Reckoning Tale-An Undertale F...

By Serena_Walken

1.3K 17 1

(Complete)Eighteen years ago, Frisk left the Underground, but there was another barrier to face before the mo... More

Chapter 1: Leave the He-She-It Thing Alone
Chapter 2: Something Small in A Hooded Cloth
Chapter 3: Can We Feel Sorry For It?
Chapter 4: Why Papyrus Hid the Timeline Papers
Chapter 6: All About Risks
Chapter 7: Like Coffee With Cream
Chapter 8: Red Dust
Chapter 9: Smoke In Hotlands
Chapter 10: Sans Is Good
Chapter 11: Toward Grillby's with Papyrus
Chapter 12: Princess Frisk Dreemurr
Chapter 13: Talk
Chapter 14: Hardcore Princess
Chapter 15: Asriel Joins the Fun
Chapter 16: If I Were King
Chapter 17: To Trap or Not to Trap?
Chapter 18: Feels Magic
Chapter 19: Royal Translator
Chapter 20: Need A Match
Chapter 21: Beer and Pizza
Chapter 22: Never A Princess, Just a Pawn
Chapter 23: Get Off of That Mountain
Chapter 24: A Talk Between Brothers
Chapter 25: Papyrus Takes Charge
Chapter 26: We Can Never Save the Underground
Chapter 27: Papyrus Opens the Barrier
Chapter 28: Text Message of Catastrophe
Chapter 29: Angels and Devils
Chapter 30: Pink Fish
Chapter 31: Eyes Wide Open
Chapter 32: Looping
Chapter 33: Oversurface
Chapter 34: One Last Time
Chapter 35: Will B. Shortensweet
Chapter 36: Protecting Shnookums
Chapter 37: Frisk's Mind in the Gutter
Chapter 38: It's Not Hormone's, It's YOU!
Chapter 39: He Doesn't Get the Jokes
Chapter 40: Only A Lonely Flower
Chapter 41: Yippee
Chapter 42. No Longer Friends
Chapter 43: Oops.
Chapter 44: Revelations Part 1
Chapter 55: Revelations Part 2
Chapter 46: Not Every Parallel Helps
Chapter 47: Cat's Out of the Bag
Chapter 48: Familiar Carpet
Chapter 49: Each Sans Does A Little Better
Chapter 50: Do We Believe Them?
Chapter 51: He'll Do It
Chapter 52: All Of Monsterkind Saved By . . .
Chapter 53: Happy Sandwich
Chapter 54: Monsters Stick Together
Chapter 55: Housing
Chapter 56: Blue Stop Signs
Chapter 57: Sup, Pops?
Chapter 58: Not His Frisk
Chapter 59: The Universe Didn't Appreciate That
Chapter 60: They Were Cute
Chapter 61: Mutual Agreement
Chapter 62: Sans Good Ol' Bestest Friend
Chapter 63: My. Family
Chapter 64: Unwind Them In Her Own Way
Chapter 65: Getting Off Of Schedule Kind Of Brotherly Love
Chapter 66: October 10th 8 pm
Chapter 67: Burning Regrets
Chapter 68: We're All Very Close
Chapter 69: A Sans That Listens
Chapter 70: The New Next Door Neighbor
Chapter 71: Hard Promise
Chapter 72: Hypothetically
Chapter 73: Fine Glitter
Chapter 74: Risk of Frisk
Chapter 75: Of Two Minds
Chapter 76: I, He, We
Chapter 77: Repurposed Soul
Chapter 78: The Damage of Frisk
Chapter 79: Moon to Sun and Night To Day
Chapter 80: Funny Bones
Chapter 81: Four Years
Chapter 82: The Child Alphys Watches
Chapter 83: Scavengers
Chapter 84: Just A Little Soul Finesse
Chapter 85: A Time And Place
Chapter 86: The Snag
Chapter 87: Sunny Times
Chapter 88: PMS
Chapter 89: Soul Brothers
Chapter 90: Time Marches On
Chapter 91: Everyone is leaving Ol' Sans
Chapter 92: Let's Eat Him
Chapter 93: Better Mean My Monster Soul
Chapter 94: Just Say He's Off His Rocker
Chapter 95: Bubbling Like Oil
Chapter 96: On The Tip Of The Tongue
Chapter 97: For My Ladykid
Chapter 98: Lazy At Acting Fast
Chapter 99: Hot Chocolate Milk
Chapter 100: One Sweet Memory
Chapter 101: New Genes
Chapter 102: Love Takes All Kinds
Chapter 103: The Wife and The Owner
Chapter 104: The Reckoning

