My Mate Is A Spy?!

By Jay_Winchester55

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A spy and a werewolf? Who would have thought that would ever happen? Chase is the number one spy. He isn't... More

My Mate is a Spy?
The case.
First day
Brotherly Love
Trouble is everywhere.
Who are you?
Story time kids
Questions and Answers Now
Story of a lifetime.
What the hell is going on?
Spending time.
New news
This day just got better.
School again?
Good day or bad day?
Chase asked me what!
Sister bonding
Another Car Chase
My Day In A Nightmare
I'm Home and Hooked?
Stories of my past
Today is the Day
Authur's Note
Welcome Back
My Mom Is Alive.
We Have to Escape.
Our Escape
Finally We're All Home.
Good Morning?
Mutual likes different people
Coming back to a nightmare
Going Home
The wish.
The End

Police stations. Enough said.

55 1 0
By Jay_Winchester55

Dylan Patton as Alexander


Chapter 7

*Alexander's POV*

I guess he accepted the fact that it isn't my fault that I was born and decided to be in the same car as me. He also told Tessa, his mate, to go and stay with Chelsea to help her stay calm.

"Look, Alex, right?" He asks.

"Alex, Alexander, whichever," I answer nonchalantly with a shrug.

"Okay, Alex. Was your mom a wolf?" He asked.

"No. She was a human." I replied.

"Did she know that he might have been a wolf?" He asked.

"No Paul. My mother didn't. She just fell in love with your Dad. That's all."

"He's our Dad. I'm not mad at the fact that he's your father as well, I'm mainly mad at the fact that our grandparents that were Beta's kept his life as a secret. If he knew sure he might have still had you, but he would have known that he had a mate to wait for." He says.

"If. Let's not reminisce in OUR father's past. I think we should just get to the fact that your sister is in the police station, and if she has a temper like I do at times, then we should hurry. If we're lucky than they could be making her wait." I tell him and he nodded.

"Whether you like her or not, she's now our sister. Hold on and listen in." He says as he linked me into his mind link.

'Paul. These people are stupid. They thought I killed the vampire, but he woke up and almost took someone's blood had I not interrupted and kicked his ugly face.' I'm guessing Jaycie grumbles.

'Jaycie? Have they asked you questions yet?'

'Yeah. Detective Beckett asked me questions!'

'Why is she excited about that?' I asked.

'Wow, who's the dude?' She asked.

'That's someone who you'll meet in a little. Say hi to Alex.' Paul explains.

'Hey Alex! Oh, so you must have heard my first comment too. Oh well, you're a wolf anyways. Also, I was excited because I love the show Castle! They even have the same room as the show, the mirror, everything! It's cool!' She exclaims in excitement and adoration.

I chuckled at her and I saw from the corner of my eye that Paul was shaking his head.

'Jaycie, I really don't understand you.'

'Why would you? Anyways, I did get questioned. Why?'

'Did anything bad happen? Like you switched moods and shifted?' Paul asked.

'Of course not! I'm not stupid. The others are fine. They aren't getting angry or anything. I'm listening in on their conversation.' She reassures.

"That's good," I say to Paul.

He nodded.

'We're on our way. We have just a few minutes till we're there.' Paul told her.

'If you give me the directions we'll be there in two or maybe even less..' I smirked while saying that.

He, of course, told me the directions. I look at the speed limit and saw that it was 80. I grinned. Yup, two minutes. I started to accelerate. We actually started to go ahead of Greg. He caught up and rolled down the window and I did the same.

"What are you guys doing?" He asked.

"Driving! See ya'll there!" I said with a wave, I then drove ahead and went to the station.


*Jaycie's POV*

Detective Beckett had raced inside and slammed my fat file on the table which scared me since I was so focused on Morse's talk.

"How?!?" She asked as she slammed her hand on the table.

That slap resonated a loud bang.

"What? How did I do what? What did I do?" I asked totally surprised.

"How was that man not dead and How did you know?!?" She yelled.

"First of all, calm down. I just saved your friend from being killed. Secondly, I already told you. I told you I caused the same wounds on the same man and he never died. He knew I was here and he wants me. Third, I told you the only way to kill that douche bag is if you decapitate him."

"How do you know that?" She questioned, still yelling.

My wolf growled as I mentally roll my eyes.

