Reckoning Tale-An Undertale F...

By Serena_Walken

1.3K 17 1

(Complete)Eighteen years ago, Frisk left the Underground, but there was another barrier to face before the mo... More

Chapter 1: Leave the He-She-It Thing Alone
Chapter 2: Something Small in A Hooded Cloth
Chapter 3: Can We Feel Sorry For It?
Chapter 4: Why Papyrus Hid the Timeline Papers
Chapter 5: He was Sleeping, Right?
Chapter 7: Like Coffee With Cream
Chapter 8: Red Dust
Chapter 9: Smoke In Hotlands
Chapter 10: Sans Is Good
Chapter 11: Toward Grillby's with Papyrus
Chapter 12: Princess Frisk Dreemurr
Chapter 13: Talk
Chapter 14: Hardcore Princess
Chapter 15: Asriel Joins the Fun
Chapter 16: If I Were King
Chapter 17: To Trap or Not to Trap?
Chapter 18: Feels Magic
Chapter 19: Royal Translator
Chapter 20: Need A Match
Chapter 21: Beer and Pizza
Chapter 22: Never A Princess, Just a Pawn
Chapter 23: Get Off of That Mountain
Chapter 24: A Talk Between Brothers
Chapter 25: Papyrus Takes Charge
Chapter 26: We Can Never Save the Underground
Chapter 27: Papyrus Opens the Barrier
Chapter 28: Text Message of Catastrophe
Chapter 29: Angels and Devils
Chapter 30: Pink Fish
Chapter 31: Eyes Wide Open
Chapter 32: Looping
Chapter 33: Oversurface
Chapter 34: One Last Time
Chapter 35: Will B. Shortensweet
Chapter 36: Protecting Shnookums
Chapter 37: Frisk's Mind in the Gutter
Chapter 38: It's Not Hormone's, It's YOU!
Chapter 39: He Doesn't Get the Jokes
Chapter 40: Only A Lonely Flower
Chapter 41: Yippee
Chapter 42. No Longer Friends
Chapter 43: Oops.
Chapter 44: Revelations Part 1
Chapter 55: Revelations Part 2
Chapter 46: Not Every Parallel Helps
Chapter 47: Cat's Out of the Bag
Chapter 48: Familiar Carpet
Chapter 49: Each Sans Does A Little Better
Chapter 50: Do We Believe Them?
Chapter 51: He'll Do It
Chapter 52: All Of Monsterkind Saved By . . .
Chapter 53: Happy Sandwich
Chapter 54: Monsters Stick Together
Chapter 55: Housing
Chapter 56: Blue Stop Signs
Chapter 57: Sup, Pops?
Chapter 58: Not His Frisk
Chapter 59: The Universe Didn't Appreciate That
Chapter 60: They Were Cute
Chapter 61: Mutual Agreement
Chapter 62: Sans Good Ol' Bestest Friend
Chapter 63: My. Family
Chapter 64: Unwind Them In Her Own Way
Chapter 65: Getting Off Of Schedule Kind Of Brotherly Love
Chapter 66: October 10th 8 pm
Chapter 67: Burning Regrets
Chapter 68: We're All Very Close
Chapter 69: A Sans That Listens
Chapter 70: The New Next Door Neighbor
Chapter 71: Hard Promise
Chapter 72: Hypothetically
Chapter 73: Fine Glitter
Chapter 74: Risk of Frisk
Chapter 75: Of Two Minds
Chapter 76: I, He, We
Chapter 77: Repurposed Soul
Chapter 78: The Damage of Frisk
Chapter 79: Moon to Sun and Night To Day
Chapter 80: Funny Bones
Chapter 81: Four Years
Chapter 82: The Child Alphys Watches
Chapter 83: Scavengers
Chapter 84: Just A Little Soul Finesse
Chapter 85: A Time And Place
Chapter 86: The Snag
Chapter 87: Sunny Times
Chapter 88: PMS
Chapter 89: Soul Brothers
Chapter 90: Time Marches On
Chapter 91: Everyone is leaving Ol' Sans
Chapter 92: Let's Eat Him
Chapter 93: Better Mean My Monster Soul
Chapter 94: Just Say He's Off His Rocker
Chapter 95: Bubbling Like Oil
Chapter 96: On The Tip Of The Tongue
Chapter 97: For My Ladykid
Chapter 98: Lazy At Acting Fast
Chapter 99: Hot Chocolate Milk
Chapter 100: One Sweet Memory
Chapter 101: New Genes
Chapter 102: Love Takes All Kinds
Chapter 103: The Wife and The Owner
Chapter 104: The Reckoning

Chapter 6: All About Risks

38 1 0
By Serena_Walken

fun level 74 Original MC Sans and Frisk

An hours worth of rest? Yeah, right. Sans checked his cell. He had a feeling even up there it would still connect. Magic was pretty powerful. And, he was getting texted left and right.

