My Sister, Taylor Swift

By Niallismyirishmofo

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Taylor Swift is one of the worst sisters you could possiby have! She took everything away from me, my family... More

Hi I'm Lottie
Going shopping
Meeting Taylor and Harry
Hi I'm Jessie
Getting ready to watch the Interview
The Interview
Hi I'm Lorna
Watching the Interview
The drive back
Shopping and Concert
Hi I'm Shannon
Meeting Fern
Hi I'm Fern
Authors note
Authors Note
The winning ticket
Meeting One Direction and Taylor
Author's note
At their house
Lottie and Louis's joke
getting to know each other and movies
Chap. 16
Hi I'm Sidney
Chap. 46
Chap.50 part 1
Chap.50 part 2
The Photo
The Magazine
The Fight
Lorna's apology
The unknown is named
The confrontations
Dani's surprise visit
Tiredness and Sickness
Talk with Harry
Lottie's worst nightmare
Lottie's second day missing!
The Evidence
The Final Piece of Evidence
Two days after


784 15 5
By Niallismyirishmofo


I am here again! I have been updating really quickly i have no idea why! But that won't probably last for long so dont get your hopes up thinking i will be updating every 2 days or 1! Hopefully i will update a lot quicker than before i went on holiday as i was really bad at updating then!

Love you all!

Lorna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lottie's POV

I left Harry and I's room and went in the lift up to Eleanor and Shannon's room. I got out the lift and went in their room with an extra key they had given me.

"Hi!" I called as I walked in.

"Hi!" I heard them call from the living room. I went in and saw Lorna and Jessie were there as well.

I sat down on the sofa and pulled out my phone to reply to some texts.

From: Jadey

Haha I really think you and Harry should date! You would be so cute! Xxxx

To: Jadey

No we shouldn't and thanks! Who are you liking? ;) xxxxxxx

From: Perriefect!

First i need to talk to Niall about something important then we can go shopping if that's ok? Xxxxx

To: Perrifect!

Of course it's fine! Xxxx

From: Leigh Leigh

Why did he make you take the £100? Xxxx

To: Leigh Leigh

I have no idea! He is actually alright to talk to when Taylor's not around! Xxxx

From: Jesy Bessie!

Can't wait for shopping do you have any shops you need to go in? Xxx

To: Jesy Bessie!

Yeah same! I think maybe Hollister, Forever 21 and I think I need to go to Victoria Secret for a new bikini! Xxxx

From: Eleanor is sexy!!!!!!

Who you texting? Xxxx

To: Eleanor is sexy!!!!!!

Little Mix and Harry asked me the exact same question this morning! Quit being so nosy! Xxxxx

From: Eleanor is sexy!!!!!

I bet he added the kisses as well and he was making sure you weren't texting another boy! And what is it I hear about him giving you money for shopping?

To: Eleanor is sexy!!!!!

He didn't add the kisses and he was just being nosy like you! And he did but I wouldn't take it!

From: Jadey

None of your business! Xxxx

To: Jadey

I will find out one way or another just you see! Xxxx

From: Jadey

Stop quoting one direction songs and start quoting little mix's songs! I've heard they're really good! Xxx

To: Jadey

You are so full of yourself! Xxx

From: Perrifect

Thank you it might take half an hour or may take ten minutes depends how fast we both talk! Xxxx

From: Leigh Leigh

You so like him! Xxx

To: Leigh Leigh

Do not! I only like him as a friend nothing more! Xxx

From: Leigh Leigh

Whatever you say! Xxx

To: Leigh Leigh

You are hopeless! Xxx

From: Jesy Bessie!

Me too! I think a new bikini would be nice! I love shopping! Xxxx

To: Jesy Bessie

Me too! It's so fun! When are you coming? Xxxx

From: Jesy Bessie

We are staying about 10 minutes away and we are leaving right now so we will see you in about 10 minutes and then Perrie has to talk to Niall no idea what for though! Then we can go! Xxxx

To: Jesy Bessie

Ok see you in 10! Xxx

"They have just left their hotel and will be here in about 10 minutes then Perrie has to talk to Niall about something!" I told everyone.

