High School DxD: Rise of the...

By WarriorMan199456

381K 6.2K 6.3K

AU. Every hero has a beginning. The path of a hero is forever determined by the events he is placed in. In t... More

A Strong Yet Young Presence
Wrathful Transformation!
Issei vs Riser: The Conclusion
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter Part 23
Chapter Part 24
Chapter Part 25
Chapter Part 26
Chapter Part 27
Chapter Part 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 56

2.2K 51 20
By WarriorMan199456

Warning: Bouts of Mood Whiplash.

Earth – Kuoh Academy

Azazel's Laboratory

Aside from the tinkering noises from Azazel and the flowing energies from Izanami and Asia, the atmosphere of the former's laboratory was quiet at best. The Shinto Goddess and Sacred Gear wielder sat across from each other, their energies coiling around the vials containing the Phoenix Tears. Sitting between the two, were two small glasses of tea prepared by Asia.

"Are you finished repairing the machine, Fallen Angel?"

"You know, you're free to call me Azazel. You don't have to be so formal."

Despite the casual tone spoken by Azazel, Izanami couldn't help the annoyed frown that appeared on her face. She couldn't understand why the Fallen Angel was so calm and collected about the current situation.

"Is the machine finished?" She asked again.

"That depends," Azazel replied, "Have you and Asia finished augmenting the Phoenix Tears?"

"We're almost done, Azazel-san!" Asia piped up cheerfully.

Both Izanami and Azazel turned to see Asia with her hands raised above the vials of Phoenix Tears. The emerald glow from her Twilight Sacred Gear illuminated over the vials, increasing the properties of the tears. Izanami, who was sitting across from Asia, was glowing with a silver-white aura, her energy transferring over to the vials as well.

As he wiped a few droplets of sweat off of his forehead, Azazel sighed and looked over to Izanami.

"Izanami-no-Mikoto." He said, prompting the Shinto Goddess to glance at him questioningly, "There's something I want to know."

"And that is?" Izanami replied.

"Do you know who Yoru is?" Azazel asked.

"Of course I do. The son of Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto." She answered, "Why do you ask?"

Azazel blinked as he raised an eyebrow at Izanami's answer, before he composed himself.

"You said that while you were trapped in Yomi," He began, spotting Izanami's noticeable wince of disgust, "You used the power of the supernatural world to observe Issei Hyoudou. So what I want to know is why you never went after Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto's son."

"..." Izanami was silent for a moment, prompting Asia to look at her in concern.

"Izanami-sama?" She asked gently.

"Fallen Angel Azazel," Izanami started quietly, "Aside from what they represent, what is the other difference between the child of Amaterasu and the child of Tsukuyomi?"

Azazel blinked again as he tried to think of a response.

'What other difference does she mean? Issei Hyoudou was born from the energies of the Sun, while Yoru has his ties connected to the Moon. Issei's naïve but well-intentioned, and Yoru's powerful but insane. Hmm.'

He honestly couldn't think of anything.

Seeing that Azazel wasn't going to respond, Izanami inwardly sighed as she reached for the steaming cup of tea next to her. Asia's eyes widened as she went to grab the tea away from Izanami's reach.

"W-wait, Izanami-sama! The tea isn't warm ye-"

Asia's warning was cut off when Izanami raised the cup to her lips, the hot tea flowing down her throat. Releasing a sigh, Izanami set her eyes over to Asia.

"I have resided in the cold realm Yomi for over millennia, Asia," She informed the human girl, "If anything, liquids that are scalding hot will not harm me in the slightest."

"O-ok." Asia stuttered as she watched Izanami place her cup down.

The Shinto Goddess of Creation and Death licked her lips at the taste of the tea. She then turned to Azazel, and narrowed her eyes.

"The moment Amaterasu brought Issei to existence, she sent him to this planet with the intention of keeping him safe from me. Tsukuyomi however, kept his son on Takamagahara, so there was no need for me to pay him any mind."

"...Huh." Azazel said, "It's that simple?"

"My mind has been severely fractured over the years, Fallen Angel." Izanami reminded him, "What could you honestly expect of me?"

"Right, right." Azazel amended as he turned his attention to the doppelganger machine.

The occupants were silent in the laboratory once more. As she tilted her head towards Izanami, Asia gave her a soft smile.

"Izanami-sama?" She began, "After the Sun comes back and heals the Earth, where are you going to go? Are you going to stay here on Earth?"

Try as she might, Izanami couldn't stop herself from flinching as her eyes took on a wistful look.

"I...I am not exactly sure." She said, unsure of herself.

Asia's expression softened as she inwardly sighed. Her eyes gained a sympathetic edge to them as she looked to see Izanami's aura fading away.

"Izanami-sama?" She questioned, noticing the Shinto Goddess' fatigue.

Izanami frowned and clutched her forehead, her energy starting to dwindle ever so slightly.

"That is enough energy I can expel, Fallen Angel Azazel." She stated without looking at him.

"Ah, that won't be a problem."


Her eyes widening at the sudden noise, Izanami turned her head to see two large capsules in front of Azazel. The Fallen Angel smiled with a triumphant air about him, and turned around to look at the Shinto Goddess and Asia.

