A Beautiful Day |Books#1-4| U...

By RenkoThao9

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A full-length story, from books#1-4 unedited Densetsu: The world which exists quietly beside ours, separated... More

Chapter One: Kotaro Nishiki
Chapter 1.1: Kotaro Nishiki
Chapter 1.2: Kotaro Nishiki
Chapter Two: The Shrine Maiden
Chapter 2.1: The Shrine Maiden
Chapter 2.2: The Shrine Maiden
Chapter Three: Dreams Disappearing
Chapter Four: Going Back
Chapter Five: The Legend Retold
Chapter Six: The Story Continues
Chapter Seven: One-Eyed Devil Vampire
Chapter 7.1: One-Eyed Devil Vampire
Chapter Eight: A Regular Mage
Chapter 8.1: A Regular Mage
Chapter 8.2: A Regular Mage
Chapter Nine: Dead Cherry Blossom
Chapter Ten: Someone Special
Chapter Eleven: Go Back
Chapter Twelve: The Fearsome Threat
Author's Note
2nd Prologue
Chapter One: The Ninja of Shadows
Chapter Two: The Fight Begins
Chapter Three: The House From Hell
Chapter Four: Energy Flows Within
Chapter Five: Captured
Chapter Six: Caged
Chapter Seven: At Last They Fight
Chapter Eight: Love's So Blue
Chapter Nine: No Fear, No Pain
Chapter Ten: Kotaro's Power
Chapter Eleven: Rescuing Noel
Chapter Twelve: Another Match
Chapter Thirteen: Kotaro's Celebration
Chapter Fourteen: A Peaceful Day
3rd Prologue
Chapter One: After School
Chapter Two: Daily Activities Part One
Chapter Three: Daily Activities Part Two
Chapter Four: Disappearance
Chapter Five: Violet-Eyed Student
Chapter Six: Rocky Finds Out
Chapter Seven: Lost Friend
Chapter 7.1: Lost Friend
Chapter Eight: The Witch Who Played God
Chapter Nine: Rescuing Kotaro
Chapter Ten: The Other Half
Chapter Eleven: The Shrine Maiden Fights
Chapter Twelve: New Students
Chapter Thirteen: Gouki The Criminal
Chapter Fourteen: When Peace Doesn't Exist
4th Prologue
Chapter One: Unreachable Message
Chapter Two: The Request
Chapter Three: Annoying Buddies
Chapter Four: The Mysterious Scroll
Chapter Five: The Truth About His Name
Chapter Six: Don't Mess With Noel
Chapter Seven: The Darkest Day
Chapter Eight: The Exam Begins
Chapter Ten: The Mind-Reader
Chapter Eleven: The Upcoming Opponents
Chapter Twelve: The Sad Heartless Girl
Chapter Thirteen: Scolded by Humans
Chapter Fourteen: Flying Like A Bird

Chapter Nine: Unexpected Invasion

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By RenkoThao9

Everybody in Mr. Praum's class passed their papers to Mr. Praum. Everybody took a seat on their desk. Mr. Praum wanted to give a speech to all of the students. He smiled. "Today is the day where the teachers announces his or her favorite student." Mr. Praum told the class. Tou and Rocky had their heads up. They wanted to know who Mr. Praum's favorite student was. Tou never heard about this day before. Mr. Willcocks didn't say anything about this, or probably he was too scary, no one didn't really wanted to know who his favorite student was. Tou didn't care anyway, he was Mr. Willcocks, always yelling at Tou. Mr. Praum looked around the classroom. They were waiting to hear his answer. "My favorite student in this classroom will mostly go to either Rocky or Jeremy. You two are my favorite students!" Mr. Praum answered. "I hope you two do really well in the future!"

Rocky quickly celebrated by standing up from his desk, screaming with such a high-pitched voice. He shaked Tou from left to right. "Oh, and you thought you were the favorite student!" Rocky insulted Tou. Tou frowned.

"Actually, he was going to be my favorite student, but some other teacher said Kotaro was their favorite student, and we can't have two teachers have the same favorite students." Mr. Praum said. Tou celebrated, standing up from his desk. The backfire struck Rocky in the heart. Then, Tou stopped. He wondered who this teacher said he was their favorite student.

