Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Majo...

StarlightShaymin द्वारा

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"I've lost everything, my home, my parents, and my brother is missing. All I have left is this spear, my... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note


385 15 8
StarlightShaymin द्वारा

The following day Elsword announced that Lento had approved of our plan. Everyone ate their breakfast in a haste so they could spend as much time packing for the day's long trip. While the rest of my friends were busy thinking of all the possible medicine and potions to bring, in case something went wrong, I focused on trying to figure out the perfect combination. It would be great if I could figure out during the mission then I could learn the ultimate skill sooner. 

Just before leaving we met up with the new Red Knight party, Elsword and Speka introduced them to the teams and their leader introduced us to them. After all the greetings were finally finished we headed out to the temple, this time with more confidence and excitement.

The team tensed as we step foot into the stone corridor, the bodies that were left here yesterday was now absent, but the demons were still lurking in the blanket of darkness. 

"They're here," I told them quietly. 

Speka nodded and silently motioned Elsword to step forward. Elsword smirked and walked down the dark corridor with the Fire Shard held behind his back, his footsteps crunched loudly against the thing layer of gravel underneath. Yang let out a low growl as the demons began emerging from their hiding spots. While they were hidden to the others, Yang and I could easily pick them out from the shadows. 

Without a moment of hesitation Elsword pointed the Fire Shard ahead, a blazing aura pulsated through the dark corridor before a spiral of amber flames burst from him hand. Yang instinctively backed away as the heat raged on, the hungry flames instantly incinerating anything that blocks its way. Through the amber light we watched as our enemies ducked for cover while others cried out at the fire slowly eating away at them. 

I felt my stomach twisting as images of the old burning Ponggo village flashed through my head. While that event had already come and gone I couldn't stop myself from recalling the many lives that were destroyed there, the blistering heat the plagued the village---the way Agatha risked her life to protect her brother. 

I snapped out of my daze as Yang suddenly charged forward with the rest of the team. I took a quick scan of our surroundings and noted the many burning bodies around us, the corridor now reeked of burning flesh but it was also lit up by the many open flames. 

"I'll supervise the team down here!" Speka's voice sounded from behind. "Good luck upstairs and remember to retreat if the fight gets too overwhelming!" 

We bid good bye to Speka and continued to charge at the stairway. Elsword slowed down his pace once we had reached a set of stairs, one of which was leading down while the other led up. 

"Thank goodness we're not exploring the basement," Elsword laughed while examining the steps stretching upwards. "I bet there's ghosts down there."

"G-ghosts?" Aisha gasped---even I felt shivers run down my spine at the mention of ghosts. 

"I'm kidding," he laughed, gesturing us to continue upwards.

 One by one we squeezed up the stairs with our eyes peeled for any signs of ambush. I could barely sit still on Yang's back the further we trudged up the steps. 

 "There's no such thing as ghosts." He glanced back with a toothy grin. 

"Dude, a ghost will come haunt us if you keep saying things like that." Raven piped in, causing Aisha to yelp. 

"I think that would explain the strange shadow I saw in the bathroom the other day," Chung added with a light chuckle. 

"And it would explain why I hear strange noises late at night." I said, trying to hold myself back from laughing.

"Perhaps we should investigate when we return home," Eve suggested. 

"H-how about w-we don't?" Aisha stammered. 

"Okay guys that's enough," Elsword laughed with his back turned on us. "We're making a fool out of ourselves in front of our allies and--" 

I nearly fell back as Elsword let out an ear piercing scream, behind us I could hear the ally knights unsheathing their swords. Before we could ask what was wrong Elsword took out his sword and swung at whatever was in front of him, the thing howled in pain from the hit just before sizzling into a purple gas. 

"W-what was that?" I perked my head up to get a better look at the enemy, but nothing came into sight. 

Elsword looked back with all colour drained from his face," i-it was a ghost." 

"S-stop scaring me!" Aisha snapped from behind. "It's not funny anymore."

"I-I wish I was joking," he wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand. "That...thing was a ghost."

"Maybe it was just a really...gassy demon?" I suggested with a tight smile. 

"I hope so," he sheathed his sword before pressing forward, this time at a much slower pace. 

It took forever for us to finally reach the second floor. Elsword quickly motioned everyone up to the circular stone room, at the very end was another set of stairs leading up. Unlike the corridor this room was lit by the many stone windows carved onto the walls, though it didn't provide us with large amounts of light it was better than the pitch black corridor. The room was also littered with floating blue orbs, smaller purple orbs circled around them, they swam through the air idly---making the space feel more magical than it should. 