"Y-you did it!" Asia exclaimed cheerfully with a bright smile.

"Yep." Azazel proudly agreed as he twirled his arm around, "I still got it. Now all we have to do is put the vials in the first machine, duplicate them in the second capsule, and then we're good to go."

"Well, the Phoenix Tears are done and ready to go." Asia replied.

The girl took her and Izanami's vials and placed it into the first opened capsule. As Azazel pressed the button to close the machine door, the space within started to emit a bright glow. The occupants of the laboratory watched in interest and anticipation as they waited for the machine to function.


The trio quickly covered their eyes to keep the machine's light release from blinding them. As the machine continued to move, smoke started to dissipate out from it. As the light faded, Azazel was the first to remove his arm from his eyes. The Fallen Angel waved the smoke from his line of sight, and peered down at the capsule.

"..." Azazel's eyes began to slowly widen, his mouth stretching out into a large grin, "EUREKA!"

Both Izanami and Asia widened their eyes as they spotted the second capsule filled with a large number of vials full of Phoenix Tears.

"It worked!" Asia cheered,

"..." Izanami was too stunned to even say anything.

Azazel smirked as he opened the second capsule, and looked down at the numerous amounts of vial-filled Phoenix Tears.

"Issei Hyoudou. Vali." Azazel said, "Just hold out for a while longer, you two. The whole plan is finally coming together."

The Fallen Angel twirled his tool item around his finger, and fastened it to his pocket as his smirk widened.

"The plan to return Issei Hyoudou to his second 'mother'; the Sun."

"Mother? Amaterasu may be a representation of the Sun, Fallen Angel Azazel," Izanami questioned with a raise of her eyebrow, "But the Sun is just a massive star that releases energy. It does not have a gender."

"...But the Sun gives life, Izanami-sama." Asia softly spoke up.

Izanami's eyes widened as she sent her eyes over to the girl. Asia smiled warmly at the Shinto Goddess.

"If we didn't have the Sun, then there really wouldn't be anything on Earth. And if there is no mother, then there aren't any children either." Asia explained.

Azazel nodded with a smile at the girl's words. Asia's smile widened as she clasped her hands together.

"So in a way..." She hesitated as she looked Izanami in the eyes, "The Sun is like a mother. Not only a mother to Issei, but to the Earth and so on."

Izanami only stared wide-eyed at the girl's somewhat symbolic words. The girl was smarter than she had given her credit for.

And to think that long ago, she made it her life's goal to eliminate everyone on Earth.

The silence was once again prevalent in Azazel's laboratory, bringing the excitement down to a state of contentment. With a small smile, Azazel clapped his hands together.

"All right, Mount Kailash," He began, "Here we come!"

Arena of the Underworld

"Well, well, well. Everything's always a surprise when you're involved, isn't it Issei Hyoudou?"

The words had jumped out of the host of the Vanishing Dragon's mouth before he could even process it in his head. His rival, still surrounded by the multi-colored energy spirals, looked up at him and started to open his mouth.


In all of my years of existence, I've never detected something as powerful as this!

Only to be interrupted by Amenominakanushi.

The aforementioned Shinto Kami stared at the multi-colored energies coiling around Issei, his expression bordering on a combination of utmost distraught and horror.

{Is anyone else feeling déjà vu?}

(Ah good. So it isn't just me or my host.)

"Uh-" Issei began.

Son of Amaterasu, what is this energy?! Who have you summoned?!


This energy is coming from an unknown source, and yet I can feel it from every direction! What is this power?! Answer me, you fool!

"I-" Issei tried again, but to no avail.

You dare interrupt me you little-

His confused look dissolving into an expression of annoyance, the son of Amaterasu and the 'Sun' wisely kept silent for a while. He would just have to wait for Amenominakanushi to finish his tirade.

{Well...this battle has turned into a rather strange event.}

((Can this even be considered a battle anymore?))

Now tell me where this power is coming from, or so help me I will obliterate both you and the host of the Vanishing Dragon with Samael!

"..." Issei stared blankly at Amenominakanushi.

The Shinto Kami stared back at him angrily.

"Are you done?" Vali asked with a raise of his eyebrow.


Inwardly sighing, Issei nodded and readied himself to explain that he didn't know what the hell was happening either.



"Really?" Vali intoned, suppressing his exasperated lilt.

'Seriously?' Issei mentally groaned in his head.

Hmm. Another energy source I sense. It's weaker than the energies that coil around Issei Hyoudou.

'Then whose energy is it?' Vali questioned in his mind, "I don't recognize it. Albion?'

(The source isn't familiar to me either, Vali.)

The moment Vali cut off his mind-link with the Vanishing Dragon, a dark-colored energy manifested in the large space between Issei and Amenominakanushi. The light from the energy faded, revealing a figure dressed in dark robes decorated with ornaments. Clasped on the opening of the hood, was a 'clown mask', furthering the confusion of Issei, Vali, and Amenominakanushi.

The figure lifted his head up and directed it towards Issei, who stared back in bewilderment at the scythe in the former's hand.

'A Grim Reaper? What's he doing here?'

"Issei Hyoudou." The hooded figure rasped as he tapped his scythe on the ground, "It has been a while."