"I know that because I had seen Sam, my old babysitter, hold an axe hitting his arm and strike him right in the throat."

"What happened after that?"

I glowered looking at the table as I leaned back. Looking away I answered.

"The guy killed Sam," I reply and tear up once more.

Sam was so nice and I really loved him like he was another brother. He had no siblings and his parents had always doubted everything about him. He was the school's best student, but socially he had me, my brother and a few other people in his grade who was his real friends.

"Can you tell me what Sam was to you?" She had asked, now in a calm manor.

"Sam was like a brother to me. If I could have seen that arrow that the guy shot at him, I would have taken it. I would have pushed him out of the way. I miss him a lot. He was like an older brother that my brother and I could have ever ask for." I had a far-away look on my face as I remembered his smile and laugh. Oh, how I miss him.

"Don't say that." She says softly.

I looked at her with no emotion at all.

"Why not? I have the right, to tell the truth. I can say whatever I want to say as long as it relates to the question and it did. Sam was like a brother and I would have taken his place if it meant he could live. I would have taken Ms. Irene's place as well as my own mother's place. They would all be alive had I killed that man. They would all be alive if those other cops had held him in jail longer. They would all be alive if I didn't get kidnapped and if the man, whoever he is, didn't go after me time-after-time." I told her with a glare.

After that was said, someone burst through the door.


I looked at him like he was stupid, which he was. Then someone who looked close to Sam came in.

"Paul! Lower your voice and knock it off. I'm sorry for the intrusion Detective..."


"Yes, like I was saying, I am sorry for the intrusion, Detective Beckett. We're just here for Jaycie, Morse, Justin, Chasten, Lakyn, and Chase." He replied and he sounded Australian.

"Wow. Who said we were here for Chase? I never did." Paul scowls.

"Paul, stop being rude," I sigh.

"I will not. He doesn't get to touch you at all. He doesn't get to draapppe his arm over you nor does he get to hold your hand. Otherwise, I will bite his arm off." Paul threatens.

I rolled my eyes and started to apologize.

"I'm sorry, Detective, my brother is stupid at times and rude and just about another word that I can't think of. Anyways, may you let them talk to me alone for five minutes please?" I asked after I made fun of Paul.

"We are not done. After the two minutes of talking to them, we are going back to questioning." She states, looking right at me and leaving the room.

"Anyways," I say as she left, "what is it that you have to tell me?"

"Stay seated and let him tell you." Paul answers.

I nod slowly as I was curious.

"Weellll, before we continue on my name is Alexander, you can call me anything along Alex or Alexander, I don't care. Also yeah, you might want to stay seated." He tells me.

"Before we go any further if Paul did something and he said I was apart of it, it's a lie. Whatever he did, I am very very sorry Xander." I tell him.

"Oh no! Paul didn't do anything! Also Xander?"

"Why do you think I cause trouble with everyone I meet?" Paul asks throwing his arms around and being dramatic.

I just looked at him. "You're Paul. Who do you not meet and cause trouble too?"

"Jenny, Tessa, Chasten, Lakyn..."

"No, don't even go on. You did cause trouble on them. Lakyn and Chasten had been glaring at you for something in the cafeteria and Tessa had felt uncomfortable about something until you did something and in that case, that means you brainwashed her. Then Jenny, she doesn't like you, so there has to be bad chemistry there and or you did something. And yes, Xander. I never knew a Xander and so I want to call you Xander since your name is AleXANDER." I emphasized the Xander part in Alexander as I finished and looked at my iPod. "You got exactly a minute to tell me everything. Go."

"Oh right. So you see your father had met someone before you two were born and I am what came from them. I am your half-brother. Don't get mad please, Dad hadn't known somethings when he was young and only found out when I was 1 and yeah that's what happened." He had said that really fast.

I mainly only heard, "Oh right...someone...your...mad please,..found...1...happened."

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"My goodness! Alex! Even I couldn't understand you! Why did you go so fast?!? You know what I'll explain with one sentence." He says in annoyance and turned to me. "Jaycie, Xander here is our half-brother."

Paul pointed at Xander and I just blinked a few times and looked at Xander. I looked for similarities between our parents and noticed that he actually looked like Dad. I was fairly upset with this. I didn't know how to react. So I just got my iPhone out and started to text. Paul asked me what I was doing only I put my finger up for one moment.

