The Drunken One Night Stan...

By Lucinda_love39

151K 5.8K 245

Nineteen year old Clara-Belle is simply a beautiful young girl, she is known as the good girl in the family w... More

The Drunken One Night Stand.
Chapter 1: Disowned by her father.
Chapter 2- Ricardo's Note
Chapter 3-Six years later and Clara and her 5 year old daughter Megan.
Chapter 4- Monday Morning and Mr Wallace Important Announcement.
Chapter 5- Tuesday morning the first day with her new Boss Ricardo Wallace.
Chapter 6- Clara-belle's lunch date with Ricardo and almost getting fired.
Chapter 7 Ricardo and Clara'
Chapter 8: Michelle's P.O.V. Devon and Michelle new Plan.
Chapter 9: Emelia's Perspective .
Chapter 11: The DNA results day.
Chapter 12: Anna-belle caught Tyler cheating and she got dumped.
Chapter 13:Is Ricardo Wallace meeting his match at last?.
Chapter 14:Clara urgent call and her meeting with Clarissa.
Chappie 15: Author's Note.
Chapter 16: 1 week earlier and Clarissa plan to sabotage Ricardo wedding.
Chapter 17: 1 week later and Clarissa's plans and Ricardo's Wedding day.
1 week later since Lance's funeral and Clara tickets back to New York City.
Chapter 19: Clara and Grant Discussion and finding out the truth finally.
Chapter 20: Two years later & Clara-Belle's pregnancy tests & Alex surprise.
Chapter 21: Alex surprise for Clara-belle and their dinner date tonight.
Anna-Belle and Landon's first date and Anna P.O.V.
Chapter 23: Clara-belle's and Megan conversation.
Ricardo's P.O.V and online dating.
Chapter 25: The following morning and Megan find the best dating site.
Chapter 26: Megan and Richard shopping and Ricardo's first online message.
chapter 27: Three months later and Ricardo and Katherina online chat.
Chapter 28: Three weeks later & Ricardo and Katherina meeting in Person.
Arrival at the Restaurant and introduction.
Chapter 30: Anthony P.O.V
Chapter 31: Alexya in labor and at the hospital.
Chapter 32: Ricardo taking his children on shopping spree.
Chapter 33: The continiuation of Chap 32.
Chapter 34: The test postpone because Clara was feeling unwell.
Chapter 35: Ricardo's proposal to Katherina.
Chap:36 Clara-belle break off the engagement and ties with Alex & his family.
Chap:37 Almost three months later & Ricardo suspect Katherina of cheating.
Chapter:38 Clara-belle and the girls' conversation about Alex.
Chap:39: Clara-belle's P.O.V about regrets but never losing faith.
Chap:40 Ricardo's P.I returned with proof a week after his visit.
Chap 41: Decorating Wallace Brothers Co for the upcoming company party.
Chap 42:Ricardo's visit to Clara-belle & the fall.
Chap 43: Following morning & Ricardo's P.O.V.
Chap 44: Grant giving Alex the news & Conrad having a minor attack.
Chap 45: The Wallace's Christmas with Clara& Ricardo...
Chap 46: Wallace &Taylor's New Year dinner &Ricardo & Clara steal glances.
Chapter 47: Megan's POV and Ricardo's invitation to Special drive-in Movie.
Valentine's Day and back in Florida Sapphire getting ready for her date.
Chapter 49: Flashbacks of 7months ago how we meet.
Part Two: Chapter 50: Megan's family dinner invitation from Ryan.
Part two: 51: Clara-belle's girls' night out & Ricardo & Richard chat.
Part two 52: Clara-belle & Anna setting up a dating profile for Clarissa...
Part two: Chapter 53 Two years later and Emelia Wedding day.
Part Two Chapter 54: Megan's final exam & Megan's POV.
Part two: Chapter 55: Ric's proposal & his surprise birthday party.
Part two: Chapter 56: Megan's final exams results.
Part two: Chapter 57: 1 week later & Megan high school winter ball.
Part-two: Chapter 58 Richard & his grandkids on X-mas shopping spree.
Part-two chapter 59: Christmas morning Wallace & Taylor trading gifts.
Part two:Chapter 60: Two months later and Richard's minor stroke.
Part two:Chapter 61: A few weeks later and Ricardo's & Clara-belle wedding day.
Part two 62: Three months later & Megan twin siblings birthday.
Part two and Chapter 63: Three months later & Megan and Ryan's graduation day.
Chapter 64: Moments and Clara-belle's Perspective.
Part two: Chapter 65: The McLaren's surprise& Richard's and sons heart to heart.
Chapter 66: Epilogue. Ten years later and like father like son.