"Mr. Praum? Who's this teacher who said I'm their favorite student?" Tou asked. Mr. Praum gave Tou a smile. "Who is it?" Tou wanted to know. He knew being someone's favorite student shouldn't be such a big deal, but to Tou, it made him feel good, it just makes the teacher have some affection and caring towards the student. He liked when teachers always acknowledge him.

"Why it's easy! Mr. Willcocks says you are his only favorite student, no one else!" Mr. Praum answered. Tou stopped celebrating. He slowly sat back down to his desk. He didn't know why, but he felt a bit happy. He probably knew why Mr. Willcocks was smiling because Tou was his favorite student. Tou didn't understand why Mr. Willcocks kept yelling, but he didn't really mind it. Tou was getting used to being yelled by Mr. Willcocks. If he stopped yelling, Tou kinda felt bad and gloomy. "Anyway, since today is Friday, I hope you guys have a beautiful weekend!" Mr. Praum praised.

"Weekend?" Noel said. She knew nothing about weekend. In her world, nobody really focused on weekdays and weekends, practically there was no such thing as Mondays and Tuesdays. The bell started ringing. Tou and Noel went to their next class, gym. They too, had to do some exams for gym as well.

Both Tou and Noel went to Mr. Jackson's gym. Mr. Jackson quickly told them to start exercise even though class hasn't even started. All of the other students were already exercising. Tou went to the boy's locker room to change clothes. While he was changing, he overheard some of the boys talking to each other. He saw Trey talking to his friends. Tou came walking to them. He became so curious to what they were talking about.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about here?" Tou asked. Trey turned to Tou.

"Oh, we were talking about Noel!" he answered. Tou scratched his head, wondering why they were talking about Noel. He knew Trey had a girlfriend, but he guessed Trey was planning to cheat on her.

"I thought you're dating Sarah?" Tou mentioned.

"Yeah, but she broke up with him. Now he likes someone else!" Dylan answered. Dylan was another muscular friend of Trey. Tou was glad for Noel that someone liked her. He had images of Noel with Trey and himself with Mimi. Together, the four had a happy life. He hope something like that would happen, but he highly doubt it would happen. Tou finished changing into his gym clothes.

He walked back to the gym. He was working out in the weight room. While Tou was working, Noel was still in the girl's locker room, changing into her gym clothes. Rumors were spread out the whole school, and many had believed the rumor. There were two girls who looked really excited, talking to Noel. "Noel, did you know, Trey, one of the most hottest boys are really into you?" one of the girls reported. "O.M.G. Girl, you need to go out with Trey. I mean, he already has six packs!" she babbled. The excited one with the glass was Tracy Hans. The one next to Tracy was Stacy Bradman.

"You should definitely go out with him! He's super cute!" Stacy suggested. The girls wanted to hear Noel's answer. She couldn't possibly answer anything of them. The truth is she never had any of those kind of feelings towards Trey. She simply found him as a good friend. The only person she liked was Tou in which Tou was too oblivious about it.

"I-I like someone else. I'm sorry!" Noel answered. She had to tell them the truth. Both Tracy and Stacy surrounded Noel. They wanted to know who Noel likes. Noel was too embarrassed to tell the girls that she liked Tou. She had a feeling they might end up telling Tou that she liked him. Noel couldn't trust any of these two girls, her gut said that. The two girls continuously asked Noel who she liked. Noel still refused to tell while she was changing. As they were the weight room, the two girls didn't stop but asked Noel. Noel didn't tell them at all. These girls weren't giving up until Noel told them who she liked.

As soon as Noel was starting to do some yoga, she immediately stopped what she was doing. She felt some auras, not belonging to a single human. This time, these auras belong to a soul, more like a soul that was lost. Noel gasped, realizing what kind of souls they were. Tou was a bit worried about her. He wondered why she's just standing there. Then she finally realized those lost souls weren't from Earth, they were from Densetsu. Noel could feel it; the souls were Earth Spirits, dead souls who usually slumbers underground like places of Seika's subterranean mansion. Noel was starting to think there was some animism going on.