I got a reply from Dad within a few moments of asking the question through text.

'Yes, Alexander is your brother.' He texted me.

I just nodded short little nods and shut my phone off. Now, I was really upset.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"I am 19," Xander answered.

I still nodded. I lightly and gently put my phone down. I got up and started to pace. What else do I have in my pockets that might break? I noticed that I had my iPod and my new headphones, as well as my pocket, had something else. I pulled it out and found a bracelet that I loved and gently put it on the table.

"What are you doing?" Alexander asked.

"I'm just about to punch a wall," I growled. "How could he?!? HE KNEW! HE KNEW HE'D MEET MOM! Why?" I asked softly at the end.

"He didn't know that, Jaycie. This was before he knew anything. I'll tell you at home. Actually, Dad can." Paul says. "Still feel like punching something? I see Chase coming, you can go punch him."

I glared at Paul.

"I'm not going to punch Chase, Paul. I'd rather punch you." I scowl as Detective Beckett was talking to Chase. They looked over and Chase nodded every so often. "What are they talking about?"

"I don't know, but they're coming here." Alexander answers and they started to leave. When both Chase and Detective Beckett came in Paul glared at Chase. I, of course, rolled my eyes at him. I tried listening in if the others were being questioned, but I found out they were all talking to one another, so that means they are done. They must be waiting for me.

"Jaycie, I'm going to let Chase ask you the questions and I'll just be back there. Tell only the truth."

"I've been telling the truth this whole time," I say annoyed. "Also why are you questioning me?"

Detective Beckett left the room already as I asked Chase.

"She wanted someone who you could trust and who you could easily talk to." He answers.

"Oh ok. Why didn't Morse or Justin come as well?" I asked.

"I don't know, I don't think they were asked."

"Alright, so ask away. I'll be as honest as I was with Detective Beckett. 100%."

"That's good. Anyways lets start. First question. How old were you when you were first kidnaped? Because from my understanding this man kidnaped you more than once."

"Ugh, she still wants to know? I thought I told her to leave it alone? I don't want to talk about it." I say turning away.

"Please Jaycie, just answer." He begged.

"Huhhh, I was 8. It was by some guy named Bill Kendall. He was an abductor. He abducted kids and usually he killed them. I was the first to be kidnaped and get close to dying. Let me tell ya it puts your pain tolerance to a whole new level." I say remembering that day in the hospital.

I had been in a coma after they revived me. I also had a scar from the incident. It's on my left thigh in the front on the right side of my leg.

"Do you know why you were one of the many kids?" He asked.

"The police had told me that it was because I had looked like his daughter that had gone through the same ordeal yet I survived and hadn't completely died. Don't worry she's still alive, but she is just recovering slowly. At the time, I had found out she was in a coma like I was just in. Last I heard from them was that she woke up. I had actually gotten to visit her." I say with a big smile on my face.

"You've visited her even after her father had done that to you?!?" He asked.

"Of course. I felt terrible for her. I had asked my dad to take me to see her. The last time I visited or seen Delany was this year before I was kidnaped for the fifth time."

"Is the man that was supposedly found dead the person who has been kidnapping you?"

I looked away. I didn't like these questions at all.

"Besides that one time, yes."

"Who is he?"

"All I know is that he's a murderer, psychopath, and an ignorant man who has no future while my dad is still alive."

"I bet." He chuckled. "Have you ever gotten any scars from the man and has anyone been kidnaped with you? How many times?"

"Have I ever gotten scars? Mentally and physically. Have people been kidnapped with me? Yes, Ms. Irene, Sam, Mom and I met Talon and a few other people when I was kidnaped at 10. So far the only one to come back alive is the people I met when I first met Talon. I've been kidnaped 5 times in total, but with him, it was my last 4 that he had taken me."

"May I see any scars that you have?"

I was surprised at first, but I only lifted an eyebrow. I shrugged and got up. I unzipped my jacket that had a hoody under it. I took the baggy jacket off and put it on the chair. He asked what I was doing, but I ignored him. I took my hood off and turned around. I pulled my shirt up and I heard him gasp and I heard clicks from heels so I just knew Beckett was in here.

"How did you get it?" Beckett asked.

"A whip," I stated and when I was about to put my shirt back on I felt a hand on my back.

"Oh my goodness." He murmured softly and I gulped.

Can't I be in different situations?

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