Chapter 5: He was Sleeping, Right?

36 1 0
By Serena_Walken

fun level 74 Original MC Sans and Frisk


Frisk's House . . .

Heh. She did remember. Sans looked around in the hallway. He didn't even need to see Frisk to know it was her house. The hallway was speckled in shades of purple with blue carpet. He headed toward the front and started to see pictures of her hanging along the wall.

Blue. She had blue eyes. He'd never seen her eyes before. She always kept them closed. Crazy. Look how old Frisk got. Time passed so fast for it. He looked around the hallway at the pictures it had growing up. He stopped and chuckled as he saw one when it was around the age it went Underground. It had three other people in the picture. He'd seen them in various ages in other photos too. "Kid did have a family." He trotted further down the carpet, but saw one of the pictures changing. He picked up the picture frame and turned it around. It was in some kind of electric device. Hm. Electric picture scroller. Why not? He put it back down. Monsters and humans seemed to evolve with similar technology, but some things were still different. Now, where was Frisk?

Flowey was still outside. He preferred the dirt, at least until Frisk was found. Except, that there was something weird he heard coming from another room. He moved toward it. "Oh. Well, hey there . . . umm . . ." Not a monster. Not a dog. It was smaller, black and white, lying on a checkered bedspread. On its collar was some writing. "I know it, I know it . . ."

"It's her cat, Krisp E. Kreme" Flowey chuckled from over by the window. "You should see her dog."

There was a dog? They were usually okay in monster form. There was a regular dog in the Underground, but he was quite used to the monsters. "Uh, there was something about dogs. Aren't they usually not so nice to strangers?" Flowey was already gone from the window. Great.

He heard the cat make a sound as it took off out the door from him. Sans moved onward. He checked another room and laughed. "This kid." It really was trying to grasp onto things. It was covered in black and red with pictures of volcanoes in it.

It also had a big, white dog. He just opened an eye at Sans and then went back to sleep.

"Hey, the lazy kind. That's the kind I don't mind." Sans turned but heard the dog start to get up. "Really, let's stay lazy over there in the corner. Nothing doing over here." When it tried to come closer, he used a little magic to make it heavier. "Good dog. Nuh uh, stay there. My bones aren't for you . . ." He moved away from that room and looked onward. Where is the human?

He moved onward and peered in the next room. It . . . was weird. Bath and a strange object. He shrugged and went onward into the next room that was . . .

Counters. Lots of counter space. He moved into the refrigerator area and opened it up. "La dee da." He opened up the top portion. Mainly the bottom was used, but it was full. "She knows how to eat." Then he heard the dog bark. He looked toward it. "Warning ye, don't mess with me." He closed the refrigerator and headed out into the main living room.

He smiled. "Hey. Home." He looked around it. Lights dangled across the ceiling. He walked across the floor. The whole room was white, and even had some fake little trees here and there in it, decorated with presents underneath like they did at home for the Gyftrot.

He moved toward Flowey over toward a window again, lifting it up. "She isn't here."

"Eventually. She isn't eight. She has a job. Which she's probably at again," Flowey said. "She's kind of tough to get a hold of."

"Why, what did the kid end up being?"

"A vet."

"Oh." Sans headed backward. "I'm gonna go sleep in Hotlands for a bit then."

"Typical," Flowey complained to him.


A few hours later . . .

