A Beautiful Day |Books#1-4| U...

By RenkoThao9

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A full-length story, from books#1-4 unedited Densetsu: The world which exists quietly beside ours, separated... More

Chapter One: Kotaro Nishiki
Chapter 1.1: Kotaro Nishiki
Chapter 1.2: Kotaro Nishiki
Chapter Two: The Shrine Maiden
Chapter 2.1: The Shrine Maiden
Chapter 2.2: The Shrine Maiden
Chapter Three: Dreams Disappearing
Chapter Four: Going Back
Chapter Five: The Legend Retold
Chapter Six: The Story Continues
Chapter Seven: One-Eyed Devil Vampire
Chapter 7.1: One-Eyed Devil Vampire
Chapter Eight: A Regular Mage
Chapter 8.1: A Regular Mage
Chapter 8.2: A Regular Mage
Chapter Nine: Dead Cherry Blossom
Chapter Ten: Someone Special
Chapter Eleven: Go Back
Chapter Twelve: The Fearsome Threat
Author's Note
2nd Prologue
Chapter One: The Ninja of Shadows
Chapter Two: The Fight Begins
Chapter Three: The House From Hell
Chapter Four: Energy Flows Within
Chapter Five: Captured
Chapter Six: Caged
Chapter Seven: At Last They Fight
Chapter Eight: Love's So Blue
Chapter Nine: No Fear, No Pain
Chapter Ten: Kotaro's Power
Chapter Eleven: Rescuing Noel
Chapter Twelve: Another Match
Chapter Thirteen: Kotaro's Celebration
Chapter Fourteen: A Peaceful Day
3rd Prologue
Chapter One: After School
Chapter Two: Daily Activities Part One
Chapter Three: Daily Activities Part Two
Chapter Four: Disappearance
Chapter Five: Violet-Eyed Student
Chapter Six: Rocky Finds Out
Chapter Seven: Lost Friend
Chapter 7.1: Lost Friend
Chapter Eight: The Witch Who Played God
Chapter Nine: Rescuing Kotaro
Chapter Ten: The Other Half
Chapter Eleven: The Shrine Maiden Fights
Chapter Twelve: New Students
Chapter Thirteen: Gouki The Criminal
Chapter Fourteen: When Peace Doesn't Exist
4th Prologue
Chapter One: Unreachable Message
Chapter Three: Annoying Buddies
Chapter Four: The Mysterious Scroll
Chapter Five: The Truth About His Name
Chapter Six: Don't Mess With Noel
Chapter Seven: The Darkest Day
Chapter Eight: The Exam Begins
Chapter Nine: Unexpected Invasion
Chapter Ten: The Mind-Reader
Chapter Eleven: The Upcoming Opponents
Chapter Twelve: The Sad Heartless Girl
Chapter Thirteen: Scolded by Humans
Chapter Fourteen: Flying Like A Bird

Chapter Two: The Request

12 6 2
By RenkoThao9

Kotaro and Noel head back to their home. They waved their hands to Rocky as he walked to his home. Entering inside their home, they both saw angry faces. Amanda and Kyle displayed an unhappy face. "Where were you two?" Amanda asked. Kotaro and Noel looked at each other.

"Uh, we were lost!" Noel lied.

"Oh...well, I'm so glad you guys came back! I was so worried of what would've happened with you guys!" Amanda whimpered. "You guys know it's in the middle of the night, so please take a good rest!" Kotaro and Noel nodded their heads. They both went their separate rooms. Kotaro lied his back on the bed, slowly falling asleep as his eyes started to close.

With his eyelids shut tight, he fell asleep within an instant. This time in his dream, Kotaro found himself in a greenfield. He looked around his whereabouts. To his right, he saw the same boy again. Kotaro startled a bit, not expecting to see him again.

"Sorry if I scared you there!" he apologized. He sat down on the ground, watching the horizon ahead of him. Kotaro joined him, sitting next to him. "So....what do you think? You know, looking at what's ahead of you?" the boy asked. Kotaro looked at the horizon just like the boy. He saw many houses, along with some people in the serene homes.

"It's great!" Kotaro answered. "peaceful as well..." he added. The boy chuckled a bit. "Hm? What's so funny?" he wondered. The boy shook his head, refusing to answer Kotaro. Kotaro frowned for a moment, not able to know what was so funny, but he was finally able to get his chance to ask for boy's name. "By the way, you never answered my question before, but what's your name?"