When one of the boys was going on to those bikes, an earth spirit appeared to be sitting on the bike. He quickly rubbed his eyes, just to make sure he wasn't dreaming. The boy wasn't dreaming. He quickly panicked and shouted, "Ghost!?" Suddenly, more and more earth spirits appeared out of nowhere around the weight room. Noel had bad feeling about this. The only one who was responsible for this was Seika, the Mind-Reader. It was her job to keep these earth spirits in check, otherwise they'll do tons of damage to both Densetsu and Earth. Noel and Tou nodded their head towards each other. They quickly changed their clothes. They were able to open the portals to Densetsu inside school because everyone was evacuating as quick as they can. Soon there were no more students inside the building. Rocky quickly ran towards them. "Dude, am I seeing things, or am I really seeing actual ghosts?" Rocky wondered.

"I think those are actual ghosts!" Tou said.

"Oh my god, someone call the Ghostbusters!?!?" Rocky panicked. Noel went inside the portal. Tou joined her. Then, Rocky jumped into the portal. When Rocky jumped into the portal, the portal quickly closed. What they never noticed is there were two people watching them. Both of them from each other end of the hallway. In the front hallway, Mr. Praum was surprised, seeing them go through that portal. He didn't understand what was going on.

He wondered where they were going, perhaps some place where they'll be safe, he thought at the time. It seemed pretty selfish for them to do that, otherwise Mr. Praum would've joined them. Wherever they went, Mr.Praum wanted to know, if that portal hadn't closed when Rocky went, Mr. Praum wanted to jump inside that portal, just to see where they had been going this whole entire time.

Anyway, on the opposite end of the hallway, there was another person who caught them in red hand. She was curious about them. Maybe that's why Noel liked Kotaro, she thought. Sidney wanted to go into that portal, just to see where they were going. She wanted to know why Noel liked Tou. She left a sinister smile, knowing a way to ruin Noel's reputation.

Going inside that portal, they all appeared at the Shrine of the Gods. Noel quickly reported everything to Maya. Maya told her the same thing has been happening to her shrine as well. She pointed at her shrine. Tou and Rocky saw some earth spirits having fun, chasing each other around the shrine. They glanced at Maya again. Shin was next to Maya. At last, Maya was ready to help him get his friend. He spotted Rocky. Shin quickly looked away from Rocky. He didn't want to stare at Rocky. With him around, Shin felt really distracted.

Rocky spotted Shin. He immediately started a conversation with Shin. "Oh, look! It's the cat-girl again...." Rocky recalled. Shin was irritated. Rocky didn't stop calling Shin a cat-girl. He quietly growled. "Come on, is catwoman mad?"

"I'm not a girl!" Shin yelled back. Tou sighed. He decided to tell everybody his actual name.

"Let's not argue! We need to solve this incident right now!" Tou notified. Shin and Rocky stopped arguing. They knew Tou was right.

Suddenly, Yuuki Nohara appeared out of nowhere, this time, he was behind of Tou. "Good morning, Tou!" Yuuki greeted. Tou turned around, not afraid of Yuuki's portals anymore. Yuuki saw the confidence in Tou.

"Yuuki, I've decided to go with my real name! And I'm still looking for those answers about me!" Tou confessed. Yuuki didn't say anything back to Tou. Instead, he gestured a mischievous smile. Tou smiled back, believing he could find the answers about himself. He knew Yuuki had the answers, but Yuuki was not willing to cooperate with him.

"These earth souls are Seika's doings!" Yuuki reported. Seika? Who's that, Tou thought, having no knowledge of anyone in Densetsu. Rocky was in the same boat as just as Tou. "Seika is a Former Legend, so she is very powerful!" Yuuki added. Tou wondered what Yuuki meant by Former Legend. He knew Yuuki and Yuyuko were part of the Legend, but he never heard of Former Legend. Tou decided to look around to see who was willing to stop this incident. He spotted Maya, Melissa, Rocky, Noel, Yuuki, Shin, and Kyūryu. He nodded his head, knowing this was enough to stop Seika. He quickly asked them where Seika would be. Shin explained everything.

As Shin was explaining about the Cave of Umbra, Rocky decided to annoy Shin. He continuously asked Shin about the Cave of Umbra, complaining about why someone would live in the underground hole. They were going nowhere with Rocky's constant complaining. Tou started pondering for a plan. Suddenly, Tou had an idea. "If there is a huge hole on the ground, and we go in it, then we need some communication!"

