Baby of The Band - The Wanted...

By HaileyDreamie

1.1M 13.1K 3.8K

Who thought The Wanted, the boys who party hard, love pranks and often seen having the wildest fun would be s... More

Baby of The Band - The Wanted spanking fic
Spankers and Spankee
Flashback - How it began!
Deadly combination - A gift from fans and a bad mood
No puppy eyes - Jay's in charge
Tantrums and Injuries
Perks of being the big brother
Ignorance and Tantrums
Act like parents
Failed the Big Brother duty
Not my father but my Big Brothers
Birthday Spanking - Fun or not?
A/N - New Story
A/N - My new story
Little brother turn Big brother
Failed the Big Brother duty part 2 - Making amends
Run away
Keeping Grudges
Can't believe
Fizzy drinks and camera
Apologies - Part 2 of Bully
Too good for his own good!
It's like having kids!
The only one? - Not really!
Caught - Part 2 of The Only One- Not Really
Daddy of the band - Part 3 to The only one - not really
A cry for attention
A/N *new story*
Check out my new story
Just because I'm the youngest
Work overload and temper tantrum
Pain or Relief
Mistake repeated
Teasing too far
A/N - Say thank you to The Wanted
Studies not exactly fun
Caught in a mess
Heck of a day!
Carelessness and guilt
Personal flashbacks
A/N - New cover
Road Safety
Nothing or something?
Happy Birthday Nathan!
Revelations, guilt and making up - part 2 of northing or something
Sick day
Damn concert
Occasional slip ups
Stealing the attention
Family rights and fights
The first of firsts
Sneaking off to the party
Joy of babysitting
Parenthood's feeling
The tempting drinks
The regression
Being little
Jealousy tantrums
Setting an example
A/N - New story again?
Fame game
Missed you so much
Seeking comfort
Bad Jokes
A/N - Check out this story
The twitcam
A/N - 1D Watty Awards 2014
Spoiled Rotten
A parent's duty
Drinks and girl trouble
Cut on purpose?
Lose control
To the rescue - Part 2 of Lose control
Thanksgiving surprise
Sugar rush
Crude jokes
Punishment forgiven
Trouble at school
Jealousy issues
The perfect stepdad
Little brat
The wrong prank
For your own good
Nothing more embarrassing than this
Reason to behave
Centre of attraction
Going out in the rain
A horrible mistake
The first bare bottom spanking
Too adamant
Being the baby of the band
Such a pain
A silly crush
Drunk and driving
Too reckless
Payback prank
A family
The painful braces
A mean prank
The secret girlfriend
Crazy 24 hours
Meeting dad again
A big misunderstanding
Being in charge
Twins spat
Our faults
Getting carried away
No compromise with health
Lesson taught by mums
The kidnapping
A day at the beach
Fighting is bad
Being a guest
A rude little boy
Quite a mess
Peer pressure
Sugar rush incident
Run out of patience
Clever people stupid decisions
A case of the hiccups
Encounter with bullies
Being indepedent
Being a brat on social media
Siblings spat
Live and lost disaster
Different methods of discipline
Victim of scientific experiments
The crush
Kids will always be kids
I miss you tantrums
The new sibling
A trip to Nareesha's parents' house
Going solo
Christmas time
An inappropriate joke
Accidents happen
Rachel's in charge
Punished like a kid
Potty incidents
Live stream disaster
Live stream disaster - Part 2
An eventful Easter
Love life
Drinking complaints
The evil cane
First basketball game
Study session
Cooking disaster
Last alternative
The bet
School's old fashion rules
We love you all
Role model
Good boy turned brat
The scary movie
The pool
In good hands
Summer vacations
Crossing the line
Following the crowd
Going overboard
Chase the monsters away
The pacifier
Day of epic misconduct
Mistakes happen
Resisting temptations
The precious blankie
Attracting trouble
Learn your limits
Worm his way through your heart
A/N - Hiatus for a week
We always care
Escaping a punishment
The unfair punishment
A naughty fellow
Food fight
Hitting isn't nice
A/N Hiatus again (for 2 weeks)
Sneaking out mess
Secrets about health
Bond of brothers
A disappointment
Coming out
Frustration and jealousy
Mistaken identities
Drunken mistake
Always there for you
The cane is bad
A/N - New Baby Of the Band Book

