Second Chances (A Jensen Ackl...

By MaidOfMischief04

38K 1.2K 84

Jensen Ackles notices the girl he has seen hanging around the last couple of weeks tryin to sleep on the park... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty (SMUT M Rated Chapter)
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine

Chapter Eight

1.1K 43 2
By MaidOfMischief04

The next morning I showered and met Jensen downstairs for some breakfast.

"Good morning." I said with cheery tone as I took a seat.

"Morning, you seem happy."

"I am. I feel really good today. The first time in a long time."

"It's nice to see you smile, you should do it more often."

"I will try." I laughed.

"Morning guys." I turned to see Jared approaching us. "Sorry, I'm late Gen called.

"How is she?" I asked. But he rolled his eyes and shook his head. I gave him a look of confusion. "She's uh, well she's still on at me about you."

"I thought we were past this? I mean I have even kept my distance from you."

"I know, but uh that's not the worst part, uh maybe I could talk to Jensen alone?"

"If it's anything to do with me, I have the right to hear it." Just then Jensen's phone rang and he checked it.

"It's my sister."

"Wait" Jared said before he answered. "Gen told McKenzie about Demi and well- I'm sorry dude." Jensen and I shared a look before he answered the call.

"Kenz how are you..... Yeah it's true...... no that isn't the case at all.... were not even... That isn't really any of your business now is it?" He hung up.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry I can't do this any more." I said tear quickly falling from my eyes as I got up and ran back to the room.

Of course a few moments later Jensen entered as I grabbed my suitcase.

"Demi please wait, you can't go."

"I have to Jensen. My being here is messing with everything. Jared's marriage, now your family clearly have issues with it. I am not going to stay and be a problem for everyone." I told him through sobs.

"What about what I want? Why does everyone else get to decide if you are a part of my life or not, the only two people it should concern is you and I."

"And Jared his marriage is being affected by my presence all because of a little crush."

"I don't want you to go." Jensen said.

"I don't either. I like being here, working with you guys. I feel like I once again have a purpose and that is all thanks to you." Jensen walked up to me.

"Please don't go."

"I don't see how I could stay. Why is it so important I stay?"

"I don't know, I just can't stand the thought of you going back onto those streets. It kills me to think about that."

"But what about everyone else?"

"No one can tell you what to do, or me for that matter I want you in my life. I know what they say isn't true, hell I had to fight you to get you to agree to come back with me. I know this isn't a gold digger situation."

"Of course it's not."

"You need to care less what others think. You need to stand your ground hold your head up high because we know the truth and that is all that matters."

I sigh.

"He's right." Jared said opening the door. "It's my marriage we are talking about so I get to decide I don't want you to go just as much as Jensen. We are friends and trust me I know Gen she will come around. I have invited her to come out, you guys need to spend time together for her to get to really know you and I'm sure she will come around. As for Jensen's parents, well I have no say in it, but my opinion is the same as his. Only he can decide who is or isn't a part of his life."

"You really don't want me to go? Even though-"

"Don't say it. You are not the problem, Gen is. It's her insecurities that are at play here. Not you." I nodded.

"Okay, fine I will stay, but until Gen is really okay with things I think we should keep a distance." I said pointing between Jared and myself. "Can you assign me jobs that make sure I'm not near Jared." I asked Jensen.

"How about you uh do more technical side of things. Keep my social media running and whatnot. If I have a video I wanna post and such like."

I laughed. "Thank you."

"What's funny?"

"I know this job is all made up just so I could come with and earn a bit of money and I love and appreciate you for it." Jensen smiled, his eyes twinkled in the light. "Thank you." I hugged him. "You to Jared. I won't hug you though given what we just discussed. He nodded. Jared went ahead to set while Jensen gave me details of his social media. "Jensen what do I do? I mean there isn't a whole lot if anything I can really post on your behalf so am I just to stare at a screen?"

"I'm sorry I didn't think this role through."

"It's okay the thought was there and as I said I appreciate you for it. But I don't feel right getting paid to do nothing."

"Take today as a day off and I will figure something out okay?" I nodded. "Okay I best get to set. I will see you later." He smiled and took his leave.

I had been sitting in the room for three hours and was bored out of my mind when a knock on the door sounded. Jumping up excited at the prospect of company I answered the door to see Gen.