"There's no one here?" Aisha whispered. 

Unlike the corridor below this room had no place to hide, thus the demons would be forced out in the open; however, it didn't seem like any demons were around to greet us. Whether that was a good or bad thing was beyond me. 

"It's not so bad up here," Chung said, wandering further into the room. "You could probably make this place into a living room." 

"Or a bedroom," Eve added. She followed Chung down the room with Raven walking firmly beside her. "The glowing orbs look pretty, I wonder if it is a decoration of some sort."

"So the demons actually know how to make the place look nice," Elsword laughed. "No offence to the Nasods, but these demons can decorate ten times better than they ever can." He added, referring back to the Nasod Factory.

Something doesn't feel right. Eun whispered. 

'I know what you mean, Eun. Why would they leave this place so empty?' I followed the others further into the room, the glowing orbs drifting around me. 

This environment is bare, so I can see why no demons would be here trying to ambush us; however, the enemy Elsword encountered was not a demon. 

"I-it was a ghost." I felt my heart dropping as an idea began stirring in my head. "T-this is a terrible place for a demon to hide but a perfect place for a ghost to ambush us." 


"These glowing things are actually pretty cool," Chung approached on the the glowing orbs. "I wonder if we could take these home, they'd make our house look so cool."

I sprung off of Yang's back the moment he reached out to touch it. Before his hand could make contact with it I swung my spear down on the orb, splitting the orb into two. The orb screeched at the attack before breaking into tiny purple and blue particles of light. 

"W-wow," at the corner of my eyes I could see Chung's jaw dropping. "So these things aren't just decorations?" 

With a blink of an eye the once harmless glowing orbs began charging at us, everyone hastily took out their weapons and began swinging at them. They were not hard to defeat but their speed made it difficult to target. The room broke into a chaos as the orbs charged aimlessly at us. Weapons were being swung, people were being pushed, and magical attacks were launched left and right. 

I was drenched in sweat by the time the last orb was defeated---everyone was trying to catch their breaths. 

"You alright?" Chung whispered to me in between breaths.

"I'm good," I answered, resting my weight on my spear. "Thank goodness you didn't touch one of those things. Who knows what might have happened?"

"I'd probably get possessed or something," he pulled me in for a quick one-armed hug. "Thanks for the save." 

"Anytime," I smiled. 

Just as I was ready to relax something in the air shifted, it was like walking home at night and having a feeling  that someone was following you in the shadows behind, watching and waiting for the perfect time to strike. 

I looked around the room and saw many of the mages scanning the room with frantic eyes. Aisha walked over to Elsword and whispered something in his ear, in an instant Elsword's shoulders tensed up. 

"The fight isn't over yet," he told the rest of the tired team. "Keep your guards up, there's still something left in here." 

I held my weapon close and began backing up to the rest of the team, a drop of sweat trickled down the side of my face. Yang growled and took a daring step forward, its emerald green eyes focused on the stairs ahead. 

"I knew I couldn't hide from the monster for long." A deep voice sounded from ahead. 

I instinctively pointed the blade of my spear at the empty spot. 

"I'll commend you all for discovering my trick, it's a shame you guys took out the Lantern Flies so quickly." The voice went on. 

The shadows wrapping around the room began bleeding into a single spot at the base of the stairs. The hairs on the back of my neck rose at the bone chilling aura filling the room, I could even feel Eun itching to jump out and attack whatever was forming from the darkness.

I felt my heart hammering in my chest as a dark figure rose out of the darkened spot, the shadows underneath it dispersing out like a ripple. The...thing that popped out looked neither like a man nor demon. 

It was a floating torso---quiet literally. It's legs, arms, and head were missing with two purple robotic arms hovered beside it. The thing wore what appeared to be the top half of a purple long coat with a silver chain hanging from an unseen neck. 

What stood out to me the most was the glowing purple light at the centre of the thing's chest, if I had to guess that was its weak point. 

"I hope you don't treat the dead as you did with the Flies," the thing clapped its metallic hands together, in an instant five glowing purple balls of  gas, each with a distorted human expression, formed from thin air behind him. 

"A necromancer," someone from behind hissed. 

"Ah, very good." The necromancer slowly clapped its hands together. "You get a golden star for paying attention in class, young knight."

"S-so you weren't lying, Els'." Aisha whispered. "T-there really was a g-g-ghost." 

