No Control

By British-1D-Irish

578K 23.5K 54.4K

Sequel to Stockholm Syndrome Five years. It's been five years since Harry last saw Louis. Five years since he... More

5 Years Later
New Starts
All The Pain & The Truth
Pushing & Pulling Me Down to You
Half A Heart
I Hate This Part- Paper Hearts
I'll See Your Face Again
And I Ain't Ready
Don't Wanna Be Stone Cold
You Put Your Arms Around Me
I Want You To Stay
Beautiful Lies
I'll Keep You My Dirty Little Secret
Make Me Feel Loved
You're in Control of my Heart
Baby, I Love You
I Don't Have to Keep Imagining
But I Get Nothing At All
Love Me or Leave Me
Keep Holding On
If My Body Had A Say
You Make Me Strong
I Stay Clued Up
My Oath to You
You Can Break Everything I Am
They Just Don't Know You
I Don't Wanna Be The Blame
Girl Almighty
Holding On For Tonight
I Don't Want To Hurt Him Anymore
I'll Look After You
Always Be Together
A Little Too Much
Love Me Like You Do
Just Catch Me
I'm Latching Onto You
For The First Time
We Are Over
Can I Lay By Your Side?
I Think I Love You Better Now
Force Of Nature
When I Look At You
We Got Love
Give Me Love
Won't Be Your Yes Boy
Jet Black Heart
Only Human
To Be Loved
Even When The Night Changes
Maybe We're Fireproof
If I Could Fly
If It's Cold Outside...
Talk Me Down
Everything Comes Back To You
Tell Me That We Belong Together
He Belongs To Me
Heavily Broken
Crazy In Love
You're All I've Got
Can't Make Me What You Want
I Could Use Somebody
There's Pain, Life Hurts
Author's Note
I Can Kiss Away The Pain
I'm Here For You
I'll Stand By You
Carry On
Through The Dark
Whiskey Lullabies
A Little Bit Longer
We Could Be Stars
Good Life
When You're in the World
Not An Update!
Author's Note
Trilogy (Author's Note)

Giving Back is All I Wanna Do

6.3K 280 683
By British-1D-Irish

Sorry this is taking forever to update. I have school, then personal issues, and it's kind tough right now, but here you go! Enjoy 😊

Chapter 51:


I woke up with a smile on my face. Yesterday was such a great day, and I was a bit upset that it was over, but glad that it happened nonetheless. It was probably one of the best days of my life- so calm and full of love. The only downside to it was that I knew I would have to leave soon.

Two days. I had two days left to spend here, and I was dreading the end of it. I didn't want to think about leaving anybody, and especially not Louis. I also didn't want to think about leaving without fixing anything with Avianna but I didn't even know if she wanted to fix anything with me. I yelled at her, and I upset her. I basically told her that I didn't want her and never would. But it was a lie.

I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts because I didn't want to be sad- not right now. I wanted to enjoy the time I had left here- make it all count. I wanted to just be with Louis, and hang out with Niall, and check on Liam and Zayn, and try and mend things with Avianna. I wanted to make sure other people were happy as well.

I sighed before turning in bed, deciding that I wanted to snuggle up against Louis' side, but I was disappointed to find that the spot was empty. The bed was left pretty neatly, and I could just tell that Louis did his best to not wake me as he got out of bed. It was obviously done on purpose, but I was actually looking forward to waking up to Louis beside me after the magnificient day we had.

I sighed before climbing out of bed, getting ready for the day and dressing in a casual outfit. I walked out of the room, looking throughout the house for any sign of Louis, but my assumption that he went out was right. He was nowhere to be seen, so I decided to just call and check up on him.

I took my phone out, about to click on his contact number, when my eyes drifted to the little note left on the coffee table. I raised an eyebrow as I turned off my phone screen and picked it up, seeing that it was from Louis.

I had to take care of a few things. Call you later. See you tonight.

The note was short and simple, but I didn't know what to make of it. What things did he have to take care of? I really didn't need another day of traveling places and seeing exciting sites- I was perfectly content with a casual day in. Still, I'd do whatever Louis wanted to do.

I set the note back down before looking around. I haven't truly been by myself in a while, and a part of me liked the feeling- the unbreakable silence that lingered, calming and free of judgement, but another part of me despised it- letting old thoughts and habits creep into my mind. I couldn't be alone right now, and I knew just the thing to get me out of the house.