Who's ringing the doorbell this late?!.

6.2K 207 10
By Lucinda_love39

The loud noise of the doorbell woke Clara-belle, at first she thought she was only dreaming of hearing the doorbell ring but she realizes it was real when she went to her bathroom and was just about to get back into her bed.

The doorbell rang again, and so Clara, pull on her white silk nightgown and run down the stairs.
Clara-belle peeps through the peephole, and there was a young girl with golden blonde hair standing at the door with two children, a boy, and a girl too.

Clara-belle didn't know her and her heart wouldn't give her to turn them away so she just opens the door for her and her children.

Maybe they were abandoned by a family member like I was six years ago almost seven years now.

Clara-belle thought.

"Come in from the night air with the children. "

Clara, told her as she ushers the young lady and children inside her home.

"Take a seat on the corner sofa in the living room and, I will be with you after locking back my door. "

Clara told her to make herself at home at least a change from the cold night air.

"So who are you looking for?."
Clara-belle asks as soon as she walks into the living room.

"Well, I flew all the way from Miami, to find you and I already know the information about what happened six years ago almost seven years now which is all Ricardo Wallace, fault!."

"I know darling, my name is Emelia Powell, BTW and he also did the same shit, to me but I got two beautiful children out of this anyway, I have decided to go big, which means to take our revenge on the elusive player Ricardo so that we both can show him the world doesn't revolve around him, and let him taste his own medicine too."

Emelia explains everything to Clara-belle, and at that point in time Clara was feeling like taking part too now she wanted revenge too.

"Let's team up Emelia I am in because I have been waiting for the opportunity or something like this like a wake-up call, and this is it I am ready to give him a taste of his own medicine. "

Clara-belle told Emelia, but what Clara told Emelia to shock her she truly wasn't listening to hear that.

"Give me a high five Clara-belle, congrats. "

Clara-belle high five Emelia and walk off to the kitchen.

"Clara, I am sorry for ringing your doorbell so late but I was eager to see you immediately and especially because we both been through the same shit, and so I thought it was full-time someone shows that scumbag, Ricardo, that women are players too and we are the boss. "

"So as I mentioned before, I came all the way from Miami just so I can meet you and my friend Nathaniel, who happens to be your best guy friend back then six years ago, told me what the scumbag had done to you just after pouring your heart out to him about your unfortunate mishaps
With your father. "

Emelia explains everything to Clara-belle.

"Oh yes, and Clara-belle, this little beauty here is my daughter Reanna Wallace and this handsome charmer here is my son Ricardo Wallace Jr
They are my pride and joy. "

"Please to meet you, Reanna and Ricardo. "

"I am Clara-belle, and I have a daughter her name is Megan Wallace she's almost eight years old now she is also my pride and joy in one word my world."

After Emelia introduced her children to Clara-belle and Clara-belle introduced herself and her daughter ,Megan although at the time Megan was absent, she was sleeping.

"Reanna and Ricardo are twins, as you can see, when could I pay Mr. Wallace a nice unexpected visit, Clara?."

Emelia told Clara-belle as she asks her this.