The confused look on Issei's face only increased as he hesitated to speak.

"I'm sorry, but..." He started as he raised an eyebrow, "Who are you?"

The hooded figure suddenly stiffened as he almost let go of his scythe. Regaining his composure, he gripped his scythe tighter.

"Surely you jest, Issei Hyoudou." He replied, "We may have met each other only once, but-"

"We've met before?" Issei questioned as he reflexively rubbed the back of his head, "Are you sure?"

"Y-Yes, I'm sure!" The hooded Grim Reaper stuttered angrily, almost losing his temper, "I was there when you fought Cao Cao in Lord Hades' dwelling; the Realm of the Dead!"

Issei blinked several times as he tilted his head.

'Ddraig, do you remember him?'

{Remember, partner. At that time, your body was still getting used to the effects of Albion's power interfering with the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi. The time I spent watching your battle was rather limited at best, and I couldn't contact you due to the suppressed connection.}

The figure looked as though he wanted to strangle the son of Amaterasu, because his scythe was noticeably shaking by his trembling hold.

Vali, who was still floating above his rival, held a look of indifference at the current situation. He looked over to see Amenominakanushi sporting a look of intense annoyance.

'I can't help but question why the Shinto Kami isn't taking this opportunity to attack any of us with Samael.'

(Is it really worth questioning? You should be taking this opportunity to regain your energy, Vali. You know Ddraig's host had a hand in saving both of us from Samael's poison.)

'Ugh.' Vali groaned in his head, 'Does this mean we owe Issei Hyoudou yet again?'

(What do you mean, 'we'?)

Before Vali could retort a snappy response and ask Albion what he meant, he was cut off from the sound of a finger snap.

"Oh wait a minute!" Issei said as he looked over to the hooded figure, "I think I did see you! Yeah, I remember you!"

The figure lifted his head up, his body language exuding a rush of excitement.

"Excellent. So you recall my presence."

"Yeah," Issei agreed, "Your name's Uranus, right?"

A silence so tense had risen, that out of nowhere a tumbleweed blew across the direction of Amenominakanushi and Samael. The action did not go unnoticed by Vali, who raised an eyebrow.

"Where'd that tumbleweed come from?" He asked.

"That is not my name you fool!" The hooded figure exclaimed, his composure dwindling ever so quickly.

Issei's eyes widened in surprise, and he blinked several times in confusion.

"It's not?"


"Oh." Issei said before shifting his eyes side to side, "Sorry?"

"NOT FORGIVEN!" The figure shrieked.

"So no one's going to acknowledge the tumbleweed that just passed by?" Vali questioned, "I just want to make sure so I can move on."

"How could you forget my name?!" The figure asked incredulously, "It shares the same name with one of the planets in Space, for Hades' sake!"




"Try again!"


"Not even close!"

"Mercury?" Vali put in.

"NO!" The figure roared, before doing a double take and turning to point his scythe at Vali, "A-and who asked you?!"

"Venus?" Issei guessed.



Issei, Vali, Amenominakanushi, and the hooded figure all turned to look at Samael questioningly.

"Um...no?" The figure reluctantly replied.


After a few moments of silence, the argument commenced.

"Mars?" Vali predicted.

"For the love of- I should slice the both of you fools!" The figure threatened.

"E-" Issei tried again.

"Don't you dare say Earth." The hooded figure emphasized heatedly, "God damn it, do not say Earth!"

"..." Issei was rendered silent by confusion.

"..." Vali rolled his eyes as he shook his head in annoyance.

"Well?!" The Grim Reaper waited impatiently.

"We already named all of the planets in the Solar System." Vali pointed out.

"No you didn't! You missed one!"

"Wait, we did?" Issei asked.

The figure by this point was struggling to control his ever growing rage. His entire body trembled with indignant fury as he pointed the scythe in Issei's direction.


"...Huh?" Issei questioned.

"My name is Pluto!" The Grim Reaper bellowed, "I worked under the orders of Lord Hades!"

Issei stared wide-eyed at the Grim Reaper who had served under the Olympian God of the Dead.

"...Pluto's not a planet." Vali stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"What?!" Pluto shouted, turning to look at the host of the Vanishing Dragon.

"You heard me. Pluto's not a planet."

"And where the hell did you come up with that ludicrous idea?!"

"What do you mean idea? It's been proven." Vali insisted.

"And since when have mortals ever been right about the objects that dwell in the Solar System?!"

"Actually, I don't think Pluto can even be considered a planet either." Issei put his two cents in, "I remember Leiko-san telling me that when I was littl-"

Would you fools cease in your incessant babbling?!

Issei, Vali, and Pluto turned their heads to look at an irate Amenominakanushi. The Shinto Kami was willing to humor the Grim Reaper and his sudden appearance, but he quickly grew irritated at his pointless argument with the hosts of the Two Heavenly Dragons.

Much to Amenominakanushi's displeasure and disgust, the aforementioned hosts and the Grim Reaper had already returned to their argument.

"So like I was saying," Vali started, "Pluto isn't a planet. It's a dwarf planet."

If Pluto had possessed any type or layer of skin, he would've foamed at the mouth in rage.

