
By kxkx0504

195K 6.8K 3.5K

Sakura, Hinata, Ino, and Tenten are the popular girls. They have everything: smarts, looks, and personality.T... More

Popular girls
The nerds
Nice to meet you
Why him?
The real you
Cherry blossom
Aren't you.....?
Scary movies, screaming, and....hugging?
Truth or dare part 1
Truth or dare part 2
Christmas special
Star gazzing
The Uchihas
Worried (Part 1)
Worried (part 2)
Worried (part 3)
The plan
Getting ready
The big day
The last
Problems occour again
Authour's note (Please do not skip)
Dinner #2
Problem solved
Future time!

Party time!

3.6K 121 50
By kxkx0504

Hello! Okay so from now on there won't be just one point of view (POV)  in every chapter! But maybe some of them will still have just one point of view (POV)! Anyways, I do not own Naruto. Please follow me and please continue to read nerds!

~Tentens POV~

"You what!?!?" I yelled. Sakura sighed and nodded. "Wait as sec, so you're saying that the kidnapper wants YOU to deliver the money to them? And in person?" Ino asked. Sakura nodded again and kept quiet. "This is bullshi—" I yelled but got interrupted. "Exactly, and that's why you aren't going" Sasuke said with a serious expression. "But Sasuke—!" "I....I think S-sasuke-s-san is r-right. I-it might be t-too dangerous a-and you might g-get hurt" Hinata said shyly. "I—" Sakura protested but got cut off again. "Yeah just like my Hina-chan said, its too dangerous and you're like a little sister to me Sakura-chan, -ttebayo!" Naruto yelled. "But—!" "Hold on a sec, what if we look at this the logical way" Shikamaru said when he finally woke up. "What do you mean by the 'logical way'?" Ino asked. "I mean, if we don't let Sakura go, what will happen to Sasuke's mom? Remember if Sakura doesn't go, your mom's life is in danger" Shikamaru said as he looked at Sasuke's direction. "So what are you trying to say, Nara?" Sasuke growled. "Im saying that its either Sakura's life........or your mom's" "There has to be another way, right?" I asked in a whisper. "I believe that there is a way for Sakura and Mikoto to both be alive after this" Neji said with a calm expression and he placed his hand on mine. "What if—" Sasuke protested but Sakura cut him off. "Don't you trust me Sasuke?"  "I do but—" "Good, then if you do trust me, let me go. I can handle this stuff" she said as she placed a hand on Sasuke's shoulder. Sasuke sighed and muttered, "Annoying..." We all exchanged solemn gazes.

Everyone looks pretty down...even Naruto, who is usually all smiles...

"Hey" I said breaking the silence. "Why don't we go to the bar later? The situation right now is really tense, especially for you two" I said as I looked at Sakura and Sasuke's direction. Everyone nodded except for Sakura and Sasuke. "Come on you two, we are just having a little fun! And you guys are so stressed, you need to just party!" Ino said. "I know its just that you make us" Sakura said as she looked at Hinata's, and my direction. "wear revealing clothes and it makes me feel weird" Sakura said with an emotionless face. Sasuke's face turned into a light shade of pink, Naruto had a foxy, mischievous grin, Neji was getting redder every second, and Shikamaru's eyes were wide open.

Ah...boys will always be perverts....

"So?" Ino asked. "Nothing, its just that this time, don't make us wear those short dresses agin." "Fine..." Ino said in defeat.

"Okay guys, go home and get ready for the party. Sasuke, drive Sakura home, then pick her up later" Ino said. "Hai" we all said and went to our vehicles. "See you guys later!" I yelled then went in Neji's car. When Neji was starting the engine he smirked and looked at me. "So you wear 'short dresses' huh?" "HEY! I had no choice okay! It was either I wear that stupid dress or I have to face Ino's wrath and still wear it!" I pouted. "I actually want to see you wear a short dress, and I want to see your hair down too" he said as he looked at the road in front of him. "Well Mr. Hyuga, you will never see me in a short dress and my hair down" I said with a victorious smirk. "Well when we get married I will" he said with a smirk. "Wha—! N-neji!" I yelled. "What?" He asked innocently. "Idiot..." I muttered out. He gave me one of those stupid, handsome, smirks. I felt my face heat up and I looked away.

~Hinata's POV~

I was done getting ready for the party/bar when the doorbell rang. "Hinata!" Hanabi yelled. "Its Naruto!" "H-hai!" I yelled back. I ran down the stairs but being the clumsy old me, I tripped on the last step. "Kyyaaaa!" I yelled. I was expecting pain but I never felt it. "H-huh?" "Gotcha'" Naruto said with his usual bright smile. Then there was a bright flash and a click. Naruto-kun and I turned around to see Hanabi with her phone out. "I am so forwarding this to Papa" she said with a smile. "H-hanabi!" I yelled. I felt my face heat up. Naruto-kun helped me stand up. His face was a little flushed. "U-uhm...anyway...are you ready, Hinata-chan?" He asked. "U-un!" "Yosh lets go!" "Bye love birds! Have fun!" Hanabi yelled out before closing the big doors behind her. Naruto opened the door for me like a gentleman, and I quietly said, "Thank you". "No problem" Naruto said. The ride was really quiet. "You look beautiful Hina-chan" Naruto said while looking at the road in front of him. "T-thankyou. You look r-really handsome N-naruto-kun" "Arigato Hinata-chan!"