"I-I hope the others were joking about the ghosts a-at home." He replied.

I hoped so too. 

"I do not care for the paranormal," Eve stepped forward with her two drones hovering close to her. "You are simply an obstacle we must defeat to advance our progress." 

The torso laughed," I admire your bravery, young soul, but I wonder how can you fair against the servants from the dead."

Eve tightened her hands into fists as the five purple gas balls charged toward her. Raven instantly leaped forward and took down the ghosts with one swift swipe, the enemies dissolved into harmless purple gas upon being cut apart. 

"Are you okay?" He asked, positioning himself protectively in front of Eve. 

"I-I am fine." She relaxed her closed fists. 

"Such a brave young man," the necromancer commented---he sounded genuinely impressed. "You remind me of an old friend, he would risk his entire being to protect his mistress. The boy's dedication is admiring, to say the least."

"Aisha," I heard Elsword whispering. "Now?"

"Just wait a bit..." she answered equally as quiet. 

"Then I'm sure you're familiar of the fate you'll receive if you dare to attack her again," Raven replied, pointing his sword toward the enemy. 

"Ooh, you've got me shaking in my shoes." The enemy answered sarcastically. "You're quite a feisty one, aren't ya'?" 

"Now," Aisha whispered. 

Elsword and Aisha sprung forward abruptly with their weapons firmly in hand, their sudden attack made the necromancer jump back against the stone wall, leaving him vulnerable to the attacks. Just as the couple was about to strike into its glowing chest two dark figures leaped up from the opened windows behind and countered. 

A man with dark blue hair stopped Elsword's attack with what appeared to be a giant blue gun. A short little girl with wavy white hair stopped Aisha by grabbing onto her staff with massive blue claw. Aisha and Elsword cursed before breaking their weapons free and jumping back. 

The man and girl smirked at their retreat and lowered their weapons. I felt my legs weakening at the familiarity of their voices.

"Ah, Ciel, I was just talking about you." The necromancer placed a hand on the man's shoulder. "See that lad over there---"he pointed at Raven"---he's protecting a mistress just like you."

The man named Ciel narrowed his blue eyes at him, "how...lovely." He answered coldly. 

Raven tightened his grasp on his sword but didn't say anything back. 

"Amethyst, you can't just put yourself out in the open like that." The white-haired girl scolded, swinging cyan tail swinging back and forth. "You worried us sick." 

"Sorry, Lu." The Amethyst answered, patting her head. "I just couldn't help myself, these young knights are very strong. I just had to witness their power in person."

Lu frowned," I guess they are strong, considering they got past the Lantern trap without a problem." Lu's eyes trailed along my allies. I felt my blood going cold the moment the small child locked eyes with me. "They also have some very interesting members." 

"Lu, we need to go." Ciel told the girl. 

Lu kept her eyes on me for a second longer before prying her attention back to the man," I sure hope we get to see them again, Ciel. There's a lot of things I would like to know about...them.

"Stop running away and fight us," Elsword pointed at the enemies with his single sword. 

"Patience, lad." Something in Amethyst's voice shifted. "But if you're really looking for some fun let me introduce you to an old friend of mine, I promise he'll show you a great time."

The Amethyst held out both metallic hands and began chanting in an unknown language, both his open palms began emitting a purple light. Lu and Ciel stood protectively in front of him as a glowing purple circled formed at the centre of the room. I found my legs mindlessly taking a step away from the growing purple circle.

"Meet my old pal, the headless knight." The necromancer raised his hands in the air, causing a giant black figure to rise up from the circle---its headless body nearly hitting the roof. "Have fun, kids." 

With a snap of a finger the circle underneath the knight disappeared and black particles began peeling away from the summoned enemy, revealing a gleaming coat of armour underneath. The Knight swung its sword to the side, breaking away the last bit of particles clinging onto its body---a purple flamed burned where its head should've been. A group of purple ghosts emerged behind it readying to help the knight fight.

Elsword cursed at the new enemy and ordered everyone to prepare for battle---Lu and Ciel could be seen hurrying up the stairs with the Amethyst following behind them.

"I want the mages focusing on the ghosts and everyone else on the knight," he ordered---he swiftly jumped back as the knight swung down at him with its massive sword. 

I hopped back on Yang's back and ordered it to charge at the knight. Elsword, Raven, and Eve  began fighting off the headless knight but their attacks were rendered useless against the massive metal shield. I glanced behind and quietly gestured the knights to follow me. With breaths held, we thread around the knight as quietly as we could, once we got a clear shot of its back we attacked.

