For A Reason {Mark Sloan} - C...

By runninginfear

529K 9K 1.7K

" According to Greek Mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs, and a head with two... More

Life is short.
nineteen ::
twenty one::
twenty two::
twenty three::
twenty four::
twenty five:::
twenty six:::
twenty seven:::
twenty eight :::
twenty nine:::
thirty :::
thirty one:::
thirty two:::
thirty three:::
thirty four:::
thirty five:::
thirty six:::
thirty seven:::
thirty eight:::
thirty nine:::
forty one:::
forty two:::
forty three:::
forty four:::
forty five:::
forty six:::
forty seven:::
forty eight:::
forty nine:::
fifty one::::
fifty two::::
fifty three::::
fifty four::::
fifty five:::::
fifty six::::
fifty seven::::
fifty eight:::::
fifty nine::::
The End.


9.9K 173 27
By runninginfear

"No way we're having the funeral back home," I said.

"Why not?" Jack asked, "Grandpa was born in Minnesota and he lived there practically all his life."

I looked over at my grandma who was sitting there, not sure what to think of all this.

"Brandy he's right," Cristal agreed, "We're not gonna make all the family fly out here."

"You know it'll give you an excuse to come back to Minnesota," Jack said.

I shook my head, "Why can't we have it here?"

"Look not everything's about you Brandy," My mom said.

"I never said that," I scoffed, "Grandpa loved it here. He moved from Minnesota to here for a reason. Seattle was grandpa's happy place. He always dreamed of living here. He loved it here. He would want to be buried here. I know it's a burden for everyone to have to come here, but this funeral is a celebration of grandpa's life. And I know I would go anywhere for grandpa and I'm sure all of you would too."

"Any objections to Seattle?" Jack asked.

The five of us were silent.

"Seattle it is," Jack said.

"I think I'm gonna head to bed," I said, standing up, "It's been a long day. Night."

I went downstairs and got ready for bed. I had been thinking a lot about what Cristal had said earlier in the car. Why did she think I liked him? I did get a little nervous when she mentioned him. But it was only because of what happened last night. I don't like him. That's silly. Super Silly, right?

"Oh shit," I said.

You know what, I do not like Mark Sloan.

"I do not like Mark Sloan," I sighed.

"Did you say something?"

I screamed.

"God, what the fuck, chill out," Ian said.

"Ugh sorry, I didn't realize you were in here," I said.

"No it's fine," he said, "Sorry, I've been sleeping on your couch. You don't mind, do you?"

"No, it's fine," I shook my head, "As long as you don't snore like Dad and Jack."

"No," he laughed, "At least I don't think so."

"Good," I said, hopping onto the bed.

"So what we're you saying about this Mark?" Ian asked.

"Nothing, okay? Let's just drop it."

"Whatever," he shrugged.

"I'm bored," I sighed.

"Me too," Ian said, "Do you wanna sneak out?"

"Ian, I'm 26 years old, I don't have to sneak out anymore."

"Oh right," he said.

"But that does sound super fun," I smiled, "Grab your jacket."

"Fuck yes!" Ian said, grabbing his jacket.

I grabbed my keys off the table and slipped on my shoes. I went over and locked the door and turned off the light.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Of course I am!" Ian said.

"Okay come on," I said moving the coffee table under the window and opening it. I said gesturing for Ian to climb out the window.

He stepped on the table and squeezed out the window. I followed him out and closed the window and left just enough space for us to open it back up again for when we came back.

"Ah shit, I forgot I had this huge lump on my head," I said.

"Here," Ian said, moving my hair, "You can barely seen it now."

I smiled, "Ian, I love you."

"No! Don't turn this into some ooey, gooey, mushy brother and sister moment," he whined.

I rolled my eyes,"Let's just go."

Ian and I made out way to the driveway and got into the truck. I had to admit I felt like one badass ninja.

"God, the last time I did this was almost ten years ago, this feels awesome!" I said.

"Yeah, well I literally did this like four nights ago," Ian said.

I started the truck and we slowly left the driveway, trying not to draw too much attention. Once we had left the house, I sped up.

"Oh sweet!" Ian said, "You got a lighter?"

"What? What the hell are you- Where did you even find that?" I snatched the cigarette out of his hands, "Do you know how old this fucking thing is?"