"Before we pay the bastard Ricardo that little, unexpected visit, might I just suggest that we both should pay a visit to (daddy) Richard Wallace, first with our children and tell him exactly what his bastard of a son Ricardo Richard Wallace, did to us six years and five years ago after pouring your heart out to him!."

She told Clara-belle, as she suggested this to Clara, angrily.

"Your plan is very interesting, Emelia and I agreed we should pay a visit to Richard before with the children."

Clara-belle, agreed with Emelia once and for all that it was payback time for Ricardo and he needed to taste his own bitter medicine to know,  or else he would never stop playing girls like a flipping game of poker the best we could do was straight in diamonds but he could do better as in a royal flush, but not anymore because we now have the upper hand which is the royal flush in his face! and he can only do straight diamonds.

Clara-belle thought with a revengeful smile.

They say what goes around comes around.

"Emelia, would you like a cup of tea?."

Clara-belle asks as she switches on her kettle and took out four cups from the cabinet, but she took out two of Megan's spout cups the ones she uses when she drinks hot chocolate with marshmallows at Christmas.

"Yes, please could I have a cup of Nescafe coffee with one cream and two sugars, please, and can Reanna and Ricardo, have two hot chocolate?."

She replies to Clara, as she asks.

"Emelia, I am already making the children's drinks I am almost done with their drinks now."

Clara exclaims to Emelia.

"Here you are children, Clara-belle told them as she hands them both a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows on top."

"Thank you, Clara-belle omg I love marshmallows."

Reanna and Ricardo told Clara with bright smiles.

"Emelia, here you go your Nescafe coffee just as you like it."

Clara, told her as she hands her, her coffee, and she also sat down with her coffee and discussed

The plan a bit more.

"OK, Emelia, this plan is interesting as I mentioned before, but I'm afraid we'll have to finish this conversation sometime later today or maybe in the morning."

Clara-belle told her as she helps Emelia, with her luggage, up the stairs.

"Emelia, let me show you to the guest bedroom, where you and the children will be sleeping while you are staying here with us."

Clara, told her as she leads the way down the hallway.

"OK, brilliant, Clara-belle," Emelia replies, as Clara opens the fourth door on the left-hand side and welcomes her to her new bedroom and gives her a tour of it and the bathroom and clothes and shoe closets after she was done she said later and went back to her bedroom.

Clara-belle saw that Emelia, kids wanted to sleep and that was, even more, the reason why she should have, given Emelia the tour later.

Clara went back to bed and fifteen or twenty minutes times Clara-belle was fast asleep, Clara slept until six when her alarm kicks off, Clara-belle is so used to this routine that she was awake as fast as her alarm kick-off she stretches her arms and legs and got out of bed and strode over to her bathroom and took a nice hot shower, in her bathroom inside her bedroom the water was so soothing on her body it loosens up all her joints and soothes all her aches.

Shortly after Clara-belle step out of her shower and grab a hold of a towel off of the towel rack and wrap her slim frame, Clara, wash her face thoroughly and brush and floss her teeth and step back into her bedroom, and blow-dried her hair and got dressed in a white lace bra and a white lace pantie but it wasn't the matching set just a random bra and pantie that happens to be lace, just like today was just another day of life for Clara-belle with her pride and joy Megan.

Clara got dressed in a white shirt, shorts, and a lime green halter neck top, she slips her feet into her white flip-flops and runs downstairs with her phone in her hand she heads for the kitchen and soon she was inside her kitchen again she took her apron off of the worktop and tie it around her waist and she opens the oven and took out the baking tray and place ten chocolate chip pancakes on the tray and place it back inside the oven and set her timer for the pancakes.

As Clara took down the pot for the scramble eggs and plug in the grill for the bacon too and take the bacon and eggs and also the orange juice and milk from the refrigerator, she washes the bacon and places them piece by piece on the grill until there was no more space and close the grill so that it can grill the bacon but as Clara-belle was about to start scrambling the eggs she remembers about her daughter and that today was also another school day, Megan couldn't be late for school she is never late for school, but just as Clara was about to leave and go take care of Megan's school uniform and etc...