Frisk groaned as she came through the door and took her shoes off. She flung her light coat and purse on the couch. A sandwich would really hit the spot, but a nice shower would be better first to wind down. She headed toward the bathroom, closed her door and took a barrette out of her hair that helped to keep her bangs back. She looked in the mirror, lingering on herself.

She had tried to see Toriel every night by the hole, but she never came. She sent Flowey back and tried to get him to convince her to see her, to at least talk. Toriel knew the future lying ahead of her, and Frisk knew it too. There was a real potential of death and pain. It was scary. It was real.

She looked toward her hand. Eventually Toriel got it to heal, but even with her healing she saw some huge scars on it. Who knew if her soul healed or ever would either. She went over and started her shower, getting into it.

Without Toriel helping, Frisk just tried to go on with her life like normal, but, she still knew the monsters were trapped down there. Banishment though. She couldn't get in. There was nothing she could do, except try and talk to Toriel. Slow and steady, it was the only way to accept what had to be done. Maybe, eventually, she would wear her down. Maybe.

But, it wasn't like a fight with Toriel trying to steer her away when she was young. Toriel didn't even need to come see her in the hole, all she had to do was ignore Flowey, and she could live with herself. And Frisk could do nothing. But it ate her up inside. She took a brief shower, letting the warm water hit her, and hopefully help comfort her soul.

She got out a few minutes later and tied on a blue and purple robe with some blue house shoe slippers. She opened the door and whistled. "Missy, missy, Krisp E. Cream! Momma's home! Pappy, honey! Come on!" She whistled again and headed for the kitchen for their food, and some for her too.

Turkey sandwich? Leftover hamburger? There was pie for desert still. Pop? Cream soda? Maybe just some water. Nah, cream soda. Frisk watched as Krisp E. Cream started to brush against her leg. Pappy came around the corner and barked. She moved toward her low cupboards and got them their food first before heading to the fridge for a sandwich. Getting bread and some turkey slices and mayo, she closed it up and started to make her turkey sandwich. When it was done, she took a big bite, but felt someone tapping her shoulder.

When she turned around, at least she had the sandwich in her mouth to keep from screaming in surprise.

Sans woke up from the bed when he heard her call her pets. He rubbed his eye sockets and rolled out of the bed. She finally came home. He stepped out of the room and headed after her. She was trudging around with her pets in cute blue slippers.

The best way to go of course. When she moved to the kitchen, he gave it some time to think how to approach her. Flowey wasn't there yet, but she was eventually going to have to see him. He decided to just be direct and tap her on the shoulder. Flowey couldn't be too far.

When he tapped her on the shoulder, she whipped around. Blue. She had blue eyes, just like in the pictures. And they were widened in surprise as she had a piece of bread she was biting into, staring right back at him.


Frisk was not ready for that. But, right in front of her, stood a skeleton.

But, he wasn't quite like a skeleton. He was all bones, but his structure was different. Firmer. Broader. His mouth looked like it had one giant row of teeth and it was closed shut. Someone must have come to fetch her. It also had eyes, but didn't. Well, little lights that were shining from his eye sockets. It had to be either Sans or Papyrus. Yeah, the monster that was trying to kill her wasn't the first one she wanted to meet up top on the surface, with no one around right now. "Uh. Hi?" She managed to say between the sandwich in her mouth.

He made funny clicks at her, but unlike the other monsters, his mouth didn't move. His mouth stayed clamped shut.

"Uh?" Why couldn't Flowey had come to get her? He spoke human. "Do I need to return?" Maybe? That would make logical sense. She heard a light tapping on her blue linoleum and looked down.

No way. The skeleton wore pink house slippers? She laughed slightly, not being able to help herself. He clicked at her again, but she had no idea what he was saying. She held up her sandwich. "Sandwich? Um? Are you Sans or Papyrus? You sound like . . ." It'd been so long, but she had always pegged him as the funniest sounding one. Now though, she had to say it out loud and she didn't want to get them confused. "Sans?" He clicked at her again and moved even closer. "Not big on personal space, are you?" Then again . . . how is it they first met? Jog that memory, Frisk. You heard him follow you all the time.

