Not a Cullen

By wings4life

1.3M 31.4K 7K

Did you know Renesmee had a sister. No? I'm not surpised. I'm Elisa the eldest twin. I got kicked out after I... More

Kicked out cause of a tantrum
I'm hot, I know
Meeting Stephanies girlfriend
School? You wish!
I'm in hell aren't I?
Back stories and the VST
This is not my brother
Flashback then I meet a creepy british dude
A chapter w/ Klaus
It's a mustache!!! ----> :{
Santa is coming shopping with me!
Shopping for realz
Monday the sundae
Tara is mad!!!
Rebekah is hooooome
Klaus is a b*stard.
Torture what fun!
Bonding with the scary original!
I'm running out of chapter titles...
How are you alive?
Stefan the puppy and Elena the troll!
YouTube. This is just fantastic (part 1)
YouTube. This is just fantastic (part 2)
YouTube. This is just fantastic(part 3)
Cullens versus well everybody
Party of death. Mwa ha ha ha
Hybrids, Death & Awesome Hair
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bad pick up lines
A Pet Hybrid
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who wants to get drunk
The feels!!!
Naivety not idiocy!
Brotherly Love
Come at me, bro
Don't Regretti the Spaghetti
Bon Appétit
Have a holly, jolly...oh no

Meeting the Arusadawn family and why Klaus?

20K 447 131
By wings4life

"Tara. Hey Tara wake up." Someone whispered, nudging my shoulders. I moaned and turned over.

"Stop watching me sleep creeper." I mumbled barely awake. Whoever it was sighed and stepped back.

"Well you have to wake up sometime." They mused and then all of a sudden I felt sharp little claws digging in my back. I smiled and shook my head, getting on my elbows.

"I have more than one layer of clothes on, Klaus. Did you honestly expect Hellcat to do anything harmful to me?" I said sleepily and cuddled the cat, laying back down. He shrugged.

"It was worth a shot. Anyways all the critters are out, it's about 2 in the afternoon, and I think you should get up and go shopping for your new stuff." I groaned.

"If I didn't know better, I would say you're trying to get me out of the house." He raised an eyebrow.

"I'll drop a spider on you." I sat straight up.

"I'm getting up!" I protested and swung my legs out of Rebekah's bed. He smirked at me all smugly. I glared at him but I think my yawn kinda ruined. I walked to the closet door than faced him expectantly.

"What?" He asked dumbly. I rolled my eyes and pushed him out. Idiotic hybrid man. He laughed as I slammed the door firmly before jumping back in bed.

"If I come back and see you in the bed again, guess who'll get some new pets." He threatened again through the door before he started to cheerfully whistle and walked away. Freak! I grudgingly put on a pair of skinnies with a pink tank top and a pair of matching flip flops before I came downstairs. Kol glared at me as I went in the kitchen to grab a pudding and he walked out with a snobbish look. I smirked and hopped on the dining table where Rebekah was with her head face down. She looked up at my arrival and scowled.

"Why are you dressed so cheerful. It's ghastly outside!" She moaned. I shrugged and peeled the top off.

"I was trying to force myself to be happy but it isn't working." I sighed.

"Well we were thinking you were going to sleep the day away. Tell me, are you always such a pillow hog?"

"Yes. Yes I am." I nodded with a serious expression. She rolled her eyes and laid her head back down. When I finished polishing off my pudding I grabbed my keys and headed to the doorway.

"Where are you going?" Rebekah asked with her voice being muffled by her arms. I saw a slit of a single blue eye staring at me curiously.

"Apparently I need to get my new stuff today, as told to me by Klaus. Did you know he threw Hellcat on me?" She laughed and stood up, smoothing out her navy blue top.

"I'm surprised he has let you keep it so far." She smirked, grabbing her jacket.

"Ah you can't deny these beautiful eyes of mine for long. Plus she stays outside most of the time so we don't really need to do anything." I shrugged and switched the keys.

