White Shinigami (Naruto fanfi...

By Nikole15402

277K 10.4K 3.1K

Disclaimer: I own nothing, but my Himawari Hyuuga and the other things I make up. I do not own Naruto, or it'... More

Chapter 1: Sensei vs Team seven
Chapter 2: Two Flowers and a confession
Chapter 3: How did Kakashi know?!?!
Chapter 4: Sasuke vs Haku and my early b-day gift
Chapter 5: Us against them. Naruto vs Haku
Chapter 6: I hate Gato
Chapter 7: Graves tears and memories.
Chapter 8: My Exam and a hot redhead
Chapter 9: Panda and clothes shopping with Tenten
Chapter 10: Sasuke v. Lee Turtle?
Chapter 11: Meeting the rookie nine and Kabuto Yukushi
Chapter 12: Written Exam... Oh no...
Chapter 13: Pineapple Shika-kun isn't an idiot
Chapter 14: Interviews... STOP TALKING!
Chapter 15: Forest of Death. What a wonderful name.
Chapter 16: Don't call me Hyuuga-Chan
Chapter 17: Cursed? Or just unlucky? More like both!
Chapter 18: Sound People Don't Shut Up
Chapter 19: Hi Kabuto. Well ambushes suck.
Chapter 20:: Mai Nagase vs Himawari Hyuuga
Chapter 21: I missed them all!
Filler Chapter: Fiance!? What is that?
Chapter 22: Family reunion, Joy! (Not)
Chapter 23: Time for Training! And Yakiniku!
Chapter 24: Pervy Sage and... I may or may not have been eaten...
ATTENTION/ ShikaHima or GaHi
Chapter 25: It turns out Owl Saliva doesn't wash out.
Charactors created by me
Chapter 26: Kimono shopping and the Busty Tea Lady
Chapter 27: I think I hate him
Chapter 28: The Final Rounds: Neji vs. Naruto
Chapter 29: Himawari vs. Chikako Part 1
Chapter 30: Himawari's past arc. Part one
Chapter 31: Takara Uzumaki Part Two
Chapter 32: So I Have to be a Girl to be Friends? Part Three
Chapter 33: Sparring and a Climbing Trees. Part Four
Chapter 34: The Plot Thickens. Part Five
Chapter 35: Who are you? Part Six
Chapter 36: Reuniting and Parting. Part Seven
I was tagged
Chapter 37: A Mission? Part Eight
Chapter 39: My Biggest Lie. Part Ten Final
Chapter 40: Himawari vs. Chikako Part 2
Chapter 41: We're a Pretty Good Team, Shika
Chapter 42: Is this the end?
Chapter 43: Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire

Chapter 38: Its gone south. Part nine

810 40 13
By Nikole15402

Two chapter in a day! Wow! And three in a week! I'm on a roll. I know I probably should have saved some for later... but... I read books. You want them as soon as possible right? So here ya go. This one is extra long too!

Somebody landed on my branch.

"Byakugan." I whispered trying to avoid detection

The on my branch... was Yagura?! And around the other trees were mist ninja. They looked ready to fight. They were surrounding two ninja wearing cloaks with red clouds, one a mist with a large sword, probably defector, and Itachi!? The man who killed the Uchiha and destroyed the old Sasuke. 'Oh dear'

I watched the Mizukage glance in my direction. His eyes widened a bit realizing I was there before going back to seriousness for the upcoming fight.

"Is that the Mizukage?" Itachi asked his teammate. Yagura is the Mizukage!? He looks so young. I'd never imagine that he was a Kage. That begs the question, why was he helping me that day?

"Do you remember my warning?" His colleague questioned. "Any way you look at him, he's a kid. He's the Jinchuriki of the Three tails, and they are the Mist's Shinobi Tracking Unit."

Yagura... is a Jinchurki? What's a Jinchuriki? And what's the Three Tails?

"I never expected you to reappear in the village, Juzo." Yagura said grabbing that black weapon with the flower on it. So Juzo is his name.

"I didn't want to come back either. I had no choice." Juzo complained.

A crash cam through the trees. It was Takara! She was out of breath as if she had ran here with all her might. Chikako wasn't with here, neither was Daichi, but if Takara was in a hurry then nobody could keep up with her.

"I'm here to help. These men killed a member of The Water Daimyo's family." Takara pulled out a kunai. I knew she wasn't her to fight in behalf of the Water Daimyo. She was her to grab me and leave, but this is the Mizukage she was talking to.

"Very well." He must have assumed Takara one of the guards. "I have a ton of things to say to you..." Yagura paused staring at the new combatant. "At the very least, I'm taking back the Executioner's Blade. Even if your partner is Itachi of the Sharingan."

"So I guess a surprise attack with your Genjutsu is meaningless." Juzo said to Itachi.

"So what do you want to do?" Itachi returned. Itachi was one of the kindest people I knew. I don't know what happened for him to become this...

"This one's a formation C."

"Formation C? Understood."

After that last sentence, the battle began. I huddled as far as I could into the hollow and clenched my eyes shut. I was curious about the fight, but as weak as I was, I knew there was nothing I could do about this. I was just going to have to trust that Yagura would be alright considering how strong Itachi was.

The sound of men falling reached my ears, and it implied that Itachi and Juuzoo were winning. I hope Takara was okay. Heat of, what I could only assume, a fireball jutsu could be felt in the air. Then... a different kind of chakra. This one felt off and strange, so I peaked out once more...