"ok what's Perrie talking to Niall about?" Eleanor asked.

"No idea!" I said.

Niall's POV

Harry left to go give the money to Lottie.

"I wonder if he made a fuss that Taylor isn't going with them!" Louis exclaimed.

"Probably not as he was trying to get Lottie to take his money!" Zayn said.

"Yeah Lottie is the kind of girlfriend Harry needs!" Niall said.

"Yeah I agree!" Louis agreed.

"Have you all given your girlfriends money?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah after some arguing and her running away and me chasing her with the money she finally gave in!" Louis said laughing.

"Yeah me too!" Liam and I said together.

"I need to give money to Perrie when she comes," Zayn said.

"When's she coming?" I asked.

"I don't know when I texted her she said she was coming in about 15 minutes to 30 minutes depends on how quick the other girls get their buts downstairs!" Zayn laughed.

"Ok well I am going back up to my room!" I said leaving the table and walking through the lobby where I bumped into Perrie, Jade, Leigh Anne and Jesy.

"Hi!" They said.

"Hi!" I responded.

"Niall I was looking for you! We need to talk!" Perrie said dragging me away. I looked worriedly at the other girls but they just shrugged their shoulders.

Perrie took me to my room and texted someone I started to get a little scared.

"So what did you need to say to me?" I asked.

"Do you have any siblings?" Perrie asked. Why does she want to know that?

"Yes," I answered.

"How many? Boy or girl? What's their name?" Perrie asked.

"1, boy and Greg and" I said confused as why she was asking me this.

"Any other sisters?" she asked. Then I realised that she was trying to get me to say.

"Nope!" I said.

"You know very well who I am talking about!" Perrie exclaimed.

"Fine I have another sister called Sidney!" I exclaimed stomping out the door.

"Niall wait! I talked to her yesterday she misses you!" I heard Perrie yell behind me. I stopped in my tracks.

"Wait what did you say?" I said spinning around.

"She misses you Niall!" Perrie said.

"How? I was horrible to her I said some things I regret so much!" I said.

"It's because your family!" Perrie said walking out the room. I sat and thought about everything she said.

Lottie's POV

Leigh Anne, Jade and Jesy walked into the room.

"Hey!" I squealed as they all crashed me into a hug then pulled in Lorna, Jessie, Shannon and Eleanor.

"We bumped into Niall on the way so Perrie just talked to him then!" Jade explained.

"ok that's fine," Jessie said.

"See when we go shopping can we get food?" Lorna pleaded.

"No we are just going to let you starve!" I said sarcastically.

Lorna took it seriously and looked like she was about to cry, "No please can we go get food!" she cried.

"I am only joking!" I laughed as her face changed to happiness.

"Yay!" she cheered.

"She is a great match for Niall!" Jesy laughed.

"Oh yeah and that reminds me we have to get Jessie and Lorna's clothes for their dates!" I exclaimed.

"Cool! Who's Jessie going on a date with?" Jade asked.

"Liam of course!" I cried.

"Wow he just got out a big relationship he must really like her to make sure she doesn't slip out his fingers!" Leigh Anne said.

"I am right here you know!" Jessie exclaimed.

"Shh we're talking!" I shushed her.

"Hmph!" Jessie said.

"I am here!" Perrie called coming through the door, "You ready to go now?"

"Yeah come on!" I shouted rushing out the door then realising no one was behind me so I walked back in the room.

"Hello again!" I said, "You all coming?"

"Yeah!" they all said and I waited till they had all gone then I went behind them to make sure they actually went this time.

We got into the lift which was a tight squeeze as there was 9 of us. We all piled out the lift as the doors opened. We all walked out the hotel and into Perrie's car. We all somehow managed to squash in with people sitting on other people's knees.

Finally after the uncomfortable car ride we parked in the car park and got out.

"Come on let's go shopping!" Eleanor squealed.

"Woo!" we all cheered running inside the shopping centre.