"Yang, blow fire at it," I ordered just before hopping off its back. The knight howled in pain the moment Yang's flames made contact with it. 

Elsword and the others took that chance to attack, Eve and Raven attacked in unison while Elsword swiped his fire consumed blade across the knight's armour---the power of the El Shard's flames allowed the sword's blade to cut into the metal. The knight stumbled back which gave everyone behind the queue to attack. 

I allowed Eun's power to activate before launching my attack," Flying Kite!" I flew forward and swiped the enemy at multiple points. Once I had finished the attack I quickly linked it with another move," Fire Lot--"

Before I could successfully launch the next attack the knight spun around and whipped me away with his arm. I flew back against the wall, nearly falling out one of the opened windows. I cursed under my breath as I fell face first onto the stone ground, a sharp pain pierced me in the chest.

"I-I guess that combination doesn't work." I coughed. I forced myself back up, clenching my teeth against the hammering pain in my rib cage. 

Yang rushed to my side and welcomed me with a sloppy lick to the face. 

"H-hey, buddy." I laughed---even that simple action hurt. "D-don't worry I'll be fine." 

Yang lowered itself as if knowing I'd have trouble climbing back on again. I gritted my teeth against the pain and managed to help myself up on the saddle. I wiped my sweaty forehead with my sleeves and ordered Yang to charge at the enemy once more, the Phoru howled and launched forward. 

Every heavy step Yang took added onto the already growing pain. Tears blurred my vision, thanks to the injury, but I didn't bother asking it to slow down for me---it didn't help that I had to swipe ghosts away along the way. 

Elsword and the others quickly jumped to the sides as the knight charged forward with its shield held in front, the entire floor shook when the knight collided into the stone wall---the ceiling above us coughed out debris onto us. I felt my hands growing sweaty at the thought of the entire floor collapsing. 

Yang came to a slow stop beside Chung and the other knights, everyone had their weapons up while the giant enemy pulled itself off the wall. 

"You took quiet a heavy fall back there," he said in between breaths. "You doing alright?"

"I think I broke a rib," I told him truthfully. "B-but I'll be fine." 

Chung didn't get an opportunity to respond before the Knight turned and swiped its sword at us. Everyone jumped back with a few unlucky knights were caught up in the blade, they were killed instantly on the spot. 

I could feel my world come crashing down as Yang suddenly slumped down, ignoring the stabbing pain in the chest I climbed down from its back and examined my Phoru---I felt my stomach twisting at the red liquid staining its white fur.

"Y-Yang?" I scratched it shakily behind its ear, the world around me came back to life at its twitching ear. 

"Is it alright?" Chung asked, now standing with his back facing us. 

"I-I think Yang just got a leg injury." I answered, examining its curled up left leg. "C-can you walk, buddy?" 

Yang tried helping itself back up again but the moment it put its weight on its front left leg it fell back down---a deep red gash could be seen on it. 

"Y-yeah, Yang's just injured." I relaxed my tensed shoulders. 

"It's dangerous to leave it here," Chung said while launching a blue missile at the enemy "Get it to the back or something, this knight will trample over it eventually." 

I bobbed my head and urged Yang to get up, at first the Ancient Phoru refused to move from its spot but once the ground began to tremble it listened to my orders. We moved at slug pace which attracted a hoard of ghosts, I had no choice but to watch over Yang while fighting off the purple gas balls. 

"Ara," I heard Aisha's voice calling. Looking ahead I saw Aisha pushing past the other mages---some of the mages stared at me with widened eyes, probably due to my unusual appearance. "W-what happened?" She asked, glancing down at Yang's injury.

"That knight managed to cut its leg," I told her through clenched teeth. "I-I can't have Yang near the knight, i-it'll die if I do."

"I can take care of it from here," Aisha said, taking the reins out of my hand. "Go take care of that knight for us. We're all counting on you guys." 

I managed to smile and thanked her, Yang licked my hands just before I went charging back to the fight.  Our enemy was now cornered by the stairs but that only made it ever more dangerous to approach it. The knight's armour was now ripped and dented from the numerous attacks---most of the damage was probably done by Elsword. 

When I joined the rest of the knights back on the field all I could see was red, I wanted nothing more than to have the knight pay for what they did to Yang. 

"We attack as one," Elsword ordered, his sword still engulfed with flames. "This thing is almost down." 

