You Stole My Heart With Your...

By fckingxfuentes

213K 8.3K 3.7K

When Kellin Quinn is kicked out and forced to go to boarding school, what happens when his roommate is Vic Fu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Not a chapter but please read it's important.
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Not a chapter, an annoucement.

Chapter 13

7.1K 273 396
By fckingxfuentes

hello all i wanna to apologize for not updating in like a week. my mental state isn't the best right now and i don't have much motivation to write. that doesn't mean I'm stopping though. im determined to make this the best story i possibly can for you guys. i love how much feedback this is getting, you guys are amazing. 

oh, and sorry if some of this doesn't make sense, it's like 5:30 in the morning, and im running on like no sleep right now lmao




[Vic's POV]

"Fuck." Kellin groaned, as I slammed him down once more, tight grip on his hips. We were both sweaty, panting messes as I bounced Kellin on top of me.

"More, oh fuck more. Please, Vic." The pale boy pleaded desperately.

"You're so fucking hot when you beg." I told him. I wrapped my arm around the small of his back, pulling him to my chest, and held him in place as I slammed up from beneath him.

"Yes!" Kellin cried out, practically coming undone at my touch.

His constants moans and screams only encouraged me to go faster. Kellin dug his nails into my chest, scratching it, and I bit my lip to hold back the moan that was threatening to escape my mouth as Kellin started gyrating his hips on mine, in the dirtiest way possible.

I released him of my hold and laid back on the bed, letting him do all the work. "Fuck, don't stop. Just like that." I breathed out as he started rocking his hips into mine, and I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips.

Kellin leaned down and whispered into my ear. "You like that, huh? You like when I ride you don't you?" He said in a husky voice, and I could've came right then and there. All of this was becoming too much, and it was only a matter of time before I was completely spent.

Kellin put his hands on my chest and started bouncing up and down frantically, making us both cry out in pleasure. I met his thrusts halfway, the sound of our skip clapping together in the room becoming increasingly louder. Kellin looked down at me, eyes clouded with lust, mouth slightly ajar and his sweat-matted hair sticking to his face.

"Wake up!" Kellin moaned on top of me, I gave him a confused looked. Why would he say that? Especially at a time like this?

"Wake up, Vic! Wake up!" Kellin screamed this time, and in a second he disappeared from on top of me. I shot up in the bed, only this time the room was a dimming setting instead of light, and I was fully clothed.

Kellin was sitting on my shins looking at me in disbelief, trying to contain his laughter. I quickly put it all together, and realized that I had a sex dream about him. Here I am, trying to ignore my feelings I have for him, but then I have a fucking sex dream about the little shit.

"I.. Um.." I began, but I couldn't form a full sentence. My cheeks flushed red and instantly grabbed the pillow to try and cover up my little friend, then shooed a laughing Kellin off my legs. I don't want to be close to him right now.

"You have fun?" Kellin teased, while trying to contain his laughing and regulate his breathing.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I tried to play it off like I didn't know what he was talking about, in hopes that he would actually buy it.

"Vic, you were moaning in your sleep so loud that it woke me up, and I'm sure that pillow in your lap isn't for comfort." He pointed to the pillow that was hiding my obvious boner. "It doesn't take a genius to figure what you were just dreaming about." He said with a chuckle. I'm glad he found this so amusing.

"Oh shut up, act like you've never had a sex dream before." I defended myself.

"I haven't, and even if I ever had before, I still wouldn't be as loud as you were." The pale boy shot back and got off my bed. "Whoever you were dreaming about must've been pretty good." He chuckled while walking over to his side of the room.

Now it was my turn to laugh, if only he knew. "Yeah, he might as well been a porn star." I smirked. I was about to get up off my bed to go fix my problem in the shower, but Kellin's voice stopped my actions.

"He?" He questioned, and turned around to face me with a face of shock and confusion.

"What?" My face mimicking the confusion on his.

"You said, 'He might as well been a porn star'." He pointed out.

And when he did, realization washed over me, yes I am gay. Did he know that? I don't particularly know. I mean, he could've assumed it since I did kiss him. It's not a secret that I'm gay, everyone knows I am. That's why Ronnie and his group hate me so much, and if I didn't have power over them and the whole school, I'd probably be in Kellin's situation.

"Yes, I said he." I said, just to mess around with him. I want him to ask me before I tell him.

He hesitated before speaking, as if it was a sensitive topic. He did that a lot, make a big deal out of things, maybe it was just in his nature. "Are you like, gay?"

There it is, the million dollar question. I rolled my eyes in fake annoyance, and smirked. "Yes, Kellin. I'm gay."

"And you didn't tell me?" He accused.

"Why would I tell you unless you asked?" I shot back. I was taken aback by his question, but I recovered quickly.

"I told you that I was gay. Don't you think that would've been a good time to tell me you're gay as well?!" He asked, almost angry that I didn't tell him sooner.

"You never asked if I was gay until just now." I said, keeping my calm. There's no need to get in a fight about this, and I was the one to be calm and mellow in this situation, then so be it.

"I didn't want to offend you by asking you."

"Why would that offend me?" I asked, curious.

"I don't know, most people think being gay as a problem." He said, softer and more quiet this time.

