For A Reason {Mark Sloan} - C...

By runninginfear

529K 9K 1.7K

" According to Greek Mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs, and a head with two... More

Life is short.
nineteen ::
twenty one::
twenty two::
twenty three::
twenty four::
twenty five:::
twenty six:::
twenty seven:::
twenty eight :::
twenty nine:::
thirty :::
thirty one:::
thirty two:::
thirty three:::
thirty four:::
thirty five:::
thirty six:::
thirty seven:::
thirty eight:::
thirty nine:::
forty one:::
forty two:::
forty three:::
forty four:::
forty five:::
forty six:::
forty seven:::
forty eight:::
forty nine:::
fifty one::::
fifty two::::
fifty three::::
fifty four::::
fifty five:::::
fifty six::::
fifty seven::::
fifty eight:::::
fifty nine::::
The End.


13.3K 210 52
By runninginfear

I walked into the hospital, leaving Izzie and George behind me. I lifted my hand up to my eyes and rubbed them trying to wake up. I stopped when I felt myself run into something- rather someone.  I jumped as I felt something, something hot spill on my chest.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" I said. I looked at who I had ran into. I saw a lady with red hair and blue eyes covering her mouth.

"Oh gosh, sorry. Are you okay?" She asked, she didn't look happy, I was hoping it wasn't because of me, but knew most likely it was.

"Yes I'm fine. Can I buy you a new coffee, I feel so horrible about this," I asked, grabbing the napkin she outstretched to me.

"No it's fine, hospital coffee isn't that great anyway, I was just about to throw it away. Sorry about your clothes." She said, looking impatient.

"No it's fine, I have to change into scrubs anyway," I said. wiping off my chest.

"Oh so you work here?" She asked.

"Uh yeah I do," I said, a little confused.

"Do you happen to know where Dr.Shepherd would be?" She asked.

"Uhm I'm not sure, I'd check in at the nurses station they can help you better there. If I see him I can tell him you were looking for him," I dragged out the im in him, and gave her a face asking for her name.

"Uh Addison, Addison Shepherd," She said, "Thank you."

"Yeah," I said, then walked off to the locker room.

"Brandy!" I heard George shout behind me.

"Oh hey," I smiled.

"What was that about?" George asked.

"I don't know, I just wasn't paying attention and ran into her. She was looking for Derek. Her last name is Shepherd," I said, watching her talk to one of the nurses, "I have a weird feeling about her."

"You think it's his sister?" George asked.

"I don't know, maybe don't say anything to Mer," I said entering the locker room.

"What happened to you?" Cristina asked.

"Some lady spilled coffee on me," I said pulling my shirt off.

"Well at least you'll smell like coffee the rest of the day," George said.

"I hate coffee," I said putting my scrubs on.

"Shitty day?" Cristina said.

"No actually, I mean except for walking on George's syphilis infected penis." I said.

"George has syphilis?" Cristina asked.

"You missed all the great jokes I had!"

"Can we not talk about my syphilis?" George asked, embarrassed.

"Alright, alright, I'm done for now." I said.

"Morning Alex," I said, as Alex entered.

"Shut up," he said and went to his locker.

"Well someone's a little fucking ray of sunshine today!" I said, shutting my locker, "What's your problem?"

"I don't wanna talk about it," Alex said.

"Oh come on, It can't be as bad as George, he has syphilis," I said.

"Hey, you said you'd stop talking about it!" George said.

"Wait, hold on," Alex said, "You have syphilis? I have syphilis."

Suddenly the four of us got quiet.

"You know," I said, breaking the silence, "There's probably a reasonable explanation for this."

"Did you sleep with my girlfriend?" George asked.

"George don't jump to conclusions," I said.

"Depends if Olivia the nurse is your girlfriend or not." Alex said, taking his shirt off and putting on his scrubs.

"You slept with my girlfriend!" George yelled, and ran at Alex.

"Okay George, just chill out!" I said, pushing him away from Alex.

"Dude relax, I didn't know she was your girlfriend," Alex said.

"Sorry George," I said, patting his back.

I walked out of the locker room and saw Meredith and Derek walking together.

"Oh hey, Derek," I said, "Some lady named Addison was looking for you."

"Addison?" He asked, I could tell he felt uneasy.

"Uh yeah, she just told me to tell you if I had seen you," I said.

"Uh thanks," he said, then left.

"What was that about?" Meredith asked.

"I don't know, probably just patient's family or something," I said, brushing it off.

"Oh Have you seen Izzie?" I asked.

"Yeah, she fell asleep on a bench outside, I thought I'd let her sleep a while longer and then go wake up."