I picked up my phone again, dialing Niall's number before holding it up to my ear and praying he picked up. It rang it twice before I got an answer, hearing Niall laughing through the phone. I was really glad he was happy, so I waited patiently as he laughed and spoke to Erik.

"Erik, stop!" He said in a laughing fit. "I'm trying to talk to Harry. Just give me a bit, and go take a shower or something." He said, before I heard a bit of shuffling, a deeper voice say something, a sound like kissing, and then Niall's attention was on me.

"Hey, Harry. Sorry about that. Erik was being a douche." He grumbled, but I could tell he was deeply infatuated, and I found it adorable.

"Oh please, Niall. You love him." I said, glad that Niall finally had somebody that made him happy. I got tired of hurting him each and every day, but that was all in the past, and he was okay now. It was all I could ask for to happen to my best friend. Because seeing Niall sad was like kicking a new born puppy- it made you feel absolutely terrible.

"Yeah, I do. That's what scares me." He said, and I was confused until Niall continued. "Everytime I've ever loved someone, they never felt the same. Erik says he does, but I just get so worried that he's lying to me because of my mum or something." He said.

"Niall, he loves you. I've only met him once, but he seemed like a genuine guy. And based on what I just heard, he makes you happy, so please don't try and push that away. I've been there, and it's not fun for anyone. Just trust that he loves and cares for you." I said.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Thanks, Harry." He said before changing topics. "So, what'd you call for? Is Louis there?" He asked.

"No, he left somewhere." I said, not saying where because I didn't even know where he went. "I was actually wondering if you could come with me somewhere. It's just one place that I really want to go to." I said, almost begging him to come along.

"Of course, Harry. What are best friends for?" He asked. "And I know I haven't been acting like much of a best friend, but I still consider you mine." He added in, and he said it with so much heart that I just wanted to hug him right then and there.

"You're still my best friend, Ni. Since childhood to now and forever. I love you." I said, smiling because the lines were finally drawn in our relationship, but this time he was happy as well.

"Love you, too." He said with a small laugh. "By the way, what'd you think of the skating rink?" He asked, his voice holding a hint of slyness and acting all knowing.

I smiled at the memory of the Louis and I alone in the rink, all the adorable things he did, but then I frowned as I remembered coming back home. It was a bit embarrassing to try and sleep with Louis only to be told that he wasn't in the mood. It was very confusing because he ignitiated the kisses and everything, then he just... stopped.

I didn't know how to feel now. After that we fell asleep, but now I wake up to a very vague note and an empty bed. Still, I hoped my surprise for Louis would make it all better, and I had to trust him. There must be something really important he had to do. Besides, Niall was only asking about the skating rink.

"Harry? Are you still there?" He asked, and I noticed I've been quiet for too long, so I quickly snapped back to myself and replied to his previous question.

"I loved the rink, Niall. It was magical." I said, not being able to stop the smile that spread on my face as I said that. "Thank you both for helping out with that. It meant a lot. And I know that you and Louis aren't the best of friends, and you don't really get along, but it meant a lot that you helped out with that. Truly shows how great of a best friend you are." I meant every word that I said.

"Harry, Louis and I didn't have the best past, but we have one thing in common, and that's our love for you. You're my best friend, and he loves you with all of his heart. I don't think anyone can love you as much as he does, and I was stupid to think I was ever the better option for you. So... listen," He said, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"I'm sorry." He began. "I never truly apologized for all of those years that I made you feel guilty and miserable, but I want to right now. I should have tried to understand your love for Louis but love was foreign to me. I was never in love with someone. I see that now. I see that I never loved you the way I thought I did- I just liked you and wanted your attention because I was afraid to be alone. So I'm sorry. You're my best friend, and I only want you to be happy with whoever you choose to love. And... I guess Louis' not so bad." He admitted with a small groan, and I laughed.

"Thank you, Niall. It's okay. I don't really blame you for anything. There were so many other ways the whole thing could have been handled, but we're both happy now with the people we love, so it's okay." I said.

"Great." He said in agreement. "So, where did you want to go today?"

"Are you sure about this, Harry?" Niall asked, looking up at the sign of the tattoo shop. It was a small place, and the art of the tattoos in the display window looked amazing. I really wanted one, and I knew just what to get, but I was afraid it would be too much.