Without another word we charged forward, I lingered behind with a few other knights to let the majority attack, once we had extra room the rest of us finished the job. 

"Raging Wave!" I plowed my spear into the ground and pushed forward, the knight stumbled back and fell. I quickly took that chance to launch a following attack.

I spun my spear until a glowing lotus flower pattern formed in my spinning weapon," Fire Lotus!" I pointed my spear forward, launching the burning flower at the knight. The knight tensed as the attack made contact. I growled with my spear pointed forward, there was no other attacks I could think to link.

I jumped back with a few other knights as the enemy abruptly leaped up on its feet, crushing a few allies along the way. I quickly scanned the remaining knights for my friends---thankfully no one was squished underneath the headless enemy. 

"How is that thing still up?" Chung slammed his cannon on the ground and aimed it at the knight. "Elsword, can you use more of the El Shard's power?"

"I would if you want to be barbecue," Elsword snapped. "As much as I like using the world's strongest flamethrower I can't risk burning this many people." 

"We'll just have to keep fighting," I targeted my spear at the knight and awaited its next move. 

"We can only fight for so long." Eve pointed out. "I suggest we keep retreat at the back of our mind." 

Elsword cursed," I really don't wanna retreat because of this brainless loser." 

The knight knelt down and placed its shield in front of its injured body. We tensed at the unusual gesture, it was like the knight was welcoming us to attack it. A few knights stepped forward but stopped to themselves before they could take a second step. 

I felt a growl escape my mouth at the glowing purple particles gathering at the centre of the shield---the room trembled as the light on its shield grew brighter and brighter. The purple ghosts around the room began retreating out the windows, forcing the mages attention onto the headless knight. 

"A-actually on second thought w-we need to retreat." Elsword stammered, our group slowly backed away from the ever growing light. 

"I-it's impossible for us to all leave at once." I swallowed down the lump forming at the back of my throat. 

"She has a point," Raven piped in. "We could jump out the windows while the others go for the stairs."

"Who's to say the entire floor won't collapse when the attack launches?" Chung challenged. "Everyone in the stairs and below us would die."

I slumped over and wrapped my arm around my rib cage, every quick breath I took began taking a tole on my injury. Chung must have taken notice as he rushed to my side and helped me navigate backwards with the others. 

"W-we're gonna die here?" I asked him, with eyes glued on the enemy. The ball of light was as big as a beach ball, it would only be a matter of seconds before the attack would be launched. 

"N-not unless we jump out the window like Raven suggested," he managed to let out a light chuckle. 

"A-and break another rib?" I tried to laugh but that only intensified the pain. 

The tremors grew worse, knocking down gravel and rocks down from the ceiling. Chung turned his back to the enemy and embraced me, as if trying to act as my human shield. Tears blurred my vision at the pulsating light ahead---some of the mages and knights behind screamed and began their way down the stairs, not that going the the lower level would save them anyway. Elsword leaped in front and pointed the El Shard at the orb of light, almost instantly a wall of fire rose between us and the enemy.  

"E-Elsword is using the Shard's power a-as a barrier." I whispered to him. "W-we could survive." 

"But in case it fails," I clenched my teeth as he tightened his grip around me. "I-I'm not letting you go down with us."

"Chung..." I squeezed my eyes shut and buried my face into his shoulder. 

I could see my entire life flashing before my eyes just as a deafening explosion sounded. The shock wave blew everyone off their feet. Chung tumbled on top of me crushing my already broken rib further. My head spun and my heart was hammering, but while I was still in crippling pain only one thought stuck out to me. 

I was still alive. 

"C-Chung, we're okay." I told him---my vision blurred once again as he shifted on top of me. 

"W-we're alive?" He quickly rolled off me and sat himself up---his blue eyes frantically scanning the room. "E-everyone's alive." 

I fought against the pain in my chest and sat up. While everyone was knocked to the now dusty ground no one appeared to be dead, the fire wall between us and the knight was now gone but somehow we survived the hit. 

"No one dies on my watch." A woman's voice sounded up ahead. 

I averted my attention up ahead to see the knight now slumped over on its shield. Behind it stood a black cloaked woman on one of the windows, one hand was used to support herself on the frame while the other held a black bow. She reminded me of Scarlet with the whole black cloak covering her from head to toe.

With one swift move the knight picked up its sword and turned to slash the woman, but she jumped into the room before it got a chance to hurt her. The Knight's back was now embedded with four green arrows---I felt Chung tensing at the woman's appearance. 