She put her hands out to him. "Okay there, big fella, personal space. Mighty important." She looked around for Flowey. Please, she needed a translator. "Um? Flowey, did you come too?"

"Right here!" Flowey said from her kitchen window. Frisk scooted around the skeleton and moved toward her window to let him in. "Hi. You have another visitor."

"Am I allowed back down?" Frisk asked.

"No, you're still banished, but she's not the only monster, and monsters want to be free," Flowey reminded her. "That's Sans. Remember him?"

"Uh huh." Frisk looked back at him again. "His expression doesn't change much."

"Well. He is a skeleton?" Flowey reminded her. "Not big on lots of facial stuff. He needs to talk to you."

"But, Toriel spoke human," Frisk said looking toward Sans. "I don't speak monster." She looked back toward Flowey. "You said I shouldn't trust Sans or Papyrus."

"At first," Flowey said. "They're okay now, and, you need to speak monster. Toriel's not an option and I'm not hanging around just to play translator. Trust me. Just agree and you'll speak monster in no time. Um. Just."

"Just what?" If this was that easy, Toriel probably would have done it. "Flowey?"

"You're just going to give up a tiny pitch of your humanity. That's all," Flowey said.

"Just to speak monster?" Humanity for a language?

"He needs to really speak to you," Flowey said firmly. "About serious . . . things," he settled on. "This is the only thing left, Frisk. If you don't do it, just abandon the Underground forever."

"That important?" She watched him clicking at her again. "Risks? Don't tell me there are no risks, either."

"Brain fry maybe? But I think Smiley Trashbag will be careful," Flowey said. "Everything's a risk, right? You want to free us, right? Well, he's your help. First step."

"I've never heard of this before," Frisk said.

"Any monster can do it but it's. . . not done a lot," Flowey confessed. "Obviously. Used to happen in the past though. Books on it and everything. Really." He turned upside down on his petal head. "Just a little humanity to give up to get a whole language. Come on, that's a good deal right there. Less than five percent. In the scheme of things you face in those tests, this isn't nothing."

Those tests. Is that what he wanted to talk about? Did he have something to help her get through them? "Okay. I have to risk it." She heard Flowey click toward Sans.

"Um. Close your eyes," Flowey said. "And just, hang on. It's probably like eating nice cream too fast."

Huh? Frisk felt an excruciating pain in the front of her forehead! She started to see weird symbols transforming into words in her head and heard weird clicks slowly start to make sense. The front of her forehead felt like somebody shoved it into a bed of hot coals!

Then, all the pain went away. Her head was freed and she grabbed it. There wasn't even a headache left over from it.

"Ouch!" Sans touched his own skull. "That's tough on the skull. Geez." He looked toward Frisk. "Hey, kid. Can you understand monster now?"

Frisk shook her head. "Perfectly."

"Great, you speak it too. Good. So?" He chuckled. "Love your dogs name." He scooted his hand toward it slightly, making it lay down. "Got to learn some manners though."

"Great. Now, talk," Flowey encouraged him.

"So?" Sans pointed to her refrigerator. "Who's that pie for? Are you eating all that food yourself? You got any hamburger buns around here?"

"Not about that!" Flowey complained, but Frisk just smiled. "Don't encourage him."

"No, sorry. It's just been a long time." Frisk nodded toward Sans. "I remember you the most of everyone. You tagged along all the way through with me."

"Yep. Tagging along again," Sans said. "Listen. You technically freed us years ago, but there was a force that pushed us back. Kind of like this." Sans gently used his magic to push back her dog. He was lying on the ground and didn't seem to care as he was slowly pushed back. "Then just bam, doors and a barrier that weakened us when we got near it. So, technically. Not free. But we were free. Then weren't."

"And it was worse than if I had never tried," Frisk finished for him. "I'm sorry. I was eight. I didn't even know what an ambassador was, and I wouldn't have been allowed to do the tests anyhow. They already told me that."