"Have you ever cleaned this out?" Ian asked.

"No, I don't have time for that," I said.

"Dude, there's a chicken nugget back here," Ian said.

"What? I like chicken nuggets."

Ian shook his head.

"Hey, have I ever told you about any of the times I snuck out?"

"No,  but I've heard some of Jack's though."

"My stories beat his, Jack was a loser in high school," I said, "Him and his little 4.0 and shit.”

"Jack's stories are pretty good," Ian said.

"You know Mr. Winkler right?" I asked.

"Uh yeah, I hate him. "

"Yeah he's a dick. Well he had a son who was a year younger than me and in my Junior year, Mr.Winkler and his wife left town for the weekend,  and their son thought it was a good idea to throw a party, so some guy went upstairs and found Mr.Winkler's bed and took a giant shit in it,  and pissed in his sock drawer."

"You're kidding!" Jack said, laughing.

"A hundred percent serious," I said.

"That's fucking awesome," he said,  continuing to laugh.

"Yeah it was," I nodded.

Spending time with Ian made me forget about all that was happening. I missed spending time with him,  I was starting to regret moving to Washington.

"So where are we going?" Ian asked.

"Uh, I was thinking we'd go to Joe's."

"What's Joe's?" Ian asked.

"It's just a bar," I said.

"Just a bar? I'm sixteen, if you've forgotten!"

"Relax. They have soda and burgers and all that," I said.

"I think I could pass as a 21 year old," Ian said.

"No you could not!" I said.

"I so could," Ian said.

"No way!" I said, pulling into the parking lot.

"We'll find out," Ian said, getting out of the truck.

I rolled my eyes and followed him inside. I was surprised how full it was for a Wednesday night.

"Hey Joe!" I said sitting down at the bar, Ian finding a seat next to me.

"Hey Brandy, and who's this?" He asked.

"That's my brother," I smiled.

"Okay good, for a second I thought he might've been your date," Joe laughed.

I laughed and shook my head.

"So what can I get you?" He asked.

"The usual," I smiled, "What do you want Ian?"

"Uh I'll take a Cheeseburger."

"Got it," Joe said, handing me a bottle of beer, and disappearing into the kitchen.

"What you too chicken to order a real drink?" I asked.

"I am not!" Ian said.

"Yeah sure," I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever! I'm going to the bathroom," Ian said, then walked off to the bathroom.

"Have fun!" I shouted as Ian walked off to the bathroom.

I took a sip from my drink and sighed.

"This seat taken?"

"Uh kinda," I said.

He ignored me and sat down next to me anyway. I narrowed my eyes at his. He just sat there and looked back at me with his cold, blue, eyes.

"Do you need something?" I asked.

"Can I buy you a drink?" He asked.

"I don't know, I'd rather have the money," I said.

He laughed, "Am I really so bad?"

"Look, I already told you what happened last night, that's not ever happening," I said.

"I'm not so sure about that," he winked at me.

"I'm serious, that was a bad idea. If Derek, or Meredith,  or Addison,  or anyone found out we'd be in deep shit."

"So you wanna keep this between you and me?" He leaned in closer, whispering, "I like that."

"Don't turn this into some kind of game, okay?"

He didn't say anything, just smiled.

"Stop that."

"Stop what?" he asked, innocently.

"Stop just what you're doing! This is sexual harassment you know!"

"I'm just sitting here," he shrugged. 

"You-" I started, before groaning.

"So what are you doing here by yourself,  you're not with any of your dopey intern friends or whatever?"

"Do you want something? Like really want something? Because I'm not in the mood to deal with you."

"I do want something," he whispered into my ear.

I looked into his eyes. Which I soon realized was a mistake. "Fuck it," I said, before drinking the rest of the beer out my bottle and slamming it down. "Well are you coming or not?" I asked, sitting up.

ian's POV

I looked at my hair in the mirror and fixed it up a bit,  "Damn,  you're looking good Ian."

I made my way out the bathroom but stopped when the door flew open and man ran into the stall, and puked in to the toilet.

"Ew," I quietly said to myself. I quickly got out of the bathroom, not wanting to spend another second in the bathroom. As I was walking back to my seat I noticed Brandy was gone. I sat down and decided to wait, maybe she was in the bathroom.