"There! You just said it was a planet!"

"Actually, he said dwarf planet." Issei corrected him.

"Argh!" Pluto snarled before pointing his scythe towards Vali, "You two are starting to grate on my nerves!"

"What nerves?" Issei asked innocently, "You don't have any skin."

Vali struggled to stop the upward twitching of his lips. He'd never imagine that the thought would even cross his mind, but it was times like these that it was highly amusing to see his rival's bouts of naiveté.

This was one of those times.

In fact, Vali was certain that if the people around him weren't present, he would have immediately collapsed into a barely concealed state of hilarity.

"Humph." Vali settled for a slight huff of amusement, before quietly snickering.

Apparently, Issei's innocent comment had furthered Pluto's already increasing rage. The Grim Reaper was shaking horrendously. He'd never suffered so much humiliation in his life.

...Well except from Hades' rule over him, but that wasn't the point!

"So Plato-" Vali started.

"IT'S PLUTO!" The Grim Reaper shrieked.


Pluto, impatiently waiting for the host of the Vanishing Dragon to respond, turned to look up at him. The Grim Reaper had to give himself credit for not being put off by the look on Vali's face. It was an expression of aloofness and...something else that Pluto couldn't decipher.

"I don't know why..." Vali started slowly, "But I'm getting the overwhelming urge to kill you now."

Pluto gulped down a lump in his bony throat, and he turned to look at the person who wasn't suddenly threatening him.

"Um, Plateau-" Issei began.

"Pluto!" The Grim Reaper corrected.

"What are you doing here anyway?" The son of Amaterasu continued as though he hadn't been interrupted, "Did Hades tell you to come here?"

Huffing at Issei's ignorance, Pluto tapped his scythe on the ground.

"If you must know," He started indignantly, "I did not come here on Lord Hades' order. Nor am I here of my own volition. It was the primordial manifestation of Death itself who ordered me to come to this realm."

Issei's eyes widened at the new piece of information.

"What? You mean Shinigami-san told you to come here?"

"When was it ever established that you could self-appoint yourself to another incarnation of Death?" Vali asked sarcastically.

Snarling at Vali's snarky tone, Pluto turned to face him and waved his scythe at him threateningly.

"You fools are this close to making my blood boil!" He shouted.

"But you don't have any blood." Issei said as he tilted his head.

"Pffft! Ha!" Even for all his pride, Vali was too late to suppress the amused chuckles that rang out of his mouth.

'Hyoudou's really on a roll today.'

"Damn it, you fool!" Pluto cursed Issei, "Stop being so damn literal-minded! God, it's like you're not from Earth or something!"

"Actually-" Issei attempted to retort.

"Never mind!" Pluto interrupted before things could go even further, "Anyway, Death itself sent me down to this realm in order to retrieve the ones you stole from its realm."

Issei's eyes widened in disbelief. He quickly looked back to see the floating silver sphere of energy that encased Aži Dahāka, Grendel, and Crom Cruach.

"The Evil Dragons?" Vali questioned, "You're here to take them back?"

"Yes, I am."

"Hold on a minute!" Issei said as he looked back to Pluto, "You can't take them back! We need their help!"

"Humph." Vali scoffed at this rival, "What do you mean, Hyoudou? They've been trapped in that sphere for a while, so obviously they're of no use to us."

"But Vali, I brought them out of Shinigami-san's Domain for a reason!" Issei retorted with a frown, "If they're going back to her realm, then all the time I spent trying to break them out was pointless!"

"We don't need them, Issei." Vali emphasized firmly, "And besides, did it ever cross your mind that perhaps one of them might turn their backs on us? They're called Evil Dragons for a reason, Hyoudou."

(He has a point, host of Ddraig.)

{Not helping, Albion.}

(Whoever said I was?)

"But what about the Yamata-no-Orochi?" Issei challenged, "She turned good."

"That's because its original incarnation died at the hands of Susanoo-no-Mikoto," Vali pointed out, "The Yamata-no-Orochi that exists in the Kusanagi is just a fragment of its soul. It doesn't count."

"But-" Issei tried to argue.

Grim Reaper Pluto.

The voice of Amenominakanushi brought the hosts of the Two Heavenly Dragons and Pluto out of their argument once more. In contrast to his earlier brooding expression from earlier, Amenominakanushi was now sporting a malicious and triumphant smirk.

Is that truly your intention? To put the Evil Dragons back in the Realm of the Shinigami?

Pleased that his name was finally being spoken correctly, Pluto nodded.

"Yes, that is my intention."

Vali adopted an annoyed scowl as he looked over to Issei. His scowl deepening, the host of the Vanishing Dragon directed his hand to the Grim Reaper, prompting Issei's eyes to widen. As Pluto was looking at Amenominakanushi, the former did not notice what Vali was about to do.

'Vali, what are you doing?!' The host of the Welsh Dragon mentally exclaimed.

'What do you think I'm doing, Hyoudou?' Vali mentally shot back, 'Don't tell me you're not aware of what's happening right now!'

'Of course, I'm aware! But you don't need to kill him!'

