Four Years (sequel to Promise...

By LucayaPromise

113K 3.5K 1.4K

Lucas friar joins the army and leaves Maya alone in their New York City apartment. What will Maya do when she... More

Authors note
O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
F i v e
S i x
S e v e n
E i g h t
N i n e
E l e v e n
T w e l v e
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n
S i x t e e n
Authors note
S e v e n t e e n
E i g h t e e n
N i n e t e e n
T w e n t y
Do y'all want another chaper?
T w e n t y - o n e
T w e n t y - t w o
T w e n t y - t h r e e
T w e n t y - f o u r
T w e n t y - f i v e
T w e n t y - s i x
Stick around
T w e n t y - s e v e n
T w e n t y - e i g h t
The wedding - visuals
T w e n t y - n i n e
T h i r t y

T e n

4K 146 47
By LucayaPromise

"Maya, I don't know what to say." Riley said in shock, "So let me get this straight, cause I'm confused, Lucas is alive?"

"Yes." I tried to keep a straight face and not cry for the 100th time.

"And he hasn't come and told you "hey Maya I'm alive!"??"

"Well in his defense he doesn't remember anything."

We sat there in silence for a few minutes till Riley spoke up, "Well...are you gonna talk to him??"

"Riles, I don't know, he's with Amanda now and I can't tell him to not be with her, he doesn't even remember me." Huckleberry was laying right beside me as I pet his soft head.

"Maya, you can't not talk to him, you were engaged to the guy! If you don't this can cost you a happy life, and Timothy! He needs to know his father is alive!-" Riley yelled throwing her hands in the air.

"Riley!" I cut her off, "I know! I know this is screwed up! But it's not like I can just tell Timothy "hey kid, your father is alive, I was kidding when I said he was dead! Sorry!" This is hard on me too." I looked up at the microwave and noticed it was 7 am, we were talking all night. Just then the doorbell rang.

"Riles, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to figure everything out." I ran my hands through my hair and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. I opened the door to a tall man standing in my door way.

"Hi." He crooked a smile, "I'm Lucas, You may remember me from the zoo...Amanda sent me to talk to you."

My heart skipped a beat, "H-hi...come in." I shifted my body to the side to welcome Lucas in. I made eye contact with Riley, "Lucas this is my best friend Riley, you used to know her."

"Oh hi, it's nice to meet you...well meet you again." He smiled.

"H-hi-uh Maya, I'm gonna go pick up Timothy from my parents house..." Riley stood there for a while staring at Lucas.

"Riley." I snapped her out of her thoughts and looked at her and then the front door.

"Oh right! I'm gonna take the dog with me, Bye!"

As soon as Riley left it was pretty awkward, "Please, sit down." I gesture for him to sit at the kitchen table, "Would you like anything to drink?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"Oh no I'm good." He smiled. He reached in his pocket for his wallet and took out a photo, "so, I can't help but notice but this photo looks a lot like you." He showed it to me.
"This photo saved me from falling to my death. I don't think that's a coincidence." Lucas said gripping the photo still making eye contact with me, "At the moment I didn't know who this girl was, all I knew was she was an angel, my angel."

I didn't know what to say...did he just call me his angel? And he kept my picture in his wallet all this time?

"Were we close?" Lucas asked.

"Very. We were engaged right before you left."


"Oh what?" I asked confused at his sudden reaction.

"It's just-I wasn't expecting that."

"What were you expecting? That we were cousins?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Well kinda."

Oh great he thinks of me like a cousin.

"Well did you find out what you needed?" I asked getting up from the kitchen table kind of hurt.

"Well I was kind of hoping to talk a little more." Lucas said standing up.

"Oh...what do you want to know?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Who I was, who you were, what my life was like."

I uncrossed my arms and walked to my bedroom, I came back with a metal box.

"What's that?" Lucas asked as I sat back down.

"Everything that reminded me of you, I put in this box." I opened the lid and there were mostly pictures and a few random things.

"What's this?" Lucas asked holding up the X-ray picture of my ultrasound.

My heart almost jumped out of my chest. Does he not know Timothy's his? "That's Timothy."

"Why is it in this box?"

"Because, you were suppose to be home on the day of the ultrasound."

"Oh, is Timothy-is he-" Lucas couldn't seem to spit the words out.

I placed my hand on his, "Yes, Lucas. He's your kid." I felt a lump in my throat but I can't cry now, not in front of Lucas. I removed my hand abruptly from his.

"A kid. I have a-he's my-I'm a dad." Lucas laughed running his hands in his hair in disbelief. "And he's your mom-I mean your his mom. Wow." He sighed still smiling. "I can't believe this."

I smiled happy to see Lucas so happy to know he's a father.

"So, when can I tell him that I'm his dad?" Lucas asked excited.

"Lucas, this is gonna take some time. It took me so long to tell him what happened to you and I can't mess with his head like that."

"Oh, I understand." Lucas said fiddling with his hands, "Can I at least get to know him?"

"Yes-of course." I smiled. We looked through the box and I showed him a few things, maybe it will help his memory.

"Do you remember anything? Family, friends, where you used to live?" I asked.

"Nope, everything that happened before the hospital is just a blur, I do have dreams about the war every once in a while, I'm not sure if any of it actually happened or if it's all my imagination. I did have a dream about y-" Lucas stopped himself. Was he gonna say about me?



"What were you gonna say Lucas? A dream about what? A dream about me." I laughed. He looked down at his hands and chuckled to himself, "So tell me about you."

"No no no, when? You had a dream about me when?"

I narrowed my eyes at him and he finally surrendered, "I didn't know you were real, I thought you were just in my imagination."

"Well I'm real, Feel my hand. Totally real." I said reaching my hand out to him, when he touched my hand I felt a spark, that same spark I felt when we were kids. It never left. I put my elbows on the table and rested my head on my hands. Lucas was staring at me, not a creepy stare but a sweet one. I kept looking into his eyes once again, those green dazzling eyes.

"I will always have an undying love for you." I smiled. What? Did I just say that out loud. INSIDE HEAD VOICE MAYA! INSIDE HEAD VOICE.

"Uh I'm sorry, I know you're taken, that was so not cool of me." I ran my hands through my hair and stood up from the table closing the lid of the metal box, "You should go, Timothy is coming home soon and I still have to clean up me and Riley's sleepover party mess..." I said glancing at the living room.

Oh, ok." Lucas stood up and putting the picture of me in his pocket. I opened the front door and stood at the door frame as Lucas walked out, "Thanks for-you know everything." Lucas smiled.

"Yeah no problem." As soon as Lucas left I took a deep breath and rested my head on the door frame, "You just had to say what's on your mind didn't you Maya!" I told myself.

Sorry it took me a while to update! I had writers block for a day and I didn't know what to do! This chapter I wrote what came to my mind and hopefully y'all like it! 😋😅😉🤗
OMG 1K!!! THANK YOU!! And only 10 chapters too 😉 I love you guys, your comments crack me up and brighten my whole day ☀️
Make sure to comment and give it a star if you enjoyed it! 💞

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