YouTube || Miniminter x reader

By saucyminter

43.1K 766 431

In a world where you are a famous youtuber who happens to meet another youtuber named Miniminter and, well lo... More

Not a chapter soz
He's gone


990 17 3
By saucyminter


You pov ||

I cannot believe what just happened. Cal actually kissed me. I should tell Simon. I don't think I should tell him because he gets jealous easily. What if this makes them stop being friends. I got in my car and drove to my house. I think I'm going to tell Josh and Vik I trust them the most. Im going to ask them if they want to go eat so I don't have Simon there. I finally got to my flat and walked in to see Ben and his date? I have never met her before. "Hey Ben!" I said sort of confused and happy. "Hey y/n this is Brittany!" He said and she looked at me and she rolled eyes at me.

I looked at her and frowned. "Well anyways I just came to get a few things but I'm going to go with Josh and Vik to get coffee." I texted them in the car and they both replied quick since they weren't doing anything. I got in my car and drove to Nandos where they would meet with me and my palms started to sweat. I'm honestly so nervous. What if they think that I wanted to get with Cal. I finally got to Nandos and saw the boys sitting at a table. I went over to them and sat down looking down the whole time.

"Hey y/n what's up?" Josh said. "I need to tell you guys something and please do not think bad of me." They looked confused but nodded as if saying okay."Well, I was at Harry's flat that he shares with the Cal's and only Freezy was there so I did a collab with him but then he said that he likes me and we continued but after I wanted to leave but he stopped me and kissed me and to make it worse Harry walked in and saw us kissing." I said playing with my fingers.

I looked up to see them shocked. "He kissed?" I nodded. "Did you kiss back?" I nodded again. It wasn't even my fault, well I guess it was my fault but I didn't mean to kiss back. It just happened, I guess I melted into the kiss. I feel really bad, I mean I promised Simon. "Well y/n that was a really bad thing but maybe if you tell Simon and work things out." I nodded and Vik started talking. "Wait, Simon gets jealous really easily so be cautious when you say it." I nodded. "I think I know how I'm going to say it. I'm going to sit him down tell him I cheated and say I think we should not be promised to each other." I said sighing.

"Simon will be so upset and the fans will be so mad." Josh said. "I know I wish this never happened." I know I have to tell him as soon as possible. We eat and talk a little more until we're done and I'm going to their house to tell Simon. We drove to their house and walked in. I dreaded every step towards Simon's room. I finally took the last step to the point where I was in front of his door. 'Please let this have a happy ending' I said to myself. I knocked on his door and heard a faint 'come in'. I walked in and saw him sitting at his desk editing a video.

"Simon, can we talk." Once he turned around I saw a worried expression on his face. I felt so bad but what could I do besides tell the truth. "Let's sit on you're bed." He nodded and we walked to his bed sitting down facing each other. "I have a problem, I may have cheated on you." His face changed from confused to hurt to angry all in a second. "How? With who? Why?" His voice was distraught. "Well I was at Freezy's flat to collab and he said he likes me and as I was about to leave he kissed me." I said waiting for his reaction. "Did you kiss back?" I nodded very slowly. "I am so sorry Simon, here." I said giving him his ring. "Why are you giving it back?" I sighed since this is turning into something very sad and hard to do. "Well we rushed into this and I cheated on you, don't you think that's wrong. Simon I think I love you but I believe I did something wrong and we need time. I know you're upset but the only thing I can do is give you space and time." I grabbing his hand.

"I'm going to leave." I got up and he didn't do anything or say anything. He just sat there staring at the ring. I went downstairs and left although the guys were calling me. I just had to leave, I didn't want anything to remind me of him. I went back home and went to my room. I decided to make a video.


"Hey guys. You may see me acting pretty sad but it's because I am. I ended a relationship with the most perfect guy in the world all because of something stupid that was never suppose to happen. Things with Simon and I are over. I just thought you guys should know and I will not be posting any videos this week. I hope you understand. I need time to get over this and let my heart heal. I don't really have anything for this video but here are some bloopers from my videos and collabs!"

~End of video~

I finished the video and decided to edit the video later. Why is my life so difficult right now. Why did Cal have to kiss me. My eyes felt really droopy and before I knew it I was asleep.

I'm really sorry this is really short but I thought you guys would enjoy all this drama all though it may be a little cliché.

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