"Food!" Lorna screeched running towards a sweet shop. We all rolled our eyes and followed Lorna into the shop. We found her trying to choose what sweet she was going to choose.

"Shall I get the the box of chocolates or the triple scoop of ice cream?" Lorna asked.

"Get both!" I exclaimed knowing we could be here all day.

"Ok! I was hoping you would say that!" Lorna said picking up the box of chocolates and going to the counter where they sold ice cream.

She came back over to us holding an ice cream with Lemon ice cream on the bottom then orange them triple chocolate chip cookie on the top with a big flake sticking out the top and carrying her box of chocolates under one arm.

"You should have got this ice cream it is amazing!" Lorna exclaimed taking a big lick of her ice cream.

"Now you won't be able to go into any shops with your ice cream!" Perrie said.

"No I can go into other food shops!" Lorna said.

"Ok eat that quickly so we can start clothes shopping!" Eleanor squealed.

Lorna started taking big bites of her ice cream and was done in about 5 minutes flat! How can she bite an ice cream!

"Ok I am ready!" Lorna said ice cream all over her face.

"You have a little bit of ice cream right there," Leigh Anne said pointing to Lorna's face.

"Ok I will just use this napkin!" Lorna said holding out the napkin that had come with he ice cream that was covered in ice cream. She somehow made it worse.

"You might want to get a new napkin!" Jessie suggested.

"Ok!" Lorna said skipping off back to the sweet shop to ask for another napkin. We are never going to start shopping at this rate.

"I am back!" Lorna yelled running towards us. Her face was now free of ice cream thankfully.

"Lets go!" Shannon yelled.

"Let's go into Forever 21 first!" Eleanor squealed.

"Yeah!" I said and we all walked into the shop.

After about an hour of trying stuff on an choosing what we want we finally went to pay. As we were waiting in line I took my purse out to get the money out. I looked in and found two $50 notes with a piece of paper holding them together. I took out the piece of paper and before I could read it Eleanor snatched it off me.

"Aww look at this Harry put a note in her purse! It says:


I know you don't want this money but you are having it it's in your purse if you haven't found it already. Buy whatever you want, spend it all I am not taking it back! Have fun shopping with the girls!

Harry x" Eleanor told everyone.

"Aww he even put a kiss at the end of it! You two would be perfect together!" Jesy cooed.

"I do not like him anymore than a friend ok!" I said snatching the note back and stuffing it in my purse and taking the money out. Might as well spend it as he's not taking it back.

The rest of the day we spent going into shops, getting food for Lorna every now and again and them teasing me about Charry! I mean what kind of couple name is Charry anyway! Well it's better than Lorry but still we are not even together!

"I think that's enough shopping for today!" Jade sighed.

"I agree!" Shannon agreed. We all got up to leave and left the shopping centre. We all squished in Perrie's car again and she drove off back to our hotel where her and the rest of little mix are going to stay till they have to do their concert tonight.

We walked into the hotel and squashed into the lift with our shopping bags.

"So seen as Lorna and Niall and Jessie and Liam are going on a date, Eleanor will probably be hanging out with Louis, Shannon is hanging out with Olly and Taylor has an interview will you be hanging out with Harry?" Jesy teased.

"No I will be hanging out with Zayn!" I said stubbornly.

"And Harry!" Jade added.

"No just Zayn!" I huffed.

"I think Zayn's going to meet up with his friends tonight!" Perrie interjected.

"So you and Harry alone what are you going to be doing?" Leigh Anne said wiggling her eyebrows.

"I think there's going to be two people getting naked!" Eleanor said.

"Why are you always talking about Harry being naked with me?" I asked Eleanor.

"Cause you want to see him naked!" Eleanor sang.

"I do not!" I sang back as we got out the lift. We all went into my room first and dumped my bags then got back in the lift. Funny that Harry wasn't there! He was probably out with Taylor.

"It's pretty coincidental that you and Harry are sharing a room on the completely different floor to everyone else!" Petrie laughed.

"It's Taylor's fault she told Simon I wasn't coming then Harry's room was the only room with an extra bed!" I defended myself.