The woman aimed her bow at it and pulled on the string, three green arrows formed from her fingertips once the bow was ready to launch. 

"Prepare to meet your maker." She released the three arrows---adding more onto the knight's back. 

The knight twisted around and began swinging its sword at her. My hands grew clammy while watching the woman dodge the hits. Her movements were swift and elegant, every step she took seemed calculated. The Knight eventually got its giant sword lodged deep into a stone wall, the mysterious archer took this chance to attack.

The woman ran forward and began kicking the knight, revealing her black cargo pants and combat boots from under the cloak. While her kicks didn't do as much damage on the Knight as her arrows, the Knight still showed obvious signs of a struggle under the assault. Once she had her target pushed up against the wall she pointed her bow at the knight once again and pulled back on the string---this time the arrow had green rings surrounding it tip. 

"Guided Arrow." She released the arrow which dispersed into multiples of itself through the rings. 

The Knight managed to free its sword from the wall and swung at her once again, this time catching her off guard and landing a successful hit; however, the knight was still hit by the arrows. The woman was flown back until she collided with the opposing wall, she curled her hand around her stomach and groaned. The Knight fell to its knees once all the arrows had found their way somewhere into its body.

Elsword scrambled onto his feet, with a single sword in one hand and the El Shard in the other. He charged at the Knight and stabbed his sword into the chest of the knight. The blade of his sword caught on fire once it had inserted into the enemy, Elsword jumped away from his weapon and allowed the flames to engulf the knight. 

The Knight's entire body tensed from under the angry flames. It tried to pull the sword out but something kept the blade lodged into its body. The entire floor shook as its giant metal fists collided into the ground, the impact forming large dents underneath. A suffocating silence filled the room once the enemy finally stopped struggling and fell onto its side, the sounds of fire cackling filled in the void. 

I turned my attention back onto the mysterious archer. She was still curled on the floor with her arms wrapped around the injury---she too showed no signs of movement. 

"I wonder if that's the Night Warrior," I thought to myself out loud. 

"Night Warrior?" Chung quoted. 

"I heard a rumour that they appeared whenever someone was in danger or..." I paused. "A-anyway, no one knows who they are or where they came from. They sort of just showed up one day." 

"I-I see."

"Hey, you." Elsword began approaching the fallen woman. "You alright there?"

The woman silently bobbed her and began helping herself up," I'm...glad you're all...okay." She took a sharp breath in and fell limply back onto the ground. 

While a part of me feared that the injury would take her life I couldn't help but wonder why there wasn't any fresh scent of blood. Being swiped across the stomach by some giant blade would bound to draw some blood. 

"D-don't force yourself to get up." Elsword hurried by her side and helped her sit up against the wall. "That attack must have left a nasty gash."

And yet there's no blood, I couldn't help but think. 

"You are too...kind," with her head lowered, the woman placed her hand on his shoulder. "I forgot...about this kindness...but still I cannot...understand..." 

Elsword tensed at the touch but didn't move away," uh, you sound kinda familiar." He laughed shakily. "Umm, c-can you tell us who you are?" 

The woman chuckled dryly," how can such a youthful soul...forget so easily?" She rested her head against his other shoulder---I was surprised Aisha hadn't jumped in to pry the two apart. "It's funny how time...can change people...memories..." 

"Umm, lady, you're really starting to f-freak me out." Elsword tried pushing her head back but failed to do so. Instead he pulled back on her black hood, revealing the her yellow-green hair tucked in by the cloak. 

At that moment Elsword's eyes widened as he successfully pried the woman off him. The woman's lips tightened as she lifted her head up, her blank yellow-green eyes gazing into his. I glanced over at Chung who was also staring the the woman with widened glassy eyes. 

"R-R--" Elsword's jaw tightened---tears streamed down his face. 

"What's wrong?" She smiled blankly at him. "Can you not even remember my name? Or are you too afraid to remember it?" 

"Rena!" I heard Chung shouting. He was now up on his knees with fists tightened beside him. 

The woman Rena turned to face him, those dead green eyes lit to life upon meeting eyes with Chung. She softened her gaze on him," Chung, a-at least you remember me..." Her eyelids began to fall and her smile wavering. "...I knew...you'd remember..." 

Then she collapsed, causing all my my friends to break into a blind panic. 

I know I told MANY of you that Rena would not be in this story, please don't hate me for lying. It would've ruined everything if I had spoiled her late appearance. No hard feelings? 

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