"We should take your car. More trunk space." I said and threw them in her face. She snatched it with a bored look and we were off to the mall. (Actually I never been to one so I don't know what to expect. :/ )

"What are we getting first?" She asked as we pulled in. I bit my lip and thought.

"Well I can get someone to order furniture online so I can sleep on an air mattress in the mean time. So I guess decorations, then clothes then stuff like books and junk." I nodded. She shrugged and started off in the opposite direction. I didn't notice it till ten seconds and she was pushing through the crowd with an impatient look. I had to run and catch up, getting many dirty looks and curses from the randoms. I glared fiercly at them in return till I had caught up to her.

"People are so rude!" I said with a disgrunteled expression on my face.

"Please, you should be in my shoes. Like when Nik daggered me in the 20's and when I woke up, everyone was rude and that was mind boggling. Stefan was especially rude when he was with Nik." She wrinkled her nose. I looked at her thoughtfully.


"You're old." Her eyes widened and she hit me hard on the arm. I just laughed and danced into the first store I saw. She followed me with an annoyed look.

"And you are the most rudest person I had ever seen in my lifetime!" She snapped. I grinned impishly at her.

"But I am also the most gorgeous one you'd seen." She glared at me and stomped into some part of the store that was far away from me.

"Love you Bekah!" I yelled, laughing hard.

"So you are dating the sister." A semi familiar voice said behind me. I whirled around and a huge smile grew on my face.

"Blaze!" I squealed and hugged her tightlt but then remembered what she said and pulled away slightly.

"Dude quit that. I am single and proud of it." I scolded. She smirked.

"Whatever you say Tara. So what are you doing here?"

"Looking for some crap for my new room. Everything in my old room is ruined so more shopping for me. Yay." I said with a bored expression. She laughed.

"Don't sound so thrilled." She said with a smug look. I rolped my eyes and started to look around.

"Why are you at this store? Are you stalking me?" I gasped fakely. She scowled.

"I was here before you were so if anyone is stalking, it's you. And I'm here since new house, new room." She said simply and pulled out a black curtain with red streamers swinging. I grinned at it as she gave it to me.

"You know me so well darling." I drawled and put it in my cart.

"You seem to be the secretly goth type." My eyes widened.

"If I was which I am not but I do like some of their styles, I definitly wouldn't hide it."

"One thing about Tara is that she doesn't hide who she is. She really is a freaky pyschopath. Hello, I'm Rebekah Mikaelson." The said vampire appeared beside me. I jumped slightly and stuck out my tongue at her. She gave me a sarcastic smile and looked at the red head who didn't look all that impressed.

"Blaze Arusadawn. Are you what's his name sister? Cole isn't it?"

"Close, Kol. And sadly yes. You met him?"

"Ah yes. He had silly string in his hair. Who can forget that?" I burst out laughing at the memory. Rebekah raised an eyebrow at me.

"I don't even want to know." She sighed but looked closely at Blaze. "Your name is familar though. Arusadawn is an old family name, yes?" Blaze looked at her solemnly but I noticed a hint of suspicion which made me suspicious as well now.

"Actually yes. Why?" Rebekah shrugged good naturely.

"Just curious. Tara, how are you going to pay again?" She faced me. I smiled mischeviously and held up a credit card.

"Courtesy of Klaus himself." Her eyes widened and she stifled her laughter.

"I also have Stefan's, Damon's and I somehow managed to get Tyler's but I don't remember how or when." I said puzzled, as I stared at the proof. Blaze whistled lowly.

"Well you don't have sticky fingers or anything." She said sarcastically. I shrugged.

"They're rich. They won't miss a thing." I said innocently and got engrossed in a wind chime with little stars twinkling down and a half sun/half moon directly in the middle. I put in the buggy without another thought. Blaze snorted and tossed her hair out of her face.

"Is this normal for her?" She whispered loudly to Rebekah who was staring at me calculating.