Papyrus: No, no, no! I know exactly what you are doing and I say no.

Undyne: No, you can't get time off for good work. What good work? What time off?

Papyrus: It won't work, I know it won't work. Gaster's machine is starting to spit out timelines, so I know what you are thinking and it won't work.

Undyne: You had better be there tomorrow or you're fired. This isn't a joke. You have an important job.

Papyrus: I could pay the rent, and you could take the tests, and we could hide the human deep under the house or something until she wants to take a test! Or in, we could trap her in the house? As long as the queen doesn't see her.

Undyne: Sans you had better answer. You are lucky with as much as you slip up that I haven't just fired you yet on that alone.

Papyrus: Sans, please. Messing with souls, it never turns out well. This won't turn out well. What if you mess with it wrong? All kinds of terrible things could happen!

Papyrus: Please no. You aren't ready for something like this. You don't even like to stay awake for work. How do you expect to do this!

Papyrus: The human has no idea what it's getting into. If you made it more direct, it would not agree.

Papyrus: It won't be able to work, Sans. It will not be able to keep whatever job it has. Have you told it that?

Papyrus: It would kill it too. This will kill it. It's going to hurt you too! I don't, Sans! Please, listen to reason.

Papyrus: Please just come home? Please, please just come home? We could bar the queen from coming out. She'll know something's up anyhow when you don't stop by to make a joke after a week, Sans.

Undyne: I swear if you are blowing off this conversation for a nap, Sans . . .

The cat moved over toward him, jumping on the bed.

"Cat. You don't like bones, do you?" It didn't seem to care, it was just rubbing up against his bony arm. "Um. Kay." He just closed his eyes and yawned ignoring his phone. None of them told him anything he could use.

Papyrus was right on many counts too, but Sans needed rest before he attempted any more talking. Learning a language through the mind was tough enough. He knew once Frisk settled down for a little while, she'd feel the effects too. And that was only a small percentage. Nothing compared to the twenty percent they had to go through.

And depending on how long it would take. Long talk. He needed a long nap.

Sans woke up two hours later. "Whoops." He checked his phone. Over 30 messages. "Yay." He rolled out of the bed and headed out toward the living room. Just like he thought, it did hit Frisk. She was on the couch, out like a light, curled up with Papyrus.

He shook her awake on the arm gently. "I know it sucks but gotta wake up."

"Uh?" Frisk slowly shook her head. "Sorry. What time is it?"

"Time to end your life. Maybe." He sat down on the couch on the opposite side, hearing Papyrus finally growl at him. Looks like the lazy dog did care about something. His spot next to his mistress. "Easy, pooch." Well, as long as its head was the other way. He just didn't want slobber all over himself. He crossed his slippered feet. "So, time for a talk. How long do you think these tests will take?"


"Got anything better than awhile?"

Frisk sat up straighter on the couch, pulling Papyrus' paws off. "I didn't tell Toriel. I didn't want to, I didn't have time to, and she really didn't need to know. But, if you are wanting to try, then I will be honest." She made Papyrus get down. "A long time. The barriers don't just lead out of the mountain. They lead below the mountain, underneath for several miles. When the last test is done, the barrier will reveal a safe area for the monsters to . . ." She touched her head lightly. "The exact words were 'Become another heterogeneous society until and if it is ready and trained to become hidden but a part of the greater homogeneous society'." She rubbed the back of her ear. "In other words."

"They've done this before?" Whoah. There were more monsters out there still? "Living on their own or blending into society."

"Yes." She sighed putting her fingers up in quotes. "They are ready. They are willing. Once a human pays the reckoning."

"Reckoning. These tests have a name, huh?" Designed to destroy a human's soul. "So. That's . . ."

