Second Chances (A Jensen Ackl...

By MaidOfMischief04

37.2K 1.2K 83

Jensen Ackles notices the girl he has seen hanging around the last couple of weeks tryin to sleep on the park... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty (SMUT M Rated Chapter)
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine

Chapter Five

1.2K 38 0
By MaidOfMischief04

I want to thank my best friend for all her help with this entire story. She comes up with so many wonderful ideas so Thank you 

It turns out that Jensen's publicist Steve decided to take matters into his own hands and told my story. Needless to say Steve is now unemployed and Jensen is turning to Jared's publicist for help while he finds a new one of his own.

"I want to announce a live stream via Facebook tonight tweet it tell them all to tune in. This stops tonight." Jensen said to Hannah Jared's publicist.

"Of course, on it."

"What are you going to say?" I asked him following him into the kitchen.

"Don't worry about it." He said cupping my face in his hands. "Trust me." He kissed my forehead grabbing a beer and was making his way back to the lounge.

"Wait Jensen." I said spinning on my heels. The lump in my throat already growing. I tried to talk without breaking down. "Maybe I should just go. You and Jared do not need this crap."

"No.... no listen to me Demi if you do that then they win and they think they can just bully people around until they get what they want. I'm not having it. You have done nothing wrong and those who cannot see that and tweet those things are no fans of mine."

"What tweets?" I asked. I saw him mentally slapping himself.

"Shit, nothing just forget it."

"Jensen what tweets?"

"Drop it please Dems, you don't need to see."

"Let me see?"


"Let me see them Jensen." I said my tone more firm. He shook his head. "I have a right to know what is being said about me."

"Dude just let her see them." Jared said entering the kitchen joining me by my side. Jensen shook his head in defeat and tapped a few buttons on his phone before handing it to me. Taking it I sat on the kitchen stool and read.

Mary_Elizabeth @MaryE

@JensenAckles Don't let that gold digger into your home. I thought you were smarter than that.

Kimberly Collins @LilMamma

@JensenAckles She only after you money foo @realGpad you better watch you man wiv dis gold digger she be after you man@Jarpad too.

Leeanne Mason @Leelee

All ya'll need to shut the eff up. @JensenAckles has done a nice thing, reaching out to someone in need of help #respect

Chole Grace @CholeluvsDean

@Leelee if you were a real fan of @JensenAckles you'd be concerned about how this #golddigger has come into his life. She needs to go.

Leeanne Mason @Leelee

@ChloeluvsDean If you were you'd leave him alone, his private life has nothing to do with any of us. #Getalife

Paige Matthews @PaigeMatthews

@JensenAckles OMG dude het that punkassbitchwhore outta your life, you nuts man? Can't trust no hobo.

I handed Jensen his phone back as the insults were all pretty much the same. I felt the bitter sting of tears and worked hard to keep them back.

"I'm so sorry guys. They are right, I had no business coming into your life I mean who just agrees to let a stranger help them and get noting in return?"

"Whoa!" Jensen was pissed. "Listen to me. I came to you. I offered you help and well quite frankly I didn't accept no for an answer. You did not beg me to help you. You are none of those things and those vile people are not right, they are so far from the truth. You can never believe those vile lies."

"But why? I mean why did you help me? Why didn't you just leave me there and save yourself all this hassle." I asked tears free flowing now.

Jensen saw how upset I was and took a deep breath to calm himself before taking my hand in his.

"Firstly even if I could go back, knowing what I know I would still make the same choice. Why did I come up to you that night? I don't know I saw you going about as I said and I was drawn to you I was curious so I approached. Why did I help you? Because you needed it. If I or anyone I knew or loved was ever in that situation I would hope someone would be kind hearted enough to do the same for me. If you wanna make a change you gotta be the change. I said this already but you needed someone to help you, give you a break to get back on your feet I was the position to offer such break so I did. I do not now nor will I ever regret my decision. I know people don't like it, but I don't care. You are here because I chose to help yo, not because you are using me or any of those other vile reasons." Jared's phone rang and he excused himself returning a few moments later.

"Uh guys, I hate to make things worse, but Gen is pissed she has seen all the tweets and is on her way. She uh." Jared looked between Jensen and I. "She isn't happy with Demi being here." He told us but added quickly. "But don't worry, I will explain to her and she will soon see. I agree with Jensen and she will to so just leave Gen to me. I got to go pick her up. I will be back within the hour." He explained before leaving.

As he said within the hour Jared arrived back home with Gen his wife.

"Genevieve, this is Demi, Demi this is Gen my wife."

"Hey Gen." I said shyly.

"Hi." She said a bit snippy.