"Definitely." I said, nodding my head a bit. Sure, there was a bit of doubt in my mind because tattoos are permanent. They can never be removed unless you go through a painful surgery. Sure, you can cover them up also, but what was the point of getting it in the first place if you're only going to cover it with another? That was a waste of time and money to me.

"Okay then. Let's go inside." Niall said, pulling on my arm as he held the door open to me. I paused directly in front of the opened door, looking around inside before taking a deep breath and walking inside.

Niall walked in behind me, and I noticed that we were the only two people here. We walked up to the counter and Niall rang the little bell that was there, a guy walking out of the back curtains and smiling kindly at us, despite looking tough with his many tattoos and piercings.

"Hello, how may I help you two?" He asked, and I was still a bit nervous, so Niall answered for me, only making me feel like a child, but I really didn't mind right now.

"My friend here would like a tattoo." He said, patting my shoulder. "He's a bit nervous right now, but he's usually very social and kind. Right, Harry?" He said, nudging me out of my nervous trance, making me stutter out a yes as the guy laughed.

"Well, my name is Jaxon, and I'd be glad to help you out. Would you like a personal tattoo, or do you want something that we have for display or in the book?" He asked, gesturing to a red book full of tattoo ideas, but I already knew what I wanted- it's why I came.

"Um, I was hoping for something like this," I said, pausing as I dug into my pocket to pull out a small piece of paper with my idea on it. "If you can do that." I said, and I heard Niall gasp as he looked at it.

"Sure, I can do this. Let me get set up in the back, and I'll call you." He announced, and I thanked him before turning to look at Niall.

"Harry, are you sure about this? Are you absolutely, positively, without a doubt sure that you want that permanently inked on your skin? Because if something goes wrong, and I'm not saying it will, but I-"

"Niall, calm down. I'm sure. I'm completely sure about this whole thing. Am I nervous? Yes. I don't know what kind of pain to expect, but I'm completely up for this." I said, Niall nodding as Jaxon called me to the nack room.

"Now, c'mon. I might need to squeeze the hell out of your hand for this." I muttered, and he laughed but tagged along.


I knocked softly on the door before entering, my eyes probably showing sorrow as I saw the scene before me. Liam was laying beside Zayn on the hospital bed, arm tightly around him as his head rested on his shoulder. He seemed to be asleep, but that thought was proven wrong as he lifted his head, sleepy and puffy eyes looking back at me.

"Hey, Liam." I said softly, walking over to the both of them. "How's he doing?" I asked, looking at all the wires connected to him, and I wondered how so many could lead to one person's body. It was quite unnerving.

"Better I guess. He isn't as pale as he was that first day. He hasn't really woken up though. His body took a lot of damage, and the doctor says it's better if he sleeps it all off, but I really want to talk to him. I want to apologize and just see him open his eyes." He said, looking at Zayn as if by saying the words it will happen.

"I know you do, Liam, but he does need rest. And so do you by the looks of it. Have you been sleeping at all at night?" I asked, a bit worried about him as I sat in the chair by the bed.

"Yeah. Mostly for a couple of hours, but that's about it. I just have nightmares about Zayn not making it, or leaving me for how horrible I was after all of this is done. It's terrifying." He stated before kissing Zayn's cheek and climbing out of the bed to walk over to me. I saw how tired he looked, so I got up from the chair and let him sit instead, a small thank you streaming out of his mouth.

"So, what's new with all of you guys? Anything at all?" He asked, and I shrugged before giving actual replies.

"Can't say much about Niall, but he did help me out on planning an amazing night for Harry and I yesterday. It was perfect, and I have never seen him so happy." I admitted because his face was basically glowing the whole night. Pure joy and astonishment overtook his features.

"That's good. You both deserve to be happy. I think we all do actually. We've all been through so much crap, and I hope this is the end of it. I just need Zayn to wake up so I can make things up to him and show him how sorry I truly am. Then... then we can all be happy." He said, and I realized Liam didn't know about Harry going to Australia. That would rip my heart to pieces, but I couldn't go with him. I had my job, my friends, Avianna, and I was going to wait for Harry to come back like he said he would. His parents better find a way out of that contract- and fast.

"Actually, Liam. I came here to ask you about something. Something that has to do with happiness, and you always give the best advice, so I figured you were the best person to go to." I rambled on and on, making Liam laugh and lightly hit my arm.

"Louis, tell me." He said, and I nodded, feeling anxious about this.

"I want Harry to be mine." I said, and Liam quirked an eyebrow before smiling.