"To pay for every life lost," she finished. "Seeking forgiveness from the dead." Frisk stood up. "We have the biggest settlement in the history of all the wars. According to them, all of the others were minor. In the hundreds. There was even a couple of thousands. It took over ten years to do the thousands."

That wasn't bad. "Way more monsters paid the price."

"Correct, but . . . the ambassador is paying for everyone. Not just the humans. Paying for the entire war."

That put it into a new perspective. A dangerous perspective.

"Since the lifespan of a human isn't enough to cover the debt, the tests are prearranged to cover a thousand to ten thousand at a time," Frisk explained. "With heavier consequences."

Sans couldn't remember how many were lost in the war. It was a great war between monsters and humans, with only the remaining ones trapped in the Underground. A big war. "How many tests, Frisk."

"Some are solved in a day, while others take weeks," she told him. "100 tests."

One hundred tests? Some solved in a day, and some in weeks. "You got examples?"

"They wouldn't share an actual test, and I don't want to . . ." Frisk shook her head. "They took 100 of the random dead, and gave them precedence. So, say . . ."

Waiting. Sans tapped the couch for her to go on.

" . . . say a seamstress was one they gave precedence to. Then. Then they'd stitch your mouth shut for two days or something to pass the test."

Ah. "No flesh." Sans pointed to his mouth. "Easy win."

Frisk continued. "They come in three groups. Physical distress, intelligence distress, and emotional distress. Sometimes, a combination. We get three tries for each test. After that, it's over. They will put up a new barrier that will take hundreds of human souls to dispel. That's it. I don't have anything else." She looked away.

Well. Sans got what he wanted, at least a little. Even with great skill, it would take time to solve and probably heal. There was no quick avenue. "So? You sure you want to do this?" Positive reaction again. "Okay. Let's . . . cover risks."

"I could die," she said, "I understand that."

"More than that." Sans looked around the place. "This will wreck your entire life too. You'll eventually lose your job soon because . . ." He shook his head. "You knocked out two hours from just that tiny exchange. You'll miss days of work, or you'll be drowsy and screw something up. Soul exchange ain't easy, kid. Not only that, but you are exchanging with me of all monsters." He winked his eye socket at her. "And my energy requires more . . . rest before it can get up and go. So. Yeah." He shrugged. "Still fine over there?"

She nodded her head.

"Good. So then, when you do feel good? We've got to go down and take care of those tests. So." He waved his bony hand around. "This shindig is okay for a bit, but unless you've got lots and lots of whatever is your currency here, you'll lose this place."

"Oh." That sounded a little depressed. "Everything is a risk."

"Sure, but, then what? You won't be dead, but we still need a place?" Sans questioned. "How much of your currency you got saved? I got a month, maybe. You got without a job . . . I don't know, two, maybe three tops?" Yeah, now she had to think. "Not to mention your pets."

"I have a friend that would probably take my cat and dog." She got edgy. "If I got in trouble, I'd . . . I could maybe bum a few weeks at a friends' but . . . I'd eventually have to go live with my parents. But-"

"Hey, ma. Hey, pa. Here's me and my monster friend to live with you," Sans teased her. "Uh, okay." He waved his bony hand at her. "Well, at least they'll finally have to believe you, right?" He chuckled. "So, now we got possible death, loss of your house, loss of your money, loss of basically your respect and dignity, and living back with your parents in order to help me save the Underground. So."

Yep, she was thinking. Death was one thing. Becoming him was different. He yawned and tapped his slippered feet on her floor, up and down, waiting for her.

"Couldn't we just stay Underground?"

Ding, ding. Predictable guess. "Toriel is always in the Ruins. She'd never catch us, that's what you are thinking?" Sans asked. "I could do my usual routine of going over and telling a joke at least a couple times a week. She wouldn't be any wiser. You'd bum around the house, stuck and doing nothing. Sounds okay. I mean, you could even bring your pets. Papyrus could pay the rent. Whatev, right?" He tapped his feet on the floor, up and down again, waiting for it.

Waiting . . .

"I barely survived on pie while I was down there," Frisk admitted. "The Underground doesn't carry the kind of food humans need to survive for long amounts of time. When I woke up from my coma so long ago, I figured it was because of getting switched of days between small amounts of food. I didn't have a lot of GOLD. It was the food at Grillby's you bought me that helped get me through."

