The Durmstrang Potter Twin

By battlegirl333

309K 8.2K 1K

When the Durmstrang school for boys accepted Ms. Tara Potter no one quite knew what to expect. The Durmstrang... More

The Durmstrang Ship and Dragon
Meeting my Bro's Friends
Her Wild Return
Durmstrang Drills
The Terrifying Acts of Tara Potter
Author's Note
Aurors and Gods
Dad... It's Complicated
Quidditch and the Sunset
As the Weeks Pass By
Bellatrix Lestrange Meets Her Maker
Home Sweet Home
How to Scare An Over Protective Brother
Day of the Dance
And Finally... The Dance
Christmas Day
Explosions Are Dangerous
The Scar
Back to Hoggywarts
Twin's Birthday
The Argument
Back to Durmstrang
Hogwarts at Durmstrang
Gargoyles and Hecate
Chocolate Kisses
Different Than Usual
How Dances Go Wrong
Together Until the End
On the River Styx
Author's Note
Conversations and Missions
The Deal
Harry's Hearing
The Blood Quills
The Exiled Gods
The Horrors of Tartarus
To Walk


3K 86 17
By battlegirl333

Tara's POV
I walked into the headmaster's office quickly before my classes started. Yes, I simply walked in. I felt no need to knock. I was known to do this to just about everybody so it shouldn't have scared Leonardo like it did when I walked in.
"Leonardo," I greeted firmly as he jumped in his seat.
"Oh... Tara! Um... Take a seat?" he stuttered out.
I put my hands behind my back and remained standing," Where were you when the attack happened? Along with the rest of the teachers?"
"At a meeting!" he said enthusiastically," A meeting at the Ministry!"
I raised an eyebrow," And you're excited because..."
I waited for a moment but he didn't speak," You were sitting there having snacks and coffee with the minister as we got the living hell beat out of us! There were two wyrvens, Leo! Two! And then there was the gargoyle and Hecate! You better be giving me a better excuse than "I was having a meeting at the ministry"."
He pulled at his collar and stuttered a bit before I turned on my heel and began to walk out," I'll give you some time to think about it."
I walked out of the door and then to my class. It was the main class of the seventh years as no one under that year was allowed to become Animagus's. I would simply practice casting my Patronus charm as the school knew about my animagus form. Nobody else did though. Except for those that I trusted. I don't even remember showing James. Only Sirius. Not that I can't trust James I just haven't shown him yet. Typical forms of those of us at Durmstrang were fierce, stealthy, brave, or just had brute force. This wouldn't be the first time everybody had seen each others patronuses but still every time we got the opportunity to show ours off everybody was extremely enthusiastic. This was the main class this year, though we would continue learning weapons and other skills it would mostly be based on learning how to control and fight in our new forms. Most of the magic was taught to us in our first five years and the sixth and seventh years were reserved for things like this. This year, since the previous professor of the class had been horribly mauled by a thing called an angry Tara, I would be teaching the class since I was already an accomplished animagus and knew how to fight in my form. So now I was walking into the classroom. My classroom. And there everybody was. The total group of Durmstrang seventh years.
"Hey Tara! Do you know who the new teacher is?" Max, a blond haired guy, yelled from the back of the classroom.
I smirked as I glanced at him before closing the door quietly. Even if I had closed the door loudly, nobody would've heard it, as everybody was conversing quite loudly. I carefully took off my leather jacket and set it on the professor's desk before launching myself forward, changing into my lioness form and roaring. Everybody's heads snapped to attention. The last professor had been a rabbit so therefore, he was unable to catch everyone's attention like I had just now. I slowly changed back into myself and everybody scrambled to their desks as I paced the front of the classroom, much like the lioness I had just been would've.
I grinned at them teasingly," I'm sorry, I figured I'd give you the grace of meeting your new professor in her Animagus form."
One of the guys had the courage to speak up," You're our new professor?"
I laughed," Yes, I am your new professor. Prepare for the class of a lifetime."
They cheered a bit before I spoke over them," I assume you all followed my wishes and studied the Animagus over the summer, because I could not bare the thought of having to teach you idiots the basics and weird things Animagus's do."
Everybody nodded saying they had read how to turn into one and everything.
"Does everybody have a mandrake leaf?" I asked loudly. " I can spot you one but it'll cost you a little bit."
They reached into pockets, bags, hoods, I even saw someone get up and take one out of a crack in the wall.