"Sadly yes. As I said before, Tara doesn't pretend. She is who she is." I pretended not to hear the conversation and started to look through the posters. I saw a kitty one that was sitting innocently on a defeated fox with the caption 'the fox doesn't say anything.' on it. I laughed and showed Blaze who's eyes widened joyfully at it and she scrambled to find it. Rebekah shook her head patronizingly.

"Girls." She sniffed. I stopped for a moment and looked at her seriously.

"I hate to break it to you but you're a girl too Beks. Unless there's something you want to tell me..." I raised an eyebrow. She glared playfully at me and threw a mini foam football at my face. I gaped as it fell to the ground after it hit it's designation.

"You did not just do that." I said in shock.

"Oh yes she did." Blaze cut in and snapped her fingers in a diva like way. I looked down and saw a whole stack beside me, hidden from view.

"Shocking aim for an old lady." I said innocently. Rebekah glared at me, less playfully this time.

"I am not old!" She actually stomped her foot in denial. We stared at her in shock and burst into laughter.

"And that was so childish." I choked out.

"I swear Tara, you are so lucky you're you." She trailed off meaningfully. I straightened up.

"Oh so I can get away with that... And this." I threw the foam balls at her. She caught a couple but took a couple hits as well. She growled and stalked forward. I threw my hands up in surrender.

"It wasn't me!" I said quickly. Both Rebekah and Blaze stared at me.

"We both saw you throw them at me." Rebekah snipped and crossed her arms.

"I swear it was Elisa not me though!" I wailed. They stared at me apprehensivly.

"Tara. You do remember that you're Elisa right?" Rebekah asked slowly. I shook my head furiously making my hair whip around.

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not!!"

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not!!!"

"Who's Elisa?!" Blaze cut in with confusion covering her face. We both stared at her and I chuckled nervously.

"Her real name is Elisa from when she was living with her biological family. She changed it to Tara as soon as she left." Rebekah explained and put a hammock chair thing in my buggy. Blaze had an 'oh' look on her face.

"Blaaaze? Where aaaare you???" Someone called in the store drawing the a's out. Blaze groaned and hid behind me which didn't really work because of her bright red hair was standing out like a beacon.

"Why are you hiding?" I asked in confusion as she gripped the back of my shirt as she peeked over my shoulder.

"Because my twin is here." She whispered hushedly. My eyes widened.

"You have a twin?!" I exclaimed and realised my mistake too late.

"Oops. Sorry." I grinned sheepishly at her peeved expression. Someone chuckled and footsteps were heading towards us.

"I'm going to assume that you are speaking about my darling baby sister Blaze." A handsome face said as he appeared into view with dress pants with a sports jacket that surprisingly well with each other. (fyi he is portrayed as the ever handsome Liam Hemsworth :D )

"Two minutes you jackass!" Came her muffled reply. He chuckled and pulled her out from behind my back.

"And what glorious two minutes they were." I looked between her and the handsome boy in confusion and looked at Rebekah.

"Is that how normal siblings act?" She shrugged and watched as they bickered about the age difference.

"Tara! You said you have a twin! Tell him that a couple minutes doesn't make him the boss!" Blaze demanded.

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't bring me into this!" I said hurriedly and raised my hands with widened eyes as everyone looked at me expectantly.

"Tara." She complained.

"And I wouldn't be much help anyways. I was born before my twin." I chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of my neck. She glared at me as the boy laughed and gave me a high five which I awkwardly accepted.

"You're a traitor to younger twins everywhere!" She sniffed. My eyes widened again.

"No I'm not! I'm just looking at the paste on glow-in-the-dark stars." I said and turned around to look at them where they were not. I ended up just facing the ball holder again. The boy chuckled.

"Well I can see how you two became friends. Well my name is... Walter Arusadawn. Apparently her name is Tara but what's yours?" He looked at Beks curiously. He was laying on the charm just right.

"Rebekah Mikaelson. Pleasure." She held out her hand and he took it to kiss the back of it. Her eyes widened slightly and I could see the delight and I had to hide the smirk on my face. Blaze mimed throwing up behind her brother's back.

"Nice to meet you Rebekah." He smiled. She smiled at him slightly.