"You mean you don't remember me?" he replied. Kotaro shook his head. He never seen the boy before in his life. "My name is Kotaro Nishiki," the boy finally introduced himself. Kotaro paused, shock to know the boy's name was his own name. The other Kotaro flicked his finger on Kotaro's forehead. "You're being too naive, aren't you?" the other Kotaro said. Kotaro had no idea what the other Kotaro meant. The other Kotaro sighed roughly, "Well, it's you as usual.....T-,"

Kotaro froze in place. "What did you just said?" Kotaro asked. He misheard what the other Kotaro said at the end. He listened carefully to what the other Kotaro said before.

"What? I said your name? Don't you remember your name? T-," he repeated. Flower petals surrounding between the two. Kotaro was surprised to hear the other name that the other Kotaro called him. He didn't want to believe, assuming the other Kotaro was teasing him.

Kotaro immediately awaken from his dream. He put some thoughts about what the other Kotaro called him. He didn't want to believe it, but at the same time, he wanted to believe it. Seeing that boy again, Kotaro had small images of him, having flashbacks with him around. "My name can't be T-,"

"Kotaro? Come on, let's go to school right now! We don't want to be late!" Noel warned. Kotaro quickly packed his stuff as he was ready for school. He walked outside, spotting Noel as she was ready for school just like him. The two walked to school together like a couple.

They both saw Rocky running past through them. Kotaro and Noel raced Rocky to school. Unfortunately, Rocky beat them to school. He celebrated for his victory, and he teased Kotaro afterwards. Ging always showed up late as usual.

It was just another peaceful day in Earth. It felt so tranquil, Kotaro hoped every single day was like this. The school bell rang. Rocky, Ging, Kotaro, and Noel entered the school as class was beginning.

Noel entered inside the classroom before Kotaro did. Kotaro saw Mimi ahead of him. She was completely alone. With her being completely alone, Kotaro felt the confidence to talking to her. He walked forward to Mimi. He waved his hand while calling out her name, "Good morning, Mimi!"

Mimi spotted Kotaro. She waved back at Kotaro. "Hi, Kotaro!" she greeted him back. He hadn't been so close to Mimi like this before. He felt a bit anxious, unable to say anything to her. Looking at Mimi, she looked like she was awaiting for Kotaro to say something back to him. "Um, Kotaro? Is there something bothering you?"

Kotaro shook his head. "No, of course not! I just wanted to greeted you!" he lied, feeling nervous. He head to his first classroom, feeling uncomfortable talking to Mimi. Kotaro awaited for Mr. Willcocks to come in class, hoping Mr. Willcocks would come in and yell at him. He frowned in disappointment. "Now, Mimi would never like me...." he whimpered. He was disappointed in himself for not having a nice conversation with Mimi.

Noel and Kotaro could feel the ground shaking like an earthquake was happening. They already knew who that was. That loud stomps became much louder than before. Mr. Willcocks came right into the classroom, ready to yell at Kotaro as usual. "KOTARO!? You're not late! That's very good!?"

The school bell rang, and the class was starting. Kotaro and Noel paid attention to Mr. Willcocks's teachings, but Kotaro felt so eager for class to end. He couldn't wait until class ended. He wondered how Maya and the others were doing in Densetsu.

On the other side of Densetsu, Maya swept the floor once again. As always, Melissa visited Maya's shrine. Melissa always greeted Maya, and Maya always requested for donations for her shrine. Though, Melissa made an excuse as usual. Maya actually believed the excuse as usual.

Maya and Melissa began having a conversation, having nothing to do for the day. "By the way, where's your boyfriend?" Maya asked. "by boyfriend, I mean Alex Kendall. The summoner who can't fight on his own!"

Melissa growled, feeling insulted. "Alex is not MY boyfriend!? Plus, he can fight on his own!" Melissa argued. Maya chuckled, knowing she angered her own friend, Melissa. "H-hey!? It's not funny! Alex isn't my boyfriend!?"

"I was just kidding with you! I usually see you with him all the time, so I was curious where he is now," Maya joked. Melissa remained silent. Maya became worried about the silence in Melissa. Judging by the looks of Melissa's silent face, Maya sensed something seem bad. "Melissa, what happened? Something seems to be troubling you."