There it was. "Great. So?"

"I would need to take trips back up. But, I will have lost my job. Reserved money would have to be used. Plus, the people running the tests know about me. So, if I'm not home, there is a chance they might shut the hole. Meaning."

"Uh huh. You can stock up on food now, and have it as a reserve, if you want. I could drown my dignity with Papyrus instead, but eventually you'll run out, and the way up here would be closed." He waved his bony hand around. "See? Short term and more dangerous. That hole has to stay open and you humans have way too high of nutrition needs. I like a good Grillby burger now and then, but I can survive on ketchup alone if I have to. I'm a skeleton."

"It would have to be used as a very, very last option. When we knew we were almost done." Frisk got quiet. "My parents. I'll end back up with my parents. With a monster." She looked back toward him. "Not that I don't appreciate you, but-"

"No one believes in monsters and your family is going to freak out? Take a picture. What a lovely day in the future." There. Now, she had almost all the risks. "Oh yeah, and there's always a chance that I don't do this right. So, I should probably get your parents name and stuff. If you go nuts, you won't be able to live by yourself anymore. Might just be trapped in a body that doesn't move. Anything can happen." 100 tests. "It's okay, kid. I get it. Let it all sink in before you really agree."

Frisk got up from her couch and moved toward her window, looking outward. She would probably lose everything, before her life. Her home. Her pets. The Underground. The pain of the tests, emotional and physical. He could put it all on himself. It almost seemed like he wanted to, but they were so different. Even he admitted best chances was with her. And, if he failed, he would die. If he failed, the Underground would never go free. No, I can't. Even if I do have to slowly lose everything, even my mind, I just can't. She strolled back over and sat down. "I understand all the risks. I even took more time to think. But, my life out here . . ." She shook her head. "I can't keep living it if I know what is happening Underground. I accept that I may die. I accept that I might have something happen to my brain or my body. I accept that I will eventually lose everything up here."

Crazy. Nuts. "You are definitely that same kid, aren't you?" Sans questioned her. "Rather put yourself on the line than kill a single creature down there. I still have no idea how you survived."

"I don't know, but I think I had some help. The other soul," Frisk said. "I don't know for sure, but that has long since past."

"Feels like yesterday to me," Sans said. Everything felt like not too long ago. The he-she-it thing grew up into something . . . amazing. A job with meaning. A nice place. Awkward friend but a good friend. Even apparently had a boyfriend in her life. It wasn't a he-she anymore either, just moving through the Underground, trying to survive. It had a great life, and was putting it all on the line, just to help the chances of success.

And it would. A hundred tests by himself? Everything riding on just him, that was a horrible idea. A lot of pressure. Sans had way, way more power than the kid knew, but it still had a limit. Everything had a limit. And if he reached his limit, his body would eventually need rest. He stopped tapping his slippered feet up and down. "You turned into one hell of a lady when I wasn't looking, kid."

Well. That was that. "Don't worry about paying me back for nothing." He handed his phone over to her. "You don't have to worry about losing your house or nothin' either, lady, I just wanted to make sure you were dead serious and thought things all the way through."

"Wh-what? Over 2 million?"

"Yeah. GOLD into your money is actually dang high. My month of savings could let you live the rest of your lifespan just fine without working another day in your life," Sans admitted as he crossed his bony arms behind his head. "Apparently the cost of a couple burgs down below could pay for fine art up here."


"Yep. But, you need to stock up on a lot of food and stuff though. I ain't kidding, lady, this soul exchange, I don't know how pretty it's going to be. Never seen it or done it, just read about it." He stood up. "Let's go. Probably need a weeks worth of dinner. Get your car and let's head out." He noticed her look. "What?"

"Did I just get flipped from kid to lady?" She asked.

Sans shrugged. "Humans don't even live 100 years, to me, you're all kids. But um." He headed toward the door. "You've definitely grown up enough."



"Skeleton. You're a skeleton," Frisk reminded him.

"So?" Sans just waved to a passing car. "See? Not even a flinch. People don't believe in monsters. They'll think I'm just some crazy human dressed up. Let's go."

"Okay. I guess . . ."

"Another reason I'm up here, and you're not down there? I ain't going to stay locked up in a house all day, and neither are you. Monster or not, I gotta mingle. Let's go."

At A Local Store . . .

