The Twins • Book One • Wattys...

By bossomeCatQueen

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"Alright then." I respond. "Let's go." We walk to the edge of the hill, about to run down, and we stop cold... More

Author's Note
Prologue- The Dream
Chapter 1- The Village
Chapter 2- The Attack
Chapter 3- The Hostages
Chapter 4- The Cabin
Chapter 5- The Truth
Chapter 6- The Portal
Chapter 7- The Meeting
Chapter 8- The Connection
Chapter 9- The Others
Chapter 10- The Change
Chapter 11- The Plan
Chapter 12- The Preparation
Chapter 13- The Discussion
Chapter 14- The Shift
Chapter 15- The Pain
Chapter 16- The Start
Chapter 17- The Castle
Chapter 18- The Fight
Chapter 19- The Rage
Chapter 20- The Rest
Chapter 21- The Stitches
Chapter 22- The Shouts
Chapter 23- The Mourning
Chapter 24- The Powers
Chapter 25- The Nightmare
Chapter 26- The Cold
Chapter 27- The Newbie
Chapter 28- The Realm
Chapter 30- The Concern
Chapter 31- The Birthday
Chapter 32- The Finale
Epilogue- The Wolf
Author's Note
Bonus Chapter- The Spring
Bonus Chapter - The Movies
Bonus Chapter- The First
Bonus Chapter- The Vision
Bonus Chapter- The Prayer

Chapter 29- The Sadness

473 51 5
By bossomeCatQueen

Author's Note: I hope you like my story! Feel free to voice your opinion, ask any questions and point out any mistakes I make.

Saber's POV

I wake up surrounded by Nia's faint scent, and for a split second I forget that she's locked away in another dimension, probably until the night of her birthday, when she is going to kill her aunt.

Getting up, I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. Yet another restless night with little sleep. I have only known about the connection that I have with Nia for a short amount of time, but it still feels weird without it there, like I'm missing a limb.

Somehow, Amaro's pocket realm has shut off our connection. It makes me feel weird.

I sigh again and walk out of Nia's room and to downstairs. I want to spar today, maybe Sophia will be a good sparring partner.

Ivy's POV

All day, I don't leave my room. I stay under my big blanket with my phone and headphones, not needing anything else. Sad songs play softly through the headphones, letting me mellow in my sadness.

At one point, my blanket is ripped off of me. The sun shines brightly into my eyes, and I hiss, curling up into a ball with my head against my legs.

"Ivy, you need to get up." Wolf sighs, poking my side. I growl lightly at him

"No. I will not get up. I don't want to get up. I want to be alone with my sadness. And maybe a pint of ice cream." Ice cream actually sounds really nice now.

"But Ivy, we're planning your birthday party!" Wolf exclaims, thinking that'll brighten my mood.

It did the opposite.

It made it worse.

"Wolf I don't want a birthday party! If I was going to have one, I'd want to celebrate it with Nia, but I can't because she's in a pocket realm!" I scream at him, grab my blanket and go back to my original position under the blanket. I hear Wolf walk out, and I let the tears fall.

Nia's POV

I wander in this world of endless grey fog, and wonder if this is Amaro's pocket realm. If so, it's very big, I've been walking straight for what seems like hours and I haven't run across a boundary or a wall or anything like that.

Suddenly, a girl appears through the mist. She's holding hands with a boy that looks strangely familiar...

"So this is the dream realm?" An all too familiar voice asks, tinged with sadness. At hearing his voice, my heart pounds uncontrollably. Unable to control the urge, I run forward and hug him. He rocks back a bit, but squeezes me back.

"Nia?" He chokes up. "H-how are you here?" Saber's voice is filled with such emotion, and I go on my tippy toes and kiss him, getting rid of the few inches that separate us by height. He responds with vigor, and we pour every emotion into the kiss.

That is, until the girl interrupts us.

"Um... sorry to interrupt the moment, but may I ask, Nia why are you here?"

I lower myself down to my normal height and turn around to growl at the stranger, hugging Saber and burying my head in his chest, inhaling his scent. I didn't know I would miss it this much. It's only been... actually, I don't know. I've been wandering this grey fog place ever since I stepped into Amaro's realm.

"My Saber." I inhumanly snarl, not releasing him. He chuckles, letting out a beautiful sound that rumbles his chest.

"Nia, it's okay. Angel is a friend, that's all." He strokes my hair, causing me to purr.

"But why is she here, and where are we?" I ask.

"We're in the dream realm, and she's here because she brought me here. She's an angel of dreams, and is your and Ivy's guardian. Her name is, funny enough Angel, and she's been watching over the both of you ever since you were born." Saber gently explains. I calm down slightly, but I don't move from my position, nor do I plan to.

"Back to my original question, Nia why are you here? I thought you were in Amaro's pocket realm." Angel says.

"So did I." I shrug. "I'm as clueless as you."

"Angel, why don't you try taking her back to our realm?" Saber suggests. I growl at him and tighten my hold around his waist.

"No!" I shout in a guttural voice.

"Nia, no matter how much I love holding you, which I do, we have to try this. If it doesn't work, you can go back to hugging me." Saber softly replies, calming me down. His warm hand continues to stroke my hair, and I relax into his touch. I whimper lightly and move away. I don't know why, but I feel like I haven't seen him in a week. Angel grabs my hand, and closes her eyes, concentrating while I wait.

