
By kxkx0504

195K 6.8K 3.5K

Sakura, Hinata, Ino, and Tenten are the popular girls. They have everything: smarts, looks, and personality.T... More

Popular girls
The nerds
Nice to meet you
Why him?
The real you
Cherry blossom
Aren't you.....?
Scary movies, screaming, and....hugging?
Truth or dare part 1
Truth or dare part 2
Christmas special
The Uchihas
Party time!
Worried (Part 1)
Worried (part 2)
Worried (part 3)
The plan
Getting ready
The big day
The last
Problems occour again
Authour's note (Please do not skip)
Dinner #2
Problem solved
Future time!

Star gazzing

4.1K 135 70
By kxkx0504

—Shikamaru's POV—

  It was a shock when we found out that Tenten and Neji, or Nejiten as Ino would put it in her words, got together by themselves. Ino almost fainted out of happiness.

  I felt happy for those two, I mean the person that they love loved them back. And it's obvious that Sakura likes Sasuke too. But what about Ino? Will I be the only one who doesn't get a girl?


"Shikamaru" someone said from behind. I turned around to see my math teacher, Asuma-sensei. "It's lunch. Are you up for a game of shoji?" He asked. I muttered out a 'yes'.

  As we played the game I found it hard to concentrate. It was always Ino who was in my mind nowadays. "It seems like your not focused. Care to tell me why?" Asuma-sensei asked. I just let out a frustrated sigh. Asuma-sensei seemed to get the point. "It's her isn't it?" He asked again. I just gave him a sad nod.  "And?" He asked once more. You see, Asuma-sensei and I were really close. He was like my second father. He was there for me and he always knew what my problems were and gave great advice. "It's just that...Naruto and Hinata have gotten together...and Neji and Tenten..and it's quite obvious that Sakura and Sasuke will be the next couple to get together" I said quietly. "And your afraid that you won't be with Ino and will be left alone right?" He asked. "Well...yeah I guess... She is the second person that I ever loved.. Other than my family of course..." I replied. "Oh that Temari girl...she moved away before you could tell her how you felt didn't she?" I just nodded and kept my gaze at the pieces on the board. "Ah...young love...always so complicated." Asuma-sensei chuckled. I just looked at him, bewildered. "You should tell her how you feel. You never know, she might like you back" "But she doesn't!" I said. "For someone who is a genius like you, you're pretty stupid when it comes to your own love life and noticing the little details that she gives you" Asuma-sensei said seriously.


But before I could ask him what he meant by that, the bell rang signalling that lunch was over. I sighed and grabbed my bag. I left the classroom and headed for my next class. I opened my bag to find a piece of paper stuck in my math notebook. Curious, I took it and opened it. It said:

Dear Shikamaru,

  I know your confused about her, but trust me it's better to tell her rather than just keeping it to yourself. I know you're smart (with the IQ over 200), and strong (having to deal with the girl you loved move away and all) so go for it. Don't make the same mistake you did 2 years ago. Do it now before she goes away from your life too.


Hmm...maybe I will do it


School was finally done. And I had just arrived home. I went to my bedroom and laid down on my bed and started to think of any ideas on how to confess to Ino.

Ah...this is so troublesome...

I decided to go to the garden. Ever since I was a child my dad (before he got busy with the company) used to take me out to the garden and go cloud gazing. We used to always laze around and my mother would always yell at us for being so "lazy". I guess that's where I got my lazy habit from. I sat down on the soft grass and put my back against a tree. I looked up and saw the clouds. I saw many different shapes but one caught my attention the most. It was shaped like a flower. I remembered Ino's obsession over them and how she spent hours and hours of talking to me over the phone about her beautiful flowers back at home.

I stated to brainstorm of any ideas on how to confess. I don't want it to be cheesy or not romantic at all... Somewhere in the middle. I was about to got to sleep when an idea popped in my head. I sat up quickly and started to head inside to the kitchen. I mean come on, I'm not good with these romance stuff and you expect me to go to my dad for advice? Of course the only one in the family that is actually good with these kind of stuff is none other than my 'loving and caring' mother.

"Ma!" I yelled. ( A/N: that's what I call my mom. Who else does too?) I saw her holding a pot of what seems to be filled with meat and looking like she would need some help. "What?" She asked irritated. Not wanting to answer her question while she was struggling, I went up to her and carried it for her. "Why thankyou" she said with a smile. I placed it down on the counter and leaned against it. As she washed her hands in the sink I decided to ask her the question that's been killing me with curiosity. "M-ma how did d-dad you know......romanticize you?" She looked at me with bewilderment then laughed loudly. "Are you confused about a girl? Oh it must be Ino right?" She asked.