"That's right blame everything on your sister!" Shannon laughed, "Don't worry I do it too!"

"Wait you have a sister?" I asked as the lift doors opened and we all stepped out.

"Yeah she's called Fern I haven't talked to her in over 3 years!" Shannon explained.

"Why not?" Jessie asked.

"We hate each others guts we don't even have the same last name as I took my mums and she took my dads!" Shannon explained.

"Yay! I am not the only one that hates my sisters guts!" I cheered.

We walked into Lorna and Jessie's room and dumped their bags in their room. Taylor's not here thank goodness! Then we went to Eleanor and Shannon's room and dumped their bags. We knocked on the boys' door and Louis answered.

"Hi!" Louis screamed hugging Eleanor and running away again.

"You have one crazy boyfriend!" Jesy laughed.

"I know but I love him!" Eleanor said and we all awwed.

We went in and shut the door. We walked to the living room where all the boys were sitting and no Taylor! Hooray!

Lorna, Jessie, Eleanor and Perrie went to sit next to Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn while us rest of the girls sat on a different couch.

"You need to sit with Harry!" Jade said pushing me off the sofa. I just shook my head and sat on Shannon's knee.

"So what did you do today?" Louis asked.

"Lorna got ice cream all over her face in the first 10 minutes of us being there!" I exclaimed.

"Hey you said it was just a tiny bit round my mouth!" Lorna exclaimed.

"Yeah well you cleaned it off good!" Jade said.

"Then we got stuff for Lorna and Jessie on their date!" Eleanor squealed.

"Everyone teased me the whole day!" I fake pouted.

"Aww come here!" Harry held out his arms and I went to them. I snuggled into him and pretended to fake sob. I knew the girls were loving this!

I didn't bother moving out his arms as they were really comfy and I was too lazy to get up.

"I ordered Indian by the way!" Louis said just as someone knocked on the door. Louis got up to pay the guy and we all stayed sitting.

"I'm hungry I can't wait for the food!" Lorna and Niall whined at the same time an we just rolled our eyes and ignored them.

"Here's the food!" Louis said giving everyone a box of stuff.

We all started eating then Eleanor started speaking.

"Guess what guys!" Eleanor said.

I knew this wasn't going to be good, "Harry put a note in Lottie's purse!" Eleanor continued, "It said:


I know you don't want this money but you are having it it's in your purse if you haven't found it already. Buy whatever you want, spend it all I am not taking it back! Have fun shopping with the girls!

Harry x" Eleanor told everyone.

"Wait why did you memorise that?" I questioned.

"I didn't I have it right here!" Eleanor exclaimed showing me the bit of paper.

"I thought I put it in my purse!" I exclaimed

"I am the master of pickpocketing!" Eleanor said winking mysteriously. I tried to get up to grab the bit of paper but I felt someones arms tug me back. I looked around and there was Harry sleeping with his arms tightly wrapped around me. Everyone laughed.

"It's not funny! Help me get up!" I wailed.

"Nope this is so much more to fun to watch!" Jade giggled.

"You are just going to stay there till either the morning when Harry wakes up or you get out his grip and walk back downstairs!" Louis jeered.

I heard the door open and a squeaky voice call, "Harry!" it was Taylor!

"Oh god!" I said knowing I was going to get a screaming from Taylor for being in this position.

"Hi Taylor how are you? How was your day?" I said smiling to take the spotlight off the way Harry was holding me right now.

"Cut the crap! Why are you sitting on my boyfriend?" Taylor screeched.

"He's comfortable and he won't let me go!" I responded, "And he thinks I'm you!" I added just to make sure she doesn't blow up.

"Get up!" Taylor ordered/yelled in my face.

"Well as you see I'm in a sticky situation! He won't let go and I can't get out!" I said.

"I said get up!" Taylor yelled.

"I know I have ears but you obviously don't as I said I can't!" I yelled back.

"Well if you don't get up in the next 10 seconds I am going to get you up myself!" Taylor ordered.