When we finally reached the bar, we saw some teenagers drinking, couples making out at the corners, people dancing to the music, and other people having a drinking contest. "There they are Hina-chan!" Naruto yelled though the loud music. He grabbed my hand and lead me through the crowd. Even if we were dating I still feel giddy and I still get embarrassed around him. "Hey guys!" Naruto yelled and went to the guys. He let go of my hand and they did a weird handshake. My hand felt cold and I wanted to go up to him and hold his hand again but I pushed the thought away and I made my way to the girls. "Hey Hinata" Tenten and Ino said cheerfully. Sakura just nodded and looked like she was deep in thought. The boys laughed and then walked off. "Where do you think they're going?" Ino asked. Sakura shrugged and kept quiet. "Who knows. Boys are a totally different species. You can never know what they are thinking" Tenten replied and looked at Neji as he walked off with the others. I giggled. "Come on Saki! Lighten up!" Tenten yelled. "Ah..." she replied. "You know your boyfriend, Sasuke, is like, rubbing off of you. Seriously, now you're starting to sound like him!" Ino yelled. "Do not" Sakura said. "Do too" Ino argued.

"Do not"

"Do too"

"Do not."

"Do too!"

"Do not."

"Do too!!"

Tenten joined in the fight.

"So Sasuke is your boyfriend now? You never denied it."

"He isn't"

"He is!" Tenten and Ino yelled.

"Is not"

"Is too!"

"Is not."

"Is too!"

"Is not."

"Is too!!"

"Guys" I said. But they ignored me. "Guys!" I said a little bit louder, but they continued to fight and yell. "GUYS! SHUT UP!" I yelled. They stopped and stared at me. "A-ah....I-I'm sorry!" I stuttered. They all laughed. "I-it's j-just that tonight we should h-have fun and n-not f-fight over s-stuff" They nodded in agreement and forgot about the whole fight.

We all sat down at a table and ordered some drinks. "What can I get you girls?" A boy with black hair and very pale skin asked. "I'll get this one" Tenten said. "U-uhm...I'll just h-have water" I said shyly. "I'll have water too" Sakura said. "Just water? Seriously?" Tenten asked. Sakura and I nodded. "Hey cutie" Ino said and gave the boy a flirty smile. The boy smiled and they exchanged some words. "Thank You!" Ino yelled out after the waiter, I think Sai was his name, got our orders. "Flirting with guys again? Shikamaru's gonna get jealous and mad" Sakura said. "What? You gotta enjoy life and not be like SOMEONE" Ino said. "I'm not antisocial" Sakura said and gave Ino a glare. "Im not saying that you were. And you're starting to act more like Sasuke" Ino said with a smirk. Tenten poked Sakura. "Tell me a secret only the real Sakura would know" She asked suspiciously. "You cried when we watched toy story 3, and you still do, you big cry baby" she answered with a smirk. "So you are the real Sakura" Tenten said. "And I'm not a cry baby!" "Uh huh...keep telling yourself that. You know that you have a soft spot for Disney movies." Sakura said. We all laughed as Tenten's face started to turn red.

When we finally got our drinks (And Ino winked at Sai) we continued to talk about stuff. "Is there by any chance that you two" Sakura said as she pointed at Ino and Tenten. "Drank before the party?" "What? Nooooooo!" They both yelled.

They're drunk.......I wonder how Neji-nii-san and Shikamaru-san will handle his..?

Sakura sighed. "You guys are drunk" "Oh come on Saki! Let's go paaaaarrrrrttttaaaaay!" Tenten yelled at the top of her lungs. "Yeah! Leeet'ssss gooooo dance!" Ino yelled. The two drunk girls walked over to the dance floor. Sakura sighed. "Should we follow them?" Sakura asked. "Y-yeah I t-think we s-should. T-they might g-get in t-t-trouble" I stuttered. We both nodded and went after the two. "God where are they?!" Sakura yelled in frustration. "Oh..t-there they a-are!" I said as I pointed at the two girls. Ino and Tenten were dancing and a group of boys crowded them. "Sakura! Hinata/Hinata-sama!" Someone yelled. Sakura and I turned around to see Shikamaru-san and Neji-nii-san. "Nii-san? Shikamaru-san?" I asked. "What happend?" Sakura asked. "Well you see there's a little bit of a problem" Shikamaru-san said as he scratched the back of his neck. "What pro—" but Sakura got cut off. "Uhhhhh.....Whuaaaaa! Hina-chaaaaaaaaan!" Naruto yelled and hugged me very tightly. "Na-Naruto-kun?!" I said. "Don't tell me...." "Ahhhhhhhh!!! Saaaaaakkkuuuuraaaaaa!" Sasuke yelled. "You two idiots got them drunk?!" Sakura yelled. "Hey it wasn't our fault!" Shikamaru-san said. "Hn" Neji
-nii said and nodded. "Hiiina-chan! *hic* you're soooo beeeeeeeaaaaauuutifull! *hic* Hehehehehe!" Naruto yelled as he hugged me even tighter.