"Communication?" everybody wondered. They seemed not to understand what Tou was saying. Tou sighed, forgetting there was no such thing as phones in this world. Then he had another plan.

"Rocky, you still have those agent stuff with the microphones and stuff like that?" Tou asked.

"Yeah, I do. Why?" Tou smiled at Rocky. Rocky finally caught onto Tou's idea. With the microphones, they were able to communicate really far away.

"Bruh, my microphones are at my place. How the heck are we going to go there?" he asked. Tou pointed at Yuuki. Rocky didn't know why Tou pointed at Yuuki. He wasn't aware of Yuuki's power to manipulate boundaries, and he was able to manipulate them wherever he wants as long as he was aware of it. Tou quickly explained everything to Rocky about Yuuki's powers. Yuuki opened a portal to Earth. "Alright, this will take me at least three minutes or more." Rocky went inside the portal with Yuuki. He tried imitating his favorite actor's voice, Arnold Schwarzenegger. He coughed loudly, "I'll be back!" Shin, Maya, Melissa, Noel, and Kyūryu stared at each other with confused looks on their faces. They didn't know why he was using that kind of voice. Tou immediately chuckled, loving that line from Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Rocky was back to Earth. This time, he appeared at his home. He quickly searched everywhere for his microphones. Inside his home, he noticed there were some earth spirits around his kitchen and the living room. He ignored them, and he quickly searched for the microphones. He was in his room, searching everywhere for them. "Argh, where can they be?" he wondered. He couldn't find them. He decided to ask his mom. "Mom, where are my microphones?"

"Your microphone is in your closet!" she recalled. Rocky searched in the closet. At last, he found his microphones. There were only six microphones. Rocky didn't care. He picked them up, and off he went to Densetsu with Yuuki. He came back, having a hard time holding onto the microphones. "I'm back!" Tou quickly grabbed onto three of the microphones. They gave the microphones to each of them. One to Maya, Melissa, and Kyūryu. Rocky gave the microphones to Noel, Shin, and to Yuuki. "Hey, I hope you're not forgetting me!" someone yelled. The person appeared behind Rocky. Rocky turned around. He was so terrified seeing the person. The person had a giant horn on his forehead.

The person looked at Rocky. "Yo, Kotaro, who is this, fella?" The person was an oni. Of course, it was Fuuko Onohara. Tou quickly told Fuuko his real name. After that, Tou introduced Rocky to Fuuko. "Oh, nice to meet you, Rocky! I'm Fuuko Onohara the Friendly Oni!" He gave Rocky a big smile. From Rocky's perspective, he felt like he was going to be killed by Fuuko.

He gave a fake smile to Fuuko. He was so terrified, looking at Fuuko. Instead of giving the microphone to Yuuki, he thought Fuuko might needed it more. Fuuko refused it, instead he told Rocky to give it to Yuuki. Rocky hand over the microphone back to Yuuki. "Alright, let's go-,"

"Wait, Tou! You're staying," Shin said.

"Huh? Why?" he asked. He wanted to help the others in succeeding this incident. He was prepared to solve the incidents like all of the other incidents he solved.

"You see, going inside through the hole, you need to have ability to fly, and you can't fly. Without learning how to fly would be fatal for a normal human falling into a deep hole like my home. That's why you should stay back." Shin explained. Tou understood. He didn't want to die that quickly. Fuuko decided to stay, as well as Kyūryu. She didn't want to go back; she was too afraid to go back. Yuuki didn't feel like fighting. Obviously, Rocky couldn't go; he had nothing to protect himself. Other than that, he couldn't fly as well. So it seems only Shin, Maya, Melissa, and Noel were the only ones who were going to fight Seika. Shin led them to his home where the subterranean animism was happening.

Melissa was shocked to see a huge hole suddenly dug through the ground. She was surprised she never seen this here before, despite she had lived in Densetsu for so many years. They quickly went inside that hole. Maya was starting to believe what Shin was saying. Maya glanced at Melissa. Melissa too, was a normal human, but she learned how to fly from Maya. Maya was glad she taught Melissa how to fly in situations like this.