What do people keep guessing it right? Is it that obvious that I like Ino?

"M-maybe..." I stuttered out. "Oh gosh you are just like your father back then, always in denial when it comes to his real feelings. Ah...these old times"she sighed with happiness. "You make it sound like you're old" I pointed out. Instead I received a smack in the head.

So much for a loving and caring mother...troublesome...

"Whatever. Well your dad...he took me out on a "friendly date" saying that we were just friends. We went on a boat, watched the stars, then walked home together. It was when we were at the front doors of my house when he confessed to me" my mother said with a dreamy look in her eyes.

Moody much?

"So...I'm supposed to take her on a boat ride, watch the stars, then walk her to her troublesome house then confess? That's sounds too troublesome..." I complained. Instead of being hit again she just smiled softly. "Im not saying you have to Shikamaru. You aren't your father. You're different. So find out your own way of confessing, do the Shikamaru way." "That sounds cheesy but whatever" I replied. She just chuckled and started cooking dinner.

I made my way back to the garden to think but as I made my way back another idea popped in my head. I ran to my room and took out a blank piece of paper. I started to write down all my ideas. After a couple of hours I finally got the perfect plan.

Plan confessing to Ino in action!


Since my mom invited the Yamanaka's for dinner again, my plan would go perfectly. So my plan was:

• After dinner ask Ino to go to the garden again.
• go under the tree and watch the stars
• Bring out the flowers (buy some for Ino)
• Confess

It doesn't really sound romantic but that's what I wanted. Romantic but not at the same time. After eating dinner I lightly tapped Ino at the shoulder. Her blonde hair twirled around her as she turned her head. "Yes?" I found it hard to concentrate and I was afraid that I lost my voice. "Wanna go to the garden?" I said after I found my voice. "Sure!" She said excitedly. As we entered the garden we both sat down under a tree and enjoyed the night sky and the calming atmosphere. "Hey Ino." I said, breaking the silence. "Hmm?" She hummed. "I— Uhm... Here take it.." I said shyly and shoved the bouquet of flowers to her. From the corner of my eye I saw her eyes widened. "W-who is this for?" She asked. "It's for you silly..." I replied. "W-what? Why?" She asked again. "God you're so troublesome sometimes you know? Why can't you just take it and know that I love you...ah're so troublesome..." I said irritated of all her questions. "Wait....what did you just say?" She asked quietly. "Huh?" I asked. "What did you just say" she said more clearer. "You're troublesome?" I asked. She shook her head. "Before that" "Women?" I suggested. She shook her head again and looked at me with hopeful eyes. My gaze softened. "That I love you" Her eyes widened and she stood frozen in her place. "Ino. I love you" I said more clearer. Ino just stood there with her mouth open.


Ino screamed. "Oh my gosh! I love you too!" She hugged me and that made me lose my balance. We both fell on the floor but neither of us cared. Then she kissed me. And might I add, she is one hell of a good kisser. "Ino will you be my girlfriend?" I asked. "YES" Ino yelled.

"What's going on!? We heard a scream and r—" I heard Ino's dad yell. "Oh my gosh! Honey look! Our baby girl has finally found the one!" I heard Ino's mom squealed. "Shikaku (A/N: is that his name? I'm not so sure so please tell me if I'm wrong in the comments) Nara, your son better treat my daughter right or I will break every bone in his body" Ino's dad threaten. I flinched.

Don't want that happening...

On the other hand our moms were squealing. "Oh! You guys are so cute together! I'm so happy you finally realized your feeling did each other!" Ino's mom said. "Get married already!" I heard my mom yell. "And I want sone grandkids in the future!" I felt my face heat up. Ino was tense so I put my arm around her shoulders. "Relax Ino. It's fine" I said soothingly. "It's just weird how our parents, well your mom, are saying those things. I mean we just started dating and now we're already getting married?!" I smirked. "Not right now but in the future we will, my lovely wife" I whispered to her ear. "Hey!" She said as she punched my arm. "Don't deny it. You know you wanna marry all of this and claim it as yours" I said with a smirk. "That is one of the most weirdest things you've ever said. Are you really Shikamaru? But either way, yes I do want all of that and to claim it as mine" She asked/said. "Yeah" I said kissing her forehead. Our parents decided to leave us alone and give us some "space".

We continued to look at the beautiful stars. "I love you, Ino" I said quietly and hugged her. "I love you too, Shikamaru" she said with a smile.

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