Immortal Innocence: D. Gray M...

By DarkAngelNightWings

25.3K 533 180

{Completed} After watching from the shadows, looking after her younger brother Allen Walker, his elder sister... More

Cheryl Night
Waking to a Memory
Meeting up again.
The Order and Innocence
Waking Up and First Mission
Dancing and Fighting
Masks and Friends
Rain Everstone
Alina Night
Twins & Royalty At That!!?
The Mission for Royalty
Jealousy and Mission for Alina and .... KANDA!?
Mission with Kanda and the peeping tom!!
Returning Home And A Slight Problem
Authors Note
Kanda and Alina
The Vampire
Arystar Krory
A New Fanfic of D. Gray Man
The Kiss *Lemon* :3
Not feeling to well....
A/N A message from Lady Night
Telling the family.
An old friend makes herself known.
Angel Night
My Name is Angel
The letters
The Day of Loss
Master Cross
so the end

Allen went on a mission and Komui chases Cheryl.

962 24 0
By DarkAngelNightWings

Kk so it is a lemon...
I had been hiding from Komui for a few weeks, every time we would see one another, we would flirt, and Allen had left with Lenalee to go on a mission, unfortunatley he had hurt his akuma sensing eye, and Lenalee was angry at him. Still he had it better than I did, who was running away from my own fiancee, because I was worried that I would jump his bones at any time or chance.

I was currently hiding in the science division, under a sheet of papers, err scratch that a stack of papers. Reever saw me and said, "Can you help out if you can?" I smiled and began to read, I understood everything and began to finish the stack. After I was done I heard Komui's voice. I shivered imagining some dirty things he could say to me using that voice of his.

I ran out of the science division, but didn't make it to far, a komlin found me and alerted Komui. I ran slightly faster only to feel arms wrap around my waist. I felt myslef being thrown against a wall and my body trapped between Komui's.

He had captured me in one of the hallways, and dragged me into an alcove. No one was going to be able to bother us. His grip on my waist loosened and to be honest I could have gotten out of his hold, but I didn't want to. His hand glided up my body causing me to moan slightly. When he brushed against my breast I couldn't help but lean in, but he continued to glide up until he had my face in his hands. He tilted my head and leaned down the 3 inches that seperated us from connecting our lips together. He kissed me with fury, passion, heat, and fevor.

I lightly bit his bottom lip, begging him to open up his mouth, when he complied our tongues began a dance to fight for dominance. He won, but our mouths seperated for us to catch our breath. I was breathing deeply trapped between Komui and a wall. I felt something poking me at my stomach and when I looked down I could see Komui's lower half was really tense. I giggled and moves my hands down his sides, he gasped and groaned when I brushed against his hard member.

He had backed away a little and I kissed him forcing him back, and then I ran to my room, with Komui close behind me. He closed the door and locked it. I laughed and ran towards him jumping on him and wrapping my legs around his slim waist. We were kissing and I helped him out of his coat, and once that dropped onto the ground. My fingers were roaming through his hair which in turned knocked off his hat.

He was undoing the ties on the side of my skirt, and then he took it off. I had undone his shirt buttons allowing my hands to touch bare skin. He was working on the buttons of my shirt, and by then he had me pressed agianst my wall. He undid the buttons and helped me shrug off my shirt leaving me in my underwear. I helped him shrug off his shirt and he ran his hands to my breasts. He undid my bra and allowed it to drop onto the floor, he then grabbed one and began to suck on the other, I was gasping and moaning at his actions. He rolled his tongue around my nipple, flicking amd lightly bitimg it.

I was panting, gasping and moaning at his actions. I then leaned down to his exposed neck and bit him lightly, then sucked at the skin leaving a hickey, he moaned at my action. He pulled away from the wall and we landed on my bed, he took of my panties and ran his hands down my legs, heading towards my thighs.

Once he had reached his desired location he ran a finger outside of my netherlips and slowly pushed one in, he began to pump it in and out of my body. I felt a strange sensation in the pit of my stomache, and it grew until I felt that I was gonna burst, but he stopped, and I groaned at the loss. I then grabbed onto his shoulders and flipped him over, I was now on top of him.

I ran my hands down allowing my mouth the travel from his neck, to his chest, and finally past his naval, all the while my hands had undone his pants and pulled them down as well as his boxers. His member sprang up at full attention and my hands wrapped around its long, thick length. I pumped my hands and heard a groan sound above from my head, I pursed my lips and then I took Komui's member into my mouth, I sucked him up and the down, and stopoed when he grabbed me and threw me underneath him on my bed. I giggled while he placed himself in between my legs.

"This might hurt a little.", I smiled and just said, "I know." Komui then began to enter my body and I tensed up at the odd feeling, but loosened when we both felt the barrier that kept us apart. Komui kissed me hard and then he rammed into me, my eyes tearing up at the pain, but once he continued to thrust into me that pain was replaced with pleasure. We both neared our crest and once we passed it we came and laid down on my bed to rest.

~☆Le time skip☆~

I woke up feeling sore in all the right places and between my legs. I looked down at my body which was currently curled up next to a naked Komui. I giggled and blushed while remembering all the things that we did after having our first time experience. I stood up from my bed leaving behind Komui and entered my shower, after my shower I came out in a towel and grabbed a shirt that was left on the ground.

It was Komui's shirt that was on the groumd that I had put on. It barely passed my waist and hid my behind. I sat down with my legs under me and leaned into Komui and whispered into his ear, "Lenalee is getting married." He sprang up and fell out of the bed rather hard. I laughed and rolled on the bed. Komui said, "Not funny." I continued laughing until finally I noticed that Komui had stopped pouting and had begun to stare at me in his shirt.

I smiled and leaned down placing a light kiss on his lips before saying, "Well I certainly never knew that you had that much stamina from all the times you visited me over those 5 years." "And yet we know a while lot about ons another." "Yup." My stomach chose to growl at that time and I blushed saying,  "I'm going to change and then go eat." "Ok." I quickly got dressed in a nice dress and went to the cafeteria, running into Ninetails and picking her up along the way.

When I arrived in the cafeteria the first person I saw was my brother. I quickly passed him got my food and sat down to eat when Alina and Allen both sat down next to me. I smiled and gave some food to Ninetails. Alina spoke, "So sis where were you yesterday?" "In my room." "Hmmm ok." "So Allen are you and Lenalee on speaking terms yet?" "Yea I apologized and she accepted it."

"So anything happen on your mission?" "We found a new excorcist and shes heading over here to the Order." "Oh...I see." We ate in silence and when I walked to Komui's office to see if I had a mission, I was surprised by arms grabbing and pulling me into his office. I giggled and let him kiss me before he got back to the topic at hand. It seems that I had a new mission and it was to bring in a new excorcist who worked for the Queen of England. That person was none other that Rain Everstone.

Soooooo that was interesting and very detailed, sorry if you all didn't like the lemon, I tried really I did and another Cliffhanger. Hope you guys stick around for the next update. Night my demon underlings.
~Lady Night




My original work is only posted on Wattpad, no other websites have my consent for my work to be posted on it. I'm referring to They have taken my work with no prior consent or knowledge on my behalf. 

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