By Lemonade___Tears

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Hello! I'm completely redoing this story. This was such a fun project and my first real experience with writi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two: Hidden Enemy
Chapter 3: Clone Wars Movie p1
Chapter 4: Clone Wars Movie p2
Chapter 5: Rookies
Chapter 6: Jedi Crash
Chapter 7: Defenders of peace
Chapter 8: Resolute Fun
Chapter 9: Trespassers
Chapter 11: Coruscant
Chapter 12: Wishes
Chapter 13: Meet the Parents
Chapter 14: Goodbyes
Chapter 15: Joyful Reunions
Chapter 16: Holocron Heist
Chapter 17: Cargo of Doom
Chapter 18: The Zillo Beast
Chapter 19: Dark Side of Love
A Secret Rendezvous

Chapter 10: Blue Shadow Virus

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By Lemonade___Tears

On the Resolute

"I think Rex should know that I know," Anakin said, hand over his heart in mock hurt. You rolled your eyes and punched his shoulder. He jumped away and you glared.

"No. He'd die of embarrassment and probably never look you in the eye again," you said for, like, the seventh time. Your threw your hands into the air. "I swear, it's impossible to reason with you, Ani."

"You're just scared of how he'll react when he finds out you told me," Anakin said, bumping into you as you walked into the mess. Your glare deepened.

"Just say you caught us kissing or something," you whispered. Anakin groaned.

"But you two never take chances," Anakin whined a bit to loudly for your tastes. The constant chatter around the room was thankfully louder. You picked up some food for Rex, the went directly to the caf machine and poured yourself a mug.

With a smirk, you said, "As far as you know."

The doors into the mess opened, and you felt Rex beam the second he saw your back. You didn't even need to look over your shoulder. Anakin had a cocky grin on his face. "He's got it bad for you."

"No way? You think?" you said with a sarcastic gasp. Ahsoka dragged Rex over to you both.

"Masters! Good morning," she exclaimed with her usual cheer. You smiled at her.

"Morning, Snips," you and Anakin said at the same time. Ahsoka laughed.

"Come on, Snips. Your real master will go get breakfast with you," Anakin said and took her away. He was a good friend.

"Morning, Captain," you said, smirk still on your lips as you lifted the white mug to your mouth. Rex nodded at you.

"As to you, General," be said calmly, even though his eyes watched your lips. You handed him a plate of food, but that wasn't what he was hungry for.

"Aw, that's so weak compared to earlier," you hummed as you walked to the back table where your group usually ate. Rex had been a bit more adventurous an hour prior to you talking with Anakin. You still hadn't gone beyond making out, and, with so many supply closets on the Resolute, Rex seemed to try and press you against the wall of each one. You felt him grow frustrated as you continued to flirt with him.

"Cyar'ika," he mumbled, almost pouting. You fluttered your eyelashes as you sat down and leaned against the wall. He put down his and sat across from you.

"Yes?" Another casual sip of your warm drink. Rex gulped and bit his lip as his golden eyes looked you over. Rex wanted nothing more than being alone with you at the moment. You could feel his desire, and you were toying with him.

"I'll get you back for this," he said lowly despite the smile that graced his features. You winked at him and crossed your legs.

"Can't wait."

He chuckled. "What would I do without you?"

You shrugged. "Um, I guess you'd have to grab your own food?" Yawning, you waved the energetic Togruta over. Before she could sit down next to Rex, Anakin sat down.

"Master," she whined.

"What's wrong, Snips?" He asked as if he hadn't known it was her turn to sit next to Rex. She turned to you and smiled.

"Looks like I'm sitting with my favorite teacher," Ahsoka basically sang. Anakin got up so fast you barely registered his movements until he was next you. You watched as Ahsoka finished her breakfast first. The second she left, Anakin seized the opportunity to do the exact opposite of what you had discussed. He got up and sat next to Rex.

"Hey, Rex. Have you been sleeping recently?" Anakin asked him with "genuine" worry. You sipped your caf and read the Holonet news on your datapad, but paused to hear Rex's response.

"... Yes, General," he said, brows knit together in confusion. He didn't suspect a thing. "Why wouldn't I have been?"

Anakin licked his lips, and you knew the mischievous gleam in his eyes. You smiled into the mug of your cup as Rex was oblivious to everything but his food.

"I was told you haven't been in your bunk," Anakin said with a frown.

Rex froze mid bite. He rolled his shoulders and continued casually. "I've had things to do."

"Oh, things like (N)?" Anakin said. What started as an ungodly snort turned into you spitting your caf out as you erupted into choking laughter. Rex's mouth was wide open, cheeks burning and expression mortified.