Roof climbing

2.1K 41 20
By HaileyDreamie

Prompt - one where Nath has picked up the habit of climbing out his window and going to the roof, the boys told him hundreds of times not to go on the roof since it's dangerous and could get hurt but he keeps doing it. One day one of the boys goes into Nathan's room only to find his window open instantly knowing he climbed the roof after he was specifically told not to, the boy gets Nathan inside he punishes him and makes sure Nathan understands he isn't allowed on the roof


Teenagers sometimes go through a state where they would defy anything you say. They would pick on habits that for them is thrilling regardless of how dangerous it could be. That habit could be sneaking out, staying out till late, partying all night, drugs, drinking, smoking or in Nathan's case, climbing the roof. It seemed like a very normal thrilling habit of a teenager but it was quite a dangerous one. Something that the boys had warned Nathan against several times but it seemed like the boy needed a firm lesson.

The first time, it had been Jay who found Nathan climbing out of his window and making his way out. He had thought Nathan was perhaps sneaking out. He had scolded the boy, even gave him a few smacks and decided to put this incident past them. The second time, Siva was the one who found Nathan climbing out of the window and trying to climb the roof. "Are you crazy? What are you doing?" Siva had shouted as he pulled Nathan back in the room. After calming his own nerves of having seen Nathan hanging on the window, Siva had pulled the boy over his lap for a short spanking. Afterwards, he had made Nathan promise that he'll never do such a thing again. But that wasn't going to be it.

When Max had caught the boy climbing out of the window to the roof, it had been a full spanking that was waiting Nathan. But even after that, the boy never grew out of that habit. Hundred times, maybe, he was warned but he overheard the warnings. But that was only until Tom had enough with that. He had gone to Nathan's room when he saw the window open. Approaching the window, he found Nathan climbing to the roof. He waited until the boy had reached the roof, so as not to startle the boy before saying, "come down, right now." The tone meant no arguments as Nathan realized in what trouble he was in.

He climbed back from that same window and found the boys shaking their heads at him. "Again Nath?" Jay asked. "Don't you get how dangerous this is?" Siva huffed. "He clearly needs a firm lesson" Max sighed. "He'll get it" Tom agreed. Nathan hardly had the time to say anything as he was pulled over Tom's lap. He felt his sweatpants and boxers be pulled down. "Give me the hairbrush. I want him to remember this lesson." Tom said. Nathan tried to struggle but Tom had already pinned his arms back as he started the spanking.


You know better than climbing out of your window and to your roof.


Why don't you understand how dangerous this habit of yours is?


What if you slip and fall down?


Do you realize how badly injured you could be?


I never want to see you climbing up that roof again, you hear me?


Or else the punishment would be worse than this.


You understand me, Nath?


As Tom ended the spanking, he pulled Nathan in a hug. "No more. No more" Nathan kept crying. "It's done baby. It's over now" Tom reassured Nathan. "Never going to climb on that roof again" Nathan promised. Tom chuckled softly as he said, "I'll hold you to that, baby." The boys chuckled as Nathan said, "Don't like the hairbrush. Won't do that again." Tom shared a smile with the boys. It doesn't matter if it is because of the fear of that hairbrush that Nathan wouldn't do this mistake again, it was important that he wouldn't climb the roof through that window again, no matter what the reason why.

Nathan's habit of roof climbing was definitely forgotten for fear of that hairbrush.


Dedicated to Nazzayah!

Thank you those reading.

Please Read/ Vote/ Comment/ Prompt me!

xx Hailey

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