"Alex has gone missing," Melissa answered. Maya assumed Alex gone off somewhere else, but she wasn't sure since she hadn't talk to Alex as much as Melissa does. "Alex usually never leaves his house unless I come to visit. So which only means he's either killed by someone powerful than him or he's-,"

"Kidnapped by someone...." Maya interrupted. Melissa nodded her head, having the same thoughts as Maya. Melissa wondered who would kidnap Alex. The two were both suspicious about Alex's disappearance.

"Kidnapped? What are you girls talking about? I'm right here!" a voice said. Melissa recognized the voice. She turned around. Her eyes dilated to see Alex in front of her. "I was helping a little girl finding her parents through the forest. After that, I've decided I should take a visit to the shrine because that's where Melissa always goes almost daily."

Maya and Melissa nodded their heads, understanding about Alex's suspicious disappearance. Maya immediately scold Melissa, whacking her broom on Melissa's head. "You big liar! You said he always stays inside of his house!"

Melissa covered her head. Her face almost looked like she was about to cry for a moment. Alex sighed roughly, expecting something like this would happened.

Suddenly, Alex felt a sensation coming from the skies. What was that, he thought. He looked up at the sky, seeing a undefined flying object. The flying object kept coming towards the shrine. Alex was later able to catch a clearer view of the flying object. It was nothing more but a bird as it came flying down to the shrine. What's a bird doing here, Alex thought to himself.

Maya came closer to the bird. She saw a piece of letter on the bird's leg. She quickly read the piece of paper. The paper read:

Come here to the Jinsei Village. I need your help reading this scroll. It's me, the historian, Ken.

Upon reading the scroll, Maya became curious about this scroll. She yawned loudly, feeling lazy. She handed over the piece of paper to Melissa. Melissa went on and read the piece of paper. "What kind of scroll is it this time?" Melissa wondered. Maya shrugged, unsure. "Well, Maya? I guess you're going to have to see Ken then!"

Maya yawned again, feeling a bit drowsy. "I'm kinda lazy, so I'll let Kotaro and Rocky do it!" Maya said. Melissa inflated air in her cheeks.

"The two doesn't even know where the Jinsei Village is!" Melissa clarified. The Jinsei Village, the most peaceful village in Densetsu. The village had magical powers, a powerful barrier that didn't allow those who had evil hearts inside the village.

Maya pointed at Alex. "Well, what do you know? Alex is here to escort them to the Jinsei Village!" Maya noted.

Alex raised his arm. "Um, why don't I just see the historian myself?" he asked. He already knew where Jinsei Village was, almost everyone in Densetsu knew the location of Jinsei Village.

"I want Kotaro and Rocky to explore this world more," Maya clarified. Alex nodded his head, understanding Maya's decision. He proceeded forward to the shrine. "Hm?" Where are you going?"

"What do you think I'm doing? I'm going to the Outside World to find Kotaro and his friend!" Alex answered.

"Besides that, It's actually my first time to come to the Outside World," Alex noted. He entered inside the room where the portal was secretly hidden. He felt a bit nervous upon entering the Outside World for the first time. Alex quickly took a gulp of his saliva. He proceeded to the portal, knowing he was going to appear in the Outside World.

The whole entire place turned bright white. Alex closed his eyes, not wanting to be blind. He continued moving forward. As he was walking, Alex could feel a powerful aura ahead of him. His body rapidly shivered like he was cold. Alex slowly opened his eyes. He found himself in the different world.

The ground was white, showing many footsteps. Small white particles fell from the ground. Alex felt the cold wind breezing through him. He wrapped himself, trying to keep himself warm. "I-I-It's cold!" he said, feeling cold. Unfortunately for him, he was wearing clothings that weren't for the Winter. "I need to find Kotaro and his friend fast!" he mentioned. Alex went on his way to find Kotaro and Rocky.

As he explored his time at the Outside World, he came across the cars. Unaware of the laws, the driver came out of his car and he yelled at Alex. "What the hell do you think you're doing? Are you trying to get yourself killed!?" the man yelled. The driver almost crashed Alex. Fortunately, the driver brake his car with the outcome of the front side of his car being torn apart.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Alex apologized, feeling ashame of himself. He kept moving on, desperately trying to find Kotaro and Rocky. The driver became upset that he chased after Alex. Alex ran as fast as he could. He easily lost the man. He sighed in relief, "Humans in this world are rather aggressive!"