It had been a fairly normal day at the hospital, nothing interesting.  I sat at a table with Cristina, Izzie, and Meredith eating our lunch.  George and Alex came and sat down next to us.

"Hey syph-boy!" I said, taking a bite out of my apple.

"Can you keep it quiet!" George yelled, in a hushed tone.

"Have you thought of revenge yet?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" George asked.

"You know, for Olivia cheating on you," I said.

"No I'm not gonna do that," George said, poking at his food with his fork.

"Why not? It'll be fun and you'll feel better," I said.

"I don't know," George said.

"Come on George, don't be a sissy," Cristina said.

"George we're gonna come up with an awesome plan, she's gonna wish she never messed with you," I said.

"I'm still not sure about this," George said.

"George I know what were doing," I said.

"What?" George asked, suddenly becoming interested.

"We're gonna fill her gas tank with mashed potato mix!"

"What the hell is that supposed to do?" George asked.

"Well it will take awhile but eventually the mix will slosh around and mix with the gas turning into mashed potatoes, she'll have to take basically her whole car apart to fix it!"

"How do you come up with this stuff?" Meredith asked.

"My brother taught me when we were younger, this old, bitch that lived on our street got us grounded so we did it to her. It was awesome!" I said.

"Are you sure about this?" George asked.

"Yeah it's simple, you know what car she drives?" I asked.

"Uhm, yeah," George said.

"Okay perfect. Tonight I'll pick up the mix and we'll meet back here and fill the tank," I said.


"Hey what do you think will work better?" I asked Meredith, "Stove top or Betty Crocker?"

"I don't think it matters just pick one!" Meredith said, getting impatient.

"Geez okay, what's your problem?" I asked.

"Derek's acting," she paused, "He's acting weird."

"It's probably nothing," I said, throwing the boxes into the cart, "Let's go."

I wheeled the cart over to the checkout and paid for the potatoes, and then we left to the hospital. When we had gotten to the hospital, it had gotten dark.

"Here wear this," I said throwing a black ski mask to Meredith.

"Why?" Meredith asked, "I'm not wearing this!"

"It's dark out, but the parking lot is lit up and there's security cameras, do you want to get caught?" I said pulling the mask over my head.

"Oh they don't ever check those, they're just to scare off crazy people like you and plus I'm staying in the car." Meredith said, giving the mask back to me.

"Aww, come on it will be fuuunnn!" I said, shaking the box.

"I'd rather not, this isn't my thing." Meredith said.

"Okay, well you're missing out," I said grabbing the mixes and getting out of the car.

"Brandy!" George shouted.

"Mr.Potato Head! I told you to call me by my code name!" I yelled.

"Fine, Ms.Potato head, these nick names our stupid," George said, walking up to me.

"First, they're code names not nick names and second they're not dumb, I spent a lot of time thinking of them and do you want to risk getting caught?" I asked.

"No let's just get this done with," George said.

"Okay, where is her car?" I asked.

"Uhhm," George scanned the lot looking for her car, "Uh I think it's that one."

"You think or you know? We're not doing this to some random person's car."

"Okay I know, I know it's her car," George said.

"Okay good, now let's go we have to be quick." I said, walking to the car.

I crouched down by the car and opened the gas tank, "You have the funnel?"

"Yeah," he said handing it to me.

"Perfect," I said, putting it in the tank.

"You want to do the honors of pouring the first box?" I asked.

"Hell yes!" George said, opening the box and pouring it in.

"Hey do you see someone?" I asked looking up at the door.

"Oh shit, oh no we're gonna get caught," George panicked.

"No we're fine," I whispered, "Just stay calm, and be quiet, don't let him see you."

George and I looked at each other in panic as the car made a beeping noise and unlocked.

"This isn't Olivia's car," George said.

"You think?!"

"Oh no, this is bad," George said.

I quickly grabbed the boxes and shut the gas tank. "Run!" I shouted. Then took of for the car, George following.

"Hey! What are you two doing!" Webber shouted at us.

"George come on!" I shouted, as George started to fall behind.

I made it to the car and jumped in, George following a few seconds later.

"Start the car!" I shouted at Meredith, "Go! Go!"

"What the hell happened?!" Meredith asked, pulling out of the parking lot.

"We mashed potatoed the wrong car, the very wrong car."

※ ※ ※

Hey guys, I'm gonna try and come up with like a set schedule to post chapters maybe? I know I've been just posting them randomly since I first published it, I just wanted to get some up to start the book. And also these powerpoint creds go to to tumblr, I didn't make them myself, I'm not sure who to credit but I'm looking for them. Okay well thanks guys and I've gotten a lot of support for this book even for it being up for like four days, so that's awesome thank you!! 💗💗

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