"He is yours, Louis. I think that's been established for years now." He said.

"No. Like... I want to propose to him." I confessed in a small voice. I never thought I'd say those words about anyone, but that was before Harry came into my life. He changed everything, including my views on marriage.

"You want to... wow." Liam said, his eyes wide as he took it all in. "Louis, that's great! You two are perfect for each other, and I doubt he's say no." He exclaimed, and I felt so much fear fall off of my shoulders. "Do you need help with anything? Buying a ring? A place to ask him at? Anything?" He asked.

"No. I have it planned out. I've had it planned for a couple weeks now, but I was still trying to perfect it. It has to be tomorrow though. No more delaying. Tomorrow." I said, because tomorrow was his last day here. It had to be tomorrow.

"Do you have the ring picked out?" He asked, and I nodded.

"I actually... I left the house early this morning to pick it up. Want to see it?" I asked, already digging into my coat pocket for it as Liam nodded.

I took out the little velvet box and opened it up, exposing the ring inside. Liam's jaw fell slack at the ring before he smiled up at me. "There's no way in hell he'll say no."

I arrived home a bit late, it was almost twelve o'clock, but I was still preparing a few things. I walked through the door to see Harry sleeping on the couch, the TV still one playing some random midnight programming. I smiled at his sleeping figure, walking over to pick him up and move him to the bedroom.

As soon as my arms lifted him, he woke up, rubbing his eyes a bit and giving out a small yawn. "Louis? Where were you all day?" He asked sleepily, his eyes still closed as he rested his head against my shoulder.

"Sorry love. I had to take care of a few things. I'm here though. I'll always come back to you." I assured him, making a small smile grace his lips as he pressed a kiss to my bicep.

"I have to show you something." He said as I laid him down on the bed in the room. I looked at him to see him a bit more awake now, a shy little smile on his face.

"What is it, baby?" I asked, pecking his lips lightly.

"It's, uh, I got it done today. It's still kind of hurts, and I hope it's not too much. Please don't feel weirded out or anything. I just... I thought it was a good idea, but now I'm a bit worried it'll be too much for you, and you'll-"

"Hey," I interruped him, pressing small kisses to his lips to reassure him that whatever it was, it was okay. "Just show me, sweetheart."

He nodded, biting his lip as his hand lifted up his shirt to show a small tattoo on his hip bone, and I was shocked by it. It was small, but not too small, probably three fingers wide and a pinky finger long. It was a cursive letter L inside of a small box with angel wings on the side. And I think I fell even more in love with the boy beneath me.

"Fucking hell." I mumbled, loving the fact that my initial was tattooed on his pure, smooth skin. Forever. And I felt a bit turned on at the moment.

"Do you like it?" He asked, looking me in the eyes for the truth, but I did love it. I loved it a lot.

"I do. I really do, love." I began, looking down at it again. "It's so fucking hot." I announced, dipping my head down to kiss over the tattoo lightly, looking up at Harry to see his eyes close at the soft contact. Then, I worked my way up his body, kissing up his stomach and chest, his collar bone, sliding the shirt off as I kissed up his neck, his jaw, and finally his lips, hearing a small moan be let out in my mouth.

"Louis... please..." He begged in a small whimper, and I wanted to- hell, I really wanted to- but I wanted to wait. Wait until tomorrow. Wait until he agreed to be my fiancé. But he was so tempting. Little whines leaving his mouth as I continued to kiss him everywhere possible, his hands fisting up the sheets on the bed, and his hips canting upward, but I had to stop. I had to gain control of myself before I lost it all.

"Not tonight, baby. Okay?" I asked, trying to say it gently in case be got hurt or offended, and I could tell by his face he did.

"Lou, do you not... do you not want me anymore?" He asked, but he was so far off.

"No, that's not it. I want you so bad- especially right now. I'm fucking rock hard for you, love, but we can't tonight." I said, seeing the hurt still there. "Please don't be upset, love. I promise you'll understand why soon enough. Okay?" I said, seeing him about to turn away from me, but I took a hold of his chin and turned him back.

"Hey, I love you, Harry. I'm deeply in love with you." I said, and he nodded, smiling at my words.

"I love you, too, Louis." That was all that was said between us before he fell asleep a while later, small breaths tickling my neck, and I kissed his head, running my fingers through his hair before whispering "I can't wait to marry you, my beautiful boy."

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