Demolition Lovers [[GERARD WA...

By Fabbyulous1

66.1K 3.8K 3.3K

This. This is the story of- The bulimic bitch. This. This is the story of- The alcoholic asshole. This. This... More

It's Probably Not Important
Getting Out
I Didn't Realize Things Would Only Get Worse From Here
Secrets, Secrets
To Forget
Two Of The Same
Tattoos, Desperate Eyes, and Bullshit Lies
The Weirdest Thing
Storytime With Eric
Two Months Later: As Told By Nathan Sanders
Two Months Later: As Told by Bethany Sanders and Gerard Way
Two Months Later: As Told By Frank Iero
Special Kinda Hell
Kill All Your Friends
What the Hell is Going On
Words That Were Never Meant To Be Said
Hide N Seek
Maze Runner
Kiss Me You Animal
Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun
Meanwhile, Amidst the Drama, Frank and Brendon are Playing Go Fish
And On This Weeks Episode of CSI...
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
I Saw You Cry but You Pretended it Didnt Happen Just Because it was Easier
Mistakes Were Made
This Wasnt Acting
Vodka Enduced Moodswings
Patrick: Real Estate Agent Extraordinaire
Daddy's Home
Some People Deserve to Die
Are You there God? Its Me, Gerard Way.
What is your Gold?
Bad Omen
The Happening
One Missed Call
Left Out in the Cold
Thirty Minutes
Its Real This Time

She's a Butcher with a Smile

988 66 62
By Fabbyulous1

*Heh...Get it? "Butcher with a smile"? TØP? Haha I'm not funny XD*

-Frank's POV-

I closed my eyes.

After all the people I've seen shot, I still closed my eyes.

Maybe because I thought she wouldn't do it.

Which was honestly stupid of me. I knew by now never to expect the best from people.

When I opened my eyes, I immediately wished I hadn't. No matter how much blood I had seen, the sight of another human laying in a pool of it always made me sick.

The room was dead silent, and I watched Nathan drop to his knees.

"Gerard..." I heard Beth speak as she dropped the gun to the floor. "Does blood stain clothing? This is my favorite sweatshirt..."


Fuck that's messed up.

It looks like he'd finally got to her.

"YOU---YOU SICK BITCH!" Nathan slammed his fist on the ground, breaking the silence.

I looked over to Gerard to see his reaction, but he wasn't looking at Nathan. He wasn't looking at the dead man on the floor.

No he was looking at Beth. He was looking at Beth and smiling.

And I really couldn't tell if he loved her or the her that listened to him. Gerard loved power and nothing else; that was something I had come to learn in the past few years. Beth obviously hadn't figured that out yet. I actually felt bad for her. The poor girl went through enough shit with her home life only to stumble into our hell of a fairytale. If only I could go back to that day we met, months ago, when she had crashed the car. If only I could tell her to turn around, to never look back, to get as far away from this fucking place as possible. If only I could've saved her from this.

Saved her from Gerard.

But it was too late now.

Because she was smiling back at him.

-Nathan's POV-

I couldn't form words.

Have you ever hated some one so much, so much you wished they were dead? That was me with my father. Thats why I got the hell out of the house as soon as I could. He was a drunk bastard, and I ran, hating him ever since.

But it's different than I thought it would be.

I spent all those nights relishing at the thought of his non existence.

And now here he was in front of me.

Laying in a pool blood.

Completely lifeless.

I thought I'd feel relief, like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I thought all the hate is felt all those years would disappear and I could finally live again.

But that wasn't the case.

I didn't feel better.

I felt worse.

It took me until I looked into my dead fathers eyes that that hate wasn't directed towards him. It was directed towards me. He may have failed me as a father, but I failed Beth as a brother.

And now look where we are.

-Gerard's POV-

The sound of the gun made goosebumps arise in my skin as I bit my lip. I returned my gaze to Beth and smiled at her; never had I wanted anyone more than in this moment.

And I knew she was mine now.

Because she smiled back.

Splatters of blood covered her sweatshirt, and she had small droplets on her face, but those things didn't seem to faze her. She just smiled at me.

"You fucked up Beth..." I heard Nathan from across the room. "You fucked up."

"No she finally got rid of a fucking bastard that didn't deserve to live in the first place!" I glared down at him.

"Are you sure?" I looked over at Frank who was apparently here. I didn't notice as him and Brendon were standing in the doorway.

"The fuck are you talking about?" I spat at him, not in the mood for his fucking sass.

"I just want to know who you're talking about." He took a step forward and leaned against the wall, arms crossed. "Her daddy or yours?"

That. Fucking. Bastard.

I felt anger flare up in me immediately. I quickly raised the gun I was holding and shakily aimed it at Frank. "You take that back!" I hissed. "You take the fucking back!"

"Or what?" Frank retorted.

"Frank-" Brendon tried to cut in, but Frank quickly cut him off.

"No!" He shouted. "Or what Gerard?!" He took a step forward. "Are you gonna shoot me? Huh? Kill me simply because I'm "inconvenient"? Simply because I disagree with you?"