"The pleasure is all mine I'm sure." She said breezily. His grin grew and he faced me. I grinned cheerfully at him and did a quick wave.

"As you said I'm Tara, lover boy. But now I'm wondering if Blaze has been talking behind my back." I turned my look on her. She whistled innocently and looked the other way while rocking on her heels. Walter laughed.

"Nothing bad was said, I can assure you." He said easily. I blinked innocently at him but smirked, ruining it.

"I bet I can change that real quick." I said mischeviously.

"Tara behave or I will make sure Klaus sees through to his promise." I gulped and looked at her pleadingly.

"I'll be good, I swear!" I said quickly and dropped to my knees, holding tightly onto the edge of her shirt.

"Just don't let him! Please Bekah please!" I cried dramatically and hid my face in her stomach. Bekah laughed.

"Alright, alright. Just stop embarrasing me." I hopped up with a radiant smile.

"Okay! No embarrasment for now." She groaned and threw in some door stickers into my almost full buggy.

"You and my sister seem very alike, it's frightening." Walter observed. I gasped and looked at him insulted.

"Nuh uh! I'm one of a kind!" I insisted. And I am. How many hybrids have you heard of that are like me? Half human/half cold one but acts like the traditional kind with crazy powers. Yeah I think it's safe to say that I am one of a kind. Walter held up his hands with a smirk.

"I'm sorry, I take it back!" He said with the prompting of mine and Blaze's glares. We nodded approvingly.

"Better." Blaze said with a smirk. I headed to check out because my buggy was now overflowing with goodies.

"I'm not carrying any of your stuff." Rebekah said immediately as she followed me. I faced her with the puppy dog look perfected. She looked away quickly once she saw a glimpse of my eyes.

"Aww. How can you say no to a face like that." Walter snickered. Rebekah casted a quick look to the smirking twins.

"Easily. No." She said blankly to me. I amped it up and pushed my lip out further so it could tremble slightly.

"Pwetty pwease?" I said childishly. She wavered slightly but sadly remembered who she was.

"No." She said firmly.

"I'll be good." I promised. An eyebrow quirked on her face.

"You were already going to do that remember?" Dammit.

"That'll be 111 dollars and 58 cents." The cashier said as I was trying to think of a come back. I handed her Klaus's credit card without looking.

"It's hard to believe that they're not sisters." Blaze giggled. Walter's eyes widened.

"They're not?!" He said shocked. We all looked at him then.

"No we're not. She is a good friend and lives with my brothers and I." Rebekah said with the Mikaelson trademark smirk. I waved my hand, dismissing her.

"Forget her. We're not friends. We're soul sisters!" I said brightly and got my goodies. Rebekah snorted and stole the candy I'd purchased and popped a skittle in her mouth.

"That's mine!" I said in mock outrage. She stuck her tongue out at me and painstakingly put a couple more in her mouth. I growled and tried to snatch it away but she held it over my head.

"Walter! Help me." I whined as I tried to get it. He raised an eyebrow at me but came over and grabbed it away from the pouting girl. But my joy was snatched away as he smirked and walked away with it. Rebekah laughed at mt dismayed expression.

"Dude no!" I complained sadly. Rebekah patted my shoulder.

"It's okay Tara. You'll get another pack someday."

"But, but I want that pack." I cried. Blaze came over with her bags and grandly pulled out a identical pack of.skittles and gave it to me. I looked at it sullenly and glared at her smirking twin who waved at me cheekily. I tossed my head away snobbishly and grinned a little at her.

"Thanks I guess." She grinned.

"My pleasure. You just owe me a pack of gum now." My jaw dropped and I shoved them back at her.

"Forget that!" I said in alarm. She smirked.

"Too late now." She sang and walked ahead but quickly stopped and tried to go back in but she had been spotted apparently.

"Blaze Lynn Arusadawn! Where have you been?" An older woman demanded as she and more people came towards us. There was the lady who I am assuming was her mom, an older man who might be the dad, Elle who I met at the Grill and another dude who I didn't recognize who had a smirk on his face.