'Oh don't go all pacifist on me now, Hyoudou!' Vali chastised his rival, 'In case you haven't noticed, the bag of bones is about to remove the Evil Dragons and put them back in the Realm of the Shinigami.'

'But maybe there's a chance he'll remove Samael too!' Issei suggested.

'How do you work that out?' Vali challenged, 'He said nothing about removing Samael.'

'He might choose to take away Samael if we do one thing.'

'And what's that?'

'...We have to say his name.'

Vali raised an eyebrow as he maintained his stare towards his rival.

'You're not serious, aren't you?'

The look of bewildered shock on Vali's face deepened at Issei's serious expression.

'Oh god, you are serious.'

'It's worth a shot, Vali.'

'Hyoudou, that is the dumbest idea I've ever heard.'

'Do you have a better idea?' Issei challenged.

'Yeah,' Vali immediately replied, 'And unlike your plan, it'll be quick and easy.'


'What, Hyoudou?'

'You don't remember his name, do you?'

Vali's eyes widened a little in surprise at his rival's ability to read his face. How did Issei know he didn't know what the Grim Reaper's name was?

'What? Of course I do!' Vali blatantly lied.

'I don't think you do, Vali.'

'Well do you remember what it is?' Vali shot back questioningly.

'Of course I do, it's Pl-'

You see what is happening, son of Amaterasu?!

Their mind-linked conversation interrupted, Issei and Vali turned to see Amenominakanushi pointing to the former.

This is karma! You thought that you could break the rules of the dead, but not even you are exempt from them! Now there is no absolute chance of you ever-

"I'm retrieving Samael as well." Pluto interrupted casually; or as casually as he could muster.


Both Issei and Vali's eyes widened in surprise at Pluto's revelation. Issei then adopted a knowing grin and started to open his mouth, only for Vali to point to his rival without even looking at him.

"Be quiet." Vali warned, before Issei could utter a single word.

"It is due to the will of the Biblical God that Samael is destined to dwell in Cocytus for all eternity." Pluto explained, "Not only that, but Lord Hades is the one who is tasked with either sealing or releasing Samael. So I'm taking Samael, too."

You can't be serious!

"Now if you'll excuse me." Pluto said as he floated towards the trapped Evil Dragons.

With a wave of his scythe, Pluto summoned a portal that manifested under the silver shield. As the pull from the portal lowered the shield, a sudden noise was uttered.


A crack suddenly appeared on the shield, its creases breaking apart. Pluto looked upon the breaking shield with interest, before shrugging as he paid it no mind. Then, in a motion so fast that Pluto almost missed it, a small dark green scale that was in the shape of a small sphere, ejected out of the shield. The dark-green sphere landed on the ground, causing a small crack to appear.

{Partner, look!)

Issei's eyes widened at the sight of the object.

'What is that?'

((Looks like a dragon scale in the shape of a sphere.))

[Ssssscale is green.]

'So that's...?!' Issei's thoughts trailed off in disbelief.

{Yes, partner. That's Grendel's scale.}

As Issei's eyes widened further, he turned to look at Amenominakanushi to check if he had seen it as well. Much to Issei's confusion, the Shinto Kami was still staring at the Grim Reaper with a look of indignant rage.

As the portal finally engulfed the silver shield, Pluto immediately transmitted out of sight, and appeared in front of Amenominakanushi. The Shinto Kami let out a fierce snarl as he stood in front of Samael. This wasn't supposed to end like this!

Don't you dare, you pathetic Grim Reaper!

As Amenominakanushi continued his rant, Issei turned his head to look at the spherical green scale. Narrowing his eyes, he pushed his hand forward, causing a black hole to emerge from under the scale. As the scale dropped down into the vortex, Issei used his other hand, causing another black hole to manifest. As he expected, Grendel's dragon scale dropped into his hand.


((What is it, Ddraig?))

{Do you not sense it, clone of Albion?}

[Grendel'ssss power.]

{You'd be correct, Yamata-no-Orochi. Out of all the Dragons that exist in this world, Grendel is the one who is considered to wield the hardest and most durable scales.}

Issei stared at the spherical shape of Grendel's scale, and tightened his hold on it.


'...I think I have an idea.'

{That's what you always say, Issei. And yet they turn out bad.}

'Just hear me out!' Issei mentally pleaded, 'Look at the size, Ddraig. It's about the size of Albion's jewel. And it carries Grendel's energy. So if I manifested the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi into its armor form, I can-'

{Absolutely not, partner! Yes, when you embedded the jewel of Albion into your Dragon Armor, the desired result was achieved! But even then, it was a risky move, and you know it!}

'But Ddraig-!'

{No, partner! And besides, what makes you think that scale will be compatible with the armor of Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi anyway?}

Issei frowned at the Red Dragon Emperor's question.

'I...I don't know.' He admitted as he momentarily closed the mind-link.

I will be damned if you are going to take away my chances of victory against the son of Amaterasu!

"Oh?" Pluto challenged, "And what exactly are you going to do about it?"

Amenominakanushi grit his teeth in pure enmity. What could he do? The son of Amaterasu had to die! He just had to! Samael was the Shinto Kami's trump card, and now he was about to be taken away!

'Damn it all! This cannot be happening! Together, Samael and I were supposed to destroy that foolish brat! I...'