"Very well, you know the drill. One month with the mandrake leaves in your mouth. You can start the second the bell rings but for now we are going to be practicing producing Patronus's since I know that some people have difficulties producing a corporeal and controlling it. I'll begin. Expecto Patronum!"
My lioness drifted out of the tip of my wand and glared around before twining itself around my legs then walking over to the professor's desk and jumping onto it and sitting atop it. Soon the incantation could be heard throughout the entire large classroom. Some people got it the first try and some people it took several tries before they produced their animal. Once everyone had managed the spell I stood up from where I had been sitting next to my Patronus.
"Now I would like everybody to line their Patronus's up in front of the classroom."
Slowly the Patronus's even the stubborn ones made their way up to the front of the classroom. Once they were all there I flicked my hand and my lioness leaped over the animal's heads and landed gracefully next to me, her muscles flexing perfectly. Slowly I walked down the line inspecting each one. There was Westons' large polar bear and Max's panther. The king cobra that belonged to Dorian. More and more sat in the line. Grizzly bear, an elk, a jaguar, a cheetah, a wolf, mountain lion, black bear, red fox, oh, and there was Killian's elephant, regular cat, large great horned owl, the list went on and on. 
"Well done," I said. "Now can you split them into multiple."
I snapped my fingers and my one lioness multiplied to five large lionesses. Soon the class seemed to get the hang of things and we were flying along, ordering the Patronuses to talk and move to other places, and recording messages in them. It wasn't long before the bell rang and the Patronuses disappeared slowly.
"Alright!" I said, clapping my hands together," Mandrake leaves now!"
They all put the mandrake leaves in their mouths before walking out of the classroom and laughing and talking. We had a nice long free period now, since we were only given three classes and we only had two today. The second today was Potions, and the third, which we would have tomorrow instead of Potions was Defense, where we trained with our weapons, learned some spells, but most of all, worked out. I quietly walked around the halls until I found the one that the Hogwarts kids were being taught in for this year. Naturally, they were just walking out of their classroom, with Sirius, James, Lily, Remus, Molly, Arthur, Tonks, Marlene and Alice in the lead. I stuffed my hands in the pockets of my uniform which I was now required to wear every school day, much unlike last year when we had been able to wear whatever we wanted to wear. Sirius noticed me first and a huge grin took over his face and he walked a little faster over to me, giving me a small kiss, drawing some awws from the girls,a a smile grew on my face. He pulled away and put an arm around my shoulders.
He leaned down so that his lips brushed against my ear when he whispered," I like your uniform."
I grinned a little wider and whispered back to him," I can see you're not wearing yours."
He smiled even wider and enthusiastically responded," I know! We don't have to and it's great!"
I chuckled at him before glancing quickly at the group next to us who were enveloped in their own conversation before quietly asking," Do you have a free period?"
He nodded with a grin still on his face," Wanna sneak off?"
I laughed quietly," Took the words right out of mouth."
I gestured to the left with my head, grabbing his hand, and winking at him before side stepping into an invisible passage in the side of the wall. I pulled him through, barely catching the awed look on his face as I pulled him through another passage and opening the first door in that one. Inside it was a room enchanted to look like a porch in the middle of a snow- covered forest with a fireplace in the middle and a love seat set in front of it. He looked around at the snowy scenery as a breeze ran through the place making him shiver. I looked up at the bright blue sky as I hugged him, trying to keep him slightly warm.
I shut my eyes and inhaled the cold air happily, not noticing him looking down at me," Do you want to meet up here later tonight, for a date?"
My eyes flew open. It would be the first official date we had been on.
I grinned," I'll bring the food. You remember how to get here?"
He nodded and flashed me a bright smile," Meet here at six?"
I nodded and snuggled into his chest as he pulled my closer, gently leaning down to kiss me. Before either of us could deepen it I pulled away as I heard the bell faintly ring in the distance. 
"How many more classes do you have today," he asked, hearing it too.
"Only one," I murmured into his chest. "What about you?"