Rocky picked up rocks, and he threw the rocks at the earth spirit. There was nothing to do here in the shrine. Tou sat next to Kyūryu at the shrine. She was very quiet. Tou didn't know what to say to her. Rocky quickly walked up to Kyūryu. "Hey, are those tails fake?" Rocky asked. He recalled Shin having a tail just like her, except his tails were real. Kyūryu's eyebrows narrowed, irritated to have Rocky around here. She slapped him in the face with her tails.

"Does that look fake to you?" she yelled. Yuuki laughed at Rocky's humiliation. Tou looked a bit terrified. He didn't want to be slapped by Kyūryu's tails. He imagined how hard the sting of her tails. He asked Rocky if her tails really hurt. Rocky said it hurt a lot. Kyūryu looked away from Rocky. She moved a little bit closer to Yuuki.

Rocky was starting to notice Kyūryu was a bit too close to Yuuki. "Hey, nine-tails, you don't happen to like that guy, right?" Rocky asked. Kyūryu gasped loudly. Yuuki looked at her. Kyūryu grew red almost immediately. She quickly moved away from him.

"I-I don't like him! And my name is Kyūryu, not nine-tails!" She tried denying it. It seem too obvious. Both Tou and Rocky could already see through her. The words were already written on her face.

"Yeah, I know that's your name, but I can't say it correctly. Caillou, whatever, I'm just going to call you, nine-tails, since you do have nine-tails!" Rocky replied. Kyūryu growled. Tou started laughing. He felt really bad for Rocky.

"Wait a minute? Isn't Caillou a kid's show?" Tou mentioned. Rocky nodded his head. Tou started laughing loudly. Kyūryu growled again. She looked at Yuuki, just to feel a bit ease. When she looked at him, he was suddenly smiling, just looking at the two boys. She wondered about Yuuki's past with Tou. Yuuki probably had a fun time with Tou.

Rocky saw Kyūryu staring at Yuuki again. He wanted to annoy her with every way he could. He cleared his throat, "Do I see a stalker?" Kyūryu quietly gasped, not expecting Rocky would scare her. "See? I told you, you like Yuuki! Don't lie, you like him!" Rocky gave Kyūryu a grin on his face. Kyūryu started blushing. Her face was so red; she couldn't bear looking at the human's trolley grin. She looked away. Fuuko stood up behind Rocky. He touched Rocky's shoulders.

"I think you had enough teasing the fox!" Fuuko suggested. Rocky ignored Fuuko. Fuuko picked Rocky up. He gave Rocky an evil stare. Rocky gave Fuuko a fake smile. He didn't want to be smashed by Fuuko. "Okay, Kyūryu, this guy won't be bothering you anymore....." He winked his eyes towards Rocky. Rocky scratched his head, wondering why Fuuko was doing that. "Unless, I'm there!" Fuuko joined Rocky teasing Kyūryu. Together, Rocky and Fuuko chanting, "You like Yuuki! You like Yuuki!"

Kyūryu tried defending herself, trying her best to refuse. Suddenly, someone appeared right behind Yuuki. Well, there was two people behind of Yuuki. One of them was a boy, standing right next to Yuuki Nohara. The other one was a girl, hugging Yuuki's back. Kyūryu's face turned red. She was jealous of that girl. Then she noticed it was Yuyuko Inazaki, one of the Legend like Yuuki. And, that boy was Gouki Mato, the loyal servant of Yuyuko. Suddenly, there were some flying objects coming towards the Shrine. Tou tried identifying them. It was Lulu Scarlet, Victoria te Viola, and Tao Ying. They landed onto the shrine. "Hmph, so the Ghost Princess, the nine-tails freak, oni who loves humans, and my precious human-cattle all reunite here once again!?" Lulu said. She seemed really happy. All those memories together. Rocky stared at Lulu, having no idea who she was.

"Hey, Tou, who's that dracula-wannabe over there?" Rocky asked Tou. Lulu felt insulted. Her teeths grinded upon each other, feeling humiliated by Rocky. Lulu noticed her loyal servant was quietly giggling.

Lulu stared at Rocky. "Hm? Who are you?" she asked. She never seen him before.

"I'm willing to ask the same thing as well! Who are you, dracula-wannabe?" Rocky retorted. Lulu quietly growled, scolding at Rocky. Rocky didn't look intimidated by the One-Eyed Devil Vampire. "I take that back about dracula. You're just a complete rip-off of Vlad the Impaler!"