"Harry wake up! There's a fat pig in the room and she's going to kill me if you don't wake up!" I yelled slapping Harry's face.

"What where's the fat pig!" Harry said opening his eyes, "Oh hi Taylor!" Harry said and looked at me and pushed me off onto the floor. I got up and smiled at everyone.

"And he changes into a different mood just like that!" I grumbled to myself. I went and sat on Jesy's knee.

"Hi Jesy!" I yelled in her face.

"Hi Lottie! I am sorry but I think we need to go now!" she yelled back. Little Mix got up and left but not before Perrie gave Zayn a kiss and a hug promising she will see him before he leaves tomorrow.

"Shh! You are being to noisy!" Taylor shushed.

"Well go to your own room!" I retorted.

"Ok Harry let's go to your room!" Taylor said.

"Ori....." Harry started to answer but I cut him off.

"Oh hell no! No way is she stepping one step in the door of our hotel apartment!" I yelled going to stand in front of the door so they couldn't get out.

"Move out the way bitch!" Taylor said stomping towards me in her high heels. It would be easy to push her over but he would probably end up stabbing me with her heels. I did the only thing I could think of and when she stomped past I grabbed both heels and snapped the heel bit so she fell over. I ran away and dived over the sofa.

She came stomping through with bare feet.

"Why the hell did you do that!" Taylor yelled.

"I am armed!" I yelled back poking my head up from the back of the couch showing her the heels. Everyone else apart from Harry were killing themselves laughing at my childish behaviour.

"Ooh and I surrendered!" Taylor said in a high pitched voice which I think was supposed to be mimicking me but not doing a great job of it.

"Haha you surrender you lose!" I jeered.

"I was joking!" Taylor said.

"Well if you're ever in the army don't be saying I saying I surrender otherwise they will take it seriously!" I said back.

"Whatever I am going to my own room then!" Taylor shouted stomping away.

"Well i am going to go! Bye!" Harry said.

"You are not going into our room!" Jessie and Lorna shouted together.

"Why not?" Harry asked.

"Because we know what you're gonna do in there and we don't want to listen to it!" Jessie said.

"No I promise we'll just talk then I will go back to mine and Lottie's hotel apartment!" Harry pleaded.

"Fine but we hear another than Taylor doing her big pig snores you will be sorry you ever crossed me! I am not nice when I don't get enough sleep!" Jessie threatened.

"Yes of course!" Harry said and hurried out the room.

"Well I am going to bed!" Louis said.

"Me too!" Eleanor agreed.

"Well i am going to help Lorna an Jessie get ready or their date!" Shannon said.

"Oh me too!" Eleanor and I both shouted.

"Guess what see when we all go out it's going to be Harry and Lottie alone in the hotel all to themselves and other guests! None of us are going to be here!" Lorna shouted.

"Ooh I wonder what you're going to be doing!" Louis said winking at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Not what you're thinking!" I said.

"I think you will!" Eleanor said.

"Whatever!" I said, "Come on Lorna, Jessie! Let's go!"

"Ok, Lottie, Shannon and I will meet you in a few minutes in my room!" Eleanor told them.

"Ok!" they said going out the door.

"So Niall and Liam where you going to be taking them?" Shannon asked.

Lorna's POV

Jessie and I went through to Eleanor's hotel apartment and opened the door with the spare key we have. I was so excited for the date.

"I am so excited!" Jessie squealed.

"Me too!" I shouted and we both started jumping up and down hugging each other. We let go just as Eleanor, Shannon and Lottie walked through the door.

"Right ok the clothes you bought today are perfect!" Lottie exclaimed.

"Lorna, Eleanor's going to sort you and Jessie, Lottie's going to sort you! Ok?" Shannon explained.

"Ok," I said.

"First go have a shower then sit in that chair I am going to do your make up then get your clothes then hair!" Eleanor explained and I went to go for a shower. I washed my hair and body and then shaved. I got out and sat down in the chair that she told me to sit in while she went to get her make up.

Jessie and Lottie went to the other room and Shannon was getting out all the clothes and accessories we are going to wear. Shannon was mostly helping me as my date is hours before Jessie's.