It was at that moment Amenominakanushi paused in his thoughts.

'Samael and I. Samael AND I!'

A triumphant smile appeared on the Shinto Kami's face, prompting Issei, Vali, and Pluto to give him looks of confusion.

"What are you smiling about?" Vali asked.

Why it's simple, you insolent half-breed. I am smiling because I have formulated a strategy that will allow me to keep Samael here by my side.

'What's he planning?' Issei questioned in his mind.

"And just how do you intend to do that?" Pluto challenged.

The Shinto Kami was ecstatic! And just a few moments ago, he had been so worried! But now he had nothing to worry about!

It is just as I've told Issei Hyoudou and Vali Lucifer! With me and Samael together, nothing will be able to stop me from claiming victory!

"...Really?" Vali said in utter aloofness.

Amenominakanushi's glee was cut short as he glared at the descendant of Lucifer.


"Are you actually planning to combine with Samael just to combat Hyoudou and me?"

Don't act so sure of yourself, half-breed. You have no idea what will happen once Samael and I combine.

"What makes you think I don't?" Vali retorted.

What makes you think you do?

"Because the Heavenly Emperor Indra did it."

...Excuse you?

"Yeah, Indra did it." Vali reiterated as he glanced over to Issei, "He absorbed Yoru, Sun Wukong, myself, and the first beasts known as the Leviathans."

Amenominakanushi frowned at the host of the Vanishing Dragon petulantly.

But my attempt is differe-

"He also did it with the intention of defeating Issei Hyoudou." Vali continued, "Like you're doing right now."

Now you listen, you little-

Little shut-in...

Amenominakanushi was cut off as the bodiless voice made itself known once more. With the exception of both Issei and Vali, Pluto jumped in response to the unexpected voice.

"Where did that come from?"

"Hmm." Vali hummed, "I'd almost forgotten about that."

So you reveal yourself once more! Come out, wherever you are!

"Who are you talking to?" Pluto questioned.

His attention diverting from Grendel's scale for the moment, Issei looked up at the sky.

'There's that voice again.'

Narrowing his eyes, Issei went to move, until he felt something restrict him. His eyes widening in surprise, Issei looked down to see the multi-colored energy spirals, their motion coiling around him.

'What's going on?' He questioned as he looked up, only to blink several times.

The clouds of the Underworld were no longer moving. They were perfectly still. His eyes shifting from left to right, Issei looked over to see Amenominakanushi with his arm outstretched in a pointing motion. The Shinto Kami was completely still.

The son of Amaterasu looked up to see Vali in a similar situation. His rival wasn't moving. At all.

{This seems very familiar.}

Issei blinked again in confusion.


Little shut-in...


Issei didn't have enough time to utter a single world before the coils of energy tightened their hold on him.

"GAH!" Issei cried out in surprise.

The last thing he heard before his entire world went dark was the sound of a soft and loving coo.


Consciousness came back to the son of Amaterasu slowly. As he slowly opened his eyes, Issei found that there was nothing in front of him. His eyes widening, Issei blinked them multiple times, convinced that he was still unconscious or something.

When he found that nothing was changing, he let out a groan as he stood up. As he looked around, Issei frowned deeply as he realized that he was no longer in the Underworld.

'Oh come on, not again!'

If Issei hadn't become accustomed to being in a realm of pitch blackness, he would've been a little disgruntled. At this point, he only felt a slight annoyance creep up in him.

He couldn't see anything at all! He didn't have time for this!

"Damn it!" He cursed, "I really don't need this right now! I have to help Vali before things go even worse!"

His impatience getting the best of him, Issei released his energy and went to move.

Little shut-in!

Issei mentally admonished himself for jumping at the unexpected voice. Of all the things that he had gone through, he shouldn't have been afraid of the sudden arrival of the unknown voice.

My little shut-in is finally here! With me!

'Little shut-in?' Issei questioned in his mind as he looked around his surroundings.

Immediately after doing so, he sighed and palmed himself in the face. Of course the voice was referring tohim. He was the only one in this godforsaken pitch-black realm.

But still...

"Little shut-in?" Issei repeated the name quietly in disbelief.

In hindsight, Issei felt that he should've been used to having the word 'my' being used before his name or any given nickname. In Ophis' case, it was either 'my Issei' or 'my foolish little mate.

But the voice who was communicating with him; a voice he still didn't recognize, was referring to him as its 'little shut-in'.

...That was different.

Yes! You! You are my little shut-in!

If the situation hadn't been so serious and confusing, Issei would've given the voice props for coming up with a new 'pet name' for him. Even if the nickname alluded to his reclusive nature; which was something he was still trying to grow out of.

I...I am so happy!

True to the voice's words, it sounded absolutely ecstatic, so Issei sure as hell wasn't going to disagree with it. His eyes adjusting to the darkness, Issei looked around more of his surroundings, trying to think of a way to get back to the arena of the Underworld.

"I need to get out of here." Issei said to himself quietly.

Are you trying to escape?

The voice had spoken so suddenly that Issei jumped again. It no longer sounded cheerful or joyful. But much to Issei's surprise, it didn't carry an obsessive or possessive lilt to it either.

