My Sister, Taylor Swift

By Niallismyirishmofo

63.6K 1.3K 301

Taylor Swift is one of the worst sisters you could possiby have! She took everything away from me, my family... More

Hi I'm Lottie
Going shopping
Meeting Taylor and Harry
Hi I'm Jessie
Getting ready to watch the Interview
The Interview
Hi I'm Lorna
Watching the Interview
The drive back
Shopping and Concert
Hi I'm Shannon
Meeting Fern
Hi I'm Fern
Authors note
Authors Note
The winning ticket
Meeting One Direction and Taylor
Author's note
At their house
Lottie and Louis's joke
getting to know each other and movies
Chap. 16
Hi I'm Sidney
Chap. 46
Chap.50 part 1
Chap.50 part 2
The Photo
The Magazine
The Fight
Lorna's apology
The unknown is named
The confrontations
Dani's surprise visit
Tiredness and Sickness
Talk with Harry
Lottie's worst nightmare
Lottie's second day missing!
The Evidence
The Final Piece of Evidence
Two days after


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By Niallismyirishmofo

Lorna's POV

After Jessie came back the boys invited us to their room. We walked over to their room and knocked seen as we didn't have a key.

"Hiiii!" Louis screamed when he opened the door.

"Hi! Louis!" I screamed back.

We all walked in and went to their living area.

"Hey boys!" I said plonking down on the sofa.

"Hey where's Lottie?" Zayn asked.

"Funny you should ask that......" Jessie started but I interrupted.

"I wanna tell it!" I yelled.

"Fine you tell it!" Jessie sighed.

"Funny you should ask that! Well Harry went to Simon and said Lottie wasn't coming so he never booked a room for her. Paul then came back to us saying there's one spare bed but it was in Harry's hotel room! So Lottie and Jessie go down with their stuff and knock. Harry opens Jessie pushes past him dumps Lottie's bags in a spare room and leaves saying, 'This is Lottie's room too!' so I guess Lottie is having a fight with Taylor and Harry!" I said.

"Wow! I wonder how long Taylor going to last in Harry's room as I know Lottie is very stubborn and won't get out there first!" Louis laughed.

"Nope!" I said as a door banged open and shut from across the hall, "And that's probably Taylor!" I laughed.

"You'll hear it again when Harry comes up after her!" Niall laughed.

We listened but that second bang never came instead someone came knocking on our door.

"I'll get it!" I said jumping up.

I went and opened the door and standing there was Lottie.

"Hey Lottie!" I squealed, "I haven't seen you in years you look so grown up!"

"You saw me like half an hour ago!" Lottie exclaimed.

"Exactly years! Come on!" I squealed dragging her into the living space.

"Oh you don't know how tiring it is fighting with Taylor and Harry!" Lottie exclaimed lying across everyone.

"Aww poor sweet little Lottie is getting picked on" Louis cooed.

"Piss off!" Lottie said.

"Actually this is my apartment!" Louis said back.

"Whatever!" Lottie said.

"Where's Taylor and Harry now?" Jessie asked.

"Well I think Harry's in our room and Taylor's no where near our room!" Lottie explained.

"How did you manage to keep them apart?" Eleanor asked surprised.

"I can become quite scary when angry!" Lottie said, "Well I am tired I'm going to my room!"

"Yeah same!" I told everyone.

"Me two!" Jessie said.

"me three!" Shannon said.

"Me four!" Eleanor said and we all walked out into the hallways an went throughout the separate doors.

Harry's POV

*next day*

I was so tired I couldn't stop thinking that Lottie was in the room right next to me! If your wondering no my feelings have not gone yet! They really need to go soon. Of course I still love Taylor! It's just it would be bad enough liking someone else but her sister! Her most hated person in the world! Why? Why me?

I decided to get up and maybe go to IHOP and I might ask Lottie if she's up in time if she wants to cone as we do have to share a room with her for the net 6 months.

I got dressed and half of me was hoping that she did wake up in time but the other side questioned why am I even doing this! The answer to that is I have no idea I just want to spend more time with her be friends with her hopefully more! Wait, forget I said that last bit I want to be with Taylor and when we're older we will get married and have kids!

'But Taylor doesn't like kids!' a little voice inside my head said (haha that rhymed!).

I went into the living room and there was Lottie sitting watching TV. it was now or never! Why am I getting so nervous about asking if she wants breakfast she'll probably say no anyway.

"Lottie?" I started as she jumped obviously not knowing I was here.

"Yes," she answered unsure.

"Would you like to go get breakfast as we are going to be sharing a room for the net six months so we should get to know each other better?" I asked.

She looked like she was considering the offer and looking for ways to turn it down, "I mean you don't have to if you don't want to I will just ask Louis!" I said.

"What about Taylor?" Lottie asked.

"She doesn't have to know," is what I found coming out my mouth. Just looking at her took my breath away and made me forget about everything else.

"Ok I will come just stop staring at me it's creeping me out!" she said with a laugh.

"Sorry," I said laughing with her.

"I will just go get ready," Lottie said standing up.

And before I realised what I was saying, "You look perfect the way you are!" came out my mouth.

She blushed and said," I am going to get changed anyway," and walked into her room.

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