Kicking Anakin's shin, you said, "You slimo! Don't mess with Rex. He's been busy filling out your damage reports." You wiped your face with a napkin. "That little joke nearly killed me."

Anakin swore. "Force, (N)! Do you know how much that hurt?"

"Yeah. That's why I did it," you said flatly. Rex was confused and embarrassed. He didn't know if Anakin actually knew or if it was just a joke. Thankfully, Anakin played it off like it was just a joke and he didn't know anything. Rex thought it was a close call, and you wondered if you should have just told him.

When you found out Naboo was in trouble a while later, you knew going home to Coruscant would be pushed back once again. Padmé would risk her life to protect Naboo, and Anakin would do the same for her. You loved the beautiful planet but loathed the Gungans, and were dreading an encounter with Jar Jar. You soon forgot about your dread because Anakin decided to tease Rex the entire way to Naboo. Even so, best moment was definitely when you three were in the mess hall. That was something you'd never forget.


"Ahsoka, why didn't you close the security door?" you yelled, panic clouding your judgement. You had held the doors open so everybody else could get into the room, but Ahsoka, unwilling to let you sacrifice your life, continued to hold them open. When you jumped into the place and the doors slammed shut behind you, a thin blue cloud rose into the air. Tears sprung into your eyes. "Shit, Ahsoka. By holding the door open, the virus got inside!"

"But, master," Ahsoka started, eyes wide and full of heartbreaking tears. "I didn't want you to catch the Blue Shadow Virus."

Rex and the others watched, and you could feel their fear, and the horror Rex felt seared your heart. Despite his attempts to catch your attention, you didn't have the strength to meet his eyes. Instead, you focused on the child. You held up your hand and sighed. In the red light, you smiled sadly at the Togruta.

"Forgive me, Ahsoka. I know you only tried to do what was right," you said, embracing her tightly. Everything had gone according to plan. Padmé and Jar Jar had been rescued and all the bombs were deactivated, the mad doctor Vindi was captured by Anakin, and Rex and Ahsoka were unharmed. You thought that Naboo was safe, that you were safe. But, when the alarms went off and you were warned about a stray droid with a vial of the deadly virus, you never imagined it would actually get its hand on a bomb and activate it. Now, it looked like you were going to be another victim.

Since you were the first one hit by the virus, it invaded your system quickly. You already felt weaker, and kept suppressing coughs. Despite the quiet, fretful chatter between the other troopers, you heard a shaky, strangled sigh escape your lover's lips. Finally bringing yourself to look at him, your eyes locked onto Rex's, his worry basically palpable.

"Don't look at me like I'm already dead," you said to Ahsoka as her lip quivered. Your words were meant more for the captain blinking back his tears. "Like Hell I'll die from a stupid sickness."

It had only been a few minutes and your lungs were already beginning to ache, your cheeks burned, and you knew you had caught the virus. No one else seemed to be suffering yet. Pressing the back of your hand to Ahsoka's forehead, you noticed she was considerablely cooler than you. Relief flooded your system, she hadn't caught it yet. Horrific coughing ripped from your throat as you leapt away from her. Only then did you notice Rex was talking with Anakin via comlink.

"We've been contaminated, Sir," he said, voice unwavering even though his eyes betrayed his emotions. You smiled at Rex as you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand.

"I probably don't even have the virus. I was already sick before coming on this mission," you said with a shrug. Two troopers behind you began to suffer from the same cough. You watched as Rex closed his eyes, and felt as his heart rate increase. No amount of joking could cover up the fact you had the virus. "Ahsoka... I need to speak privately with Captain Rex about what we're going to do."

She nodded sadly, and you walked to the far corner of the room. The area was hidden from everyone else due to the multitude of debris and knocked over cabinets. You leaned against the wall, and stared at the floor. Rex's clean, plastoid boots entered your field of sight. Slowly, your eyes looked up his body until they finally rested on his eyes. The crimson light casted dark shadows across his broken features, and your heart ached as you began to cry.

"We're all going to die and it's my fault," you whispered. His eyes went wide, slender fingers making a vain attempt to wipe your salty tears away. You caught his hands with yours, and tried to stop your sobbing. He was shocked speechless as you slid down to the floor, taking him down with you.

Rex took his hands away and cradled in his arms. "K'uur, k'uur, ner cyare," he whispered, lips pressed against your ear as he rocked you on his lap. You clung to him, breathing uneven.

With a shaky laugh, you said in between gasps and stutters, "More Mando'a, I see." Your eyes burned and so did your lungs. It was a deadly, painful plague and killed almost everyone it infected. And, despite the promises from Anakin, you doubted he would find the cure.