As his eyes narrowed, Issei lifted his hand up to summon a portal. The son of Amaterasu kept his raised hand for a few moments longer, waiting for the black hole to manifest. His eyes lifted up in confusion when nothing appeared in front of him.

Issei moved his other hand up to perform the same action, and still, nothing appeared from his palm. His confusion turned to shock as he stared and moved his head side-to-side to look at both of his hands.

"What's going on?"

Why weren't any black holes manifesting in front of him?

What is little shut-in doing?

Issei kept his mouth shut as he listened to the vague tone of the voice carefully.

You do not have to go back. You can stay here...with me.

"With you?" Issei asked the voice before shaking his head, "No, I have to go back! Both Vali and I have to beat Amenominakanushi and Samael so we can save everyone!"

But you will be safe with me. I'll keep you here so that no one will be able to harm you.

What was the voice saying? Keeping him? In this pitch-black realm? Issei was beginning to feel a bit- nocompletely unnerved by the bodiless voice. Not only could he not see where the voice was coming from, but he couldn't even escape the realm.

Issei took a step back and tried to manipulate his energy. He felt a bit miffed that not only was he unable to summon a black hole, but he couldn't even manage to form a shield around his body. Why weren't any of his powers working?

"I can't stay here!" He said to himself, "I have to find some way out of this place!"

No, Issei! Wait!

Despite his words, Issei felt his body stop in response. The voice had changed, its tone becoming faintly feminine. Not just feminine, but familiar. It sounded just like...

Issei looked up just in time to see multiple cracks appear above him from the pitch-black realm. The young man covered his eyes with his hands, the bright light from the cracks almost close to blinding him.

Flowing out of the lights were large spirals of energy that traveled down in front of Issei. The energy crashed onto the ground and proceeded to form into the shape of a slender and curvy woman with hips that were slightly wider than her shoulders. Her short and slightly frizzy auburn-brown hair was silky, while her lips were adorned by an attractive faint shade of lipstick. The woman's eyes were closed, allowing Issei to spot a barely noticeable shade of pale blue eye-shadow on her eyelids.

Issei couldn't stop his body from trembling at the sight of the woman, who lifted her head up and slowly opened her eyes, revealing a lavish shade of green. The woman's expression immediately perked up as her eyes directly locked themselves onto Issei. She smiled at him ardently, with Issei noticing a crinkle at her eyes that exuded great warmth.

"My little shut-in." She cooed gently as she began to walk forward.

"Y-you look just like..." Issei stuttered, his words failing him.

'Move!' He ordered himself.

Issei stood stiffly and remained at his spot, his body seemingly unwilling to respond to his thoughts.

'Do something!'

His body still wasn't moving.


The woman didn't seem to be in any mood to rush in her pace, because she really took her time walking towards Issei. She just stared at him, smiling.

Extremely put off from the woman's unchanging expression, Issei grunted as he moved a couple steps back.

This woman...

'She looks just like Leiko-san! An older version of her!'

It was true! The voice had taken the form of a fully-physical developed and mature version of Leiko Hyoudou. Issei recognized the brown-colored hair, the familiar facial features, and especially the voice (despite it noticeably sounding much lower).

The woman finally stopped in her pace as she stood in front of the frozen Issei. Her smile, which seemed to be growing wider and wider, remained on her face.

Issei felt paralyzed on the spot, and he willed himself to look somewhere else as the woman continued to stare at him.

"Little shut-in..." The woman cooed again, her voice actually sounding a bit sultry, "I'm so...so happy to finally see you!"

Despite himself, Issei felt his cheeks heat up against his own will. Keeping her smile, the woman reached her hand over and placed it through Issei's brown hair, moving it along his head gently. Issei still couldn't move. All he could do was stare wide-eyed with his mouth tightly closed. He saw that the woman had never lifted her gaze from his face, her eyes never moving.

Leiko had never looked at him like this before. And that was exactly why it was so jarring to see a mature version of her staring at him with such an overtly affectionate expression.

Issei looked cautiously at the woman, expecting her to take the hint and see that he was getting uncomfortable. But she never moved. She only resumed petting his head softly. And she was still smiling!

"Little shut-in..." The woman cooed once more as she leaned her face closer, prompting Issei to move his head back.

Moments later, she finally released her hand from his hair, bringing a massive amount of relief to Issei. But that relief was quickly shut down when the woman quickly brought her face close to his, and planted a kiss on his cheek.


Issei immediately reached to cover the cheek that was just given affection. Unlike the times before when he received numerous kisses on the cheek, this one was different. It wasn't warm at all. No amount of warmth spread through his body. It was something else.

Something that Issei didn't even want to discover.

"Little shut-in?" She asked, her tone almost questioning.

The woman suddenly looked curious; prompting Issei to realize that it was the first shift in her simpering expression since she'd been staring at him.

"Issei?" She asked again.

He needed to get out of here!

"Little shut-in?"

Issei was pulled back into reality when he felt the touch of a hand on his cheek. He was too late to stop his eyes from looking over to the woman, and saw that she was holding a confused and sad expression.

The worst part was that he could actually imagine Leiko giving him that expression. After all, the woman had her brown hair, her looks, and her voice.