But before Clara-belle could even untie her apron she saw her guests and her daughter Megan who was already in her uniform enter the kitchen and her daughter run in her arms as if it was the first time in years she was seeing her again.

"MOM!," Megan screamed as she hugged her mom, Emelia, help get me dress in my school uniform this morning, and Reanna and Ricardo have the same name as me, are they my brother and sister mommy?."

"Well, you can say that because they are your dad's children too."

"Thanks,  Emelia for helping Megan."

Clara told her and thank Emelia for helping Megan get dressed this morning.

Soon and the timer went the pancakes were finished Clara took the tray out of the oven and place it on the worktop she also now finished scrambling the eggs too and the bacon was also grilled and ready to be served, Clara took out five plates from the cabinet and she wash and dry them she places the five plates on the dining table after she was finished placing the dish of scrambled eggs then the dish with the grilled bacon and each plate has two pancakes after everything she places the chocolate sauce and the maple syrup on the dining table.

Shortly after Clara-belle was finished, everyone took a seat at the dining table and eat breakfast but Rianna and Ricardo, drink the milk and not orange juice so it was a good thing Clara took both milk and orange juice out of the fridge then.

Soon after everyone was finished and Clara and Emelia were clearing up the table but the children were out on the porch looking out for Megan's school bus.

"Clara why not pay (daddy) that visit today I mean Richard Wallace?."

Emelia suggested as she looks towards the children.

"Clara-belle, we would have to go with our children and maybe he might suggest the obvious which is a DNA test allow him OK because that's what will make him see that they are Ricardo's children, so what do you say, Clara, are you with me in this one?."

Emelia told her as she asks whether she was in or out of it.

"I am with you in this one too Em, do you mind if I call you Em?."

Clara replies as she asks Emelia if she minds being called Em.

"No problem Clara that means you will have to let Megan's school headmistress or headmaster know she is feeling a bit under the weather today."

Emelia told Clara and Clara call Megan's headmistress and let her know that Megan wasn't touching base today and why.

Afterward, Emelia and Clara decided to hire a cab straight to Richard's mansion because it will be easier and cheaper that way too.

Clara-belle changed Megan out of her school uniform and got her dress in a pink spaghetti straps sequin dress and her two-inch black heels, Clara quickly brushes Megan's hair and let it fall this time then Clara got dressed in a white silk halter neck backless knee length dress with a pair of white seven-inch pumps with her gold diamond earrings and her gold necklace as soon as Clara double check her appearance in the full body mirror she left and to see how Emelia was getting on.

Emelia wasn't getting on too well at all, Clara got an idea and so she went back to her room and took out her red sequence strapless dress because Emelia's shoes can go with it.

She saw the shoes Emelia was wearing so she thought her dress was ideal for it, she went back to Emelia's room and handed her the red dress, and told her to put it on because it was ideal for the shoes she was wearing.

Emelia looks down at her shoes and immediately grabs the dress from Clara-belle's hands and thanks her.

"No problem you are welcome."

Clara replies to her new friend and partner in crime.

Now everyone was ready including Reanna and Ricardo who were nicely dressed now too.

Shortly after everyone was outside the cab had just arrived too after everyone was inside the cab Clara-belle give the cab driver the address where he must go and he was off to Richard Mansion.

Soon after and the cab arrives at Richard Mansion, everyone got out of the cab and Clara and Emelia both pay the cab driver and he sped off.

As Clara-belle and the others walk up to the huge white double doors and Clara ring the doorbell twice soon a man in a white scissors tale jacket opens the door and greets them as he asks.

"Good afternoon ladies, but may I asks what are your name?."

He asks as he cocks his head one side waiting for Clara's reply.

"My name is Clara-belle Isha Tate and I am here to see Richard Wallace, just tell him Miss Tate from the office is here to see him OK."

Clara told the butler and he left and was back very soon.

"Come in ladies let me take your coats and come children."