I got up off the bed, and got my change of clothes before walking over to him. I put my hand on his shoulder and spoke. "I'm not most people, Kells."

And with that I walked into the bathroom to fix my problem, leaving Kellin looking confused and shocked at the same time.

[Kellin's POV]

Fast forward 3 days after the sex dream, things between Vic and I were normal again. And by normal I mean no more awkwardness from the kiss, or the fact that I heard him masturbate in the shower after he had the dream. That bastard didn't even bother silencing his moans, he acted like I wasn't in the other room and I couldn’t hear anything that was going on. Well, his little tactic left me with a little problem for almost the remainder of the day, until he left. I fixed it when he left.

I called my uncle that day as well, and with much convincing and time, I finally got him to let me leave to visit the guys. But, he wasn't paying for my ticket the way there or back, and he's not letting me stay at the house. He said if sees me at all while I'm there, he'll make sure I'll regret ever coming back.

All of this was fine by me, although the little threat did make my stomach churn uneasily. I would just stay with Jesse, and avoid my Uncle, my original plan to begin with.

But all of this was one month away, and that was a long time. I'm sure I could stick it out though, I mean the way things are going right now aren't so bad. Vic and I are on good terms, I'm still hanging out Alex and the other two, and Ronnie and his group haven't bothered me all the much. Things were finally starting to look up. Who knows, maybe I'll actually come to like it here.

I thought all of this on my way to work, it was now Tuesday, and we were back on our regular schedules. And by 'we' I mean Vic and I. He went back to school, and I went back to working 10-6. Not having to go to school until next year is very convenient. I'm not complaining.

I walked into the small building, and headed to the back to put on my hat and apron, and clock in. And made my way to the cash register, since I was assigned cashier for the day. It's been about 3 weeks since I've started working here, and I've got all the drinks learned, almost by heart.

Luckily, no more incidents like the stunt that Vic pulled have happened since then, and I've grown pretty fond of working here. The people are nice - minus Ronnie and Josh - and it always smells great. And on the bright side, I only work with Josh and Ronnie two days out of the week.

Right now it was just me, Austin, another guy that works here, and a ginger that I didn't care enough about to know the name of. I think his same started with an A as well, but I'm not sure. There wasn't many people working when school was in session, mostly because all the customers where at school.

I was scrolling down my timeline on twitter when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see Austin towering over me, he was like 6'5".

"Hey man." He said, trying to make small talk. I didn't want small talk, I want to know why he's talking to me right now.

"Hey. What's up?" I said, getting straight to the point.

"There's a party this weekend at my dorm room. My dorm adviser is going to be out of town for the weekend, so I figured I’d take advantage of this, and throw a party. You in?"

I was shocked to say the least. I've never been to a party, let alone been invited to one. I was completely clueless in these situations, but I tried my best to act casual. "Sure man. What time does it start?"

"Around six or so. You can leave whenever, as long as you're gone by like 11 o'clock the next morning. Bring some friends too." He said. I had to stop myself from scoffing at the word. Friends. What even are friends?

"Okay, I'll be there."



As I went to go grab my pills for the night, I remembered that today was the day I finally ran out of my sleeping pills. Great. Now how am I supposed to sleep? I walked out of the bathroom and threw my empty pill bottle in the trash beside my bed.

"What'd you just throw away?" Vic asked from across the room.

"My empty pill bottle." I said with a sigh.

"What? Your sleeping pills? You have more right?" He questioned, curiously. A hint of concern lacing his features.

"Not until Monday." I said, sitting on the edge on my bed, one foot off the bed, the other one under my butt.

"What does that mean? You're gonna have your nightmares?" He interrogated yet again. He's such a little kid sometimes with all his question asking, it's so cute.

"What's so cute?" Vic asked. Oh shit, I said that out loud.

"What? Nothing. But yeah, I'm gonna have those stupid nightmares until I get my pills on Monday." I said, quickly changing the subject.

"What are you gonna do?" He asked, completely forgetting what just happened. Good.

"I don't know. Just wake me up before it gets too bad. Okay?" I requested, and went to go lay down to sleep.

"Wait." He spoke up. "Remember when you forgot to take your pill that one time, and I slept with you and you didn't have any dreams?"

"Yeah.." I said hesitantly, wondering where he's going with this.

"Well, do you want to try it again to see if it works like it did last time?" He suggested, taking me by shock. But I quickly recovered, giving him my answer.

"Only of you want to." I said, making sure he wasn't just suggesting this to make me feel better.

"Yeah it'll be fine. Just don't try anything on me or you're going down." He teased.

I got up off my bed, rolling my eyes in the process. "Yeah, yeah." I said with a smile, to let him know I was kidding, and got in the bed with him.

He pulled the covers back, and let me get under them with him. He wrapped a strong arm around me and pulled me closer, then leaned up behind him to turn the light off. I clung to his naked chest, resting my head on it, and hearing his fast heartbeat.

"Why is your heart beating to fast?" I mumbled.

"No reason, just go to sleep." He said, tightening his arm around my small frame, causing me to snuggle deeper into his chest.

"Okay." I muttered. "Goodnight Vic." I said, my voice heavily laced with sleep. It was a long day and I'm tired.

"Goodnight Kells." Vic whispered.

And that was the last memory I had before drifting off to sleep, never feeling safer in my life.

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