If Issei didn't know any better (and knowing him, he probably didn't), he could've sworn that the woman was purposely making her lips pouty.

"Why does little shut-in look so confused?"

Confused? Ha! Confusion was a total understatement to what Issei was feeling at the moment. He felt confused, shaken...and downright horrified!

He had thought it was over when he forced Amenominakanushi to stop using Leiko's form in order to taunt him. But this woman- no the voice had taken a mature version of Leiko's appearance. Why? Why would it do that? What was it trying to do?

The woman tilted her head as her hand trailed down to Issei's chin. Her eyes gained an even more confused air about them as she peered down to look at her form.

'Does this form not soothe little shut-in?' She questioned herself, 'I do not understand.'

She truly didn't. Why was her little shut-in looking at her with such hesitance and uncertainty?

Seconds later, a look of realization appeared on the woman's face, and the smile she wore earlier made itself known.

Her little shut-in was just nervous. She couldn't blame him for that.

Her smile becoming fuller, the woman leaned her face forward and positioned her mouth so that it was next to Issei's ear.

"Issei..." She breathed, despite her voice sounding a bit breathless.

Issei felt an ominous tingle go down his spine, and he once again felt that he couldn't move. He never heard Leiko utter his name with that tone of her voice.

The woman leaned back and sent Issei a pout.

"Little shut-in."

Issei couldn't ignore the woman's pout even if he could. The faint-blue eye shadow around her eyes made them even bigger and almost doll-like. And if Issei wasn't hallucinating, he was pretty sure that her lips weren't a dark red color before.

"Please Issei," She begged in a soft, meek voice, "Please do not look so frightened. Please, please?"

If he wasn't feeling so damn conflicted right now, Issei probably would have commented on the woman's speech patterns. But for the moment, he wouldn't dwell on that.

Noticing that her little shut-in's expression wasn't changing, the woman moved her hand on his cheek in a wave-like motion.

"I am not going to harm you." She insisted, "You are my little shut-in. I would not even think of doing it."

"...Why?" Issei finally asked, his throat almost straining from trying to use his voice.

The woman's eyes widened in response to Issei's words.

"Why what?" She repeated.

"Why do you keep calling me 'little shut-in'?" He asked, almost dreading the answer.

The woman stared wide-eyed at him for a while, her small mouth falling open before closing quickly.

"Because," She started, "That is what you are. You are my little shut-in. You've been my little shut-in since the day you were born."

The day he was born? This was all so confusing.

The touch of another hand on his other cheek brought Issei out of his thoughts. The woman had both of her hands on his cheeks, her touch soft and gentle.

"You've belonged to me from the very beginning." She reiterated, "Always."

Damn it all! Why was he picturing Leiko saying all this?!

"That fact alone will never change," The woman continued, "Regardless of the Infinite One's action in marking you."

Issei tensed and looked up at the mention of his wife, and immediately wished he hadn't. The woman was no longer wearing her pouty expression; nor was she smiling. Her green eyes were cruel, narrowed into slits. Her dark red lips were pressed into a small, hard line.

Issei's body shook. Just imagining Leiko with that expression made his skin crawl. The woman's eyes sharpened a tiny fraction as they shifted away from Issei for the moment.

"As if it takes someone to mark you in order to prove who you belong to." She muttered, her vocal tone almost dark and ominous.

Issei remained silent, unsure of what to do at this turn of events. The longer he stayed here with this woman, the more time he worried about how long was the Earth was going to last. How long Amaterasu and the rest of the solar deities could endure their weakened states. And how long Vali could withstand the trouble of facing both Amenominakanushi and Samael.

"But...that is no longer the case."

Issei lifted his head up to look at the woman questioningly. What exactly did she mean?

Sending her eyes towards Issei, the woman's cruel expression immediately softened into a look of overt adoration and love. Her warm smile quickly returned, as though it had never disappeared in the first place.

"Your original body was destroyed a while ago. So you no longer carry the mark of Ouroboros." She stated, her smile growing much warmer, "Which also means that you do not belong to her anymore."

Issei couldn't help the lump that grew in his throat, and he tried his damnedest to gulp it down and control himself. The woman was now staring at him with a simpering expression, furthering Issei's uncertainty.

"Which means that I can do this." She continued.

Issei didn't have enough time to process what the woman meant by 'this', before he felt a sudden pair of lips crash against his. His eyes shot open as his body became paralyzed with shock.

He couldn't think. He couldn't react at all.

When his mind finally registered what was happening, Issei found that he was unable to move. The woman held a strong grip on his body, unwilling to let him go.

This wasn't happening.

This couldn't be happening.

It had to be an illusion conjured up by Amenominakanushi in order to get his guard down. It had to be.

But it wasn't.

When the woman finally released her lips from her little shut-in, she maintained her smile and tilted her head. Leaning her head forward, she puckered her lips out.


A dark red mark appeared on Issei's forehead.


Another on his temple.


The last mark appeared on his nose, leaving his face almost covered by the woman's lipstick marks.

Issei was motionless; his brain trying to function on what had just transpired. In his mind, only two words popped up, bringing him into a state of horror and peril.

'Oh no...'

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