"Hey sorry to bother you just arrived but seems Jared forgot to mention my arrival and so they won't give me a key to get in. is it alright if I wait here for him." She explained.

"Of course." I stepped aside to let her in she wheeled her suitcase in and popped it next to the door.

"So uh-" We both said in unison. We laugh nervously.

"Jared said you still had an issue with me? You'll be glad to know I don't work for them any more." Silence. "I don't get it Gen, you said you were fine with it? I told you I wouldn't go if you weren't, you said you were."

"I thought I was, but I can't help it."

"I get you don't trust me, I'm a stranger but surely you trust Jared?"

"I do... I guess."

"You guess?"

"I mean look at you? You are stunning, how can I not be insecure?"

"Because he loves you. Gen since arriving I have seen Jared twice, bit in company of a group. I told you I would never-"

"I think Jared is right, we need to get to know one and other, maybe if we did I could build trust and feel better." I nodded.

"I'm open to making new friends." I smiled. She smiled and nodded.


So we spent the next two hours talking. At first I was the only one answering questions and I felt like I was under interrogation more than making a new friend so after I said that this friendship, trust thing goes both ways she opened up a little as did I. I told her about my mom and how she got into so much debt and how I felt about her leaving me in the situation I was in. how grateful I was to Jensen and Jared for helping me. She told me about how she met Jared on set of supernatural as she had a role for a while and how he proposed and the wedding day.

"You guys have an epic romance. There is no way you should be worried about anyone taking your man, he is devoted to you." I said. She smiled

"I know, my head is just all over the place right now I suppose. I don't know where the insecurities are coming from. I've never been insecure."

"I suppose Jared not telling you didn't help, but that really was just because he was super busy working."

"I know. Ugh I hate being this woman you know. Like I know I trust him and strangely I kinda believe you when you tell me you'd never make a move but still my brain keeps working over time. Then I've not been feeling very well lately so I think I'm just run down and over tired."

"Oh no, nothing bad I hope?"

"No, I don't think so, just a little nauseous, but at the same time so hungry."

"Uh Gen, I uh could you be pregnant? It kinda sounds like it?" Her eyes went wide and I saw her do the maths in her head.

"I- I don't know, maybe." I shrugged. Maybe we should take a walk to a pharmacy?" She nodded and that is what we done. She couldn't wait to get back to the hotel so we stopped off at a public bathroom and she done the test.

Standing outside the cubicle I checked my appearance in the mirror. I badly needed a haircut I noticed my brunette hair had grown a bit longer than I liked and had unsightly split ends. The cubicle door opened and in the mirror I saw Gen walk out looking at the sick shock on her face.

"It's positive. I- I – I'm pregnant." She said looking to me. "I- I'm freaking pregnant."

Shocked still Gen hadn't spoke the entire journey back to the hotel. When I asked if she was okay she nodded and I asked if she wanted to talk about it she shook her head.

"So I assume this was not planned?" I asked as we entered the hotel room.

"No, well we were at the stage where we were talking about it happening soon."

"So it's not unwanted?"

"No, I am very happy about this, just very shocked." The hotel door opened and Jensen walked in

"Gen. Jared she's here." Jared walked into the room.

"Babe hey is everything okay?" He asked noticing the look on her face?" He looked to me when Gen didn't answer.

"You might want to go to your room, you have uh she has something to tell you." I said and Jared nodded leading Gen out the door. When they left Jensen looked to me for an explanation. I shook my head.

"Not my place to say, but hold on you'll no doubt find out in a few." I smiled. Jensen sat next to me and looked very confused. The next thing we hear was a scream from next door.

"Woo hoo." Then Jared came running through with the biggest smile on his face.

"Hey there uncle Jensen. Guess who's gonna be a daddy." Jared said Gen came through after him. The realization of what Jared just said hit Jensen and he bolted to his feet and engulfed his best friend in a man hug which was followed by some bouncing around.

"Congrats guys." I said with a smile and hugged Gen.

"Thank you Demi, you were really there for me today."

"Of course, don't mention it."

"I can't believe I'm going to be a momma." She smiled.

"I'm gonna be a daddy, oh my god, I can't believe this. This is incredible." Jared smiled hugging Gen.

"See nothing to worry about. Devoted to you." I whispered. She nodded.

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