He told them as he took their coats and hang them up on the coat hanger he ushers the children inside and they follow behind their mothers as the butler leads the way to where Richard was.

Soon they arrive in a large hall which Clara-belle, assume was the dining room there is a long dining table with sixteen chairs around it and two white and black pattern corner sofa along with a red velvet three-piece suit with the most expensive and finest quality red carpet on the floor and a bar was on the next side across from the dining table with all the liquors but the bar brought back memories to Clara from her teenage years back in Miami, Florida when her mom was alive and her father was the nicest husband then, her dad and her mother would stand on the balcony and stargaze while they drink a glass of brandy or whiskey.

"Ladies, I present Mr. Richard Wallace to you."

The butler exclaims proudly with a gesture of his hand to them and stood by the corner sofa.

"Thank you, Austin, but you can take your leave now I will be fine this lovely young lady was my personal secretary at the office and I did tell her that if she has any problems she must not hesitate to come here and let me know so she is a great young girl Austin as I said you can take your leave now."

Richard told the butler after he explains everything to him and so he left.

"Good afternoon, Richard how have you been?."

Clara-belle asks as she greets him with a sweet smile.

"I am great Clara I am just relaxing." Richard reply.

"Please take a seat everyone, and Clara are, you going to introduce me to your friends here?."

Richard told everyone as he asks Clara-belle about the introduction.

"Thank you, Richard "thank you, Mr. Wallace, Clara, and Emelia thank him as they took their seats on the other corner sofa and they place their children beside them on the sofa.

"Richard this is Emelia Powell, and Reanna and Ricardo, her children, and this little beauty are Megan, my daughter."

"Please to meet you, Emelia your children are beautiful, especially your daughter she reminds me of my wife Katherine, she had the same features too."

Richard told Emelia as he shook hands with her and told her how beautiful her children were especially Reanna because she reminds him of his wife.

"The pleasure was all mine, Mr. Wallace," Emelia replies with a smile.

"Richard, we are here to talk to you about your son Ricardo Wallace, about what he did to me six years ago almost seven now after pouring my heart out to him, and so he offers me to crash with him in the hotel he was staying but before he took me to a bar next door the hotel and it was inevitable that I would fall into the depths of alcohol, he bought me a Vodka martini but soon, it was one after the other and that night my father had disowned me for coming home four hours later than the curfew he had set for me."

"The next morning when I awake, I had no remembrance of the night before I could only recall meeting up Ricardo Wallace an old college student from my college but nothing else I found a note in the hotel room on the side table, written and sign by your son Ricardo Wallace, too Richard, and here it is you can read it for yourself take it and read it OK."

Clara-belle explains everything to Richard and he looked shocked and surprised he didn't know his son was capable of these things that Clara speaks of.

Ricardo's Note: "Morning Clara-belle, thanks for the chat last night."

"I hope you can sort your mishaps, with your father and I wish you all the best in

the future."

"I had to go early this morning I hope we meet again."

"Goodbye Clara-belle, all the best to you."

"Sign: Ricardo Wallace."

"Now Richard, before you say anything these three little children are your grandson and granddaughters my daughter is Megan Wallace and Emelia's son and daughter Ricardo and Reanna Wallace are your grandchildren now Emelia go ahead and tell Mr. Wallace what his son did to you five years ago only leaving you a note just like he did with me."

Shortly after Emelia was finished telling Richard all that Ricardo had done to her then he just left in the early rise of the morning before she awoke and wrote her a note it was a short note.

But unfortunately, Emelia didn't have the note to hand to Richard that he could read it too.

"Clara-belle, I am so sorry for what my son did even though it's almost seven years but I am a man of principles and rules and right now I am thinking of asking you and Emelia for a DNA test to be sure because I would be delighted if these beautiful children turned out to be my grandchildren let's go to my Doctor she's private Dr. Golding ."

"Not a problem Richard, are we going now or are you going to change into something else maybe more presentable than a tee shirt and jeans?."