Yagura's body was covered in this red chakra that shaped his body into a new form. Was this his power from the 'Three Tails?'

"Tailed beast state?!" Itachi said surprised.

"The Fourth is a Jinchuriki who can control his Tailed Beast!" Juzo responded. "This is not the Hidden Leaf!"

The Leaf? Did we have a 'Jinchuriki' as well? And whoever it is can't control it like Yagura can. The battle resumed. I once again felt a great mass of chakra as Yagura made this purple sphere. Takara made a wall of Earth as Yagura fired. Juzo tried to use his sword as a bat, but instead cause an explosion. Debris went up in the air making me shield my eyes.

"Juzo!" I heard screamed. It could be assume that he was hurt in the explosion. I opened my eyes to see Juzo impaled to a tree by a fragment of his large sword.

"Run, Itachi..." Juzo sputtered as Yagura was making another purple sphere of chakra.

Itachi didn't run and Yagura and Takara was suddenly covered in black flames. Yagura had the majority, but it seemed Yagura's red chakra protected him slightly more. Itachi's eyes! They are Sharingan, but... they look different. Yagura and Takara started to scream in agony as the flames burned them.

"The power of the Mangekyo Sharingan?" I heard Itachi say through the loud yells. Itachi held his eye and the fire went out. Itachi is getting stronger. At this rate Sasuke stands no chance against him.

"Why you--" Yagura fell to the ground as smoke came from him burns. I wanted to rush down to him and Takara, but I didn't want to get caught by Itachi and his partner Juzo.


"Did you kill the Mizukage?"

"No, he's not dead yet"

"Then..." Juzo coughed more blood. "Hurry! Go!"


"It's all over for me..." Juzo paused. "You don't have to be a Medic Ninja to know that, right?"

"I'm sorry..." Itachi apologized. "What a stupid thing to say. Do you have any last words for anyone?"

"Like I'd have anyone, idiot." Juzo insulted. "I see... but you have someone like that, huh? Hurru and go! I'm just gonna drop dead, right here, where I'm from... this god-forsaken Blood Mist Village... I thought my only partner... was this guy here..." He reached for his weapon, but he could not reach the hilt. Then he fell. This man was dead.

This was my first time seeing death. Sure, there'd be sick people, but I was never around the moment they died. I'd also never seen such a brutal death, yet as a ninja, I knew I'd see more.

I don't know what was going through Itachi's head, and I don't know how he felt about this man, Juzo. What he did surprised me. Itachi, the ruthless clan killer, removed Juzo from the tree, laid him on the ground, and put his sword back into his hands. Then he disappeared. If he sensed me, he did nothing.

As soon as I knew he was gone, I hopped down to Yagura and Takara. Now that I was up close it really hit me. These person, these kind people were hurt. Yagura, despite not having known him long, was important to me. Takara I had known he for a while now, she was like a big sister to me. Tears streamed down my face as I grabbed Yagura and Takara's hand gently. The heat of their burns could be felt still. It must have been painful.

Takara sat up against the nearby tree, and I still held her hand refusing to let go. Takara's wounds weren't as serious, but if she didn't get treatment too, she would die.

"Takara... Yagura-nii..." I whispered sadly. He wasn't dead yet, but I knew soon he would be. Yagura sooner than her. Oh... what about Chikako...

"Hiro?" I heard him whisper in return. I felt guilty. He didn't even know my real name. In his last moments I think he deserved to know that at least.

"I'm sorry..." I cried gripping his hot hand tighter. "My real name is Himawari Hyuuga. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you before, but I am now."

"It's alright." He replied as I moved his head into my lap. He opened his pretty pink eyes at me. "As long as your okay."

"But your not." I choked on a sob. This would be the first time people I cared about died in front of me. Sure there was my mom, but she died in childbirth with Hanabi so I didn't remember her.

"It's okay and there's something I would like to ask of you..." He smiled gently at me.

"Anything!" I shouted in return.

"I hate *cough* to ask this of you, but I'm the Jinchuriki of the Sanbi." I couldn't tell where he was going with this. "And I don't want him to cause a ruckus."

"You want her to contain him. To become the new Jinchuriki." Takara narrowed her eyes, but she knew where he was coming from.

"He's kind of a pain, but he's a lot kinder than some of the other beasts." Yagura smiled. "Boku and you would get along well, I think." Yagura sighed his smile disappeared. "It's alright if you don't want too."

"No!" I shouted with decision. "I will. I'll try my best to become friends with, Boku?"

"You'd need somebody to seal the Sanbi. It's not that simple."  Takara piped up moving closer to me. Takara groaned in pain before her attention turned toward Yagura. "I'm willing too. However, if I used this chakra I would die soon after. Well, I'm going to die soon anyway, there's no medic nin nearby."

"Thank you, ...? Yagura thanked her asking for a name

"Takara Uzumaki. Pleasure, despite the circumstances." Takara put her hand out to shake hand, before realizing her mistake and put it back. Yagura couldn't move to shake.

"My name is Yagura the Mizukage, well not for long." Yagura laughed dully.

"This is the man who brought me to Aoi Kiku." I chirped.

"Is he?" Takara's eyes widened in surprise. "Then he has my gratitude. Though, he's more like a boy don't you think?"

"I am the Mizukage!" Yagura yelled irritated. He must not like being undermined. "Let's get started while I still have a little strength."

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