"Muuum quit worrying. I was shopping and I met the lass I told you about yesterday and her friend." She pointed us out. I waved slightly and Rebekah just nodded her head in acknowledgement.

"Hi. I'm Tara and this is Rebekah. And your son is a jerk." I put in thoughtfully.

"Which one?" Elle muttered before the other boy dug his elbow in her side. I wonder if he was that Will character that tried to toss Blaze's things in the garbage. I pointed at Walter accusingly.

"He stole my skittles!" I said as if that was the most terrible crime someome could ever commit. And to me, it was.

"Actually I stole them from Rebekah after she stole them from you." He said thoughtfully as he popped the candy in his mouth. The... mom groaned.

"I'm sorry for his actions. He is usually much more civalized."

"Ah mum. Way to make me sound boring." He groaned. She glared at hin making him shut up. I clapped my hands excitedly and jumped slightly.

"You have to teach me that!" I said excitedly. She smiled politely amd held her hand out.

"Well I'm Sara-Mae Arusadawn, their mother." I shook her hand and noted the shocked look she got at the contact of our hands. Well looks like someone is a witch here.

"Pleasure to meet you ma'am." I said politely with a little smirk on my face. She snapped out of it and nodded.

"This is Nikolas, their da. This is our youngest Elle and our oldest Will." She introduced us to her family.

"Nice to meet all of you. But we have to hurry on. Tara has to buy new... everything." Rebekah nodded once as she looked at the clock that was nearby. I rolled my eyes.

"I wouldn't have to if someone's brother didn't dump a gazillion spiders in my room." I said exasperated as we started to walk on.

"And how is that my fault?" Rebekah demanded.

"He's your brother!" We started to bicker as we walked through the crowd but we both heard as clear as day as Mr. Arusadawn tell his family that he knew Rebekah from somewhere. We exchanged looks and I encouraged us both to walk away faster.

-----------Time skips r awesome bcuz i get bored writing and want to skip forward---------

"Has anyone seen my credit card?" Klaus called out as we walked in. I bit my lip to hold my laughter as Rebekah looked at me knowingly. I just looked away as I started up the stairs and she headed to the kitchen calling out a maid's name.

"So you're finally back. Tell me Tara, did you pay for your new stuff?" Klaus appeared in front of me. I looked at him smiling and slowly nodded. He looked at me suspiciously.

"And how did you pay?"

"With a credit card." I said sweetly. He frowned.

"With whose credit card?" He demanded.

"Damon's, Stefan's and Tyler's." I laughed. He opened his mouth but caught onto what I said and he gaped at me.

"Wait. What did you say?"

"I used Damon's, Stefan's and Tyler's credit cards to pay for my stuff."


"Well I stole Damon's and Stefan's cards on my birthday. They haven't stormed up to me so I guess they haven't noticed yet. And I honestly have no clue how I have Tyler's card but I choose not to worry my pretty little head over it." I shrugged and started up the stairs again. He followed me as he tried to wrap his head around what I just told him.

"Do you just so happen to know where mine is?" He finally asked. I looked at him with a little smile and stopped at my old room.

"Maybe you should put your things in better places. Wouldn't want to lose anything else important." I said and put up danger signs on the door and taped a giant spider on top as warning.

"So I don't forget." I explained at his curious look. He shook his head and moved closer.

"But is that a no or a yes. You never specified." He gently pushed on my shoulders. I looked up to his blue eyes and smiled sweetly.

"Is 'or' an option?" He shook his head. I pursed my lips.

"If I did have it, which I don't, but if i did, would I get in trouble?"

"It would depend."

"On what?"

"How much you spent and if I am willing to look over the fact that you stole from me." He said easily.

"Hmm. Good to know. But I don't have it." He smirked.

"You wouldn't happen to be lying to me now, right love?" I shook my head.

"Nope." I popped the p. He looked at me scoldingly.