Clara-belle replied as she asks Richard if he was going to change into something more presentable but Richard shook his head, no he going in his tee shirt and jeans and he only needed his coat after everyone was outside including the children and they all got inside the limousine and Richard chauffeur Jake sped off to their destination.

About twenty-five minutes later and the limo came to a halt after Jake parked it and open the door for Mr. Wallace, and came around the other side and open the door for the guests too as Emelia and Clara, step out they both help the children out too.

Soon they were all inside Dr. Golding's surgery when the receptionist called.

"Richard Wallace, Megan Wallace, Rianna Wallace, and Ricardo Wallace Jr, Dr. Golding will see you all now."

But the children wouldn't go without their moms, so Clara and Emelia had to go in with them too.

"Mr. Wallace, what a pleasant surprise I haven't seen you in a long while now, so what's the matter now?."

Dr. Golding asks tapping her pen on her desk repeatedly while waiting to hear Richard's response.

"Allow me, ma'am, to explain to you, I am Clara-belle and these children are all Richard's Grandchildren, his son Ricardo's children so Richard is here for a DNA test that will make him a lot more sure about these children being his son's and also his grandchildren."

"OK, so Mr. Wallace, who and who do you want me to test just name them I'll need the full name thanks."

Dr. Golding asks Richard as she told him.

"Well Dr. Golding, these three children and I, let their mothers give you their names Dr."

Richard told her.

"Clara-belle what's your daughter's name?."

Dr. Golding asks Clara to write down something on her clipboard.

"Her name is Megan Ann-belle Wallace."

"Emelia, what are your children's names?."

Dr. asks Emelia.

"My daughter's name is Reanna Alexis Wallace and my son's name is Ricardo Nathan Wallace."

Emelia told the Dr. she hold Reanna still and that Dr. Golding could take the swab.

She did the same with all the children.

But left Richard for last he was the last one she took the swab from.

"OK, Mr. Wallace, in three days' time the DNA results will be in so all of you be back here Friday at 3:30 at the latest Alright."

Dr. Golding told Richard including everyone else.

"Thank you, Dr. Golding, for doing this, and bye see you Friday evening."

Clara, thank the Doctor for doing the test.

They all left and Jake Richard chauffeur brought home Clara-belle and the others for the first time Richard saw where Clara live in the Big Apple and she needed a new place and he was going to get that new place for her by Friday where she lives now was pitiful to him it was only a six-bedroom place.

"Bye Richard, see you Friday," Clara told him as she wave to him.

"Bye Mr. Wallace it was nice meeting you." Emelia told him as she took the children inside Clara's house."

They were home again.

LATER THAT NIGHT AT Richard's mansion.

"RICARDO RICHARD WALLACE!," Listen and listen very well did you know that I met three of my grandchildren today, which you brought into this world."

"Not like a man, but like a damn player Ricardo, you had played two young girls and left them you didn't take care of your responsibility."

"Ricardo, listen I am a very respectable man and everyone respects me Ricardo, but you are going to make me die known as the father of the elusive player and son of a bitch that go around impregnating young ladies!," I won't die in peace if you don't get your act together very soon Ricardo, I will disinherit you!."

"I am serious Ricardo."

"Did I make myself clear?!."

Richard exclaims as he asks angrily.

"Crystal clear father."

Ricardo retorted as he took another sip of his whiskey.

"Well, what are you prepared to do Ricardo you need to take care of your responsibilities son because I am sure your mother and I didn't raise you to be a player certainly not!."

"I will tell you this one last time I will disinherit you if you don't get your Act together by now and the end of the year which is ten months away get some help for your player ways or else you are going to make my precious Katherine turn inside her grave at your carelessness please let your mother soul rest in peace."

Richard told Ricardo after giving him an ultimatum about his inheritance and Richard wasn't joking about that one either...

What will the DNA results be will they positive, or inconclusive?

Will it be positive for Emelia's children?





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