After a few minutes had passed, I asked the man behind the bar, "Hey, have you seen Brandy?"

"I saw her a bit ago, she was just here," he said.

"I can't seem to find her," I said.

The man looked puzzled, "Hmm, I don't know. Sorry."

"Thanks," I smiled.

"Hey, you know Brandy?" A shorter man asked, "Dixon?"

"Uh," I looked at him confused.

"George! I told you not to ask him! You're gonna freak him out!" A woman with dirty blonde hair scolded him,  "I'm sorry. We didn't mean to eavesdrop,  but we're friends of Brandy's we work at the hospital with her."

"Friends is a strong word," a woman with black hair said.

The other woman hit her with her elbow.

"Oh, it's fine. I'm her brother, Ian." I said,  a bit confused.

"Ian! Right! I've heard about you. Nice to meet you,  I'm Meredith. Also,  I'm so sorry about your grandpa," she said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, thanks," I said.

brandy's pov

"Climb through the window?"

"Yeah,  haven't you ever snuck out before?" I asked.

"I mean 15 years ago, when I was in high school," he said.

We both got inside and then it happened. Again. I slept with Mark Sloan again because  actually I don't know why.  I'm dumb. 

"Wow," I said, not sure what to say.

"Please don't start again with your little this shouldn't have happened and won't happen again thing."

I sighed.  "Well," I stopped and let out a big gasp and shot up.  "Get dressed now,  we have to leave."


"I left my brother at the bar!" I stepped off the bed and started frantically putting on my clothes.


"He's sixteen!"

ian's pov

I sat at the bar with my head resting on my arm. I put on the smile as the bartender took away my empty plate.  I let out a sigh,  "I can't believe she left me! Where could she have gone!"

"Do you want a ride home?" The woman with the dirty blonde hair asked.  I had already forgotten her name.

"Uh yeah I guess," I shrugged,  "Thanks."

I heard the door open and saw Brandy run in.

brandy's pov

" Ian! I'm so,  so,  so,  sorry," I ran up to him and gave him a hug, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, whatever I'm fine," he got up and walked out.

I looked up and saw George,  Meredith  and Cristina. "Hey," I said,  giving them a half smile.  I didn't say anything else, I was too ashamed.  I don't know of what but I was. I ran outside and started to cry.  I looked around for Ian but I couldn't find him.

"Damn it. Ian!" I yelled.

"You know,  you should really keep better track of him."

"That's not helping."

He walked over to me,  "Why are you crying? You seem to do that a lot."

"Can you-you know what forget it," I shook my head,  "I don't know what your deal is but, just leave me alone please?"

"Just relax. I'll help you find your brother."

I sighed, "I don't want your help."

"Yeah, well you need it."

Ian came out a few minutes later. He was pretty upset at me and refused to talk to me.

"Ian, quit being a brat," I yelled.

"Come on, I'll drive you two home." He offered.

I was hesitant to accept at first,  "No it's fine. My car is here I can't leave it here."

"You're not driving, you've been drinking."

"I'm fine!"

He shot me a look and I finally gave in,  "Come on Ian."

The whole ride was pretty uncomfortable, and mostly quiet except for me giving him a direction or two.

After what felt like forever,  we arrived back at the house.  Jack quickly got out of the car. I stayed back a second and thanked him. "Well, uh good night," I stepped out of the car but stopped myself,  "Actually will you stay? I mean if you don't mind." I started to laugh nervously. "I'm sorry,  I'm-I don't know.  I just-"  I started to cry,  "I'm not fine.  I know I said I was but I'm not and I'm alone and I'm sorry. I just need someone."

"Don't be," he said turning the car off.

I didn't know what I was thinking. I was lonely and scared. God, I felt stupid.

He got out of the car and brought me inside. He  helped me into my bed and laid down with me and then I fell asleep.


I'm so sorry for the wait and I feel horrible even posting this chapter because it is so awful! I've been unbelievably busy lately and I don't even know with what but wattpad has kinda been the last thing on my mind. This is probably the worst chapter I've posted so far and I'm so sorry about that! I'm kinda trying to plow through this part of the book because I have a lot of things planned for the future parts which I'm super excited about, so look forward to that and hopefully it will get better! thanks for reading.  💕

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