"Right close your eye for me!" Eleanor said coming through. I closed my eyes as she applied the make up. I hardly ever wore make up except for parties and dates and other things but I don't wear it normally.

Eleanor finished in about 2 hours and it was now 7.30.

"Shannon! Lorna's ready to get changed now!" Eleanor shouted and Shannon came in carrying a black dress that I don't remember buying.

"I will give you your accessories after you get changed into that!" Shannon said and her and Eleanor left the room to let me change. I changed into the floaty black dress. It was really pretty I looked in the mirror and I looked beautiful for once. I walked out into the living room where Shannon and Eleanor were waiting.

"Aww you look beautiful!" Eleanor said hugging me careful to not to smudge my make up.

"My little girl has grown up!" Shannon squealed hugging me, "Now here's your bracelets, necklace and shoes!"

"I am not walking in those!" I said pointing to the pair of 6 inch heels she was holding.

"Yes you are!" Eleanor said.

"Nope I can not even walk in tiny heels how on earth do you expect me to walk in those!" I argued.

"That's why you are going to be walking round in them for the half an hour you have got before you leave!" Shannon said handing me the heels.

"I am going to break my ankle!" I warned.

"No you're not stop being negative and put them on!" Eleanor demanded.

"Ok," I grumbled sitting down and putting them on. I slowly stood up wobbling slightly. I stood up and fell like a baby deer trying to stand up for the first time.

"Hold on to me!" Shannon said offering her arm. I grabbed it and slowly stood up again. This time I didn't fall and tried taking a few steps when I realised I could walk kinda I let go of Shannon's arm and took a few more steps until I walked right round the room.

"Right hair!" Eleanor said dragging me back to the seat.

Once she finished I looked in the mirror and saw Eleanor had put my hair up and floating down one side of my head with a flower in my hair.

"Well done! Pictures!" Shannon yelled and pulled out her phone so did Eleanor.

"Smile!" they called and I smiled at the camera. They started snapping pictures and I am sure they had about 100 after they finished.

"leave some memory for Jessie, Shannon and Lottie for their dates!" I said.

"Olly hasn't even asked me out!" Shannon defended.

"yet!" I added, "But tonight he will!"

"Yeah definitely!" Eleanor agreed.

"When was her date again?" Shannon asked.

"9.30," Eleanor answered.

"You do realise it's 9.40?" I told her.

"Oh no!" Eleanor said pushing me out the door and following begin me. I swear they're trying to kill me! Shannon went through to help Jessie get ready.

"Right get in the lift!" Eleanor said grabbing my hand and dragging me into the lift.

"Remember take a picture us and little mix want a picture of you two!" Eleanor exclaimed.

The lift opened and Eleanor pushed me out before going back up in the lift. I saw Niall standing beside the door waiting for me in a suit with the same flower that was in my hair pinned to his blazer.

"Hi!" I said shyly. He turned round and a smile lit up his face.

"You look beautiful!" he complemented me.

"Thanks you look good as well!" I answered.

"Thanks you coming?" Niall asked holding out his hand. I grabbed it and we left.

"So where we going?" I asked once we were in the car.

"I am not telling you and that reminds me you have to where this blindfold!" Niall said stopping the car and getting a blindfold out his pocket. He tied it round my eyes.

"Can you see?" Niall asked.

"Nope!" I said.

"Good!" he said finding my hand across the car. He started the car and started driving still holding my hand.

We talked about random things getting to know each other better. It was about 10 minutes before Niall stopped the car and I heard him get out while I tried to ind the seatbelt bit to get my seatbelt off. I heard my door open then a warm hand guide my hand to the seatbelt thing. I pushed it and my seatbelt came undone. They helped me out the car and we walked for a few minutes before I asked,

"Who are you?" I asked.

"You know the guy you are on a date with!" Niall said with his irish accent.

"Well it was a logical question as I can't see anything!" I exclaimed.