Ahh....can't breath.......uh... Who knew Naruto-kun can be so troublesome when he's drunk......! But still....that was very nice of you, Naruto-kun...

~Sakura's POV~

"Don't tell me...." I said as I turned around. "Ahhhhhhhh!!! Saaaaaakkkuuuuraaaaaa!" Sasuke yelled. He went up to me and hugged me. His face was flushed and he smelled of alcohol. "You two idiots got them drunk?!" I yelled as I tried to pry Sasuke off of me. But being a stubborn idiot he was and being controlled by alcohol he held on even tighter. "Those two had a little drinking contest. And it wasn't our fault!" Shikamaru said. "Hn." Neji said as he nodded with agreement. I glared at them and looked at Naruto and Hinata. Hinata seemed to be in the same situation as me. "Shika-kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnn!" Ino yelled and walked over to him with a bottle of beer in her hands. "Nejiiiiii!" Tenten yelled and ran over to the Hyuga. "You got them drunk?!" Neji and Shikamaru yelled. "It wasn't our fault! And you made these two drunk too so speak for yourself" I snapped. Ino and Tenten hugged their boyfriends and gave them kisses. We all sighed. I looked at my watch to see that it was very late. "It's getting late....Neji, Shikamaru, go take Ino and Tenten home. Hinata you can drive right?" I asked. Hinata nodded. "Okay go take Naruto home. Or do you want me to take him home?" I asked again. "N-no" Hinata said as she slung Naruto's arm around her shoulders. She helped him stand up but Naruto was well....big, so Hinata was having some difficulty. Neji and Shikamaru nodded and carried their girls bridal style. "I'll take Sasuke." I said as I helped him stand up. I did the same thing to Sasuke as Hinata did to Naruto. We all nodded at each other and bid farewell. I carried Sasuke to my car. I opened the passenger door and laid Sasuke there. He was fast asleep and was lightly snoring. I chuckled and pushed some of his hair away form his face.

He's so peaceful...Ugh, what am I doing?!

Then Sasuke opened his eyes slightly and put a hand on my cheek. "You're so prrrreeeeeetyyy Sakura-chaaaaan~" he purred. I slapped his hand away and looked at him sternly. "Sasuke snap out if it". Sasuke chuckled then he closed his eyes again and fell asleep once more. I sighed. "I would be flattered if I knew you weren't drunk..."  I said to the drunk Uchiha. I closed the door and started to drive to Sasuke's house. When I finally made it there I carried Sasuke and knocked on the door. There wasn't an answer. Then Sasuke's phone buzzed. It was a text from Shisui.

SHISUI: Sasuke, we won't be at the mansion because we had some business to take care of, so no one will be home. Go stay at Sakura's place ;)

I sighed and put Sasuke's phone back at his pocket.

Looks like he'll be staying with me tonight...

When we reached my house Sasuke puked.

Oh Jesus! Why?! Why me?!

I groaned and pulled out one of my dads shirt. Fortunately, his shirt was the only thing that got puke in it.

Thank god it wasn't his pants too

I changed his shirt and was about to go to my room when he reached out for my hand and pulled me towards him. "Stay with me Sakura..." I was trying to get up but he only held on tighter. I decided to stop, seeing as there was no point in trying to escape form Sasuke. It was really late and I was starting to get sleepy, and Sasuke was really warm and soft. I snuggled closer and soon sleep took over me.

~Ino's POV

I woke up to the bright light of the sun. I felt something warm and soft beside me. Curious, I turned around to see Shikamaru.

What the hell!? What is he doing in my room?!

I turned around quickly to my side. Unfortunately, I was at the edge of the bed, so I fell down the cold hard floor. "Kyaaa!"

Ow...that hurt...and so does my head... I might have a hangover...

Shikamaru woke up.

"What are you doing in my room?" I asked. "What do you mean your room? This is my room." He said back. "Wait... We didn't you know....." I asked. Shikamaru turned red and shook his head. "Your dad would kill me if I got you pregnant this early...." We stared at each other awkwardly. "Any ideas of what happened last night?" I asked. "Well, you got drunk, so I took you home. But no one was there and the door was locked. I couldn't find your keys and the alarm would probably go off and the police might think I'm breaking in. So I I took you to my house." Shikamaru said. "O-oh" "You fell asleep and you kept saying my name. 'Shikamaru.....Shikamaru-kun...Shika~'' he said with a smirk and made his voice go all high pitched. "Hey!" I yelled as I punched his arm. "I don't sound like that!" Shikamaru chuckled.

We both smiled at each other.

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