"Then what is this?" He held up his card with one hand and in his other hand he had something that looked suspiciously like my wallet. My eyes widened and I felt my pockets for my wallet frantically but found it missing. I groaned and leaned my head on my door in defeat.

"Okay I lied. Sorry. Give me back my wallet." I scowled. He shook his head and straightened up and started to go through it.

"Hey! Does privacy mean nothing to you?!" I demanded and tried to get it back but he held it over my head.

"C'mon! That's like the third time today!" I complained and reached for it desperately. He chuckled and moved it higher.


"Tell you what. You can have your wallet if..." He trailed off thinking.

"Now I'm terrified." I said, honestly feeling a little scared. He rolled his eyes but smirked as something came to mind. I bit my lip as he looked at me with an innocent look.

"You can have it back if you go to the carnival with me tomorrow." My eyes nearly popped out my head at that statement.

"What?!?" I demanded. He shrugged.

"Go to the carnival with me tomorrow." I looked at him nervously.

"And if I say no?"

"I'm sure Kol can find some use for this thing." He waved it in the air. I jumped for it again but it was just out of reach. I sighed, giving up.

"Fine!" I agreed.grudgingly. His face lite up with the smile that showed off his dimples.

"Excellant. There you go." He placed it back in my hands and walked away but not before he briefly kissed my cheek. I stared in confusion at him as he disappeared into his room and Rebekah came up with a huge grin on her face.

"You just agreed to go on a date with my brother!" She burst out laughing. I groaned and put my face in my hands. What in the world did I just agree too?!? I looked at him through my lashes.

"Uh huh. Keep laughing. See what will happen." I not-so-subtly threatened. She quit but she still had that goofy grin on her face.

"So where is my new room?" I looked at her curiously.

"Weeell there is only one other room suited as a bedroom but we used it for storage. But don't worry, I had Nik's pets clear it out for you." She babbled. I looked at her suspiciously. It's funny how many times I had used that word today.

"Hey Rebekah. You're not telling me where I'm sleeping." I crossed my arms. She grinned sheepishly at me.

"Where am I sleeping?" I demanded. I heard Klaus chuckle in his room which made me even more nervous.

"Now remember that this is the only room." She reminded me and backed up.

"Rebekah?" She walked over to the room right beside Klaus's. My eyes narrowed at her as I had an inkling of where this was going. She opened the door and my suspicions was confirmed.

"Why do I have to be next to Klaus?!?" I wailed.


I know, I know. At least one of you is staring at this excuse of a chapter and complaining at the shortness when my last chapter was 13 pages long. Well I don't always get struck by creativity like i did then so :P. And I start my second semester in less than twelve hours and I have no idea where to go and me being me again, I lost my scheldule. Go ahead, laugh.

Tara; fine. Hahahahaha


Tara; You don't have to be mean about it.

Me; Sorry. I'm just irritated because I have no freaking doorknob which means NO MORE PRIVACY!!! Grrr

Tara; hahahahaha

Me; Shut up!! Get out now!

Tara; fine fine... meanie *blurs away*

Me; did anyone watch the Originals last night? Because it was Ah-Maz-Ing!!! But I say that after every episode but it's true! SPOILER ALERTS the effects were so amazing and i actually shed a tear for Marcel after Davina didn't come back to life. And when Klaus comforted him. And when Sophie broke down. And I totally called Celeste i think her name is!! i told my mom at the beginning of the episode that Elijah's old lover would come back to life! Score one for me!!

Elijah; Someone say my name?

Me; uhhh NOPE!! Anyways since you aren't mentioned in this chapter, sorry about that btw, you can do the honors

Elijah; *raises eyebrow* suure. Well I think she wants me to tell you to Vote and to Add and to Comment and to Share and to Comment again.

Me; Nicely said. Oh and i got a Kik finally! My name is Wings4eva and the pic is me with actual curls. So message me if u want. A nice girl named Maja already did and I enjoy talking to her so much! And can u guys recommand books to me. It could be your books, a friends book anything. I really want to read something new and interesting.


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