"We are nearly there baby," Niall said and continues leading me for another few minutes. I felt him take the blindfold off my eyes and I looked around astounded by everything. There was a beautiful lake with lily pads sprinkled all over with little candles. By the water was a picnic table spread out with a nice tablecloth and plates and cutlery with a heart shaped candle in the middle.

"like it?" Niall asked.

"Like it? I love it!" I said hugging him.

"Good would you like to take a seat?" Niall said going over to the table and pulling out my chair.

"Thanks," I said sitting down and he tucked me in and went to sit in his own seat. He brought out a big box with Nandos written on the side.

"how did you get Nandos?" I said excitedly.

"The people in Nandos just love me so when I asked them to send out a big box they did it!" Niall explained. He opened the box and brought out a few bags of chicken burgers, chicken wings, double chicken breast fillet pitas, chicken wraps and all sorts of other things! Then he brought out all the sauces from extra hot to mango and lime.

"I love it more already!" I squealed.

"Good you will like it even more after!" Niall said.

"Yay!" I cheered.

"Heres the food!" Niall said handing me a bag of chicken. It was still warm.

I got the lemon and herb sauce and put it on the chicken ad started eating.

"When's your birthday?" Niall asked.

"August 6th," I said.

"That's like a week you know!" Niall said.

"I love my birthday! There's cake ad sweets! I can't wait!! Whats the date today?" I asked.

"29th July," Niall answered.

"I can't wait!" I said excitedly.

"Calm down just a wee bit babe!" Niall said.

"Sorry!" I said, "By the way the girls want a picture of us!"

"Let's take one now then!" Niall suggested.

"Ok," I said taking out my phone and taking a picture of us with our Nandos.

"You have an amazing smile by the way," Niall complemented.

"Thanks," I said feeling the blood rush to my cheeks.

"Now have you eaten your dinner?" Niall asked and I realised between us we had eaten everything.

"Yeah,"'I answered.

"Go and put this on then we can go and swim in the lake!" Niall suggested.

"Ok," I said catching the bikini he threw at me and going behind a tree to put it on, "Don't look!"

"I won't! Just don't look at me once your done I will tell you when!" Niall shouted back.

"ok!" I shouted back changing into my bikini.

"You can look now!" Niall yelled and I turned round to see him in a pair of trunks.

Niall picked me up and started running towards the lake.

"You can swim right?" Niall asked.

"No," I lied.

"Sorry I will teach you if you want!" Niall said putting me down.

"You're so gullible!" I shouted running off into the water and swimming away before he could chuck me in.

"That's not fair!" Niall yelled coming in after me. I started swimming away from him and he swam after me. He quickly caught up and picked me up turning over so he was lying on his back in the water. He place me on his stomach.

"Watch the sky's!" he said and I looked up.

Nothing happened for a fe minutes then a bang went off and the sky lit up with golden flakes. Fireworks! I lay there on Niall's stomach watching them all. About half an hour later they had done and Niall swam back to shore with me still on his back. He got up and picked me up too on his back.

"Put me down! I can walk myself!" I whined.

"Well I want to carry you!" Niall said.

"Fine!" I huffed as Niall tidied everything away with one hand.

"I will help!" I said struggling to get out his grip.

"No you won't!" Niall said.

"But if you put me down you can have two hands to tidy up!" I said.

"Fine!" Niall huffed and put me down. I quickly grabbed some rubbish and stuffed it in a plastic bag.

"It's fine I got it!" Niall said prying the bag from my fingers.

"But I want to help!" I whined like a little girl.

"Nope!" Niall said, "Anyway I have done it all!"

Niall picked me up and put me back on his back. He carried me all the way to the car as we passed trees and more trees until we got to the car.

He opened my door and helped me in. He ran round to his side and hopped in the car. We drove off in our wet soggy swimsuits.

-----skip car ride------- 

We got out the car and Niall ran round to my side and opened my door before I could get out. He helped me out and took my small hand in his. We walked into the hotel and into the lift. We got out once the doors opened and went into Niall's room. As soon as we opened the door everyone ran and started shouting a million different questions at us!

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