Lulu had no idea what Rocky was talking about. Victoria approached Rocky. She intimidated Rocky with a knife right next to his neck. "Say one more word about the mistress, and these cold steel will come in contact upon your skin!" Victoria threatened. Lulu ordered Victoria to stop. "But, mistress?"

"Victoria, no need for violence! If the humans wishes to know who I am, then I shall introduce myself!" Lulu admitted. "I am Lulu Scarlet, the One-Eyed Devil Vampire!"

Tou tapped Rocky's shoulders. He encouraged his friend to introduced himself to everyone. Rocky stared at all of the people Tou met in Densetsu. Rocky scratched his head. He gave a big smile, trying to introduce himself. "I'm Rocky." He introduced himself to them all. "I want to know all of your names. If you can, please introduce yourselves to me!"

Lulu already introduced herself first. She looked at Victoria. "Your turn!" she whispered while tapping on Victoria's shoulders. Victoria stepped up. She put away from her knife, with her face glowing red. She felt ashamed for placing a knife right next to Rocky's neck.

"I'm Victoria te Viola, the Maid of Elegance. Sorry for doing what I did earlier before..." Victoria sounded very nervous. Tou was a bit curious about her. Was she never used to talking to people? Victoria scolded at Tao Ying. "Ying, it's your turn!"

Victoria told Ying to introduce herself to Rocky. Ying makes an unique bow, moving her hips forward a little and stretching her arm out towards Rocky. "Hello, my name is Tao Ying. Nice to meet you!"

Suddenly, Yuyuko starts laughing. She begins to introduce herself next. "We met, but we haven't introduce each other, haven't we? Well then, my name is Yuyuko Inazaki. I am one of the creators of this world."

"So you're pretty much a goddess?" Rocky assumed. Yuyuko giggled. She tapped Gouki's shoulder with her fan. Gouki sighed, knowing he had to introduced himself.

"I'm Gouki Mato," he said. They all introduced themselves to Rocky. Tou walked up to Rocky. He patted Rocky's shoulder.

"This is everybody that I met during Densetsu!" Tou clarified. Tou decided to announced everybody about his real name as well. "Everyone, I've learned my real name is actually Tou Thao!" he announced. When he finished, they were all surprised. At the same time, they were glad.

Lulu asked Tou where the shrine maiden was. Tou quickly explained everything to Lulu about the shrine maiden's whereabouts. Lulu nodded her head in understanding. "I guess we can just stay here for the moment." Lulu said. "I'll wait for the Shrine Maiden to come back. While I'm here, Yuuki, do you mind opening the portal to the Outside World? We're going there for vacation," Lulu asked.

Yuuki remained silent. He didn't answer her back. It was pointless, once he was quiet, he would not talk back unless he was at least entertained. The Rocky's microphone, the one Yuuki was holding, went static, making static noises. Yuuki didn't know what to do. He immediately hand it over to Rocky. They can hear voices in that microphone. "Hello, is there anybody there? We're finally in Shin's home. We just fought an oni, as always Maya defeated the Oni. We're going to the Mansion right now." the microphone reported. Tou and Rocky recognized that voice. It was Noel's voice.

"What is this sorcery that you are using?" Lulu asked.

Rocky looked at her. "It is a microphone. I bought it when I was a kid." Rocky answered her. Lulu grabbed the microphone. She wondered if the microphone was being used. She picked up the microphone. "Hey, what are you doing?" Rocky asked.

"Show me how to use this!" she demanded. Lulu can hear Noel's voice through the microphone. Lulu threw the microphone exactly right at Rocky's hand. "Did you trap Noel inside this microphone? What kind of magic is this?" Lulu was freaked out. She was taking everything the wrong way. Rocky gave himself a facepalm.

"How stupid can this girl be?" he mumbled to himself. He continued to focused on the microphone. He wondered how Noel was doing inside that hole, it seemed like they were either having some troubles. "Noel, can you hear me?" Rocky asked. He waited for a few minutes. She didn't respond. "Noel, can you hear me?" he repeated. Everyone was all staring at Rocky. They were intrigued how Rocky was simply talking to some little machine.