Frisk yawned. Her body wanted to just crawl up in her bed and forget everything. She bought enough groceries for a week full of meals, and still had some leftovers in her fridge. Sans? Was making sure they had enough microwavable food and meals and ready-to-go items and catsup.

People did look at him kind of strange, but it was just like he said. They thought he was in some kind of costume.

"Hey, cool costume, dude."

"Thanks, kid. Nice shirt yourself."

"Whoah. That's out there."

"It's out there and in here at the same time."

"Um, hey there." Frisk watched as another guy tapped on Sans shoulder and handed him a small device. "Heard about you wondering around. You lose yours or something?"

Sans looked at it. "Yeah. Gee, thanks, Buddy. Didn't know what I'd do."

"Yeah. Always keep a spare. Take care." He walked off and Sans just flipped the little device in his hand. He clicked the button on it. Frisk didn't see any difference, but he stopped a shopper.

"Hey, pal, what do you think of my costume?" Sans asked him.

"Um. What costume?" He asked strangely as he headed away from Sans.

"Knew it. Pulls a whammy." Sans looked toward her. "Anything?" Frisk shrugged. "Eh. Probably because you know I am who I am. Must not be able to work when someone knows a monster already." He stuffed the little device in his coat. "I couldn't even tell what he was. We can't even see each other."

Then, they both heard laughs from a couple of teenagers walking by.

"Aw, look, midgety little husband and wife doing shopping together!" They teased them. "Hey, don't forget to use a stool to reach your freezer!" They slapped each other's hands and walked away.

Frisk ignored them, but watched Sans eye sockets shoot to meet hers.

"What was that?" He asked. He looked at himself and everyone else. "Size matters here?"

"Yes and no. Most people get taller," she admitted. "Some don't. Most do. I just ignore it."

"Oh yeah, forgot about that. Monsters come in all sizes." He just continued along with the cart. "Leave it to humans to actually tease about something as silly as size. Still." As they passed the teenagers, a load of barbecue charcoal briquets that had been stacked up for a summer special fell down on them. "Wow, what karma."

Uh huh. More like what magic. Still. The guys weren't hurt, just embarrassed about having things fall on them in a public place. "Enough microwavable snacks?"

"Think so. Trust me, you're not going to want to get up for anything," Sans said as she walked toward the line. She started to put stuff up on the conveyor belt to the cash register. "We'll go home, crawl in bed, and it'll take so much out of us, we won't want to move for days."

Frisk watched the cashier woman wink at her. "Fun night planned, huh?"

No. That was not the wording to use.

"Don't actually know if you'll be able to leave my lava room for your room. I'm going to do quite a work over on you." Sans shrugged. "Probably end up sleeping in Hotlands before you make it back over."

Frisk felt her cheeks get warm as the cashier woman laughed and the bagger was looking at both of them strangely.

"Oh yeah, you're fragile too. Better add some protection."

"Aisle 4," The Cashier woman said. "Sounds like something you shouldn't forget."


"She should have plenty of pillows at home," Sans said, still not picking up on anything. Of course not, he was a monster and new to the surface. "I just want to make sure if it gets hard on you lady, and you stumble out of bed, you don't hurt yourself. We've got plenty of that up ahead. Oh, yeah. Um." He patted her back. "I never actually apologized about your wrists. They won't be involved this time though."

Frisk could feel eyes on her all over the line. All over. They weren't even pretending not to watch her.

"Wow," the cashier woman said as she started adding things together. "Do you have a brother?"

"Yeah," Sans said. "How'd you know?"

"Didn't know, was wishing. Is he taller?"

"Sans, let's just go." Frisk could feel her cheeks so extra hot. This was really embarrassing. Nowhere in his talk about risks did he ever mention the risk of being embarrassed by him. Not that it would matter, but it still should have been listed as a risk.

"What's up?" Sans asked her. "Oh, I get it. It's a size thing again."

Not. Helping. Frisk helped the bagger move quicker and high-tailed it out of the store.


End of Chapter


Multiverses: When a multiverse is revealed, I will share info about it below. Until then, only the key letter remains. Some are important, and a couple only show up a bit.

fun level 74 Original MC Sans and Frisk
fun level 72 D
fun level 75 K
fun level 73 18
fun level 65 M
fun level 66 MF

fun level 71 MN

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