"Four," he said sadly.
I snorted in amusement," Your school is very different than mine."
He leaned down and kissed my forehead," I noticed."
We stayed there for the rest of his free period until the bell rang again and I walked him to his class, just to make sure he knew how to get back to the place. An hour later, my class began. We didn't do anything extremely important, we just ended up starting to make the potion needed to turn into Animaguses. I worked on some just for extra since I knew about half of the class were terrible potioneers. Two hours later, I was covered in nasty stuff from the potion and was quite grateful to go up to my dorm to take a shower before heading to go get food for Sirius and I at five thirty. Twenty minutes later, the house elves in the kitchen were finished making the food and I quietly sneaked off to the room. Thank goodness nobody caught me and all of the obstacles were off because walking through the halls with a plate of food would have been a death wish before. I made it to the room and quietly opened the door to see Sirius sitting on the love seat and tending to a bright fire. The previously bright blue sky was now full of stars and the moon. Sirius looked up at me and grinned at me. Suddenly, for the first time, I was a little bit nervous and butterflies seemed to be exploding in my stomach. Just his smile did that to me. Gods, I was turning into a lovesick girl. I ignored my nervousness and walked directly up to him handing him the tray of food so that I could sit down. Soon, those feelings went away and I was comfortable once more. We ate quickly then sat back in the love seat staring at the stars. I started to get a kink in my neck however and immediately pulled my wand out and turned the love seat into a nice slightly large, cushy recliner. I reclined it back and Sirius sighed in what seemed to be relief. 
A breeze gently blew over us, blowing the warmth of the fire towards us. Quietly, I snuggled my way up to Sirius's side as he put his arm around me.
"It's so nice here. I wish that it was more like this in the real world," I said.
"That'd be nice," Sirius murmured," we could sit on the back porch of the house and watch the stars without having to worry about anybody bursting in on us."
I smiled," No James. That sounds pretty good to me."
He turned over a little and looked at me," You know, I heard that Lily and James were thinking getting a place after school, just the two of them."
"Really?" I said, somewhat intrigued.
"Yeah they've already found where they want it to be and everything," he replied, pulling me a bit tighter to him.
"Wow," I breathed," isn't it a bit early to be planning that?"
He shook his head," I don't think so. Living together this early will definitely help them adjust to each other, and boy are they going to need it."
I chuckled," James does have some odd habits."
"You don't know the half of it."
"I'll take your word for it, you grew up with him in an all boys dorm after all."
"Maybe after school... you'd like to move into a place with me?" he asked, a little nervous sounding.
I grinned and turned to him," I think we can work that out."
"I found a really nice place my a lake in the middle of the Forbidden Forest, we'd just have to rebuild and fix it up a bit," he said happily.
"That sounds nice, but what about all of the monsters in the Forest? I can't fight them off all the time."
"You won't have to, the Forest actually doesn't have that many monsters, it's just really easy to get lost in there and if you get lost, it's even harder to find your way out."
"Ah, that makes sense. But you can find your way around, right?"
He nodded and said," Yeah, most of the time, but I can really find my way from the school to the lake in the Forest mostly. That's where I went the most."
"Well, I can say that I look forward to living with you there, Sirius," I said as I leaned forward and gave him a kiss.
He pulled me closer before I could even think about moving away and deepened the kiss, brushing his tongue against my lower lip. My hands made their way to his hair and tangled themselves in it quickly. His grip tightened around my waist as he brushed his fingers against my scar, making me arch my back into him as I groaned. He pulled me tighter against him as I arched my back and I wrapped my arms around his waist. That night we were so enchanted in each other that we didn't even notice the chair turn to a bed or the several hours we remained awake before returning to the Hogwarts' class dorms.

A/N Okay guys this is as far smut wise I will go unless I get a lot of comments wanting it. I'm perfectly willing to write smut but I know that several people would be uncomfortable with it. So... thanks for reading and sorry for the wait since this chapter deleted part of itself.

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