"Listen I just want to say that I'm sorry-"

"Don't you dare apologize." Jensen interrupted. "Gen I am sure you are upset and you have every right to be, I am too, but not at Demi, she didn't do anything. Surely you do see that?" Gen who was standing with her arms folded across her chest, shoulders tight looked between her husband, Jensen and I then let out a sigh.

"Yeah I get it. I'm not going to pretend I'm not happy I wasn't told about this until my twitter started blowing up."

"Gen that's my fault I was super busy and I just didn't get around to telling you. Its not like it was a secret." I was standing there with my head low feeling very embarrassed about the whole situation.

"Sorry to interrupt but Jensen we are ready for your live Facebook stream." Hannah said entering the lounge.

They had set up Jensen's phone in the dining room and he took a seat and asked me to join him I shook my head

"Please, trust me." I hesitated and looked to Jared he flashed me a friendly smile and a nod and I sat next to Jensen Beside him he had a second phone with a list of the tweets.

"In three, two one." Hannah said and Jensen hit the record button.

"Hey there SPN family I'm so glad so many of you could join me tonight. Hearts and thumbs were flying about the screen and comments flying in under the video, we love you Jensen and such like but then a few why is that whore there and so on started to pop up.

"Right there, these nasty ass comments are the reason for this video tonight. Now know I m not talking to y'all but any of those and you'll know who you are that have been taking part in these vile messages about Demi here I'm sorry but you are no fans of mine. I don't want negativity like that in my life and if you cannot respect the decisions I make in my private personal life then you don't deserve to call yourself fans. Now you all know you are like family to me, so for me to come on here and say such words, you know a line has been crossed right? I don't ever use my social media to reach out to fans in a negative way but these tweets and comments need to stop. I am not going to sit here and explain my actions to any one just know that I Jensen Ackles chose to help a girl in need. Maybe if y'all showed a little more compassion for someone in need the world would be a slightly better place. So if you must spread poison please do it somewhere else and remove me from your social media. I also do wish to note that many of you have been saying some kind words and that I do appreciate. This is a family and Demi is a new member of that family treat her with respect or leave this family tonight. Thank you all so much for your continued love and support. We appreciate it. Take care SPN family and goodnight." He clicked of and we sat for a moment looking at the comments. A few remained negative some saying crap about the show and they have lost a fan some were actually now saying they loved me. I knew the words were only there to please Jensen but I'll take that over the previous comments any day.

Jensen's phone rang and he excused himself coming back a few moments later to retrieve Jared, it was a work call. That left Hannah, Gen and I alone. Hannah and Gen apparently knew each other well and were sitting talking. I felt like the loser, loner kid sitting in the corner alone at lunch while the popular girls sat at the next table having fun and whispering nasty things about me. Gen might have said she understood but I still don't think she likes me all that much.

Jensen and Jared entered the room again and Jensen sat back next to me.

"Dems. Jared and I have to travel tomorrow. Were shooting a off set location for three weeks, but you don't have to worry you can stay here and we will be back before you know it." He said. I caught Gen in the corner of my eye with a smile on her face.

"Oh, uh okay, maybe it's best I move on. I mean you have already done so much for me."

"No, please I don't want you to go."

"I don't either, but-" I looked around and realized all eyes were on me. "Never mind" I smiled and excused myself heading up to my room. The truth was I was to terrified to remain alone in this house for a single night let alone 3 weeks. What if people realized Jensen and Jared was away which they would and they realized I was left behind with no one to protect me. I would be a huge target for all those upset by Jensen's video tonight and those who just hate me in general. No if they were leaving for three weeks I'd be gone.

A small knock sounded on my bedroom door and I ignored it. The door opened anyway and Jared stepped inside.

"Hey you, Jensen was going to come up but Thought we could talk instead." He sat next to me on the bed as I wiped the tears away. "Wanna tell me whats going on in your head?" I shook my head. "Dems this last week we've become friends right?" I nodded. "Then talk to me."

"I can't stay here without you guys." I sniffed "I know if people realize you have left me alone in this house they will target me. Tell me I'm wrong?" I explained. Jared hung his head.

"No you're not wrong. Maybe we can put you up in a hotel where no one will know where you are?" He suggested.

"Don't worry about it. I guess I'll just have to suck it up, it's only three weeks right?" I gave him a weak smile. Jared took my hand in his and smiled back.

"You are the strongest woman I know, to have gone through what you have and still be standing-"

"Hey Jar-" Gen walked in the room and her eyes instantly fell on our hands. Jared quickly let go of my hand and jumped to his feet hurrying over to Gen. I simply got a death glare from her.

"Well I'll let you get some sleep Dems, see you in the morning." Jared said with a weak smile of his own and took his leave with Gen.

"What the hell was that? Holding hands?"

"Gen she was upset, I was comforting her. Would you keep your voice down?" I heard their conversation as they walked down the hall. I changed into my Dory PJs and slipped into bed, I was emotionally drained yet again.


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