They too, wondered how those microphones worked. They were so curious just like Lulu was. Yuyuko nodded her head towards Gouki. Victoria nodded her head to Ying. They all chased after Rocky for that microphone. They wanted to see how it function. To them, it sounded like some magic was happening during that process. In Densetsu, their communication with their kind of phone, didn't exist, so there was no communication. The only communication which wasn't more like communication but simply delivering was the same old mailman.

Those jobs were rather difficult, since this was Densetsu, nothing was expected. There was high chance of the mailman encountering some monsters and be consumed. This was the usual life of Densetsu. No phones, no cars, completely nothing; the humans from this world always blamed it at the youkai. They were the ones who caused most of the trouble, unfairly eating the humans. Back to Rocky, Yuyuko and everybody else quickly chased after that microphone. They were a bit too desperate and curious about the microphone. They were spoiled little children who possibly wanted everything. Tou noticed they were curious about the microphone. Tou tried his best to back them away from Rocky.

Suddenly, Rocky heard more static noises through the microphone. "Rocky? Is that you?" They can finally hear Noel responding back.

"Yeah, it's me!" he replied. He wanted to know how they were doing, whether they were doing really well or not, hopefully they would be doing well because they had the shrine maiden with them. "How are you guys doing?"

"Not so well, Melissa just got bitten by a spider, and there were some magic in it, and it poisoned her entire body. Right now, we're trying to find a magic that should at least cure it!" Noel responded. Rocky and Tou synced by giving themselves a facepalm. They knew spiders didn't have any magic. "Jeez, how stupid can they be?" Rocky mumbled to Tou. Tou shrugged. Things couldn't get any worse, Tou thought.

Rocky sighed, "Where was she bitten?"

"By the leg," she answered. Her voice was still static. Fortunately, Rocky was still able to hear her voice clearly. Not too much problems coming from the microphone. Tou tried his best to back the others away from Rocky.

"Noel, suck the venom from Melissa's leg! If you do that, then Melissa should feel a little bit better!" Rocky said.

"What? Are you nuts? I'm not doing that!?" She complained. Rocky growled. How stupid can they be, Rocky thought. He was getting really irritated. He bet they didn't even went to school in their entire life before.

"Noel, if you don't suck the venom out of Melissa's leg, she'll die." Rocky said. "Do you want her to die? Right in front of your two naked eyes? Do you?" he finished.

Under the subterranean hole, Melissa laid on the ground, feeling really sick, all because she was bitten by a spider. The spider was poisonous, so it used it's toxin to defend itself. Whatever Melissa tried to do, she really made that spider really mad. Noel was chatting with Rocky, through the chat. She complained, not wanting to suck the venomous toxins inside of Melissa. When Rocky spoke to her, Noel immediately had to decide. Whether she cured Melissa by sucking the toxins out, or leave her to die. Obviously, there was no point to complained. Noel decided to do what Rocky said. "Okay, Melissa, don't panic, but I'm going to cure you right now!"

"Huh?" Noel put her lips onto Melissa's leg, the part where she was bitten. It kind of tickled her leg as Noel was sucking the toxins out. The microphone went static again. Shin picked it up. "Hey, Noel, I forgot to say this but don't swallow the toxins, otherwise you'll get the toxins inside of you instead, spit it out!" Rocky added. Shin gasped. He quickly tried to tell Noel. Before he could, he heard the sounds of Noel making those gulp, gulp sounds from her neck. He gasped loudly. He screwed up big time. "Ah, I feel much better now!"

Maya stayed watching the mansion. Shin picked up the microphone. "Hey, Rocky...." Shin had to tell Rocky what had happened. They were in a sticky situation. Maya didn't want to head back. This was her first time ever having people messed up during her incident.

"Shin? How's Noel?" he asked. Shin took a gulp of his saliva. He was too scared to tell Rocky the truth, but he couldn't lie, Seika always taught him to never lie to people. "Shin? Hey, cat-girl, how's Noel?"

"Umm, N-Noel, she swallowed the toxins while trying to remove it from Melissa......." Shin confessed. "What does that mean? Rocky?" He can hear a loud slam through the microphone. "Rocky?" Through the microphone, Shin can hear echoes of Rocky's voice, almost like he was saying out loud, "I'm done! I'm done! These people are all screwed!"


This one is actually the longest chapter I ever written, and I apologize for making it so long! But hey, Rocky! Don't forget to leave a vote and a comment behind!

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