touch me." I gasped, desperate for some release.

"Anything for you." Vic breathed, moving his hands to unbutton my pants and into my boxers, grabbing my length. I moaned out instantly, but was quickly disappointed when he let go. I groaned in annoyance, and I heard the bastard chuckle. I sat up on my elbows in suspense, wondering what he's gonna do next. He started moving his was down my body, placing soft kisses all over my torso. When he got to my very visible hip bones, he sunk his teeth into the skin, causing me to groan and buck my hips into nothing, desperate for some kind of friction. I've been contained in these pants for long enough, it's starting to get very uncomfortable.

He continued placing kisses the rest of the way down, then placed one kiss on the top of my bulge through my boxers. I whimpered at feeling. He removed my pants and no time, sending them across the room the where, next came my boxers. He took the waistband of the thin material with his teeth, and I'd be a liar if I said that wasn't the hottest thing I've ever seen. I threw my head back on the bed and took deep breaths, trying to control my breathing.

Only when I felt a pair of lips on my thigh did I sit up again. I looked down to find out what the hell he was doing, to see Vic placing a kiss on each one of my scars. Warmth and adoration flooded my heart, and tears came to my eyes at the action. I sat there, in total shock as I watched him. When he was done he came back up to my face and kissed me deeply, but this kiss was different than all the ones before. It was passionate and it showed how much he cared about me.

"Don't ever do it again okay?" Vic said to me softly. All I could was nod and whisper back an okay.

After our little moment was over, he slid back down my body and wasted no time grabbing a hold of my dick. We never broke eye contact as he moved his hand along my entire length slowly, squeezing it and running his thumb over my tip from time to time. I was just about to tell him to stop teasing me, when he went down and started sucking my head. My breath hitched immediately, and my hands moved to clench the sheets as I fell back on the bed.

"Shit." I breathed out. He slid his lips over my tip, slowly working his mouth down, around my entire length and started bobbing his head up and down at a moderate pace, with his hand jacking off the parts he couldn't get to. My one hand instantly went to his hair, grabbing a hold of his long brown locks and pulling them from time to time. Every time he came back up he would swirl his tongue around the tip, making me shout profanities. The warmth from his mouth, and the way his tongue would massage my length when he went down had me practically screaming from the pleasure.

Vic had to press his hands down on my hips to keep them still because I couldn't control myself. Every time he swirled his tongue around my tip my hips would involuntarily jerk up. He removed me from his mouth and continued to jerk me off, I let out a whine of protest but was soon silenced.

"Are you close?" He asked, increasing the speed of his hand.

"Yes." I whimpered, desperate for release. My whole body was shaking, I've never felt anything like this before.

"Good." He said, before returning his mouth to my dick once more. He continued to suck me off, increasing his suction from time to time, making me see stars. I was right of the brink of my orgasm, and orgasm I needed badly.

"Ah, fuck, don't stop. Please don't stop." I pleaded desperately, gripping onto the sheets for dear life. I felt my tip hit the back of his throat, and that's what did it. My whole body shuttered as I shot into his mouth with the loudest moan that night. He swallowed and slowly jerked me off, riding out my high. Once I was truly spent he let go of my member and moved to lay beside me on the bed.

"Holy shit." I breathed out, trying to regulate my breathing. That was the most intense orgasm of my whole entire life, better than my hand could ever do. I got up and put my boxers back on with wobbly legs, then crawled back into bed with Vic.

"Thank you." I said, and planted a quick kiss on his lips. He nodded and wrapped an arm around me, as I cuddled into his side.

In no time I was falling asleep, reminiscing on the events that just happened.

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