"Yeah, but. We just, we really want our freedom," Sans said. "We really, really want our freedom."

"Well, I can speak monster now," Frisk said, "but I'm far from the same. I can't guide myself, or even still speak. The magic is too heavy down there, and I just don't have any of the abilities I used to have."

"Yeah, but want them back?" He asked. "How about it?"

"That was . . ." Frisk gestured toward her head. "It was something-"

"In your brain. Get it now. Extra soul helped you get around, but the power came from your brain." Sans nodded his skull. "Know that. It's, uh, why me and Papyrus weren't so happy you came back down. But, now we really want your help." He shoved his bony hands into his big coat. "It's beyond time, we are screaming for freedom. I need you to do something for me. After this, if you don't want to help, that's your choice."

"Why?" Frisk asked. "What do you need?"

"I need twenty percent of your humanity. Not enough to change you or me, but I can get past the barrier as 'human'."

What? "You want my humanity?"

"Yeah. Fair deal. You'll get some monster."

"Now." Wait. This didn't sound . . . "Flowey?"

"Nuh uh, talk to him," Flowey insisted. "I'm out."

Oh. Great. He literally left out the window. "Um. This just . . ." Twenty percent of her humanity?

"Magic gets blocked back there, I can't destroy anything with power, if that's what you're thinking," Sans said. "But, I could do those tests."

Monster? Frisk wanted to help the monsters but . . . become a monster? "I . . ."

"I-I-I or aye, aye, aye?" Sans asked. "I did the language thing, this isn't a big problem."

"We're basically switching percentage around."


"Um." Damn. "Just twenty percent?" Frisk questioned. "That's it?"

" . . . at first. Maybe."

Oh no. Hiding something, he's hiding something.

"With some monster in you, you could heal faster. Chances of survival go up. And." Sans held up a bony finger. "We can cheat too."


"Yeah. Where you or I died in different timelines, we can make sure we don't make the same mistakes. Kind of morbid, but eh."


"Little timeline machine. You know, parallel worlds, running straight with ours? A brilliant guy named Gaster invented a machine to watch them. That's . . . kind of why I judged you at Judgment Hall way back when," Sans admitted. "Heard it whirring away after I met you at MTT's. I mean, I liked you kid, really, but that stuff was scary."

"It's fine, I get it," Frisk insisted. "If you get caught by Toriel though . . . she's um, really, really . . ." How could she put it delicately? "She said if I was found down there again she would lock me up forever if it saved my soul. So. I should feel lucky I was even getting to go back up."

"Yeah, I know. I'm taking a risk, but the whole Underground is worth that risk right now. We just can't be there for more thousands of years," Sans insisted. "Besides." He closed one eye at her. "Tell me about that hole. Did the humans make that or not?"

"Oh, yeah. They know about it," Frisk said. "As long as I keep coming back for tests, they'll keep it open." Toriel. The tests. Sans was taking a lot of risks. "I don't think Toriel would sentence anything like death but-"

"Lock me up forever," Sans said. "Got it. I know. I've thought this through already. I just need you to agree. What do you want to do?"

"Free the Underground," Frisk admitted. "How monster will I get?"

"Ah, you won't change what you look like. You won't go skeleton or anything, and I won't get all fleshy or nothin'," Sans said, easing her nerves. "It's soul exchanging. Mostly an ability thing. I think."

Frisk bit her lip. He thinks? Healing ability. Some of that old fire back she once had to take on those tests. Sans help too. Everything was a risk, and if he was caught, there'd be no choice either. But. "What about Papyrus?"

"Oh yeah." Sans lifted his magic off her dog but he was still lying down. "Don't think he cared too much."

Frisk felt herself getting warm cheeks. That's right, she named her dog after his brother. "I mean, your brother."

"Well. It depends on you, Frisk." Sans gestured between them. "If you give me twenty and don't think you can face those tests, I'll go back Underground myself. Toriel wouldn't know, and I'd do my best not to get killed." He scratched his cheekbone. "If you agree to help out all the way, then I'll stay up surface. Papyrus will say I snuck out the hole and never came back." Sans shrugged. "It'll keep him safe. If you or I get caught, he won't be involved."