Saber's POV

Not having any contact with her, not even through our connection, for a week, has really taken a toll on me. I can barely sleep, and I constantly feel restless. That's why tonight, Angel is taking me into the dream realm with her to see if we can get into Nia's dreams to see her.

When we get to the dream realm, I am slightly surprised. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I don't think it was the world of endless grey that I see before me.

Suddenly, a familiar scent reaches my nose and arms wrap around my waist, hugging me tightly. I look down and see my brown haired beauty.


I hug her back, feeling complete now that she's in my arms. She goes slightly on her tippy toes so we're the same height and kisses me passionately, and I kiss her back, that is until Angel has to ruin it.

I introduce the two, and we talk about who Angel is and why Nia is in this realm. I'm curious about that myself. Is she actually in this realm, or is she just asleep and this is where she ended up?

I suggest that Angel tries to take Nia back, even though it hurts to think of separating from her again. I know she feels the same way when she shouts in an animalistic voice

"No!" I calm her down enough so she will at least try it. Angel grasps her hand and concentrates,  but nothing happens.

"It's not working. Nia isn't actually in this realm." Angel states sadly. As soon as Angel releases Nia, she launches herself at me and goes back to the position she was in, with her head against my chest. I kiss the top of her head and stroke her hair, causing deep purring to come from her chest.

"Nia, how long have you been in this realm?" I ask, almost afraid of the answer.

"I'm not sure. But I know that near the start of my time wandering this realm I heard Amaro say 'I have to make sure you stay asleep until the full moon.' Does that help?" She looks up at me, smiling sweetly. I close the small distance between us and kiss her, pouring all of my love for her into it.

"Yes, actually. It does help. Have you been in this realm since you stepped into Amaro's pocket realm?" Angel asks, ruining the moment again. This time, I join in with Nia and growl at Angel.

"Yes, I have." She snarls, snuggling into my chest.

"Well, then you've been in this realm for a week." Angel states. I feel Nia tense, and I stroke her back, relieving the tension.

"I can't believe I've been in here for that long." She whispers. I murmur to her

"It's okay, you'll be out soon enough."

"Will you stay with me?" Nia asks, staring me straight in the eye.

"Angel, is there any way that I can stay here in the dream realm until Nia wakes up, and somehow causing me to wake up as well?" I wonder, hoping deeply that there is. Angel nods, and concentrates. Both Nia and I stay quiet, enjoying each other's company while Angel does whatever she is doing.

After a few minutes, Angel reopens her eyes and smiles

"It's done. Now, I'll be going." She raises an eyebrow at us and smirks "Do you need me to make you guys a room?" Nia smiles fake sweetly back

"No, I think I've got it covered, thanks." Nia steps out of my arms and sits down, digging her hands into the fog floor somehow. She closes her eyes, concentrating, like Angel was just doing.

After a bit, tendrils of darkness lift up from the floor, leaving it looking bleached. They swirl around Nia, awaiting her command.

"Woah, Nia how did you do that?" Angel exclaims, as shocked as me.

"I could feel darkness emanating from this place, I just had to learn how to manipulate it. It's quite easy actually." She shrugs calmly.

"Yeah, maybe for you." Angel snorts "There's no way that I can do that, and this is the realm I specialize in!"

"Well, darkness is one of the elements I specialize in, so obviously I can sense it around me." Nia replies, flips her hair, and waves her hand near us. The darkness shoots to that area, and a door appears.

"Where does that go?" I ask, very curious. Nia giggles, grasping my hand

"To our room, silly. I said I've got it covered, I wasn't lying."

"You definitely were not lying when you said that." I reply, totally shocked when I walk through the door and see an exact replica of her room in Meredith and Alaric's house. "Did your darkness do this?"

"Yep!" Nia grins at me, and flops onto the bed. I smile at her, and join her on the bed. We start talking, just about everything, like good memories of the past and what we want to do in the future. I didn't even realize when Angel left, she didn't say anything, anything at all.

Cora's POV

I pace restlessly around my office, waiting for the voice to show. He said he'd contact me by now about Nia.

"Hello again Cora." The silky voice says in my mind.

"Finally! Took you long enough!" I exclaim, annoyed.

"Sorry, I had to make sure the little brat wouldn't wake up before her birthday. I don't need her trying to escape my realm or anything like that." The voice replies.

"You have her in your realm?!" I roar with anger and jealousy. He's only supposed to care about me.

"Are you jealous?" He asks playfully. I snarl and answer

"Of course! You are showing more attention to that little brat when I am your true follower, but I don't even know your name! I bet she knows your name!"

"Yes, she does know my name. But it's only because I had to get her to trust me, that's all." The voice replies "But if you want, I can tell you my name."

"Yes!" I exclaim, and hear him whisper in my ear


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author's Note:

I know today's chapter was basically just Nia and Saber, but I personally think they are too cute. Also, come on Angel with killing the kissing mood! They haven't seen each other in a week! But it's crazy, Nia's been in endless slumber for that week, probably because of Amaro.

So, what do you think the voice is called? Is it a new character, or maybe someone we already know? What do you think?

~Cat Queen

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