He looked to his right. He immediately displayed a smile, glad to see someone familiar. He went closer to them. Alex waved his hand. "Noel!"

Noel heard Alex's voice. She was surprised he came to visit the Outside World. Normally, it would be forbidden for a residence of Densetsu to come visit the Outside World unless they had business in the Outside World. Though, throughout Densetsu, many humans were told to never come to the Outside World, always have been lied for safety cases.

School has ended for Noel. Kotaro told Noel to walk home alone, but then Skarlet intruded in the party. Together, Noel and Skarlet walked home. Before they did, Skarlet wanted to go back to the arcade and play that fighter's game. Noel saw Alex reaching over to her. When he did, he was panting in exhaustion.

"Alex? What are you doing here?" Noel asked. She wondered why Alex was in the Outside World. She guessed it must be an urgent news.

"Woah, Noel, you know this guy?" Skarlet asked. Unaware of the existence of Densetsu, she had no idea what was going on. Noel answered Skarlet with a nod. Alex finally caught his breath, able to speak to Noel.

"Where's Kotaro and Rocky?" Alex asked. He didn't spot Kotaro and Rocky. Alex always saw Noel together with Kotaro and Rocky. He saw Skarlet, but he wasn't aware of who she was. Lately, he's been gaining more confidence. Ever since Rocky first came to Densetsu, Alex was grateful of Rocky for giving him more confidence to talk to people.

"Um, they're over here!" Noel pointed the way behind her. "Is this urgent news?" she asked. Alex nodded his head. Noel sighed roughly. She noticed Skarlet was listening to the entire conversation. Noel wasn't sure what to do anymore. With Skarlet around, she was in a sticky situation. Noel didn't want to afford Skarlet learning about the existence of Densetsu like Rocky did. "Um, Skarlet...I have to go! Can we go to the arcade someday?"

Noel and Skarlet's eyes met. Skarlet stared into those eyes of Noel. "Okay, if this is important, then go! But, don't forget, alright?" Skarlet agreed. Noel smiled, glad Skarlet was willing to cooperate. Both Noel and Alex ran after to find Kotaro and Rocky.

While Noel and Alex were trying to Kotaro and Rocky, Noel decided to ask why Alex needed to find the two. "Alex, why are trying to find Kotaro and Rocky?" Noel asked. She knew this was something else, not just any urgent news. Then she paused for a moment. Don't tell me, there's someone who's after these two, Noel thought. She shook her head, trying not to overthink too much.

"Maya wants Kotaro and Rocky to find Ken. You know, the historian?" Alex clarified. Noel froze in place. Wait what, Noel thought. The two stopped walking. He sighed roughly, "Maya wishes Kotaro and Rocky to explore the world of Densetsu more. Don't know why, but that's what she told me!"

Noel wasn't sure what to say back to Alex. She was utterly stupefied to know the actual truth why Alex needed to find Kotaro and Rocky. She took a deep breath of relief, glad to know it wasn't something so dangerous. The two continued moving forward to find Kotaro and Rocky. After a few turns from left and right, Noel was able to spot the two.

At last, they've reached over to Kotaro and Rocky. Noel noticed Ging was with them as well. "Kotaro.....Rocky......you guys need to come with us!" she said, feeling exhausted. Ging slowly started walking away from them. "Maya wants you two!"

"It's for something kinda important!" Alex noted, supporting Noel. The two felt so exhausted, trying to find them. They kept running nonstop without taking a break.

Kotaro and Rocky looked at each other for a moment. They both shrugged to each other, unsure what was going on. "Well, let's go anyway!" Kotaro answered. Rocky and Kotaro led Noel and Alex to that abandoned construction area. A portal was immediately opened. The four entered inside the portal, returning back to that magical world again.


Okay, seriously though, this chapter was one of the hardest chapters that I had a hard time working on. I had to think over and over of what's going to happen in this chapter, but I still can't figure it out. There are a lot of errors in this chapter, I know there are. So, if you can, please do inform them to me if you find them. And for the last paragraph, I hate how the chapter ends just like that, but if you guys like it, then I'll decide to keep it there. 

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