"You would be considered a traitor though," Frisk said. That wasn't right.

"I don't care. I'm past the point of caring what happens to me," Sans admitted. "That point has long since sailed. Traitor. Jail. Human. Don't care anymore, I just want to get us freed. Okay?"

Any risk. He was willing to take any risk? He is desperate. Maybe even desperate enough to try and dupe me. She couldn't jump into such a heavy decision.

"Come on, what do you say?" He spread his bony arms out toward her. "Help your old buddy Sans out, huh? Come on? Nothing left to lose for me, and I'm guessing at looking at your house, this was a big thing for you to want to do?" He urged her. "Come on, Chum. Be a pal. Twenty percent. What's twenty percent between friends? For a start, maybe?"

But, then there was an anxious knock on the door. "Frisk! I need to talk to you!"

"Oops." Sans shrugged. "I'll be back in hotlands when you need me."

"Oh. Um." Frisk looked around but Sans already walked away and to her guest room. She moved toward her door for her friend, Amanda. "Coming." She opened it up and Amanda sailed in, tossing her coat and purse onto the couch next to Frisk's.

"Okay, so advice time," Amanda said aiming straight for her kitchen to the fridge. She opened it up and fished around in the back for one of Frisk's beers. "Kendrick, Frisk, I need to talk about Kendrick. Where is all your beer, girl? Oh, there it is." She grabbed the pack and the salad she left in Frisk's fridge.

Frisk sat down next to her. "Now's not the best time."

"He fucked Cindy, he totally fucked Cindy!" She complained as she tossed the salad on the table and grabbed her bottle opener out of the drawer. "Okay, you know how I told you, 'Frisk, I really think Kendrick fucked Cindy, but he's not admitting to it'?" She took a seat at the table with a beer and opened her salad. "Well, I asked him directly if he did, and every time he's been saying no and no and no. But then, last night when we got all hot and heavy, he said he really loved me and so he had to admit that he did fuck Cindy." She ate the salad in double time.

At least Sans doesn't know human. "I'm sorry, Amanda."

"Fuck that guy. Right?" Amanda shook her head. "I mean, I really like him, and I want to believe that he told me because he loves me? But like, Cindy is such a nasty-hearted bitch, you know? I can't stand her."

"Uh, I know," Frisk agreed as she heard the doorbell rang. "Who's that?"

"I ordered pizza too for us on the way over. I couldn't just have a salad tonight, not dealing with this," Amanda said as she answered the door.

Great, just great. Usually Frisk and Amanda switched nights visiting at each other's house. Many times, they slept in each other's guest beds. Dilemma. Sans wanting some of her humanity to free the Underground. Amanda's heart absolutely smashed from Kendrick. Not a good night for these to pair up.

Amanda took the pizza back to the table with Frisk and opened it up. "Fuck salads. Without a boyfriend, give me some pizza any day. I mean, who am I supposed to look good for? Huh? Someone who's just fucking Cindy? You haven't taken a slice yet, Frisk."

"Uh, not real hungry," she admitted. "Amanda, maybe you should take some time for yourself and think about what the best option is? Um. He told you before anything happened, right?"

"Right. So, that means he wouldn't be using me for just sex, because then he wouldn't have done that." Amanda nibbled at her slice. "I don't know though. I mean, fucking Cindy? How would you feel if you ever found out your guy had fucked Cindy?"

Bad thought. "He never would."

"Why not? Every other guy around here goes for her. She spreads them for everyone, Frisk." Amanda flopped her leftover crust in the bottom of the box and took another slice. "And you? You won't even spread them a little. I wish I had your willpower."

"Daughter of a preacher growing up. You either grow up being an extremely good girl or bad girl," Frisk chuckled, "and sometimes you could pull off both at the same time. But, seriously, it's not all fun and games. I have to be really sure of a guy before I even date."