"Step. The fuck. Back." I seethed at him, my hand trembling with rage.

"You used to be my friend. I could deal with your dark "hating the world" shit for awhile, but you've taken things to a whole new fucking level in the past few years Gerard! How long is it going to take you to realize that it's not everyone and everything you hate but actually yourself!"

"Frank please we--" Brendon tried to interject again, but it was to no avail.

"I mean fuck! I'd hate myself too if I killed my daddy and my brother! And now it looks like you've forced the legacy onto Beth! So congratu-fucking-lations darling Gerard has successfully manipulated you into killing your own father all because his own daddy didn't love him enough growing up!"

That was it.

"SHUT UP!" I lunged at Frank, shoving him roughly against the wall. I pushed the barrel of the gun against his temple. "You better shut the fuck up you sorry motherfucker!" I was shaking, but I tried to ignore it.

He just glared me in the eye though. "No please, by all means." He said darkly. "Shoot me Gerard. Make me expendable, just like all the others. Do it."

-Beth's POV-

"Gerard, let him go." I said suddenly, surprising both of them as they looked over to me. "We're done here. Let's just leave."

I looked down at Nathan, who was still on his knees. "Since you seem to care so much about dad now, I'll leave you to clean up the mess. Something tells me you know how to do it."

"You bitch!" He breathed. "You don't know what you're getting into! You don't even know who he is!"

"Oh fuck you!" Gerard spat, backing off from Frank. "As I fucking recall it, you were the goddamn one that was all like 'Don't tell her anything' and shit! Like goddamn stop trying to blame everything on me just because it's easier! Am I good person? Hell fucking no! But guess what, neither are you daddy's boy! So stop trying to make me look like the only bad guy in the room! She may not know me but I sure as hell know that has no fucking idea who you are!"

My head had been spinning since the gun went off, but this just made things even more confusing.

"What's he talking about Nathan?" I said, moving so I stood beside Gerard.

"Oh wouldn't you like to know!" He laughed cynically. "How about you go ask Eric!" He continued manically. "Although I can't guarantee that it'll end well for you!"

"What's he talking about Gerard! What's happening!"

That's when I felt him grab my wrist, and I winced.

"We need to go." He ordered. "Now." Gerard dragged me behind him as everyone stared in silence.

Before Gerard got out the door, he looked back at Nathan.

"Oh and I'm assuming you're going to clean this up? You know how." He sneered before storming out, motioning for me to follow him, but before I could, I felt someone grab my shoulder.

I snapped my head around to find Frank's face not an inch from mine.

"You're better than this." He whispered.

"What makes you so sure?" I returned. He only shook his head and loosened his grip in response, allowing me to follow Gerard to the car. I got in, where he was already waiting.

Neither of us said anything in the car ride. It was absolute silence. Angry silence? Sad silence? Suspenseful silence? I couldn't tell.

Eventually we pulled into what appeared to be an apartment building complex. I didn't even question him as he unlocked the door and we walked inside.

And that's when it hit me.

"Oh my god..." I whispered.


"Holy shit..."

"Beth I know---"

"Oh my god Gerard! He's fucking dead!" I let out in a shaky voice as I put both of my hands in my hair.

He reached me In a couple of steps before grabbing my shoulders. "Listen. Listen to me. You've just killed a man. What your feeling now is shock, maybe regret, but I need you to know right now that you did nothing wrong."

But that's when I started laughing. "Ha he's dead!" I felt a smile spread across my face as I continued to giggle like a little girl. "I did it Gerard! He's dead!"

Gerard's eyes widened as he began to realize that I wasn't sad or freaked out; I was ecstatic.

"Is that how it felt for you?" I giggled out.

I felt him grip my shoulders harder. "What?! Who told you that?!"

"Oh please!" I looked up at him. "I heard what Frank said. It sounds like somebody is hiding some dirty secrets." I laughed again.

H glared at me.

"Come onnnn. Don't you think I deserve to know all the shit you've been hiding now?" I asked. "I mean-" I looked down at my blood-spattered sweatshirt. "This really was my favorite sweatshirt." I continued giggling manically.

Gerard's hands stayed gripping my shoulders, but his face held a stone cold glare.

"You, I think you're right." He spoke, looking directly in the eyes. "I think you finally should know what's going on."

I breathed slowly, anticipating what he would say next. This was it. This was what I wanted.

"I know you've been told that I...what happened with Mikey..." He stuttered.

"You shot him..." I whispered.

Gerard pressed his lips together. "Yes." He took a breath. "I did. But no one ever told you it was an accident now did they? They wanted you to believe I was dangerous, so they didn't tell you the whole story."

"I don't understand..." I turned my head slightly, noticing for the first time a burning pain in his eyes.

"I didn't mean to was never meant... " he took a shaky breath, "I wasn't aiming at Mikey."

School has just started and my stress and anxiety has already returned. Ughhhhh. Anyhow here's this chapter. It's probably not the best but...I tried. I'm so tired. I wish I wrote Better chapters. I'm sorry. I'll try harder.

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