"Hush, hush, my beloved," Rex translated. Your heart flipped and butterflies danced in your stomach despite your lack of hope. His arms held you tighter as he stroked your hair. "Cyar'ika, don't tell me you've given up already. You can't leave me alone in this war."

Tears slid down your neck, and you glared at the ceiling. Rex was crying too. Your breathing calmed, and you pressed your forehead against his.

"I love you," you said for the second time in your life. He laughed, and kissed you. It was salty and full of unfinished promises. Sighing, you broke away from him and used the sleeve of your Jedi robe to wipe his cheeks. You were in control again. "I'll go grab your bucket for you."

He nodded curtly, and watched you walk away. After handing him his helmet, Padmé contacted you. She informed you that there were battle droids attempting to break free from the lab to release the virus. She asked about your group. Regretfully, you told her that your group was contaminated. She sighed, safe inside her suit. You were thankful she'd be okay, but pissed that Jar Jar would be. It was a bitter and stupid thought, but, if given the choice, you would have killed him and yourself to have Ahsoka in his place. You told Padmé to open the security doors, and, despite her protests, you convinced her you were already dead for.

"Might as well go out fighting," Rex agreed, rifle raised. With a heavy heart, she opened the doors and walked inside. The deep blue virus gently rolled into the place. It was beautiful in a strange and twisted way.

"I'm so sorry," Padmé said. Her yellow suit was bright against the blue backdrop. You smiled, waving your hand.

"Don't apologize, Padmé. It's my fault for not getting in here quick enough," you said with a carefree shrug. "Let's go stop those droids."

The Cure

Breathing was becoming a difficult task as you collapsed onto the floor, twelve smashed droids in your wake.

"General!" Rex yelled as he ran to your side. He grasped your hand, and you could see thick blue veins through your pale skin. Ahsoka followed, on the verge of collapsing.

"We did it," she said, dark blue bags under her eyes. Your chest was riveted with stabbing pains each time you took a breath.

"That..." you started, but a horrible coughing fit stopped you from continuing. You weakly handed Rex and Ahsoka each a lightsaber. You smiled cheerfully, tears clouding your vision. "Is a relief since I don't want to breath anymore."

Rex shoved the saber back into your hand. "With all due respect, Sir, you're going to make it home with us."

Ahsoka agreed, clipping it to your belt. It was getting harder and harder to keep your eyes open. "Check on Padmé, will you?" you asked the Togruta. She nodded, and left to go find her. Thanks to the pathetic Jar Jar Binks, Padmé's suit had been compromised. It was a horrible turn of events. The second she rounded the corner, Rex took off his helmet, eyes fiercely determined.

"A Jedi's lightsaber is their life. If anyone deserves it, it's you, Rex," you said, trying to give it to him again. He pushed it away.

"Damn it, (N)! You'll make it out of this," he said, free hand cupping your cheek. He looked so pale, yet so beautiful at the same time. This was exactly what made you fall in love on Geonosis, his determination, fierce personality, and gentle spirit.

"Rex," you started weakly. Biting his lip, he watched you carefully.


"Since we might die, and you probably won't get mad at me at the moment, I told Anakin everything about us," you said with a weak smile. His head cocked to the side, lips mimicking yours.

Rex rolled his eyes and ran his fingers across your cheeks. "I guessed so. I'm not that dense, Cyar'ika..."

"Anakin did lay it on pretty thick."

"Doesn't mean I won't get you back for it later," he hummed playfully.

"What are you going to do? Bite me?" You instantly wished you hadn't said that as he smirked.

"I sure wouldn't hesitate," he said. "Your blushing."

"Am not. It's the burning fever," you joked even though it was technically true. You were in so much pain. It was magnified by the suffering of those around you. One of your fingers danced across Rex's sharp cheekbones. "Now I know why Anakin and Padmé married a few weeks into their relationship."

Rex's tired eyes went wide. "What?"

You winced. "That's a secret. Sorry."

He huffed, a soft grin on his face. "You'd marry me, Cyar'ika?"

Now you knew you were blushing. "The way you manage to find my unspoken words will never cease to amaze me."

"I did need to learn how to read between the lines," Rex joked. You held his hand.

"Just shut up, ner alor'ad."

He laughed despite the fear and pain he was in. It was genuine and true. "Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum, ner cyare Cyar'ika."

I love you, my beloved sweetheart.

You rolled your eyes and grinned. "How can I let myself die after hearing that?" you asked despite the horrific pain that cracked across your chest. He let out a weary sigh. He opened his mouth to speak when Anakin called.

He had the cure and he was here. You started crying again, but this time, it was because you were going to live. With new found strength, Rex picked you up and carried you to the others. It was time to go home.

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