"Yeah, I remember you telling me about that. That was sick and just because of your size." Amanda shrugged. "It was kind of weird at first, but I got used to it a long time ago." She finished off her next slice and closed the box. "Here you go, you can have the rest. Um. Where's your beer?"

"I'm not drinking."

"Really?" Amanda looked back toward the counter. "I could have sworn that six pack was full before I took one." She shrugged. "What do I know, I guess." She stood up and headed toward the door with Frisk. "Alright, Frisk, I'll take your advice. I'll think about Kendrick more before I make a real big decision. But. It's just. Fuck Cindy, you know? She probably knows how to tear out someone's soul with her bare hands." She took her coat back off. "I don't know Frisk if I should even be driving like this. Oh, shoot, and I had a beer too. Can you take me home?"

"I have stuff I need to do tonight," Frisk said.

"Okay. I'll just crash in your guest bed."

"Oh, wait!" Oops, nope. "On second thought, I'll drive you home real quick. No problem." She grabbed her purse and coat. "Let's go."

"Frisk?" Amanda gestured toward her. "You gonna drive in a robe?"

Oh. "I'll be right back." Frisk hurried to her room and change. Putting on a simple blue sweater and her new purple jeans, she headed back out to Amanda. "Ready."

"Oh, those are beautiful. I have been looking for purple jeans in my size. Freaking awesome Frisk," Amanda said as they started to walk out and toward Frisk's car.


Frisk closed her front door once she got back. One problem solved. She headed back to the kitchen and already saw Sans. He had the pizza box open eating a slice with a beer in his other bony hand. "Sorry about that. I had no idea you'd be here tonight."

"No problem. More sleep didn't hurt." Sans bit into the pizza. "So? Twenty and me, or helping me all the way?"

"I can't just leave the Underground trapped," Frisk said. "I could do the twenty percent, but . . . " She shook her head. "I couldn't forgive myself if you did get killed."

"I don't care. It's worth it," Sans said biting into another slice. "I'll be honest, kid, I really can't guarantee anything with you past twenty. That's a bitter pill to swallow, but there it is. I'm ready to die for this if I have to. I ain't got much going anyhow. Unimportant job, making puzzles and looking at snow for a thousand more years. Only thing worth anything is Papyrus, so." He shrugged. "Are you willing to die for it, is what it comes down to."

Yeah. She knew that. She'd known that since the first test. Frisk loved life. She wasn't suicidal, but, she followed her heart. Always had. His chances are slimmer of making it through without risking myself too. No, letting him do this alone, that's not me. In the end, I still have to be me. "Okay. All the way. I'll go all the way with you."

"Easy lady, hit the breaks. Wine and dine me first." He looked toward his beer and pizza. "Oh. Guess you did."

"Huh?" Frisk didn't understand it at first. Then, she felt her cheeks getting warm again. That's right, he liked to joke. "I mean, I want to keep helping the Underground out, no matter the risk."

"Great. Which is my room then?"

His room? Well, he needs to stay on the surface I guess. "Take the guest bed."

"Cool." He closed the lid on the box. "Hot and warm when it arrives? You're telling me. This is pretty good."

Wait. He read the box. He read the human language on the pizza box. "You understand human now?" He was sleeping, right? He didn't hear her with Amanda, did he? Sans slept hard, real hard. Sleeping through Undyne wanting to kill her hard. What all did we talk about? What did we say exactly? He was really sleeping, right?

"It's a mutual thing." Sans finished off his slice of pizza. "I need about another hour of sleep for what we need to do though. Don't let me sleep any longer than that. Just roll me out of bed if I don't wake up." He trotted off to the guest bedroom yawning.


End of Chapter


Multiverses: When a multiverse is revealed, I will share info about it below. Until then, only the key letter remains. Some are important, and a couple only show up a bit.

fun level 74 Original MC Sans and Frisk
fun level 72 D
fun level 75 K
fun level 73 18
fun level 65 M
fun level 66 MF

fun level 71 MN

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